I've been visiting Taiwan and Korea for business reasons. I wouldn't say I'm extremely wealthy but I can buy whatever I want and go wherever I want with extra cash to spare. My issue is I don't drink so I just go around places taking pictures and if I find someone attractive I just walk up and talk to them. Which I think might be wrong culturally speaking, especially when I find someone in the subway. And it's not like I can join some group considering I don't stay there for long.
(I guess if it works it's fine??? I found out using my camera as a conversion starter helps, but a part of me feels like the camera is a crutch)
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago Stickied
@EurasianChad @lurkerhasarisen @coolsocks00
If an OP asks a question in TheRedPill please direct them to AskTRP. I would have told OP to move it but the depth of some of the answers here is keeping me from removing the post
@akuma, ask questions in askTRP from now on, TheRedPill is not the correct tribe to ask questions in
RedPilledAF 10mo ago
From my experience, Asian bitches love foreigners. There are some ugly ass old farts pulling hot bitches in these parts, so you best be aiming to fuck the whole country before leaving.
EurasianChad 1 11mo ago
Do you have the social skills to talk to people with the intent of seeing if they're cool? And being able to walk away if they don't match the vibe?
Otherwise, you come across as needy or validation/approval seeking.
With cold approach or approaching new friends, it's always: I'm here to give value (my good energy). If you don't like it, peace. No hurt feelings. That's the abundant way.
To not need anything from anyone.
lurkerhasarisen 1 11mo ago
Seconded, and I’ll add that a camera isn’t a “crutch.” Having some obvious trait or object that makes you interesting makes it easier to get into conversations with people. Women will rarely approach a man they’ find intriguing without having some “hook” to strike up a conversation. Give them one.
Once you’re talking you go from there, and that’s where those social skills come into play. We tend to mock the old-school PUA gurus who told nerds to wear eye patches, furry hats, and sequined jackets (and rightly so… without social calibration you just come off as a weirdo). But I have far more women come up and talk to me when there’s something unusual about my appearance than I do when everything about me is “normal.”
My thinking on this has evolved a bit over time, and although I still think the furry-hat-and-eyeliner guys look ridiculous, I also think that most guys would benefit by erring on the side of “a little too much” rather than “not enough.”
You mileage may vary.
coolsocks00 1 11mo ago
You dont have the issue of drinking, you mean. Socially, drinking is just a crutch, so dont worry about this. Feel free to party without drinking alcohol.
Same dude!
In asia specifically? I've never been there, but as long as it's not an authoritative regime and there's law an order there, i reckon you should be fine. Be cool.
Again, why's that? In some cultures im sure talking to strangers is more frowned upon, but if you're a decent guy and look presentable, i dont think you need to worry.
I took the bus today in my city and chatted up a girl. I commented on her shoes, not at all being fit for the weather. Complimented them, because they were stylish. Talked about my much more fitting choice in shoes. We talked about a different brand of shoes. That brand's clothing. Segued into personal topics like what we were up to, interests, plans.
I could have set up a date or taken her number at that point without anybody on the ride batting an eye. I chose not to; she wasnt my type. She looked a little disappointed when i wished her a nice day.
I hope you see the point of my description here. The conversation we were having is perfectly normal. There's nothing weird or anything the girl or anybody listening would react negatively to, and yet it opened for flirting and making plans.
You can do this anywhere. But be aware of the woman's level of interest in the conversation. Dont force it, especially somewhere like the subway where she cant easily say bye and dip out.
Lone_Ranger 2 11mo ago
this is the way.... coolsocks leads the way!
Exactly this approach - practice making convo and being outcome independent. Not every convo leads to a smash, so just be social, have fun, and practice being conversational.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
One thing a lot of guys don't understand is that even if your SMV is high and your game is tight you are not always going to be enough of a girls type
Some times there are barriers to smashing. There are some girls who are objectively hot and fit but i just couldn't smash them, they are just too different, I am just not into them or their face or xyz reason i just can't vibe that way with them
Lone_Ranger 2 11mo ago
100% agree. I have often been asked by guy friends why I don't covert some girl that seems interested, who my friends think is hot. If I'm not into her, I'm not going to try and convert. I don't personally find tall skinny girls attractive, or girls with short hair. There is nothing that can convince me to fuck them.
The same is true the other way around.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
Pretty much. I have some girls that lust over me. Their tits are fantastic, i could squeeze them all day and night. Their hair is beautiful. But they just have a face or height or weight (too thin, odd proportions, taller than ME) that i just can't do
There's just something about not matching with a girl on a visceral level that prevents me from fucking. Followed by the "why don't you seem to like me, why don't you want to be seen around me" etc weird ass convos that could possibly follow
Like, you're pretty and fuckable, I just can't vibe with you. It feels like a circle being jammed into a square hole. Yes it fits in the square hole without issue but it JUST DOESN'T FIT like it should, something just feels missing and wrong