When I was but a young frustrated 18 year old boy, rejection was an unbearable result to endure.
It goes without saying that I did not even dare to ask a girl out. Not in my entire four years in high school. I was far too afraid of her rejecting me. The rejection not being her saying "no" to going out sometime, the rejection being an assault on my delusions of myself. It would prove that I was not as cool as I pretended to be, was not as brave as I pretended to be, I was not anything at all like what I sold to people what I was. Simultaneously, if she said no, it would destroy the daily fantasies I would dream up about her. As long as I didn't ask her out, I could pretend that maybe she did secretly like me.
This cowardly protection of my pride poisoned me further than just relationships with women. Putting in job applications revealed how fragile my self image really was. Filling out an application and getting not even a call back, filled me with rage and confusion. "What is even the point of filling these things out if I don't get a job? What a waste of my valuable time!" As an inexperienced dweeb as an 18 year old, my time was not valuable. It didn't cost me much of anything to spend it reaching out to employers. The poison goes deeper. I was afraid of trying anything creative. I was afraid of rejecting myself. I didn't want to paint or write or learn how to play the guitar, because it would prove that I wasn't as talented as I told myself. Even though I really wanted to do these things. This lead to even worse behaviors. I would hate on other peoples success's, other peoples dreams. I had this weird fixation of despising Kobe Bryant. I was a Sacramento Kings fan and the Lakers beat them in the playoffs over and over. I would say he was a cheater and I hated his arrogant smile. I hated other people's favorite movies and music and sports stars, in an attempt to seem smart and different. Stealing people's positive vibes. I would even do it to attractive girls, insuring I would never get them in bed. What did I care? I wasn't going to try anyway. It gets worse.
The only way to escape the negative, hating, self absorbed, douche bag I had become, was to drink. I was unsurprisingly never invited to any parties in high school. At the very end of Senior year I was invited by a very cool baseball star Chad to his end of the year party, he was a really nice guy. It was there that I first found alcohol and it became my new way of life. No longer did I have to worry about girls or success or being a better person. I could just hate everything and feel good about it with a beer in my hand.
Before I write an entire 500 page book about my 15 year alcoholic career (coming soon!), let us circle back to what caused all this. My fear and frustration with women was all encompassing. I have pinpointed all my problems arising out of this fundamental issue of sexual frustration. Women are an amazing litmus test to reflect just how far your maturity level is. No matter how rich or good looking you are: if you can not overcome rejection, if you can not handle being made fun or lied to or tested. Then you will be deemed unworthy of the pleasures of sex.
I had to work on so many things about myself to be able to talk and ask women out. These deep rooted problems won't get fixed overnight, it takes years. I never went out of my way to talk to girl I wanted to have sex with, until I was 27. I never had sex with a girl I picked, until I was 28. I had sex with two girls up to that point, only by sheer luck of being the right guy, at the right time, with the right amount of booze.
Today I love writing. It is something I can do to calm my mind, gives me purpose, helps me dissolve problems down and uncovers truths about myself. I no longer fear putting something out in the world and having someone tear it apart in the comments. Although it can still hurt, it doesn't stop me from doing it. I was juggling three girls one year and then lost them all. My most recent relationship, I went against my better judgment and had an LTR for 2 years with the most beautiful girl I have ever been with, she left me after I told her I didn't want to get married. It still hurt really bad, but she was a fruit of getting over my own crippling and poisonous, fear of rejection. The pain I felt at the end was not even comparable to how much enjoyment we had for 2 years. The juice was worth the squeeze.
Now, I put out job applications that get no response, I hit on girls that tell me they have a boyfriend, I write articles that no one reads, I talk to strangers without trying to gain anything, I ceased drinking for no one other than myself—I don't need to drink just to fit in. If you depend on validation from the world, before you can attempt anything, you will be waiting around a long, long time, never doing anything. Your self esteem, decaying.
These things I do now, that seemingly yield no physical results, always make me feel good about myself. I have never regretted trying to ask a girl out yet. I don't feel upset when I put things out into the world and get no response. That does not outweigh my own personal satisfaction of engaging in the action.
You can't fail forever. She will eventually say yes, a job will call back, someone will be impacted by your work.
