Mid 30s. 6’2 broad shoulders, semi handsome face. Moderate career success. White. American

If you’re trying to date up as a man, it’s always a losing strategy. Any temporary success will be lost if the girl finds out who you really are, which will happen eventually.

Your best bet is to find the hottest girl that you can below you. Obviously her body needs to turn you on, her face can’t be hard to look at, strong maternal/breeding instincts, raised by a real father, mind not rotted by hormonal BC, doesn’t embarrass you in front of your friends, etc, etc.

There were a few girls in my life who ended up worshipping me and we fucked regularly. Good girls. Girls next door. They even met my friends. But there was always this thought in my head that I could dispose to of them if necessary (true, but not without some elbow grease) or I could get better (true, but no hope of permanency)

So if I can bestow one lesson here, and without writing a wall of text no one will read, it would be, if you find yourself in a situation with a girl who meets all the requirements I stated in my third paragraph, keep her around. Save taking action on the “I can do better” for your career and other aspects of your life.

As an aside, I would say it’s possible to find an arbitrage opportunity to date up, IF…AND ONLY IF, you fulfill a requirement of hers because of life circumstance. As an example, one ex was a super hot half Latina who really just wanted to breed whiter children (I have strong Northman ancestry). Another example is a super hot girl I met in Italy, Lucia was her name. In America she would have NEVER even given me the time of day. But I was foreign, capable, passed a certain value threshold, and could have delivered her to the promise land