so past 2 years I’d enroll full time in my classes and drop everything. granted we had a whirlpool of exterior shit all go down around that same time frame: loss of my granny, over 20 shoulder dislocations, shoulder surgery, dumped by the oneitis etc etc.
For a while I completely took my eyes off the ball and just spent those entire 2 years getting belligerently drunk and chasing tail.
I started doing TRT right around May and it’s been life changing. Brought back all the drive I had before all that shit and kinda helped me snap back into reality. And I was so fucking scared that I wouldn’t do well bc of how long it’s been and my last set of classes are all like major level finance classes.
Happy to say I’ve completely surpassed my own expectations. I’ve had the discipline to say no to hitting the bars w the guys, to messin around w some whores, to smoking pot, hell even to the fucking gym this last month (it’s been a really demanding grind).
Did I lose my abs in the process? Tbh yes. Do I regret it? Barely - it shouldn’t take toooo much work to get them back. I hit a really good pull day yesterday and my body morphed damn near overnight. And the result? This comeback semester I’ve achieved pretty much everything I wanted. Granted there are still 6 more weeks and I have like 3 big exams to take but that’s about it. Everything else is pretty wrapped up (As secured) and assuming nothing goes drastically wrong I should clear a 3.7 this sem which will probably bring me up to 3.5 or damn near there. The exam I took this morning had a 58% average and a high score of 71%. Today I just set the fucking curve in my class. Yesterday was Halloween and I had the discipline to say no to going out w the guys and chasing pussy - as a result I’m probably getting to be the only A in this class now (and this is a top ten finance school so that shit has a degree of clout).
The main moral of the story: as men you gotta take the fucking hard path. Doing all the things you don’t wanna fuckin do (ie going to class instead of chilling in bed, waking up tired as shit at 4 in the morning to start grinding instead of sleeping in, sticking to your chicken broccoli and rice instead of going for that raising canes or whatever the fuck your fat ass is craving) is what makes the difference between achieving your goals or not.
If I took the easier path I’d have had a lot more fun this sem for sure. But then… I’d graduate with a mediocre gpa, get a mediocre paying job, and live a mediocre life doing mediocre things.
The world is a competitive place and if you’re a sad little twat bitching and moaning about working hard it will not treat you well.
Do the fucking hard shit and conquer or do the easy shit and get conquered. When you go all in 1000% you’re going to win. If you don’t you’ll be so fucking close and if you keep trying eventually you will.
Tonight I’m about to have the most fun I’ve had in a while with all my friends and it’s going to feel that much sweeter bc I went out and did the fuckin hard shit.
Off to lift these gainz ain’t gonna make themselves - it’s time to command some growth.
Hardo out.
slowlylearning1 3mo ago
Good post, man. Really enjoyed that.
financehardo420 3mo ago
Appreciate ya; now apply it