Many of you are fairly new and most of the standard advice will make no sense to you:
"Cure your oneitis, bro. Go sleep with 10 girls"
Seriously? You have oneitis exactly because you have no one to sleep with. The above piece of advice is useless to anyone who isn't already successful.
"Cure approach anxiety. Take four girls to the club. Bitches love pre-selection. You'll be drowning in pussy"
Again, useless advice. If you already are able to take four girls, you are not looking to cure your approach anxiety.
Many of you have no starting point and are wondering how the heck to start. Going to clubs is getting you shut down by overactive bitch shields. Girls simply use you for drinks in bars. Women hurry away from you when you try day-game. So what to do? Where to even start?
I posted an outline of how to swallow the pill in /r/TheRedPill/comments/2l52zg/a_7_step_guide_to_swallowing_the_pill/.
Roughly, the steps are:
Lifting/physical fitness: Strictly speaking, you could probably do bodyweight exercises as well. There are so many resources on youtube and bodybuilding websites that I don't want to take up a lot of space on this, except to emphasize not to injure yourself and improve posture first.
Style: /r/malefashionadvice is a great resource, study it well
Mission: This is something you need to figure out on your own. Look at examples from people you admire.
- Frame: I'll create a separate post on this
which brings us to....
- Game
My favorite game is social circle game. Even the biggest loser has a social circle and should be in a position to regularly interact with women.
The main components of social circle are:
- School/work
- Friends of family / family of friends / friends of friends
- Shared activities such as hiking club, gym, etc.
- Any place where you visit frequently and see the same people including your favorite coffee shop, bus stop, etc.
Step by step instructions for social circle game:
5.1. Go into monk mode: WTF does monk mode have to do with game? Its very simple. Monk mode is an excellent way to learn how to ignore women. Not how to pretend to ignore women, but how to actually ignore them without being perturbed. And why do you learn to ignore women? Because attention is the only currency women know and you need to learn how to stop giving it away for free.
Monk mode also removes you from the radar, allowing you unfettered time to improve yourself. When you come back from monk mode with a better body, more interesting life and better sense of style and a rock solid frame, mah nigga, you will be noticed.
Monk mode also tells you that you don't need a woman to be happy or content. You can live -- no, thrive without women. You are the one giving her a chance at a happier life. This builds confidence.
5.2. Confidence: Confidence is the precise knowledge of what you can do and what you cannot do. For example, you may be confident that you can squat 150lb and also be confident you cannot squat 300lb. The clear knowledge of what you can and cannot do enables precise decision making and prioritization and is of high survival value. When it comes to interaction with women, knowing what you can do to her and what you cannot is confidence. If you aren't sure if you can kiss her when you can, you are timid. If you put your arm around her when you shouldn't, you are creepy. Interacting with women is a skill you learn by practice and develop confidence until it becomes natural.
5.3. Improved SMV: You first need to accept that you are probably in the 4-6 range, which is average. 0 is dead, 1-3 are people with severe problems such as peeling, wart infested or otherwise troubled skin, grotesque appearance or deformed bodies, missing limbs, morbid obesity, etc. 7-9 are what we consider attractive. 10 is a theoretical maximum. Lifting makes your body more attractive. How many times have you seen a woman whose face was ugly but had a hot body and you thought "butterface, but I'd do her". Women think the same. Having a great body will make up for baldness, shortness (to some degree), ethnic background, etc. The key thing is that women will give you a chance, instead of automatic shutdowns. Having a unique sense of style makes you stand out and noticed and makes women curious. This combined with a good body will actually often make women open you. Once you begin interaction, a rock solid frame will build attraction. I give one point to each of these attributes, so that a 4 dude will grow into a 7 and a 6 will grow into a 9.
5.4. Reading signals: The first sign that you will notice as your SMV improves is that women will hold your gaze. If they hold your gaze for more than two seconds, its safe to approach. Nothing may happen, but you won't be shut down. The second signal you will notice is that women will smile or if they are with a girlfriend, they may turn away and giggle and look back at you. This is a better signal, you can approach will boldness.
