So I was born with this gift of autism that enhances my pattern recognition. Recently I noticed a pattern where multiple offshoots of red pill are converging into a new phenomenon. What started as a troll on women, the "Soft guy era", has a lot of us men going "Wait, we're on to something here". Namely, flipping the script on women.
It seems like a combination of the Andrew Tate Hustle game, Mike Sartain Social Circle Game, and plate theory are all smashed up into one thing. I call it The End Game.
You see, when we think of game, we're only focused on "how to get da gurlza". At this point it's been mastered and backed by science and is old news. One area where red pill falls short is addressing what comes next. When a guy first gets red pilled and "escapes the matrix" he goes into an anger phase which we just leave him to deal with by pointing out the bad outcomes women are having over on WAATGM. He throws himself at self-improvement and finds success with women.
After a while though, once a guy masters his money+muscle+frame+game, he begins to despise female nature, which we call the dual mating strategy and hypergamy and mate choice copying. We then tell him to just accept it or else go crazy. Some guys go MGTOW, some guys go passport bros, some guys go black pill, some purle pill, some God pill, etc.
Ultimately we steer guys into LTRs with properly vetted women that they can use as a wife and mother of their kids. We solve their reproductive problem. Then we have a whole other section on LTRs which we call red pill on hard mode. Well, what if we didn't have to do red pill on hard mode? What if there is an easy mode?
If you haven't read all 3 books by Esther Vilar, The Manipulated Male, The Polygamous Sex, and Das Ende der Dressur(available in English through machine translation if you search around), I highly recommend it. She correctly pointed out things that came about even well after her books but her solutions suck. The main take-aways are:
Women manipulate men through male altruism towards children and sex.
Men live in a gynocentric social order in which they are brainwashed from birth to be slaves for women.
Women have exceeded parity with men as far as being able to provide not only for themselves but also for a husband and child.
Women have outvoted men in every election since 1964 because they are the majority. Essentially legislating away men's rights.
- Women have decided not to self correct but rather knuckle down on their sense of entitlement culminating in the "sprinkle sprinkle" phenomenon.
So what was the inevitable result? Drizzle drizzle. This is where The End Game comes in. We take from them everything and give them nothing. Guys who are already doing this are shamed as playboys, gigolos, etc. But who cares? I just think of it as reparations for slavery. We got what they want and we know it. It's time to flip script and have women provide for us.
Now, there are many ways to do this:
Polygamy: More succintly, polygyny, where a man has multiple LTRs... but with a twist. The man is a house husband and is supported by the women. Not in the traditional sense of acting like a woman, but does the 2 hours of housework and gardening that he would be doing anyway if he lived alone. The rest of the day he works on himself and his masculinity.
Take their money by exploiting the main 2 female fantasies: being dominated and/or having power like a man. Remember, women control 80% of all purchases. Think "50 Shades of Grey" and the Barbie/Marvel movies.
Hustle their money away. Tinder Swindler and Tate are great examples. Think web cam girls and wealthy older women who will give money to a guy because he appears to have lots of money but he really doesn't. Like if you rent a house just say you own it.
- Make them work for you. This is Mike Sartain's social circle game. Think promoting charities and events by using models and getting paid for it.
We live in a very unique time where we can game, even hijack the system so that we don't have to work and can have our soft guy eras. TTime for the pimped to become the pimps and I have no moral quandary with this because women did it without moral quandary and still do. Time for me to import a Philippina nurse as my second wife and have her get one of those high paying nursing jobs ;). My current wife can't provide me the lifestyle I'd like.
Maturin_nj 9mo ago
The thing that burns my ass is that ester vilar spilled a bunch of truths about female nature in 3 books in the '70s, and the clown menof the day ignored it. It was quaint, funny, entertaining, but couldnt be true and taken serious by the legions of white knights. Vilars 3rdbook is a lesson in female dual mating strategy.
The men chose instead that sanctimonious dream merchant Huge Hefner and his Playboy magazine. A blue pill handbook focused on luxury goods and qualifying oneself to m'lady. Lesson one in how to lead with your wallet. Playboy had no advice on female dual mating strategies, hypergamy, the beta in waiting, etc.. Instead it proffered advice on how to fake cool and debonair like burt reynolds or cary grant. I remember these bozos from back in the day. This is why that rag failed. Mags like playboy penthouse hustler mag were the dreams of the BP beta male and white knight and as such reinforced the BP world view.
There was also popular fiction that was written by utter morons re intersexual dynamics. One of the most outrageous retards was author John Macdonald who wrote the Travis Mcgee detective series. A blow hard in every way. Try reading the first 90 pages of his 1st mcgee novel without vomiting. Its impossible to estimate how many young men he ruined the chances of getting laid in the 1960s with his BP bravado advice.
whytehorse2021 9mo ago
Back then you still needed 2 people to raise children, they didn't have modern conveniences, and you could reasonably expect to find a mate with similar SMV to you and low n-count. Then those guys got walloped by no-fault divorce laws and their kids(me) got raised in single parent broken homes and were raised by babysitters and school teachers.
