When I started on my journey I really had no material assets. This was perfectly fine by me. I would have had someone saw off a limb as a sacrifice to get out of my marriage. As it was, I sacrificed my stability and all my financial assets. So what is a broke guy to do?
The answer is simple: own it and don't turn it into an issue. Broke is a temporary state. Skinny or fat is a temporary state. Depression will end if you work on it. Even being single is a temporary state. These are all things you have control over. Embrace your potential.
Women aren't mind readers. They subconsciously do a bit of sleuthing to gather info.
•First is sight. How do you dress? Is it unique, is it fancy? Flamboyant? Peacocking?
The next part of visual sleuthing is body language. Are your gestures open and deliberate? Do you take up space or ball up? Are you slouching? Can you hold eye contact? Can you approach and confidently get close to a woman?
•The next sleuthing tactic is shit testing. This is emotional. Can you handle her tests? Do you comply with her? How seriously are you taking this interaction? When she tries to tarnish your character do you get butthurt and nearly cry about it? Or rather, do you playfully call her a brat and tell her she is earning some spankings? Can you laugh at her audacity?
The whole point of this is that women will take whatever you lead with. This is the "main course" of what you have to offer.
For example, if you lead with your money, that what a woman will know you have to offer and what she will accept.
I knew another RP Chad. His main go to for getting dates was a fancy high end sports car. Now, to the average woman that didn't know him it was very obvious that this was a guy that could provide a lavish lifestyle. Of course this would speak to a woman's sense of entitlement and need for provisioning. He lead with his money and that's what the women that surrounded him would take. Now, do you think that these women would be happy with him taking them to a burger joint with cheap burgers? Do you think they would willingly go Dutch on a date? The answer is no. They would be horribly incensed and offended.
I used to be horribly broke. I didn't care. What I would lead with was my sexuality and sense of adventure. Lucky for me guess what women would accept? (Insert shit eating grin here)
Have you ever heard of a woman who dates broke musicians? They lead with their musical talent. A friend of mine is a prominent Nashville musician. He jokes with audiences that the first rule of being a working musician is to find a girlfriend with a good job. This gets laughs and groans from the audience, but it's true. Women will accept or deny what you lead with. Do you want a woman to accept and fall in love with you or what you can provide her. One girl will stick with you and help you when you're broke, another will jump on a new kawk as soon as hard times hit.
Which type of woman do you want by your side? Do you want to pay her price of admission or is your price of admission loyalty, sex, submission and admiration?
Food for thought.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
I once saw a video short in which a dude started filming in his old beat up truck with the caption on screen saying "she asked for a second date"
The man keeps filming as he gets in his actual new truck. Can't find the original video that doesn't involve some dumb sports car version for clicks.
Good shit, great post.
No-Stress-Cat 2mo ago
I saw this young couple at a bus stop once. They appeared to be backpacking across the country or something. The guy out of nowhere randomly said, "Damn, I'm hungry as shit." I had a couple of small bags of Doritos I gave them. "Thanks, man!" he said. The thing that got me is the chick didn't look half bad. She'd be pretty cute if she got herself cleaned up and put on some nice clothes.
That was when it dawned on me. I knew she could do better than this bum. So what was she hanging around him for?
They were on an ADVENTURE!
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2mo ago
Good shit. Just to add to it:
My own experiences align with this. I've only ever driven modest sedans. I've always dressed like a bit of a slob. I did just fine, and despite being monogamous still notice women ranging in age from teenagers through sixty-somethings checking me out. If you have muscles, exude confidence, etc then you don't need to flaunt any money.
On the flip side, this is part of my dislike for so many "Red Pilled" YouTubers: they lead with their goddamn wallets. Rich Cooper, Fresh and Fit, Tater Tot, and others whose names escape me all lead with flaunting money and status symbols. You know what kind of chicks are uninterested until they find out you have a Lamborghini or a McLaren? Shallow, gold-digging whores (or for those of you from NY/NJ: hoooooo-aaaaahhhs!).
SwarmShawarma 2mo ago
I didnt watch them much, but since they are expected to be loaded what difference would it make, they do brag online about money to people that know them anyway.
Say Keanu Reevs has an image of living well below the means, do you expect him not to be loaded?
Send FF to some Russian town pretending to be a new African contigent of workers and see
adam-l Senior Endorsed 2mo ago
Let me note the polarity that has developed: both extremes will get you chicks (full-IDGAF, full-Money/status). Those that get massacred are the "balanced", middle-of-the-road types.
The problem at the societal level is that precisely these middle-type guys would be the best fathers, were their wives to stfu and support them.
Good thing that the RP is about fucking, not fathering, or we'd have a problem.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
Adam i fixed your tag to Senior
adam-l Senior Endorsed 2mo ago
Thank you, kind Admin.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
*laughs in disbelief*
You're welcome though
mattyanon Admin 2mo ago
Solid post.
I like the concept a lot.
Being broke and living at my parents didn't affect girls at all, because I didn't qualify myself as rich or successful. I was a man on a mission and I led with looks and fun. Money didn't enter the equation, and they paid their way just fine.
OP's article could be punchier, could have more positive examples, but the concept is solid and encodes both positive (what to do) and negative (what not to do) actionable advice.
Intrepid_Place53900 1 2mo ago
Yup, assuming you aren't looking for just a quickie, ONS or such.
don't lead with money, as that is what the girl is interested in that you'll end up with.
Don't pay for things, don't show your money, if you are actually interested in a real relationship.
Make your women pay their way.