The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.
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redpillschool Admin 11mo ago Stickied
I'm fascinated how the original predictions of the Misandry bubble are coming to fruition.
Lone_Ranger 2 11mo ago
The 'fuck rate' is not declining - what has changed is that a smaller percentage of the males are doing all the fucking. This is basically in line with what you would expect to see in nature - in the animal kingdom, the alpha males fuck all the females, and the beta males don't ever get to reproduce.
So, we are seeing the emergence of super-fuckers, the chads, who will fuck maybe 100-600 women in their time. The women will have a body count of about 30 over their life time. The average chad will have a body count of about 300.
So when you run the numbers, you can see that the top 10% of men are doing all the fucking. Which leaves an unsatisfied 90% of men, that are not getting anywhere near enough sex.
Long story short: the betas are unhappy because they become incels, and the women are unhappy because they become inspins (there is not enough 10% men around for them all to marry, so 90% of them end up unhappy and alone). Everyone seems to lose out with this system.
The fuck rate is fine, its the fuck inequality index that has changed.
SwarmShawarma 11mo ago
women chase men with resources
men chase resources, for men to give up excess of resources including women, they would have to believe they wont get screwed over by some one climbing up just now, would require huge discipline to believe it - It actually would have to start with men valuing each other more than pussy, have basic respect for each other, knowingly not to fuck other man woman etc
I get the point in this context, but it is risky per se and context can always change, Hitlers early life could indicate inceldom, painting, short
[deleted] 11mo ago
mattyanon Admin 11mo ago
They want to security. That means having a husband and also remaining single and free. The government is the new husband/provider.
[deleted] 11mo ago
SwarmShawarma 11mo ago
yes every Chad. [speculate] On hind brain level - it knows that man will get betaized - 99.9999% do - over million yars brain learns that no attachment will be formed because all men get soft, the best is to have options open. Gov is providing safety but is it a bit superficial, so some man around that can fight spider would do. [/speculate]
Problematic_Browser 1 11mo ago
The only time a woman is happy is when a man is making the decisions for her
[deleted] 11mo ago
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 11mo ago
Pretty much.
[deleted] 11mo ago
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 11mo ago
A) Fucking moron lumps all of the manosphere in with incels.
B) fucking moron either thinks The Wall and beta bucks are the same thing, or doesn't know how to use punctuation correctly.
C) those terms originated within the pickup communities back in the early 00s.
lurkerhasarisen 1 11mo ago
I caught the "incel" nonsense, too. It drives me batty when people who know next to nothing about the manosphere try to explain it. PUAs, MGTOWs, MRP guys, MRAs, incels... all are different groups.
The different groups have some overlap, but as often as not they snipe at each other. I'm not sure that incels even count once they pass a certain black-pill threshold. And if memory serves, the word "hypergamy" is far older than the manosphere.
When people want to criticize RP guys, the go-to method is to throw the "incel" label on everyone. "Incel" elicits an emotional response and allows the hearer/reader to "understand" that the men in question are irredeemable losers (and men perceived as being losers deserving of whatever scorn and misfortune befalls them, amirite).
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 11mo ago
It is, but the original definition was just about money and social class.
The way the manosphere uses it was started mainly by Rollo back in the 00s.
moorekom 11mo ago
Bitches engaging in gossip and smear campaigns. What a shock.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 11mo ago
Hey, good to see you exploring the rest of the site.
moorekom 11mo ago
There is something else here other than WAATGM??!!
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 11mo ago
Just a little!
moorekom 11mo ago
Must be tiny. Don't know how I got here. Must have stumbled into this corner stalking somebody.
Overkill_Engine 2 11mo ago
This would in the long run be a good thing as it puts sorely needed selective pressure on women - IF - we did not have a Nanny State absolving them of the consequences of their shit behavior.
Good news is that said Nanny State is not sustainable without the near total cooperation of mid tier men.
Bad news is that those that profit from that Nanny State will try to shame or coerce men into enabling it.
So if you are not a member of the elite class that is largely immune to the consequences of all this social engineering fuckery, you may want to take at least a few queues from the much derided "preppers" and have needed resource generation under your sole personal control if at all possible. It's going to get worse before it gets better.
lurkerhasarisen 1 11mo ago
I posted an article earlier today about the fact that even the MSM is starting to talk about a black swan event in 2024.
Chaos is coming. And it may be coming soon.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
I am just hoping that since this dynamic is starting out with male awareness and the explosion of manopshere that men will start improving themselves more instead of just completely checking out
If men just check out instead of improve I see these predictions happening more. But if if men manage to cause a higher supply of quality men it will instead force women to up their ante.
The question is which will men will improve, which won't, and which ones will check out before the dynamic shifts for women. The cat is out of the bag, they'll never un-redpill men but what men do with that information will matter
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 11mo ago
A) men checking out is the only thing that will work, and there's historical precedent: the original Labor Movement. Also, notice how MGTOW has accomplished more in the past 20 years or so of just walking away than the MRAs did in their 50+ years of whining (and I've talked about this before, and on other occasions as well).
B) higher quality men won't "force women to up their ante" unless those higher quality men are also willing to walk away and refuse to commit. Why the fuck would women improve if they're still getting the results they want (or even better)?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the article in part men checking out because they aren't getting sex?
I agree on your part about men checking out of relationships and all that but wasn't the article also about the implosion of aspects of the workforce from frustrated men otherwise getting laid via provisioning commitment and how even that isn't working as much any more? Would them getting laid more while also not commiting avoid the work implosion while also not providing women what they want?
Einsamer 11mo ago
Sorry but I have to disagree with you on that one. Women are biologically wired to only be interested in the top X percent. If all men double their individual SMV compared to how it was before than... nothing changes because SMV is a relative thing.
So I'm afraid that there is no hope on that one.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
How many women can change their SMV short of makeup and losing weight though
A lot of women are hard capped. Men can increase 2-3 points, often more if they were already in terrible shape
Also women still fuck at same or even one point difference. One of the principle arguments of this essay was women not trading sex for labor (beta bux). These men fixing their SMV would at least fix the sex problem
Einsamer 11mo ago
They can only do so if the other men stay the same. If every man suddenly makes 6 figures and is 6" then this will just become the new standard and girls won't be impressed by it anymore.
For the same reason, men should never take a girl from a 3rd world country to a 1st world country. The girl will just get used to the new standard and then become like all the girls here. It's inevitable.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
I can see your point but there also is a point where relativsm has to contend with biology. Women still have bass attraction for a certain level of smv, it isn't a complete meta fest. Yes their standards will rise but at what point does psychologically biased standards outstrip biological imperative to the point described?
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 11mo ago
Holy pescophilia, Batman!
Don't play koi!
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 11mo ago
That's what the salmon said when it bumped its face.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
I've never wanted to give v cards so badly on this side of the site