5.5. Approach: Note that women in your social circle know about you and if you have had recent string of successes or improved SMV, the women are talking about you. So you have a window of opportunity where you can approach almost any women. My advice is to approach all of them. Start by saying hi and making smalltalk. Your goal is to get used to approaching and talking, not to have sex. Approach women you would not fuck if you want to start with. Eventually, have lunch or coffee with everyone. When word gets around that this guy is very social, women will not think much if you approach them or no one (including you) will care if an invitation is declined. Women in your social circle are most likely to agree to go to coffee with you, especially if you are known to take everyone to coffee. Repeated asking women out and taking them to coffee with no sexual intention will take the edge off the anxiety and you will grow more and more confident when talking to women. Dividing your attention among multiple women is the best prevention and cure to oneitis
5.6. Escalation: Occasionally, you and one of your coffee dates will have moment of connection. This is a good time to escalate. If you have never touched, hold her hand. If you have already hugged, go for the kiss. For the purposes of escalation, her social status (i.e. boyfriend, etc) does not matter. But ensure that no one she knows is around. Eventually, things will get physical enough that you two become intimate.
5.7. Chasing: Do not chase! Repeat, do not chase!! Your interaction with them should leave them wanting more and they should contact you almost every time. Ignoring a girl after showing her a wonderful time makes you irresistible. If she does not chase you, move on. If no one chases you, work on your interactions, be fun to be around. (This is a separate topic). Always be willing to let go.
5.8. Grow the circle: Always look to grow your social circle. Meet friends of friends and then their friends. Meet people through your mission. The larger your social circle, the more people you meet and less you care about the outcome with any individual girl. My suggestion is to also take guys out for coffee or beer. It will help you grow your circle.
General notes: Note that social circle game is slower than a club/bar or day game. In a club you have an hour or two to do what you can stretch over weeks in your social circle. Social circle game also enables opportunities for long time frame pre-selection, show of leadership, etc.
Do not approach any girl who is in a relationship with a male friend of yours. Its always more useful to have the man as an extender of your social circle. "Bro's before ho's"
If a girl recoils from your advances, pretend you never did it and continue from stage before you escalated. Often, she will ignore it too. Next her, she's not into you. Surprisingly, some of these girls may end up chasing you but you should never think of her any more.
EDIT: fixed link
ThreadPill 10y ago
I have now tagged you as "Should be endorsed" because honestly, you should be endorsed.
KingoftheAssholes 10y ago
Man you been hitting out of park with these posts. You should really think about making your own blog.
[deleted] 10y ago
[deleted] 10y ago
you may have gotten downvoted but this is so real
Sweetmoe 10y ago
I think number 2 is off point. MFA teaches you to dress like a boy.
LuvBeer 10y ago
Haha Italy here, MFA is way too stodgy for local fashion sense (40 year old guys in Air Maxes and G Star). I guess it depends on your market.
new_england 10y ago
The MFA basics are pretty good. Def helped me a lot. The day to day stuff on there is bit out there.
magus678 10y ago
While this is somewhat true, it will also get you laid.
Women want to fuck social phenotypes (rocker, frat guy, sexy nerd etc) and the one MFA is essentially aiming at is a pretty solid caricature for broad spectrum appeal.
If you have the attitude and fashion sense to dabble in others by all means. They can be just as effective. But I think the MFA advice is solid to start.
Sweetmoe 10y ago
The point on phenotypes is accurate but but the point remains that MFA teaches boyish dress. The only thing I would take from them is their formal attire guides. Their casual advice does not inspire women to categorize you as AF.
[deleted] 10y ago
MFA will give a foundation for when there is none. Many people probably do no justice for themselves when it comes to fashion and appearance.
back_in_towns 10y ago
Agreed x1000, look at the top voted posts there and cringe away... So many wiry-shouldered hipsters taking selfies, it boggles the mind.
[deleted] 10y ago
Thats fine if you're just looking to get laid. Solid pua advice. However, RP also emphasizes establishing your own identity not just picking an archetype to emulate.
