The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.
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FrancoAP 1y ago
Oh my god; fucking sick man
Problematic_Browser 1 1y ago
I didn't even have to look to know what this video was.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
Come on man, admit it, you cracked one out, didn't you?
Problematic_Browser 1 1y ago
It will be a cold day in a dickless hell before anything like that arouses me
EmpireCrimson 1y ago
What are these people on? The parking lot attendant tried to "steal" her? Maybe as a counterweight for his snow plow, but they look like they're somewhere warm.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
Copium. It's a hell of a drug.
The problem is that users always need more. And it rots the brain. Pretty soon they'll be saying that men are 'intimidated' by them.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
"We're sexualised everywhere we go"
I have no words.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
"The only thing that makes us worth suffering through is all we are cherished for"
Also I'd pass on them. They lose smash or pass for me
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
You're just not man enough for them, Verymy. You're just intimidated. You need to man up.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
You're right, their shapes make me scared.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
I guess we'll both never be good enough for them.
lurkerhasarisen 1 1y ago
There has never been a point in my life when I would “sexualize” either of them. Quite the contrary: both of them are actively repulsive.
The “1-10 scale” doesn’t even apply here… below a certain level of attractiveness a woman ceases to be a sexual being. This is a good example of the difference between “sex” and “gender.” Sex is binary (M/F), while gender can be masculine, feminine, neuter, or indeterminate.
Normally “gender” is related to “sex” for things that have a sex, but these two break the link. These creatures are of the female sex, but their gender is effectively neuter… like a park bench or a xylophone.
Problematic_Browser 1 1y ago
I've always said that the 1-10 scale is bullshit that has been developed to allow people to cope.
The real scale is 0-3.
0 - people who you would not fuck no matter how objectively attractive they are because you're not into it (i.e. a heterosexual man would rate other men as 0)
1 - people who are in your dating demographic that you would not fuck at all. There are very few 1s in the world, but they're obvious.
2 - The spot most people exist. You would fuck them, but you wouldn't give up sex with others to do so.
3 - These are the ones that you would abandon sex with 2s to have. You would give them monogamous access to your body to keep them.
The problem in girl world is that they are going after 3s while being 2s and they're getting the results that come from that.
lurkerhasarisen 1 1y ago
Like you, I think that there are women who are so ghastly that no sex is possible. Both women in the clip fall below that threshold for me. That line is different for each man. If we’re just talking about SMV, the scale can even be binary: Would Bang - Would Not Bang.
The problem with your construct is that it conflates SMV with MMV when it posits a category of women who are so attractive that you’re willing to abandon all other options and agree to monogamy. That sounds an awful lot like the “Forsaking all others” section of wedding vows to me.
SMV and MMV have some overlap, but they are far from synonymous. If we just look at physical attractiveness: while a Go / No-Go scale may be useful shorthand, it’s not unreasonable to differentiate between a woman who’s a 6 (mildly attractive) and another who’s a 9 (extremely attractive)… especially since there are almost always things the 6 can do to improve her appearance.
But you’re certainly right that a lot of 2s (and even 1s) in your construct believe they’re in the top category. Men tend to be far more realistic. The problem is that men who are realistic will approach women who are their peers in the making market, but those women often view those men as being beneath them.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
Men are far more realistic in every field simply by virtue of necessity. We are the rational creatures.
I have noticed a huge difference between the genders in this one important regard: men seem to intuitively understand the difference between SMV and RMV. Women have NO idea that there is a difference. This is the reason they go through their late 20s and 30s and get so blindsided by 'the dating market'.
They meet plenty of men 'that are interested' in them, but 'things never seem to work out'. What they are failing to realise (on a grand scale) is that a man can be interested in banging you but have zero interest in LTR'ing you . I hear it all the time - my wife will tell me about some single friend of hers, and wonder why she is single 'when she is so attractive'. I will often reply - Yeah, I would 100% bang her, but would rather kill myself than marry her'.
Women who find themselves single but are getting a lot of 'interest' from men need to take note - interest from men means nothing. It is not an achievement or an indication of any value. Men like sex, and we'll bang pretty much anything.
The truth is this - men will bang women that they would never in a million years marry, and for women its the other way around.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
And you know what? If they were both drop dead gorgeous, i still wouldn't go near them. Not with that attitude.
I actually think that women who are really repulsive (like these two ladies) subconsciously ramp up the extreme bitchiness in order to create an excuse for why they are single.
Overkill_Engine 2 1y ago
They're so repulsive that they made my dick retreat in terror. So gross that they are making my basic biological instincts attempt to neuter me in a bid to avoid ever polluting my genes via contact with them.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
My dick disintegrated. Least you boys still have yours. @No-Stress-Cat
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
Mine retreated so hard it turned into a vagina.
ObliviousDuck 1y ago
I heard 20% of women are treated for mental illness. I feel like these two are part of the 80% who are untreated.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
I think any woman that is not under the guardianship of a strong and loving male will go insane.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1y ago
The fat must be clogging their brains.
Problematic_Browser 1 1y ago
/pedantic mode engaged
Diets high in saturated fats are not only bad for the body, they do impair brain function.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
They need to build bungee cords with whatever the fuck her jeans are made out of. I would trust that shit with my actual life
Problematic_Browser 1 1y ago
I can't even imagine what those pants look like after their gunts have distended and warped them.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
I don't have it in me to wonder what they look like