[I wrote this for my sobriety newsletter and thought it may be of value to some people on here. Depending on alcohol to get you through social situations, interactions with women, and difficult emotions will only turn on you in the end. Every time you use the crutch of drinking, you cheat yourself a little more each time of the maturity and courage you would naturally build. I fell into this trap badly and have since recovered, I now enjoy sharing my experiences.]
Drinking and partying, partying and drinking. Year after year goes by... What a wonderful time! A feeling so good, I never want it to leave. Mistakes are made without care, and the tongue is granted the privilege of exploring topics once too guarded to approach. Fear slips away, satisfaction flows warmly through the blood. Anxiety no longer enslaves you, and social connections become effortless. The past is forgotten, the future disregarded. The needs of others fall away—it’s my time to feel good now. Who wouldn’t want to live in this bliss forever?
But then, the mirror. When did I get a gray hair? Have I always had bags under my eyes? Do I need to trim my nose hair again? How long have I been working this job I hate? How long have I stayed with someone I don’t love anymore? These questions stir something deep, yet they’re never enough to force change. It takes something catastrophic, a stroke of luck, the right person, or the right message arriving at precisely the right time to ignite transformation. It truly is a miracle to get sober. Walking through the doors of AA and completing the steps feels like an act of grace.
With sobriety comes new rewards. Mornings become pleasant, emotional stability improves, and having God or a higher power in your life offers strength you never imagined. The program introduces you to bright, supportive people. You revel in these newfound boons.
Yet, after a year of sobriety, these gifts start to feel familiar. Not unappreciated, but no longer miraculous. It’s like someone who’s spent a lifetime in a wheelchair suddenly able to walk—awe fades into routine. As long as you don’t drink and stay in the program, you’re endowed with this ability to walk on your own. But then the question arises: what now?
This is when you begin to understand why you drank. The enormity of drinking’s role in society becomes clear. You realize you need to do something with your newfound abilities. The time and money drinking stole from you now feel like a surplus of raw energy. You recognize how high your potential is and feel the sting of wasted youth. This reclaimed time corners you into a life geared toward growth. You know you can never return to drinking—it would rob you of everything you’ve earned, most importantly your credibility. But now, you also feel a responsibility to your innermost self, the part of you that burns to fulfill your dreams. And in this understanding, you grasp why people drink.
Drinking turns off growth. Plain and simple, that’s its appeal. Growth is expensive, demanding, endless, and often painful. Without alcohol, you’re left with the void it once drowned. Instant gratification is gone. You must face the intense pains and joys of everything. No shortcuts. You confront the emptiness in your life: dissatisfaction with your job, your relationships, and the person staring back in the mirror. Every drinker reaching for another round is desperately avoiding the truth. They’re evading the relentless call to grow.
Growth, however, is a lonely business. It requires leaving people and places behind. Many aren’t ready for this journey. They resist the discomfort of breaking up, leaving the bar, or searching for new meaning. Society encourages conformity, safety in mediocrity. Most people conform to their immediate environment, whether it’s the opinions of the bar crowd, the news, or parental expectations. They avoid anything that hurts, like growth, and cling to anything that feels good, like drinking. They become unremarkable, unpurposeful generalities.
But the journey of sobriety is not one to miss. The view from the tallest trees rising above the forest is unmatched. You shed the masks you once wore to fit in with people you didn’t even like. Naturally, you repel those who would drag you down and attract those who bring truth. Nothing terrifies a sick person or an alcoholic more than the truth about themselves.
If you’re on this path, I’m proud of you. It’s not easy. Each day, you gather courage to resist the damaging persuasions of the world and yourself. You’re growing, just as I am. This growth matters more than any fleeting comfort alcohol could offer. It takes bravery to stand against those who want you to conform to mediocrity, to stay in a place that makes them feel better about their own choices.
If you’re not yet on this path, you must be close. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t.
Read more on sobriety and alcoholism here at my substack. https://s0berkn1gh7.substack.com/
Stay sober my friends!
hierophantoracle 2mo ago
Firstly, congratulations on staying sober.
Alcohol is one of the toughest to quit because society makes it look socially acceptable and cool. Plus in the West, especially the UK where I'm from, it's often seen as a part of male socializing which is utter bullshit.
This really hit home for me. In the part of my journey I'm on. During lockdown, my drinking spiralled and I became an alcoholic. It was easy to rationalize (I only drink four pint cans a night, that's nothing) and was an easy tool to distract myself from my emotions.
Fast forward to today, I realized that I made so many poor choices under the influence of alcohol and for alcohol. I've been stopping for a week or two here, had a relapse but I'm back to choosing to be sober.
Alcohol doesn't help. It's a poison and I want to live a long, sober, present life.
Thanks for sharing your article at the right time.
Baron 2mo ago
I think this is why people are masturbating too. No cap. It is relieving anxiety, tension etc. It provides temporary pleasure and it is definitely my curse. I can't practise nofap for too long.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
No fap is mostly pointless. It's meant for specific problems. Most people use it like a religion and a placebo effect
Baron 2mo ago
I read somewhere that frequent/excessive masturbation definitely reduces testosterone but still if it's sparsely done and occasional it shows it actually increases testosterone but still you can easily get drawn again down the rabbit hole. So, that's why nonfap dudes are actually not fapping altogether at all and try to stop forever as all the progress will be lost and they will re-cultivate a self-destructive and very bad habit again. Also you cultivate discipline and self-control.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
They take it to an extreme and turn it into obsession
MrSupreme 2mo ago
I recently tried SR streaks for 2 years(i know),only going as far as 100-110 days at a time. I honestly didnt see much changes past feeling a bit detached from sexuality, which is where the pointlesness comes from. I choose to control and embrace my sexuality instead of avoiding it.
Didn't feel no boost in my routine wether it was lifting weights or jogging either. And the online community sucks too
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
I ban more retards here and on reddit who just happen to also be in this subs than any other overlapping community
2/3 of the time
They always have anger, short fuses, can't comply with mod authority and have to push back on everything mods tell them, they almost always struggle to get laid and have alpha roleplay fantasy
I really think not getting a release and following a pseudo religion makes these dudes just insufferably retarded and deluded and drunk on their own moral high horse
derdeutscher 2mo ago
For me right point is to jerk off once a week. More than that feels bad, less than that feels bad.
AbusiveFather1 2mo ago
How many times do you jerk off?
Baron 2mo ago
I don't know there are days I jerk off only once but usually 2-3 times a day this timeframe. Yesterday I relapsed twice.
AbusiveFather1 2mo ago
Those are rookie numbers in this racket. I myself jerk off at least 5 times a day.
Baron 2mo ago
lmfao pls don't brag about this. What a grand and intoxicated addiction.
AbusiveFather1 2mo ago
What a fool you are. I’m a coomer - how can you attempt to shame a coomer?!
Baron 2mo ago
How can you be so naive! There is no EsCapE! No intervention can work in your coomerism. Cum, lay down your weapons, it's not too late my mercy.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
Good shit
Drinking less (preferably not at all) helps a man's journey
throwaway415 2mo ago
I think drinking is good for you in moderation. It's intoxication that I think is the issue
derdeutscher 2mo ago
Nothing wrong with having a few drinks a month! But not more. My rules are: