Short post. Because it doesn't need to be longer.
Some times women are not rejecting your logistics because they don't want to see you. They do have lives and some responsibilities.
A brand new fuckbuddy of mine I'd only fucked once before today (and hike with before that: and she asked me out) kept alluding to wanting to see me but yesterday gave me a generic "i don't know what my schedule is I'm pretty booked with xyz until the beginning of the week and then I'll let you know" (I know her general situation atm but not totally what she does in her free time so I was skeptical).
Anyhow, about 2-3 texts later, just sent a simple:
"Well hey, would you be down to meet up before dance tomorrow?"
She said " I might have some time what do you have in mind?"
I just responded with "enjoying each other's company, pregame, whatever the mood is."
She said yes. Came over on time and everything and we fucked and she swallowed my load as well.
Just because a woman gives you stupid logistical answers to your texts doesn't mean she isn't interested or won't fuck. It's your job to not be a bitch and be bold instead. The worst she can do is say no. The best that can happen is you have fun and don't regret texting with confidence, because you shouldn't give a fuck or base your self worth on whether some hoe comes over or not.
Theolympicnomad 5mo ago
This made me realize that a guys “vibe” is really a thing to these women. She’s you’re fuck buddy, you sent a text to get her to slide to your crib, and she STILL needs plausible deniability even though yall fucked already? I personally never had this happen, after I fuck the first time she already knows if I invite her she getting this BBC????especially if she had it before
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
Vibe is a real thing, and it isn't synonymous with game. There is overlap between game and vibe but it is not the same thing.
I have a post on it to make when i have time but in a nutshell:
You can theoretically have all game and no vibe (Theoretically, because to some degree any prolonged interaction will naturally have some shred of a vibe) and you can have all vibe (and theoretically no game: (i.e. totally platonic or business/professional vibes for example)
But if it's casual interaction with some degree of intersexual tension there will be a ratio of game to vibes. Now there can be 100% game and vibes, they aren't mutually exclusive, all I'm saying is they are different, but you can have both. Game alone is fucking useless unless a girl is specifically needing dick that night and anyone with game will do.
The vibe is remarkably important. The vibe is the story. The vibe is the emotions and the narrative of how "it just happened". Game is merely a vessel for making sexual tension sexual progression. The vibe is the atmosphere of occurrence for why she wants to do it.
Game is a tool of expression and communication, the vibe is the substance.
Most men don't understand this and it's why you fuck some women with almost no game and get rejected by others despite perfect game. They need a vibe. Sadly this is related to Right guy. Right time. Right place. it matters. And their vibe varies based on Right guy. Right time. Right place.
Your game can be great but your purpose in their current tingles needs has to match the vibe (excluding when your SMV is so high you can erase their vibe needs. High SMV gaps can erase a lot of prerequisite needs)
But yes, in a nutshell the vibe matters. It doesn't matter as much for a second lay (as you allude to) but it REALLY fucking matters for a first time lay. I've gotten more lays off vibes than game. Game is beautiful but reading the room from what a girl is vibing with is a skill and level of emotional intelligence that is far more valuable than game. The vibe + game is almost a super cheat code
Hugo_The_Great 5mo ago
Golden comment btw. Definitely would to great to have a post about this.
Game is a vessel for establishing the vibe in which it makes sense for them to fuck.
High SMV is a shortcut to establishing a vibe in which it makes sense for them to fuck. Which is why higher SMV means you need less game, generally speaking.
Imho this is just an advanced aspect of game.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
Thanks man, really appreciate that
It's on my many to do list posts.
You can completely fuck with no game and all vibe. Game is not vibe.
Game can play into the atmosphere (vibe) but game is just a communication tool letting them know sex can occur. Vibe doesn't even need to be sexual to fuck.
It is. You don't even need game to fuck if you are a vibe expert
Intrepid_Place53900 1 5mo ago
vibe "right guy, right time, right place"
Very true, Many guys looks for absolutes here and with RP theory. There's no absolutes really.
this phrase is a perfect example. Sometimes things align, sometimes they don't. It doesn't mean you screwed up.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
Often times a girl will say no just because:
you are the wrong guy (she already has her oneitis tokens into some other situationship in the making, for example, and otherwise would have fucked you in a heartbeat)
wrong place: you're talking at some outing and both your families are there, she can't get away from what she is doing, etc.
Wrong time: she has work in an hour, she has a UTI and won't risk it that night, she has the most disgusting period of her life that week
Sometimes the vibe can erase some of these. Sometimes it's doomed to exchanging numbers or social media for later. A lot of men looking for absolutes will pile mediocre game on top of semi effective game once they have already gone into the wrong or ineffective vibe and then wonder why she ended up being more interested in a different guy's conversation that night.
Some times the same girl fucks you months later because your vibe is different that time around or 3 rights are better cards
(Explanations added for any newbs reading this)
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 5mo ago
responsibility is a tool of the patriarchy!
Kidding aside, if she says she has to work, that's a logistics issue to deal with, not a rejection of you.
If she's interested, she'll try to make it easier for you, but don't expect her to miss work, you know?
A lot of dudes on here take the whole "women break rules for men they're attracted to and make rules for men they view as beta bucks" thing too far.