The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.
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sean_karaya 6mo ago
I told the story elsewhere in this forum.
I was told on my face by women and Frauenvesteher (woman-understander : a german word for men who stand up in women's defense inventing reasons to excuse their behavior) and women alike - that I happen to be a nice guy for the backburner, I will never take risks, such as go skydiving...
I had been a licensed sport parachutist at that point. That means, I dont have to go skydiving on tandem as most people do. I can do it on my own.
Current status: Before the pandemic, I'd have needed approx 20 more jumps I'll get my 200 completed and jump anywhere I wish subject to legal restrictions. I have not jumped throughout the pandemic and afterwards, and thus will have to go through refreshers and stuff.
Anyway back to the story: Once I mention that i actually am a licensed sports parachutist, these Frauenversteher and women of course go full attack mode. The frauenversther go "tee-hee - you are an incel", and the women go "tee-hee who hurt you, what do you need to prove"
Reason of mentioning this here : I dont think "not taking risk" is a good metric here. We take risks, but the risks need to be sufficiently rewarding.
You might want to ask, why aren't we then continuously doing all these games and stuff. Asking women out mechanically gets tiring. The continuous judgement takes a toll, and the reward becomes diminishing.
That's why.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 7mo ago
That cat is out of the bag and it's never going back in
Intrepid_Place53900 1 7mo ago
agreed. the young guys I know, including my sons, they are aware of RP.
A lot of guys don't seem interested in dating women. Honestly can't blame them in today's market in USA. The girls aren't worth they headache/effort.
some of the guys state they are focusing on career and such and will get back into the game when they hit 30's. Disagree with that strongly, first, don't understand how they can control not bustin a nut on a girl once in awhile. Second, they aren't learning the game. So, when they try to start the game in their 30's, they are going to seem like idiots to girls who've been playing the game for a decade or more.
Lone_Ranger 2 7mo ago
men all over the world are slowly waking up. This is what they mean when they talk about the s1mp shortage.
Nice guys finish last is a trope that started in the 1950s. Now we know that nice guys don't finish at all. They get crushed. Don't fall for the romantic nonsense - you'll end up as a victim.
I wish good things to all brothers.
chadinthemaking69 7mo ago
It honestly makes so much sense if you think about if we were living in the wilderness with no shelter. The nice guy is going to treat the bear with respect and try to befriend it while it eats his families heads off while the bad boy is going to spear that bitch in the head and eat it for dinner.
Modern society has given men and women the privilege of being nice and mentally ill, respectively. If we were stripped of every bit of progress made in the last century you either man up or you and your family fucking die.
Women don’t have time to think about their 500 follower count slowly declining because Jessica found her nudes on an online group chat and has decided to share it with the world. There’s a pack of wolves moving towards the family cave.
Men don’t have time to think about why Mandy isn’t replying because they are too busy figuring out how to get their family away from the wolves or if they need to kill them bitches.
We haven’t evolved for modern society. If you want to attract women, be a man. In this society it’s so easy I swear to god. Don’t act nice, don’t act at all. Go for what you want without a single doubt in your mind.
Women just want a man and to turn their brains off. They want to be led by a sexy fun guy who goes for what he wants. The beauty in this is that if she says no, she really is the one missing out. Girls don’t do SHIT.
Just tell them to shit. Once they start doing shit for you I realized it’s really hot. You get to a certain point in the interaction where you can tell they enjoy doing things for you. They get to this really pleasing submissive state of mind and it feels like you could do anything to her.
There’s a girl I worked with and after a bit of conversation sensed a vibe. I began telling her to do things for me, and although she was my manager and about 3 inches taller than me, she happily obliged. Once she started acting girly around me and preemptively starting buying things for me I knew I had her around my finger. It’s all because of FRAME (and being hot, I’ll never know if it’s possible to do this if I wasn’t hot queue Kanye I guess we’ll neva know here)
I’m going off on a long ass tangent but I’ll conclude with one more thing. If you are a real man in her eyes she starts acting like a little kid, free to express any and all emotions she’s experiencing because she knows she’s safe. If she thinks you’re weak she will act like a man and you will rarely get to see her flowing emotional state, only anger and dismissiveness, or niceness disguised as dismissiveness. I remember telling a colleague of mine about how my ex threw a temper tantrum when I ignored her text and stormed around my place of work until I got off and he said “she sounds like a little kid” and it made me realize that what I normally experienced with women seems foreign to some guys. Just be a fucking MAN.
whytehorse2021 7mo ago
Just wait until the election cycle is over and red pill gets revisited by the mainstream...
oowiw 7mo ago
What's red pill and the mainstream got to do with the election cycle?
whytehorse2021 7mo ago
All the grifters float to whatever is the hot topic. It's elections right now. After that it will swing back to red pill.