You can never keep a women the way you want her forever.

You can never keep your body the way you want to forever.

You can never keep anything the way you want to forever.

You do not have total control and never will.

You can do your best to extend the life of everything you see fit. You can raise the quality of the things you choose. If you want a better women, a better relationship, better sex, you can get that.

If you want a stronger body, a healthier body, a stable mind, a happy belief in yourself, you can get that. You can not keep her beautiful forever. You can not make her want you forever. You can not keep her from wanting another man. You can not make her do anything against her will, without paying the resentful consequences.

You can not keep your body young forever. You can not avoid getting older and healing as fast as you used to. You can not drink like you used to and get over a hangover by noon the next day. You can not avoid change your whole life and expect to be someone you like as you get older.

These unavoidable truths are not to send you spiraling to the black pill of nihilism. Quite the contrary, they are proofs to empower you with your God given freedom. That you do not have anything to fear talking to a girl you want. That even if you get her number, get amazing sex, get to meet someone beautiful, that you never owned her in the first place. That you never could own her. That your fantasies of stretching this fulfilling feeling of being with someone so desirable, for the rest of your days, was dishonest. Was never possible. That no matter how perfect it goes, it will eventually crumble. It is a liberating fact to know that she will indeed leave you, that the plate is already broken, that she can not be happy with you forever. This gives you the freedom to talk to her, to take advantage of the opportunity quickly. Fore her looks will fade, her attitude will change, someone else will take her. That is OK, it was all a distraction from yourself anyway.

In the same way, you can live your life. You know that you will not be this able bodied forever, this good looking forever, this healthy forever. That the time to learn and progress is today. To start working toward what you envision yourself to be.

My dream... I want to be a writer with lots of girls. I don't know exactly how I'll do it, I don't know how long it will take, I don't know if I will reach my goal. It does not matter, I do not have to know that. All I need to know is what the destination looks like. I am satisfied right now typing these words knowing it minisculely takes me closer. I am satisfied opening my mind more and more to the truths I once thought that I already knew about women and life. Every new one I accept, let's me walk a little lighter, a little taller. I don't have to weigh myself down with the heavy lies of fantasy to keep my pride feeling important and special. Convincing myself I have accomplished something with my life. Convincing myself that I somehow already know it all. Anyone looking at me from the outside knowing how untrue that really is.

I know the pretty girls will age, I know one day I won't be able to lift weights like I used to, I know one day I won't be able to run that marathon. I know that if I don't start working on the skills I want to be good at today, that I will have no chance of being great at them in 10 years. That if I become a lazy schmuck that calls a sexless marriage, beer, and TV my life; that I will lose the chance forever. That I will already be dead.

In the acceptance of knowing I will die, I am inspired to do everything I can to live today. That in knowing I will be old and less mobile one day, that I have to do everything I can now to be prepared for that moment. That I don't have to feel bad for the desires I harbor. Of wanting pretty girls, of wanting to be happy, of wanting to do something different than my mundane parents, than what school and society told me I have to, of wanting to be free.

I can think whatever I want to think. I can live however I want to live. I can push the boundaries of my own life and see where the edge really lies.

That for too long I have blamed the world and every person around me. That is was the government's fault, that is was my parent's fault, that it was society's fault, that is was women's fault.

With all these self limiting beliefs, the edge of what I thought I could accomplish was embarrassingly close.

Realizing that I was my own worst enemy, that I was the reason why my life was so pathetic and so frustrating. Finally gave me the clarity to see that my edge was so much farther than I ever thought. That my edge moves farther away every time I come back to check where it used to be. That I really want to know just how far it will reach, how far I can get away from what I once thought I was absolutely certain about.

Life is really good today.