I have practiced alot night and daygame, and I have gotten some pussy from it. However I feel that level of attractiveness, likelihood of fucking her several times and the effort involved to get women is better in social circle game than when cold approaching.
However I recently graduated college and moved away from my college and my social circle. The place I work is mostly filled with guys. I do BJJ, but that is also mostly males and the females look kind of androgyneous.
So do you guys know any activities/clubs that are social where I will also meet women ? I feel it will be easier to get pussy when in a social circle, and thereby reducing the amount of effort I have to put in to get a female.
I feel like almost all my interests are male dominated ones, so its kind of hard.
Yes, I lift.
I recommend joining a community garden.
1. You'll be the only dude.
2. There will be young women there who eat well and are in shape.
3. It will be easy to demonstrate your value by growing a killer garden and doing manly type outdoor stuff.
4. Gardening is a fun, inexpensive, and outdoor hobby regardless.
PlusGoody 10y ago
Do something that is cool anyway. NOTHING worse than joining some stupid club for the chance a girl throws you some attention.
What's cool?
As somebody else said, improv, if it's a good program.
Your college alumni club in the city might be totally hopping -- bar takeovers when the game is on, tons of 23-25 year old women, etc. Also can be totally lame, but worth checking out.
Check out city clubs, the old school social clubs in century-old buildings downtown. Can be awesome if they're trying to bring in younger members. If you golf, same deal with country clubs -- not going to be a lot of women members in their 20s, but FULL of the daughters of middle-age members. If you even like the idea of sailing and are near the water, there's a yacht club near you that wants members. And as a bonus people in their 20s pay basically zero initiation when 40-something new members will pay $20k or $50k or $100k.
PlusGoody 10y ago
Also, if you're a centrist-type Democrat, there is DEFINITELY going to be a political club or young professional organization that will be full of smart, good looking women. If you're in the South, there will be a group like that for you if you're a Republican, too. Republican groups in California and the northeast are full of nasty-looking Ayn Rand type dorks.
Finding the right one is tough -- most "young x" political organizations are basically "useless nerds being patronized." Filter by coolness of venue, arrive to your first events a bit late, and if a sausage / dork-fest, leave without even putting down your name.
EuphoricWizard 10y ago
Dancing is gonna be something where the ratio is like 10:1 men to women with most men being gay and having a gay guy vouch for you is usually a good thing with women. Women also love a guy who can dance and they'll be fighting for you since they need a male dance partner if you're doing traditional dances like Salsa. You'll also probably head out with them after dancing and be seen with tons of women which will only make you look more attractive. Fatties also won't be joining dance classes or will make up a small minority.
[deleted] 10y ago
JovianTrainWreck 10y ago
I'm going to sound like an idiot no matter how I ask this, but here it is:
Why is Salsa EVERYONE'S first (often only) suggestion with regards to learning how to dance?
redpillbanana 10y ago
Because it is (or at least was) the most popular partner dance in the world.
You can go anywhere in the world, even third world countries, and they'll have a salsa scene there.
(Hmmm, maybe they wouldn't have it in countries with Sharia law, but who would want to go there anyway?)
IVIaskerade 10y ago
Salsharia? It's great fun, but people throw rocks at you whilst you do it.
MetacognitiveMan 10y ago
Dancing is great. Usually when I watch dance classes, it is mostly women.
Ormild 10y ago
True, but make sure you pick the right dance style. Hip Hop is generally more men, while salsa/ballroom is more women. I took a beginner's level salsa class and there it was at least a 4:1 ratio. Girl's had to wait there turn to dance with a guy. Plus using a few salsa moves always on a girl always makes you more attractive, even the most basic ones.
LaidBackStrat 10y ago
Lifting, martial arts and most sports are generally male dominated activities, so don't expect to meet girls there. Hell, there are supposedly four girls enlisted in my Savat class, but in close to two months there with two classes a week I only saw men (from kids to 60-somethings-year-olds)
A few ones already mentioned that are really good are Yoga/Pilates and Dancing, as they are not only great skills to have (core strength, flexibility and dancing skills) but women flood these kinds of classes.
The main thing I'd suggest is getting into acting/theater. I know it's something overlooked a lot these days, but it's an activity that really improves your speaking/public speaking and interaction skills, as well as being flooded with women (and most men there are gay)
I'm also taking singing lessons, and there's a lot of women here too (though less). Most artistic classes like painting, drawing or even sculpturing will be either 50/50 or less in a men/women ratio. So pick a subject you're interested and go for it.
SgtTRP 10y ago
This! Acting is a good skill. You get to train your voice, improve your posture and body language in general.
