The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.
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Intrepid_Place53900 1 5mo ago
She wants/craves excitement
don't worry dear. When you hit , oh say 29 or 30, you'll find a nice guy who you can potentially grow to be attracted to. Just make sure he's got an attractive wallet, he he
Justanaverageguy 5mo ago
You’re ruined already at 22, that’s what’s going on.
wswZtyqNGQ 5mo ago
The job of Court Jester used to be a very important and respected role in statecraft. Since the rulers (king-lings) of the society were usually both emotionally immature and violent to the point of killing anyone who gave harsh advice, only the jester had the ability to inform the ruler of things he didn't want to hear by using comedy and farce.
We need a new type of Court Jester today for modern emotionally immature rulers (ka-weens) who could somehow get them to listen to the things they just don't want to hear.
OP is only 22 and is going to spend the rest of her 60+ years on this planet alone and miserable. There has to be somebody who can let her know that.
whytehorse2021 5mo ago
Spark=arousal. Dangerous men = arousing. This is female nature. I just watched a movie about the 30yr war and it was funny to see the hypergamy play out when mercenaries stumble upon a village and the women suddenly get with them.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
Billy just needs to take her on more dates. It's usually the 12th date they feel the spark
Impressive-Cricket-8 5mo ago
And Billy should pay for the dates too; she likes to feel courted.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
He should pay for Chad's condoms too. That'll win her over for sure
Justanaverageguy 5mo ago
Yes because “she’s never been on a real date before”.
No-Stress-Cat 5mo ago
No woman is. Once you choose that path, you are forever marked with the Scarlet Letter.
There are no take-backsies.
Wintergreen 5mo ago
If only they understood this, but unfortunately we have weird spiritualists who speak of “manifesting” and they think that there are indeed takesies backsies.