Maturin_nj 9mo ago
There were modern conveniences lol. I was there man in the 70s. It was a great time to be a kid. I was lucky. Born '62. Graduated Hs 1980. Chicks were the same in the 80s when I was dealing with them. The BP was raging. Yeah I remember when no fault came in. I didn't think much of it at the time. Came in around 1990 I think.
whytehorse2021 9mo ago
I guess if you had money you had conveniences... Now even homeless people have smartphones.
oowiw 9mo ago
This would be centering my life around women way too much for me. Looking at your suggestions:
As far as I can tell, these tips are a gender swapped version of sprinkle sprinkle - which, lets be honest, DOES NOT WORK FOR WOMEN.
Women (in general) are not getting sprinkle sprinkle treatment, only the hottest ones have that possibility and only for a short period in their lives. Sprinkle sprinkle is a scam women sell each other, because it feels good to say "I get sprinkled" as they all know that means "I am hot." But to make the ego boost a bit camouflaged, instead of saying "im so hot men pay for me" they say "you can be paid for by men" which is not true of their audience en masse.
And likewise, most men will never get away with drizzle drizzle. The sprinkle sprinkle phenomenon is a hoax women play on women, and drizzle drizzle is a hoax men play on men.
If you are an exceptionally hot man women will pay you, but they'll still be much less attractive women than you'd be getting otherwise. And for everyone else? You're only gonna get paid by women 20+ years older than you... it's gonna be grody, and it's not a lifestyle.
whytehorse2021 9mo ago
You're still thinking inside the box. A woman much less attractive than me in Asia is an 8 in the US. Same for Africa, Latin America, E. Europe, etc. I would never get with a modern Western woman. That would be pure hell.
I look at what I can offer a woman in terms of what she would want outside of being a provider. I can offer Sex God Method, relationship experience, stability, love, tingles, game, and ultimately an amazing lifestyle upgrade by moving to the US and becoming a nurse/teacher/doctor/etc. Throw in 6" taller than the average man, white, blue eyes, straight teeth, etc and it's a no brainer that I can reel in a woman hook, line, and sinker. And she'll stay. She knows she can't get that anywhere else and she doesn't have to settle for a beta provider.
In #2 I specifically gave an example of women's romance novels as way to get their money. I don't know how you got sexual service provider out of that...
In #3 the guy who got arrested was arrested for theft, forgery, and fraud. It had nothing to do with the ponzi scheme he ran on women. Women do the same thing all the time to men. It's not illegal.
You don't hire the women. You invite them and they show up to get in front of the cameras, access wealthy men, win bikini competitions, etc. You friendzone them all and they do all the work for you.
EnterDaDragon 9mo ago
I was with you to the point of bringing women to US and thinking they wont convert and run away. Before women learn they will be fucked and discarded they wont understand that it hapens to them all the time and western tv and education will let them know they are free.
So the plan that they go away to work (first to school if you talk nursing) and will always come back is futile.
I can see them working on a farm or such but not the way you envision.
Youd end up starting from scratch very often.
The best answer is by RPpusher about pimping.
It is not new but one has to accept the quality of these women and that ultimately man in this scenario puts himself in danger.
I have realised some things too late and probably its too late to put them fire test, but to certain degree I agree with your thinking. To comprehend it one needs to think outside of the box.
I have 'analysed' few stories of guys having poly relationships. One from Australia was I think jailed after one bitch complained about abuse although the rest of the flock defended him.
Someone else here mentioned about another dude teaching his flock to do household duties like gutting a fish etc.
I have a chick that pays me montly charge, I don't know why does she do that yet, but I don't ask.
I recon she might be damaged in some way and I provide her stability. She even jokingly mentioned to do low level commercial videos with me. In standard perception of a woman she did fucking crazy shit.
You can tell me I hamster it. But if % of relationships that is somewhat happy after X years = 5, divorces are rampant, and I believe genuinely great & married guys from this sapce are thinking that clock on their relatiinship is ticking, then there should be some better way. Something rather outrageous.
oowiw 9mo ago
I mean, if this is an easier way to make money and get girls than one's alternatives, great. I worry about the opportunity cost - I make money the fastest doing things that interest me.
I want to design my life to maximize what I can get overall, not design it around maximizing what I can get from women specifically.
whytehorse2021 9mo ago
I agree but when you think about it you could be doing woodwork and selling it, drop shipping, doing research, catching some delicious fresh fish for dinner, etc.
First-light 9mo ago
I think that it is unlikely men will ever exploit women. Women have their one superpower -reproduction. For this we need them Every woman is someone's daughter, mother or brother and so women are needed and protected by society.
Generally society has been fair and equal in its duties and responsibilities between men and women (clearly not putting them on a par because this in itself is unfair to both of them in many ways). Occasionally society lets the balance get out of whack. Right now it is seriously out of whack with women having almost no responsibilities and huge rights. This does have to change and it will.
