This field report is less about seducing a woman, and more about leading her through a stressful situation.

LTR and I went on a weekend getaway. I suggested the trip and booked the AirBnb, then tasked her with finding activities. Yada yada yada. Overall the trip was delightful...

Except for one moment. We attended a popular event. There were at least a hundred thousand people in attendance, easily. During the natrual flow of things, my LTR and I got swept up into a huge crowd. All of us were trying to get to a particular spot, but the area was bottlenecked. This entire crowd - probably a few thousand people - were stuck, slowly inching forward. Police were nowhere to be found, and nobody could've directed the entire crowd even if they wanted to. It took thirty minutes for us to walk half a block.

The crowd was shoulder-to-shoulder, chest-to-back. Barriers were on both sides. We were completely trapped. Of course people were trying to push through, which just complicated the problem. It was very clausterphopic and quite stressful. There were some children and elderly folks who kept getting squished by the force of the crowd.

I remained calm, but I couldn't help but imagine dangerous scenarios. Some people in the crowd were agitated; I almost anticipated somebody turning violent. Luckily I am taller than the average person, so I peered above the crowd and observed any possible escape routes - I definitely would've knocked over anybody - no holds barred - to get my LTR to safety if worst came to worst. I stress again that the police were nowhere to be found.

My LTR has issues with anxiety. Of course she was trying her best to not have a breakdown. I simply held her hand the entire time and gently guided her forward. When people pressed against us, I pressed back to give her more space. And I kept looking at her with a smile to reassure her that we were fine and we were almost to the other side. Even though internally I was frustrated and nervous, I allowd my masculine frame to take control, whcih resulted in levelheadedness and patience.

We finally made it into the clear. We sat down and caught our breaths. She literally said, "I'm glad you lead us through that situation."

She came four times later that night.