My fashion advice would be to choose a style that refkects your identity as a man with a few simple guidelines: The clothes must fit your body well, it must reflect quality, and it has to reflect masculinity
Sweetmoe 10y ago
Which is why I say most of MFA reflects puerility.
magus678 10y ago
I would agree, to a point. Alpha is not clothes deep only; you don't undo someone's game simply by wearing sub - optimal clothing. In fact, if for some reason you just like dressing that way, it may even make you more comfortable and alpha as a result.
Alpha can look all sorts of ways. Don Draper is a great template, but there is more than one path to the Emerald City.
[deleted] 10y ago
[deleted] 10y ago
[deleted] 10y ago
Sweetmoe 10y ago
Would you agree that there is a set of clothes that better match alpha traits? Like dark clothes. TRP suggests dark colors, but mfa does odd colors most of the time. It seems like boyish peacocking.
magus678 10y ago
I agree, they do get outlandish with some of their choices. For them, fashion is a game unto itself, rather than a means to an end. Which is fine, really. But TRP is more practically minded, and largely not into that.
I think the reason the dark color advice is thrown around a lot is because it works. Dark colors are a good decision for most peoples skin, and it isn't seen as an edgey choice, so dudes are almost always comfortable dressing in them. That matters a lot.
However, to say it is inherently more alpha I would disagree with. But this is a little bit of majoring in the minors; the individual person has way more to do with their game than what they happen to be wearing.
[deleted] 10y ago
No, it's more about subtlety and moderation. Wearing tons of black (like Hank Moody often does) looks just as childish as always wearing bright colors. It's trying too hard. Wear clothing that fit, that have subtle patterns/weaves and that match the climate/ambiance of the occasion. Good fashion is about context, cut, pattern, and subtlety (stand out in quiet ways).
[deleted] 10y ago
Unless you know what you are doing, stick to earth tones IMHO. Avoid black. Black is a really tough color to pull off.
Grey, Khaki, Light blue, navy, olive, pretty much all the browns, and burgundy are your staples. If you are dark skinned then you can add red and yellow. Stick with the basics and you can't go wrong as long as your clothes are neat, clean and fit well. Once you know what you are doing you might accent with bright colors, but these are not neccessary.
Concentrate on fit. Well fitting clothes is WAY more important than color.
tyranus89 10y ago
MFA isn't needed. Learn how clothes should fit; don't wear stuff with logos or writing; pick items that you're comfortable wearing. Done.
[deleted] 10y ago
What would you recommend as an alternative to MFA?
[deleted] 10y ago
Don't wear black shirts. The people wearing black shirts don't know what they're talking about. MFA is fine. It's the training wheels. After you're schooled on MFA, then maybe copy celebrities.
Sweetmoe 10y ago
Look at high profile red pill men in the media. Copy and or evolve it. Work with fitted clothes in dark colors. Get expensive looking stuff to convey value. Get fit so it looks better.
[deleted] 10y ago
Sweetmoe 10y ago
You are conveying value, not a provider. Frame will hold her away from money.
[deleted] 10y ago
Which men in the media are considered redpill? I don't really follow the media.
Sweetmoe 10y ago
It should be pretty easy to identify a man who holds frame. Arnold, clint, beckham, Clooney (though he is first on my celeb. punch list), Dwayne Johnson. Look for men who do not supplicate, stay fit and live life outside of bluepill.
user0159 10y ago
A friend of mine once told me see what David Beckham is wearing and copy that.
Sweetmoe 10y ago
Could work. Though not everybody has his body type and look. Should try to fit it with your frame.
user0159 10y ago
More just a general rule of thumb, probably not gonna find him wearing a trilby or something.
FallenHighSchoolJock 10y ago
How do you START a social circle though? Im halfway through my 4th year of college and have 0 friends. I tried clubs (they're a joke here), the gym and classes but I never have anything to say to anyone. I transferred so no freshman friends and I am useless at team sports.
coop_dogg 10y ago
Start a club. Or just go talk to someone at any of the on campus dining places. If you recognize someone from your classes, say what's up, get lunch with them, find out about them and what activities they do, see if you can tag along.