I don't think we can or should game women and pimp them, we just need to appeal to the unfairness of the situation to men. When the veil of lies and indoctrination is removed people will see men are badly treated and every man is someone's son, father or brother. It will come around. It will be too late for us but we need t do this work for future generations of men. Its the one thing we can learn form feminists -band together, appeal to the concept of fairness (which originally they claimed to before they wanted special rights, not equal ones) and eventually an idea can gain traction way beyond what you ever thought possible.
EnterDaDragon 9mo ago
It's very romantic and it wont work this way. Likewise another few lines.
There is an argument that proper RP men are narcissistic, we ask men in RP to put themselves above and beyond (which is asking to be narcissistic) (yeah we ask them to tone it down amongst men but I don't know what real life success would that have), hence banding together is rather much to to ask for because it is hardly compatible with narcissism.
Very romantic, but BDSM would work better.
Edit I don't know how autism exactly works, but they might be an exception. No narcissism but using OOD loop to put themselves on pedestal.
First-light 9mo ago
Women generally always put themselves first and they banded together to get feminist goals. It can be done. Women are generally more narcissistic than men in my experience.
Men need to put their own needs first because society and women put women's needs first. this is not narcissism, this is painful rationality. Men actually like a lot of the aspects of the white knight, provider, good guy stuff. They just lose when they do it.
mattyanon Admin 9mo ago
Very difficult considering that women do not have protective instincts towards men, and considering they are deeply socialised to expect to win from men at every stage.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 9mo ago
Agreed, it's just impractical. Let's just say it were practical though. What percentage of men could multiple LTR that many women without them LTRing multiple men?
So then what? 5-10% of men have all the women and the rest of men have 1s-4s to pick from? Even if this were practical for some men it would just collapse society. None of this is realistic
mattyanon Admin 9mo ago
This is largely happening in the sexual marketplace, less so in the relationship arena where it isn't as easy to share.
mattyanon Admin 9mo ago
Financially though..... I just can't see it ever happening.
EnterDaDragon 9mo ago
Ill play the d-evil's advocate.
It would be possible since women are increasingly lonley anywa and are not interested in most men, besides bottom sort of men apparently is getting larger.
Also theory assumes X man being better in some ways. Ways that are calibrated better for the purpose. In a way as pusher mentioned : pimp way.
Society is collapsing anyway nothing to see here.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 9mo ago
I seriously don't think you see that absolute destruction that would wreak on society
You guys say society is falling apart but this wishcasting game version would just absolutely tank society in ways you can't imagine. It would make the current situation pale in comparison to this completely impractical Chad fantasy
I really think some of you guys are agreeing with the Chad value not even realizing what this would mean. Put aside the fantasy component and look at it for what it is.
This situation would never happen, ever, but it if it did it would be catastrophic. You think it's bad now? Get your way and society would be completely fucked in a generation. The amount of discord and chaos from all the malcontents this would create would be unfathomable
EnterDaDragon 9mo ago
I hear you, I don't disagree with you at all.
Maybe this is how it should be. 'Betas' being so angry that they will fuck women over 1000 times. Because so far they enable them to have more comfortable lives. Cuck sex, poly for women. If it progresses some men will be happy that their womb is living with Chad and they can cook for her and smell her after shower.
Nothing will change unless men wont decide its too far. As we can see it isnt too far yet, so women will push as far as they can and from therory we can understand they can push us into oblivion.
Society is an extrapolation of a relationship and women natural prclivity is to destroy it.
So here we are, the turning point is between now and oblivion.
And realistically, nothing will change unless the society collapses.
We are a product of welfare.
This is also the single reason I think why Russia does not develop beyond sigle big achievement: nukes. Maybe just maybe they can see it coming and they are just waiting. Plus being Russian aristocracy is not a bad place to eat popcorn and observe.
As for lack of protective instinct toward men amongst women. Men are still protector in this scenario. But men would have huge demands for qualities provided, including cash payments.
Redpillpusher 9mo ago
Your dream won't become a reality because most men don't have what it takes mentally to do this. Not the blue piled (for obvious reasons) nor many of the red pilled, specifically those who go through that anger phase you speak of. Why? Because the fact that even after realizing true female nature they experience such anger lets me know that they still cannot come to terms that this is all a game, a crucial skill possessed by every successful pimp, playboy, etc. Because of this, I know that no matter how much you desire it, this phenomenon will never gain widespread acclaim among men. Pimping has been going on for ages yet how many pimps or Hefner type men do you know? You probably know more millionaires. I knew only 1 pimp but several criminals īn other fields far more dangerous. This is how it will be
whytehorse2021 9mo ago
That may be so which makes it all the more glorious for us. Besides, how many guys actually read the side bar even? Then implement it? But you really need to see all these videos going viral that are waking guys up. It may be a small number now but it's growing.
Anyway, it's not a game to me. Men don't live as long precisely because we work. As man who is self made I've earned the right to expect a woman to contribute to me financially. I don't see any blue pill soy boys being able to pull this off though. What do they bring to the table?