I was just talking to a fellow bro about his girlfriend being upset about other women. We all have a past with women. Some of us like to also spin plates. This can lead to some female butthurt. The last thing you want to do is spend your entire relationship in apology.
I want to share a story about a problem I ran into a few years back. I had two girlfriends. They both knew about each other. One was the typical young, hot and entitled sort. The entitled one didn't want to share so I was juggling the two. My main girl was always getting her feelings hurt by the other girl, but she took it like a champ. I didn't like seeing her cry.
The entitled girlfriend was kind of a bitch. She would get angry and I would have to put her in her place. This behavior didn't make me feel bad in comparison. At any rate, I got sick of their fighting.
One day, an ex of mine reached out. I hadn't heard from her in about a year. I decided to go out of town and spend the weekend with her relaxing and fucking. It was nice!
At any rate, my ex thought I was going to leave these women for her. She got pissed and messaged the two women after the weekend concluded.
As you the reader can imagine, these women weren't happy. This was my first foray into this type of problem. So here's how Musicgoon handles his shit:
If I decided to DEER I would be at a disadvantage. Now if either or both of these women decided to leave me, that was one less pain in the ass that I had to deal with and an opening for a new girl.
This kind of situation is really a battle of frame and an exercise in dominance. Bold honesty is my go to for these things. I sat down with my entitled girl first.
"We are going to discuss this. You are welcome to be mad. If you decide to get irrational or lash out physically this conversation will be over".
I let her vent her frustrations. Then I hit her with the absolute truth.
"You knew I was seeing another woman. I'm tired of you two bickering and I took a break. Now my question to you is did I ever promise you monogamy and did we have a discussion about exclusivity?
She had to say no. She slumped over defeated and cried a small amount. We grabbed lunch and I went home.
For my second girl I repeated the same process. She asked a very direct question: "Your ex, did you just spend the weekend with her or did you sleep with her"?
"I fucked her senseless. Several times in fact", I stated while looking her in the eyes.
This type of honesty puts a woman in a strange position. She has more than likely never dealt with this level of courageous honesty. I gives her no room to catch you in a lie. Her options are binary, accept it or leave.
So what was the outcome of this? Neither of them left and both of them wanted sex after my honesty. This is why gentlemen you need to hold your frame and never DEER.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 6mo ago Stickied
Reading mentioned in the post, for the guys that don't know:
Always DARE never DEER with women
MrSupreme 6mo ago
When I was finding about the red pill,near my divorce, I had to confess cheating on my wife.I did so with total honesty, even gave a bit of details about how hot the other woman was. The kind of respect and attraction I received from my wife (at the time) after that was unlike anything I had received from her in the 7 years before that, I felt needed,loved and had the best sex with her after that. There is a time to deliver honesty,and it has to be done sincerely and unapologetically.
SpiritualEnema 6mo ago
I had the same response from my ex-wife
Vermillion-Rx Admin 6mo ago
This is some good shit. I'm going to sticky it for a week. Too many lying spergs on here with massive scarcity and no mental point of origin inventing entire rabbit holes of fiction to keep their mediocre plate from leaving.