I can't understate how important cooking for a woman for the first time can be for understanding what kind of person she is going to be in your relationship, apart from how easy the logistics are for getting a lay. And needless to say, it shows that you can lead and direct your interactions with her. Women generally love to see a man in action.

Not only have the best dates I've had (whether it's the first or second date) have almost always been cooking at mine (or hers), because is it conducive to leading to a lay and logistics already down, but you can really gauge a woman's personality from how she reacts to you cooking food.

Does she text on her phone while you cook or does she ask to help, stand next to you, look at your efforts with intrigue or desire? Does she come over to touch you or hug you while you're busy? Does she offer to clean any dishes? Does she take initiative to start doing any prep without you or her asking?

I've seen such a wide range of personalities by cooking for a woman for the first time, especially if we haven't yet been intimate before, but also after we have that kind of relationship already. Without fail the way she reacts to you cooking something for her and you was highly predictive of how she treated me or generally handled anything in the relationship.

A woman's reaction and behaviors to seeing a man cook for her for the first time says a lot about her as a person. Every man should try cooking for a woman and taking note of how she reacts.

Likewise, how she reacts and behaves in the ingredient shopping or shopping in general is highly predictive of her personality as well:

Is she okay with cheaper or generic ingredients? Is she picky? Does she offer to buy anything? Does she add random items to your cart without so much as discussing it with you? Does she let you pick everything? Does she voice if she actually doesn't want something you've selected? Does she give suggestions? Does she text and get distracted while you're shopping? Does she go out of her way to mention something is cheaper that you could have picked or conscientious of anything else? Does she have excitement or gratitude? Does she touch you or get excited just from being in the store with you? Does she get impatient or irritable while you're shopping or make the trip way longer than it should be? Is she a general pain or easy going during the shopping or have complaints about where you choose to shop?

This is something every man should try early on with a woman.

Likewise, also seeing how she treats employees or service staff in general (or people who can do nothing for her) is also a major vetting tell her that is highly predictive of how she will treat you in your relationship with her.

Shop for ingredients and cook at least once with a woman early on. You will learn more about her from that than most of the early conversations you'll ever have with her, and probably get laid from it, too. It's a great second or third date and a lot of women will do it as a first date even if you don't even call it a date. You'd be surprised at how many women will come over for food and cooking when you haven't even made a move yet. It's a great way to see if she is interested in you.

This notion isn't limited to just cooking or shopping, how she interacts with you on any team activities will reveal a lot about her and her relationship with you. Ideally she should help you or at least offer to, if she doesn't you've got your answer on what kind of partner she'll likely be.