Plus; you don't have to do stupid yoga moves and you don't have to dance. (You will be doing some other stupid shit, but that's not the main thing.)
LaidBackStrat 10y ago
And, like Improv/Comedy lessons, it loosens you up to situations that would embarass you (bye bye approach anxiety) and gets you to think on your feet fast, which is a very important skill.
[deleted] 10y ago
Yoga, it should compliment your BJJ. You'll also find health minded women.
MetacognitiveMan 10y ago
If you have the $$$, I recommend checking out pilates over yoga. It is like yoga in that mostly women do it (it attracts dancers) without the spiritual bullshit. Also it complements other activities because the focus is on core strength.
[deleted] 10y ago
How do you get over the whole "yoga is for girls" shit though? Won't they just think you're gay?
IVIaskerade 10y ago
That's the difference between "western" yoga and "real" yoga. The "real" yoga, as practiced by eastern mystics, is essentially torture, but you're doing it voluntarily. The positions are difficult to hold, painful, even, but doing them grants incredible muscle control.
Most practitioners of "western" yoga couldn't hack ten minutes of "real" yoga (I'm not even going to try to claim that I'm an exception), but that's not the point of western yoga, which has had a lot of the mystical elements reduced also, and is more like a gentle workout to improve and maintain flexibility and muscle control, accepting lower long term results in order to not hurt quite so much.
Also, see the proportion of women to men in this class - the only guys there are there because of a bet/challenge, and the women are obviously checking them out (for one reason or another).
bobbybluepill 10y ago
I haven't run into this... I don't currently attend yoga classes, but several years ago I used to attend yoga 5 days a week or more (I had an unlimited pass) at a pretty intimate studio. It was held in a renovated barn on a large farm, but outside of a major metro area that was pretty upscale.
It was ALL women, myself, my buddy, and like 2 or 3 older guys (50 years and older) who happened to be very fit.
None of the women judged me and all held good conversation with me. I scored a few dates from yoga.
The biggest problem with where I went to yoga was that most of the women were older than 45 years old. I think that if you were to find a studio with a good amount of young women, you'd be successful meeting them.
If anyone were to shit test me. I wouldn't even A&A. I'd just say, "I feel great after doing yoga." because that's true. I doubt they'll test you though--you're far more likely to be tested by girls you meet outside of yoga who will feel like your going to yoga is in some way shaming them for not going to yoga.
[deleted] 10y ago
I guess maybe men think about that shit more then women do?
I have gotten this response twice now from theredpill.. Do you really think doing "feminine" activities has no effect on SMV? Does it increase SMV?
It seems a bit contradictory to red pill philosophy.. doesn't it show that women DO appreciate feminine personality traits?
Excuse me if anything I am saying it total horse shit I am kind of new.
bobbybluepill 10y ago
You're good--this is a totally relevant question and what you're saying is somewhat correct.
Traditionally feminine activities are a bit of a double-edged sword...
On the one side, the sword cuts open the opportunity for you to meet new women in an environment where the male to female ratio is insanely skewed in your favor. Additionally, you've got something in common with these women off the bat and, although she may come with one friend, it's doubtful that any woman you approach will be with a large group of friends to potentially cock block you.
On the other side, the sword cuts against your SMV because the activity is not masculine and, as you pointed out earlier, this can appear as a soft spot in your Alpha armor for women to shit test you and for cock blocking male competitors to poke at.
Ultimately, I think the rewards outweigh the risk, provided you actual enjoy the activity. The reward: Access to a big supply of new pussy. The risk: Girls might test me and other guys might joke that I'm gay? So what--I defeat that shit easily.
I think there are two key points to note:
You should pick an activity that you will truly enjoy where you can meet new women. I really liked yoga. My joints felt great and I felt super relaxed at the end of each session. For me, it was a nice way to end my nights and meet some women after work.
To your second question: I don't think it shows that women appreciate feminine personality traits at all. The activity and your personality when you interact with a woman at that activity are mutually exclusive.
Onemanwolfpack23 10y ago
Really really well said.
I think the fundamental problem OP is having is his end goal is to find pussy, which is not RP.
I am of the RPism that if you just pursue your own manly shit and act like a man, you will attract women. IF you go to Yoga/Spin Class/whatever feminine bullshit exercise to meet women you will possibly find a few girls but most of them will view you in a non alpha way. Most of these girls are post college carousel, pre wall young womyns pursuing gladiatorial aggression in corporate america which is how they pay for these expensive bootcamps and shit. They want a manly man man. They all do.
BUT if you feel like you need to do this. Do 95% mens shit (building, fighting, lifting, etc) so you just exude manliness.
[deleted] 10y ago
Interesting, got it. I meditate already so going to yoga to meet chicks was always something I considered.