Basic Field Report with Game Analysis
Most of you newbies are learning game off of ridiculous and overly theatric field reports that are poorly written, short on explanations and insights, and too advanced of game techniques in them, so I'm here to give you newbies a clear-cut, no bullshit real-life field report of a normal, textbook date-game set (with commentary and analysis) that easily led to a first night lay with wild pornstar action at the end. No frills, no gimmicks, no Chad cards out of my sleeve; just straight-up textbook PUA game escalation at the right times with the right vibe and social calibration, which is mostly what women want.
My analysis of the techniques and events will be in quote blocks to differentiate narration from analysis:
quote block of analysis
Vocabulary used:
PUA = Pick Up Art
Kino (kinosthetics) = physical touch
Pull = Taking a woman home with you
Post is intended for newbies, if you already have experience, the formatting of this post may seem like overkill.
Context & Initial Interaction
Couple years ago from time of post
Tinder date. 31-year-old HB8 (without her glasses on she was quite hot).
Matched her. Sent a good opener and she responded with a decent paragraph in an hour or so. Didn't respond to my follow-up for two more weeks (basically ghosted me)
About to unmatch her but IDGAF, I sent a stupid wavey-hand emoji (and nothing else) and he she responds back 20 mins later apologizing. Got Logistics down in 2 more messages for an international bar and then dance hall for second location.
PUA Technique(s) used: [venue-hopping] (changing from one location to another on a date so that the girl gets used to leaving with you and traveling with you from one change of scenery to another, with the goal being her ending up at one of your places at one of the pulls)
Secondary PUA technique used: [compliance testing] (does she do, agree, or follow through with what you ask? if so good sign. Compliance testing also creates investment on her part, even for small requests that add up over time)
Tertiary technique: [DGAF attitude/outcome independence]
The Date: 1st Venue (International Bar)
I show up a little early. The forecast is rain, and parking is usually a bit rough in that area so I tell her "let's just park at at the first place just in case it rains, and I can just drive us to the dance hall for easier parking if you're cool with it after we meet''. She agrees. EZ compliance.
Our first two minutes of conversation were boring as shit to be honest. Again, I don't care, I know I'm fun and interesting and if I just drop my filter it'll be fun. I take the first conceivable opening I have in boring small talk to respond to a negative remark she said about her own glasses. Risky but lighthearted so it works easily.
First hour at the international place has no sexualization, mainly just stuck to [interesting] rapport and intrigue building and the classic:
1. Be attractive.
2. Don't be unattractive.
PUA technique: [flow state (or just "state" for short)] a mentality in which you are just rolling with the flow situation, completely in-tune with yourself and your interaction(s) without mental disruption or apprehension; a state of complete social inebriation and social vibing.
Secondary technique: [free association] while not necessarily apparent in my FR, I was just taking anything that was said in the conversation and just immediately rolling with what came to mind in relation to a topic/word/idea. This aided the unfiltered nature of the convo flow.
The Date: 2nd Venue (Dance Hall)
She easily gets in my car and we drive 2 minutes down the street to the dance hall. We don't really waste much time, just get to it. I start showing her the basics and chat and dance.
At one point she fucks up and I got out of an overhead move weird and it was kind of like a hug. So I re-do it but with the fuck-up deliberately included and we get into some intimate hug-like exit for that move but I make sure to not over-do-it (later she recounted that that made her want to kiss me, so it had flipped a switch in her head).
We get a cheap drink and talk about hobbies (deeply important for later in FR) and just family and small talk. Somehow she mentioned how she plays Nintendo and Super Smash Brothers. She ends up laughing at something so I put my hand on her leg for emphasis (an emotional high point). I alluded to wanting to challenge her in smash and she agreed to it (which let me know she was open to being pulled then or another day).
I kino her arms, back, leg, briefly at different points of convo. We move to a more quiet area to hear each other better. This doesn't last too long because she wasn't responding in any which way that indicated she liked it (but didn't seem to be put off by or it pull back from it, which was good). We go back to dancing.
Technique: [KINO]: touching a woman to foster physical intimacy. I only stuck to socially acceptable areas at first or incidental moves. Leg is less socially acceptable early but that is why I did it very briefly for emphasis. Never over-do kino and look for signs of discomfort. If she's uncomfortable, stop, try again later when she is feeling more attraction/tension.
Secondary technique [boiling the frog]: a PUA metaphor. If you cook a frog in boiling water (they are cold blooded), it will jump out immediately. If you only just slowly turn up the temp over time, gradually, they will not notice they are being cooked alive until they are dead.
In PUA terms: more or less just means that you are only gradually physically escalating and not startling her or coming across as a creep or thirsty. Moving along physical escalation within her comfort level at a socially-calibrated pace and looking for signs that she is either starting to reciprocate it back or get more turned on as time and escalation continues.
Tertiary Technique [escalate on a high note]: basically use high notes (laughter, smiles, swooning, to make a move, because she is already in a susceptible higher reward state from you, for lack of a better phrasing).
Date Sexualization
At some point in showing her some more stuff she got thirsty so we got water. When we are back on the floor she fucked up what she was saying and said that she was "breathing water" instead of "drinking water". I made fun of her (playfully of course) and said she had gills and expressed playful disgust with it and she laughed and got flustered.
I made a reference to The Boys (a superhero spin-off on Amazon Prime) and told her it would be gross if later on in the night I had to "deal with her gills when she took it off later" like the character in that show (who is basically an Aquaman ripoff and has gills). While this was a fictional and obviously fake neg, it was nonetheless a playful neg and roleplay. Essentially I alluded to the fact we'd be getting naked later. I left it at that.
I dipped her for the first time on the dance floor and she started panting and ventilating (don't ask me why I don't know) but I playfully ripped her for it and said "that sounds a lot more suggestive than it is, like a hamster in heat" (or something to that effect it was two years ago). Basically that was all the overt sexualization I did that whole date. It doesn't take much. You just have to show that your mind has sexual inclination. you don't have to run it to the ground to get laid.
Sat down again and gradually escalated more again on hands, back, shoulder touch. No complaints or avoiding it. Let me hand rest for a bit on her back and then took a break from it again.
Technique: [sexualization/rapport break]: Saying anything sexual, implying the possibility of sex, or anticipation of it, is a rapport break. Adding any kind of primal urgency like this puts a man-to-woman frame into play. Sex is a vulnerable and raw act, so changing the subject to this is very polarizing. A woman can either play along, ignore it, or end the set if she doesn't want any. Basically lets her know you have a dick and are willing to use it, and that you two are not platonic and opens her mind to being a sexual being with you.
Secondary technique [(playful) neg]. A neg is more or less of a backhanded compliment, or a compliment that is attached to a disqualifier (reason you wouldn't want her). I recommend playful negs for good vibe sets. More rough negs such as "You're my type in everyway but I am more of a redhead kind of guy" etc. is a typical neg structure but I wouldn't bother using it unless a woman has a bad attitude or a bitch shield up and actively shit-testing you hard already.
The Pull
Moved to final drink location in an outdoor area to cool off. This time emphasized a high note on her inner thigh with my palm (maybe halfway up her leg, nothing crazy intimate) and left it there. She had a garter tattoo with emotional meaning so she ends up showing me and lifting her skirt and leg a bit to show me. She puts her hand on my hand and even when moving it to scratch her nose she put it back on my hand (all signs she'd be down to be more physical later). She's in a mellow mood, completely absorbed in our conversation (another great sign she is not looking to end the night or leave me).
Smash Bros comes up again somehow and I say I'd be down to challenge her to it tonight (don't remember how) and I leave the topic (admittedly prematurely). We keep talking and touching and at some point she randomly says "are we playing Smash Bros or not??"
I say "yes of course, and I'll kick your ass at it." My house wasn't good at the time (it is now) and so we decided on her house. She says her game system might not work and I say "no problem we'll just watch a movie and keep it simple if it doesn't work." She agrees and she starts talking about the messiness of her room. I say "I don't care, I've been to a friend of a friend's house before that I didn't know and he literally had a used condom on the floor from an hour before" (true story, still makes me gag to think about). She says that she has nothing like that in her room but does have condoms (before saying "oh, forget I said that").
Drive her back to her car, exchanged digits, and went to her place. Condoms already in my travel bag in advance so I'm set.
PUA technique [plausible deniability]: Giving a woman an excuse that is so innocent or plausibly having nothing to directly do with sex, so that, if need be, she can tell her friends she had a guy over to do xyz (coffee, movie, talk, etc.) and can conveniently lie and deceive her fellow listeners as to what actually went down when she met up with the guy in private.
Plausible deniability gives her cover, so you two can get under the covers without that being part of the story. Plausible deniability is basically half-truth cover story so that she doesn't have to make up whole-cloth lies to everyone else how you two hung out.
The Lay
I'm going to spare everyone the porno script, probably was the best lay of my life though.
So we got to her place, pet her dog or whatever and then shut the door to her bedroom. Her game system didn't work because she spilled soda on it the month prior so we watched a movie instead. I pick Avengers on purpose because it has a 3-hour run time and I wanted to seal the ability to smash during the movie.
