Women are supposed to be a SECONDARY aspect of your life. This is the cure to one-itis. You need to have so many goals and live your life with so much purpose that you don’t have the time, energy, or even desire to pedestalize women.

Women absolutely HATE when men make them the center of our lives. It gives them the ICK like nothing else. Do you remember that one slightly dorky kid who wasn’t in your friend group who was always following you around? That is how she feels about you when it’s obvious that she is the only thing you have going on in your life. Regardless of what they say, women want to compete with our hobbies, other women, etc, for attention. With this in mind, it’s important to be friendly when you let them know you can’t meet up with them because you have prior plans/commitments. You want to be an upbeat/positive person that others want to be around. Don’t throw things in her face. That reeks of desperation. You’re better than this pettiness.

Don’t waver from your purpose. She will test you multiple times to see if she can move your from your purpose. She will grow in attraction to you when she realizes that she isn’t the priority in your life. Be kind, but be firm. Don’t give her long drawn out explanations, your actions, confidence and calm demeanor speak for themselves. Let her do most of the talking. Use the communication rule of 2/3’s. You want to create a communication defecit that makes you look mysterious. This will also naturally make her chase you.

Develop an awesome life with goals you chase after relentlessly, and watch the power dynamic shift. Don’t ever let her dictate the narrative. Also, you don’t need to cheat. If you’ve given her explicit commitment then you need to have some integrity!