No one will know you as the guy who got rejected 1,000 times, they will know you as the guy who showed up with a good looking girl. The guy who got a job. The guy who writes because he likes to.
Baron 2mo ago
How is that cowardly? Are you preferring to be a humble passive meek waste that people literally in fact dominantly step over you and you're standing passively being punched & knocked out and accepting every damage to your assertiveness and confidence? Because little-by-little they will in fact miserably shred every bit of confidence and assertivess out of you as you're still literally taking everything and subconsciously accepting everything and be their little submissive bitch.
[deleted] 2mo ago
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2mo ago
@Vermillion-Rx please nuke the spammer
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
I do not understand these spammers that wait like a year to spam. Like why?
Anyway i nuked it
Baron 2mo ago
Being self-absorbed is literally a good thing, most narcissists and egocentrics, true egocentric men, relentlessly penetrate pussy very hard and like to drill it and make it cream. You weren't truly self-absorbed, you're definitely lying to yourself and you have selective memory.
I know a lot of manchildren who still fucked pussy. "Maturity" is a bullshit phrenetic ramble. What you need is responsibility to YOURSELF and of course room for self-improvement. It is actually not maturity but self-responsibility and doing missions. And discipline.
I am not afraid of being rejected, I was rejected of hanging out by that girl at the convenient store near by martial arts gym. But still you're probably talking about being rejected for sex and relationship, right?
Baron 2mo ago
You can't call being rejected 1000 times and eating hilopita a success, that's just a really abysmal "victory" and randomness generator. If you get rejected 1000 times and you think that's a success...hadjeeee congratulations that we got burned!
Ill_Will7 1 2mo ago
I used to get drunk and post random ass incoherent comments like yourself.
Thanks for reading.
Baron 2mo ago
Nope my posts are actually in fact most definitely NOT incoherent so it literally proves you're still DRUNK as my posts are actually in fact most structurally organized don't worry about it it is you delusionally hallucinating from your drunkness you're literally projecting the fact that you are drunk in which you admitted while you're simultaneously projecting the fact that your posts are literally incoherent. Next time dunk your head under the sink to sober up and cover your little seething freakouts by plugging your ears and try to communicate with smoke singals you will be still less than 100% incoherently word-salady than now.
Ill_Will7 1 2mo ago
Get help bruh.
Everything you post is negative. You don't have not one positive contribution or constructive thing to say. Your whole existence is rich with misery and you don't know who to share your riches with. Since you have pushed everyone away in your real life, you have come to this little corner of the internet to give what you have in abundance... your own unhappiness.
NeoSpartan 2mo ago
Very good growth man.
Never helps you to stew in regret, always eventually works out when you keep trying.
Biggest problem that most people have is they fail once and give up. But life doesn't work that way, even the best of people fail often. Especially with girls. I personally messed up so many times, especially when I was young, and it's normal to feel down about it but, like many things in life, you eventually realize that it's a numbers game really. I.e. the more often you shoot your shot, the more often you score a goal. Key is to keep trying and have fun with it.
Especially with girls, many will be duds, many will be mediocre, some will be amazing. You won't know till you try them out. Same with anything really. Gotta get out there and shoot your shot. Sometimes you miss completely, sometimes you strike gold.
AbusiveFather1 2mo ago
god tier post
Wintergreen 2mo ago
Interesting post, thanks for sharing.
What advice would you give to someone like me who wants to start cold approaching? I need to expand my options, and I can’t go to the club often.
Ill_Will7 1 2mo ago
I live next to a grocery and retail store, there are a good amount of young girls that work at those stores. It's easier to talk to them because they are bored standing at the cash register, you get plausible deniability to start conversation. I also bowl one day a week on a bowling league, I get to flirt around with lots of random girls there. We play a different team every time, so I get to meet four new people every week.
MrSupreme 2mo ago
Some of what you say resonates with my experience. Really. In the end it comes back to erring on the side of daring too much, than to never have dared.
Im 36,and before finding TRP, there is countless times where i would have been better off taking a shot.Theres other times where i did grow some magic balls and took a shot,got rejected but there was no injury whatsoever,all intact just a little bit disappointed.