I am checking out of internet. Slowly but its happening. I am just tired of polarity, subscriptions, technical issues, censorship, ads, and above all privacy issues.

Everywhere I go its just negativity. Short content, AI written content, content written by idiots, lots of propaganda from all sides, scams, apps and websites forcing me to use the product the way THEY want, instead of letting me have my own flexible user experience.

Search has become almost useless, on one side very limited results based on few sites that could afford proper search engine optimization, on other side AI is determining what would be the best thing for us to see. Even worse, internet is transforming into personal algorithm bubble, showing me more of what I want to see, which can have lot of negative sides.

And yes, on top of it all, lot of it is fake. Reposting, AI content, copying and stealing from others. And content is also far from reality. Take just fitness industry for example. Great looking and performing human being is way below average by online fitness industry. Who needs this lies? And than the whole supplement industry. Lets not even begin with tik tok..

I am living with internet for last 20 years almost, but it is good time to say goodbye.

I stopped going almost anywhere online, or use any services. I use it when I need it, and when not I am offline. This transition happened naturally. This is last place where I am posting and reading somewhat..for now.

Thank you internet, and farewell. It was never better time to leave phone at home, go for a walk, read a book, or put some good old DVD in DVD player and enjoy a good movie.