We start cuddling and I start holding her like normal and then start escalating (stroking her arms, etc.). I move my hand under her shirt and cuddle her stomach. She mentions that if I feel metal it's her nipple piercings (lol). I play it off and anyway once I start feeling too in the mood and she was already sighing and cooing I just flipped her over and went for the first kiss.
I'm going to spare the raunch and just say that I got her to climax with my hand after she briefly said "I'm nervous I'm having trouble relaxing." I just asked her what she needed and she just said "kiss me". LMR was that mild, she asked for a condom right after I got her to finish and and had no issues the rest of the night and a 5+ hour marathon.
Your mileage my vary but getting a woman to climax hard with your hand or very close to it has always turned them into wild animals in my experience and almost immediately resulted in sex. I've heard some guys say they get the opposite experience, figure I'd just leave that escation tip (guide linked) here anwyay.
PUA Technique: ["it just happened"] For lack of a better term, women just want things to "just happen." I never outright discussed sex. I alluded to nudity later on in the night earlier but never outright said I was looking to have sex or her got too close to the topic overtly.
Secondary technique: [LMR reduction] This woman had extremely mild LMR. After all, she had just met me 5 hours ago, I didn't expect her to be 100% comfortable romping it out with a stranger. I got her from 98% comfortable before I even tried to smash and only needed to give her mild assurance and she was relaxed enough for me to seal the deal.
[deleted] 10mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Are you genuinely stupid?
I have other field reports with far lower effort lays with no date or buying anything involved, but that's not what this FR was intended for. This was a guide with analysis for the newbies who are new to PUA and don't understand the basics, not one for me to try to showcase or explain more advanced PUA skills and all of your pretentious jackass analysis is wrong anyhow
We exchanged one message. Didn't hear back for a while. Sent one emoji as follow up and got easy plans she didn't flake on or anything. Yeah really investment here dude
Apparently you can't read or are genuinely retarded. This is called a date, a first date at that. Not every woman is going to come straight to your place, and it was to two places ai actually enjoyed. Had I not gotten sex it would have still been a good night
Another hot take. You go on a date to
She payed for all of her own stuff and probably, if anything, actually spent money on me. You pretentious fucktard.
I didn't convince her of anything. I made a YOLO comment about gaming and she near-immediately agreed. I said my place didn't work that week and she was also the one with that game system, i didn't own it myself. Learn to read
Another retard comment. I fucked her in the first 10 minutes of the movie. And the long run time not only gave me 3 hours of sex, but then we fucked another three hours after it. But even if it had taken 30 minutes two warm her up, it would have been almost 3 hours of sex left. What a terrible idea of me!!!!
She fucked and blew me again the next week too. I got about 10 hours of that the next week across 2 more days, and it was probably some of the best of my life, she begged to swallow and was an animal. You pretentious jackass.
Cool you're opposed to dates you could have otherwise smashed on. High risk strategy, some men don't like instant blowouts though when they could otherwise pull. Another hot take
Also not s viable strategy for girls who aren't on OLD. Going your entire male life never learning how to pull from dates will never give you the skills to graduate and move on from easy hoes online. At some point if you want anything of substance you'll need to learn how to pull from a date and learn how to warm up more decent prospects than cheap OLD hoes
Again, you're a pretentious retard. One several-hour date for 20 hours of mind blowing pornstar head and wild long sex.
Don't make errant assumptions driven by sheer ignorance and arrogance
[deleted] 10mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
You don't contribute anything of meaning to this forum. And dates are risks. Again with the pretention..
I fucked a her a few days and an ex boyfriend reached out. She wanted something more serious and i just wanted to fuck. But you keep throwing out assumptions "didn't want me" without any context, as if I was low value or something.
More myopic pretentious comments with arrogant "ahahaha" on every comment.
Not every guy fucks 100% of the time. But apparently you're a giga Chad that never gets rejected, or only goes for the easiest pussy possible. Real hero here. Post a FR
[deleted] 10mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Some girls will just come over off of a profile. Others will want to see how things go. And we both enjoyed that night.
OLD is not real life, you still have to engage for a couple of hours if they don't come over right away. They still have to make some decisions even if they are feeling attracted, to someone they've never previously met. Some times they don't. Giga hoes do exist.
Post your own field report. From your other posts and this one, your comments here, you either don't know what you're talking about or are basing reality off of the easiest women you have access to, which is myopic
[deleted] 10mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
There was no desperation. I could have taken her to one place only. I chose not to. Venue hopping is a long established PUA technique and we had a good time. It was worth it to me and good memory
You have nothing to offer this forum but pretention and thinking you're hard and thinking every woman (especially from OLD) will just immediately start worshipping the feet you walk on
[deleted] 10mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
I've answered your points line by line.
Your arrogance and pretention are only outmatched by your self-assurance.
You came on to a guy's tutorial for beginners with analysis, didn't address one iota of the PUA techniques, which was the purpose of the report, and start dunking on facts that you, no surprise, ended up being repeatedly wrong about.
When cornered you default to asking why I should accept anything less than this woman kissing and slurping up the dirt I walk on to get laid.
Some women have thrown themselves at me. Some have not. And I still fucked them. Got laid without much hassle either way and enjoyed it either way.
Some will try, some won't. It's not my job as a man to only relegate myself to women who only throw themselves at me. Many do but it's not all of them. How many fantastic lays and FWBs would I have missed out on if I'd had your approach of just saying "come over" off first couple of messages. A lot
You are unbelievably myopic and uninterested in nuance. For you it's "she better immediately worship me or nothing". Putting some mild effort into one woman doesn't preclude that other women toss themselves at me. But that i have to forfeit an amazing lay because one of them is a bit different? It's absurd.
That you think every woman will just crawl over glass to fuck you without knowing you demonstrates that you might understand complete hoes but that you don't understand women at large
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Not to mention you just arrogantly chided "just pay a prostitute and fuck" because that's "not a waste of time and gauranteed
Okay genius, how many hours of work do you need to work to purchase a prostitute for 1 hour? Let's say it's 4-5 hours of work to afford a decent prostitute. That's already 3 hours more of effort to get laid than I spent. And if you want to see that prostitute again, you have to work those same ours again to fuck that prostitute again, for money, that you have to keep spending hours earning
Versus less hours and less money on this date. And i got 20 hours of sex and head from. So $20 and 3 hours of a date. That's objectively less effort than paying a prostitute for 20 hours of the same thing and the second time she met up with me I fucked for free and didn't spend anything
The fact of the matter is you don't know what you're talking about. Your allegedly solution is more effort objectively speaking but because you can instantaneously pay for sex, you erroneously gloss over the reality that that money cost you time and effort, and for worse pussy with no self accomplishment to acquire it
[deleted] 10mo ago
imissedherbrightside 10mo ago
Fuckin hell Vermillion, well done.
Well done on the Field Report, the way you coherently described everything, your analysis and showing the techniques etc.
Well done on the lay too, it's really cool to see something like this from you as I always see you helping others with advice and what not, nice to see how the goat does it.
Would love to see more bro.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Thank you! This was actually from two years ago, really opened my eyes how little you have to be sexual to get a pull and a lay as long as she enjoys your company and likes you non-platonically.
I had another field report that I posted last year and have other various guides and posts if you type my name in quotes in TheRedPill search bar.
I plan to put all my posts on this site's blog feature and crank out my other posts on my to-do list in the coming weeks
Intrepid_Place53900 1 10mo ago
If she's attracted to you, she won't make it hard for you, she wants you to succeed
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Yes but still have to say and do things that get you to the finish line without turning her off
Intrepid_Place53900 1 10mo ago
exactly, and the harder she makes it for you. take the hint, she's not gonna be fun
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
This ^ and most men don't realize that even if they get the lay
No man should work so hard he feels like had to pay $1000 for a steak
First-light 10mo ago
Very informative. Never thought of making such an art of it but I can see you have done and do so well.
I would echo the point that if she likes you, you are only helping her do what she wanted anyway. If she doesn't want to do it what are you doing with her anyway? The hard sell will only result in the smallest gains for max misery.
But yes I see why you like to dance and I see why you have worked on leading the dance of casual sex courtship. It is impressive, though I suspect I will never seek to be a practitioner myself. Thanks for the tour.
Agree about the manual stimulation thing though. My guess is that guys who find it does not work are dealing with girls who are either not into sex or not into sex with them.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Agreed she will do what she wants anyway but game and proper escalation is the difference between same night sex or 3rd date sex, or no sex at all if you fuck it up or don't give her a good cover story
And the way that you handle it before and after sex shapes her eventual opinion of you and the frame. Good game and a proper game set and escalation is the difference between her wanting to fuck a guy who is smooth and has a good vibe versus wanting to fuck a guy who apart from being awkward, too forward, and choppy for her liking but fucks you anyhow because she was sufficiently attracted still
Which guy is going to maintain more long term attraction and have a solid frame between him and her
Also thanks man i really appreciate the feedback