I am checking out of internet. Slowly but its happening. I am just tired of polarity, subscriptions, technical issues, censorship, ads, and above all privacy issues.
Everywhere I go its just negativity. Short content, AI written content, content written by idiots, lots of propaganda from all sides, scams, apps and websites forcing me to use the product the way THEY want, instead of letting me have my own flexible user experience.
Search has become almost useless, on one side very limited results based on few sites that could afford proper search engine optimization, on other side AI is determining what would be the best thing for us to see. Even worse, internet is transforming into personal algorithm bubble, showing me more of what I want to see, which can have lot of negative sides.
And yes, on top of it all, lot of it is fake. Reposting, AI content, copying and stealing from others. And content is also far from reality. Take just fitness industry for example. Great looking and performing human being is way below average by online fitness industry. Who needs this lies? And than the whole supplement industry. Lets not even begin with tik tok..
I am living with internet for last 20 years almost, but it is good time to say goodbye.
I stopped going almost anywhere online, or use any services. I use it when I need it, and when not I am offline. This transition happened naturally. This is last place where I am posting and reading somewhat..for now.
Thank you internet, and farewell. It was never better time to leave phone at home, go for a walk, read a book, or put some good old DVD in DVD player and enjoy a good movie.
ARedditAccount005 1d ago
The business of the internet is create ragebait on TikTok or Instagram, create an account on Reddit and share the ragebait content on Reddit with a negative caption about yourself, wait for the mainstream commentary channels jump on the hatewagon.
MrSupreme 3d ago
I get quitting social media, but quitting internet altogether seems a bit harsh on yourself. Music videos on youtube, tutorials, documentaries, basic wikipedia articles, certain forums and message boards. There's a lot you can still do to tune in to what you use the internet for.
derdeutscher 2d ago
I am and will be using it on as-needed basis. But minimizing it.
As for music, I am one of those guys collecting and listening to vinyl most of the time.
Jackmoter 3d ago
Yeah man, social media is cancer. I deleted everything and now only have facebook so it's easier to log into MyFitnessPal and whenever I browse it's just degenerate time wasting shit.
Strava I guess is technically social media, but you just see the cool outdoors shit your friends and family get up to, inspiring everyone to be more active.
Everything else is a time sink and yet I find myself almost feeling empty without it.
derdeutscher 2d ago
Definitely agree. Evem mfp used to be better. They now facebool-like feed as well which is also always a homepage when you open the app.
mattyanon Admin 3d ago
Look, I hear you.
Cut out the social media doom scrolling.
BUT...... most people are connected via the internet. You'll need it for maintaining a big chunk of your social circle. Keep that bit. No social media scrolling, check your accounts every few days, but don't ditch the people who only connect online.
derdeutscher 2d ago
I dont have any people that connect online only. I have whatsapp and some groups inside, but that usage is ok.
I disabled everything on the phone, even youtube. Dont miss anything really.
Too much of our life is spent on the screen..