I just added Rule 12 as well as modified the other rules in r/TheRedPill to remove clutter and more easily clarify existing rules, as well as to close some cracks in the rules.
Only applies to TheRedPill forum on here, does not apply to the rest of this website.
Rule 12: No drive-by comments, contribute constructively or GTFO
No drive-by comments by which minor or otherwise petty details of a post, or the general post tone/ theme are the sole focus of your critique of the OP's contribution.
If you have something to say in a critical manner, it needs to be an articulated criticism or rebuttal to a specific part of their post or comment
Stopping by a post to dismiss the entire post with a vague or low effort critique is counterproductive to the quality of the community, writer growth, and the atmosphere of the forum
Applies to TheRedPill only, does not affect AskTRP
Baron 2mo ago
Is this for me? I deliver drive-by comments like pizza.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
No it was for all the retards ruining participation in r/TheRedPill
But it applies to TheRedPill forum on here too. Does not apply to AskTRP
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2mo ago
lol u don't go well
Should I call out to Shrek to make you go well?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2mo ago
Kidding around aside, big thumbs up to this one. Well-articulated, constructive criticism is great. The shit you're talking about just clogs up the forum with retardation.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
I've had to stretch some rules to ban retards for this @Nubias but now it's a legit rule. It was long overdue back in the GLO days but finally got but the bullet and i made it a rule
Should result in more serious commentary and make people less apprehensive to post knowing retards will get banned for being drive bys