[deleted] 10y ago
[deleted] 10y ago
yeah, but remember 'slim fit' isn't "skinny jeans". if you have a decent body, well fitted clothes -- which slim fit tries to emulate -- look great.
[deleted] 10y ago
Wear whatever the fuck you want as long as its fitted. Dont wear baggy clothes, and dont wear things that are too small.
589547521563 10y ago
You underestimate my loser abilities.
[deleted] 10y ago
Addictedtoiron 10y ago
People here are always saying to remove women from the pedestal but still over and over people demonstrate that their goal is to get women and raising SMV is the means for it. This is twisted. Men have to learn they have to improve themselves for themselves only and extend whatever they have of good to the community/society as a whole, in OPs terminology, to have a mission.
[deleted] 10y ago
NO, your mission is you, all this new age altruistic shit is just projection of a needs of a whole generation with shitty parents to get validation from a otherwise indiferent society. It's not a sustainable or healthy frame of mind.
Addictedtoiron 10y ago
I said
The extension of what I called "whatever they have of good" is secondary, and even I'd say more of a consequence then a goal. Everyone needs something to care about or thrive for, this is one of the fundamentals of TRP, as people always say "get a hobby" "learn something".
I find very hard for a normal person that is good in something not to influence others by his qualities. It may be hard to me to explain this but I believe a man cannot be without the whole. If you're good at something you can't help but to influence others, and this is the very meaning of being and alfa. That's the meaning of the mentality that the woman have to desire to be with you because you're great. The abundance mentality for me is not only abundance of woman but abundance of virtues.
In the end I agree with you and I think you misunderstood me. The goal is not to do stuff for people seeking validation, or to fit in. The goal is to be the best version of yourself and everything else be a consequence.
[deleted] 10y ago
No, that is a added on issue to apeal to a generation that feels guilty of living for themselfs and needs self righteousness in all aspects of their behavior. The core principle is that everyone needs drive, needs focus. The decision to make it purposefull is one undertaken by the individual if he considers that he can not find value witout apealing to others.
Influence is different than living for society. You can do good things without making it a live purpose.
And that is their choice. You are good at something because that is how you do things, you do them to an extent you can be proud of your work, regardless of others.
No it's not, if you really want to, expand the meaning, you can cover being a leader, and that implies leading by example and getting the best out of your crew.
No, it's not, again, stop projecting. Boyscouts don't get laid. Selfish pricks that understand the limitation of their effect on other and focus on their own well being get the girls. Women go for selfish pricks because being with an altruist makes her be either neglected or a bad person for demanding you prioritise herself over others.
Whatever makes you happy man, just be aware that it's not sustainable and it's benefits are as shallow as the reasons you have for setting up on this path of futility. Do yourself a favor and don't go for martyrdom in search of a even greater validation, you can have a better life if people don't admire you.
Did you come to our shores after the EMSK post?
We disagree profoundly on WHY?
Ask yourself : would I do this if nobody knew who I am? If your actions are meant to have the people around you erecting a statue of you, you are doing it wrong. if however your actions make you think you deserve a statue, then you are doing it right(you may be completely wrong objectively and that is another discusion) but you should be the only arbitrator of your actions. Good or bad, it's up to you, but that good or bad judgement should be yours and yours alone.
Addictedtoiron 10y ago
I agree with this. We both agree that priority number one is yourself. Since this thread is about social game, we're talking about raising and sub-communicating SMV, expanding social circles and influencing and benefiting (e.g. social proof) from people. Under this context, your approach of a self-centred lonely wolf seems inconsistent with the premise. I'm not saying this is bad or it doesn't work but this seems to be quite dark triad stuff that most of the people lack the qualities to achieve and if one does, so he doesn't need social circle to get laid.
Agree, my point is why not benefit from this? SMV is not only composed by your intrinsic value but also by the perceived value people attribute to you.
Being an alfa and being a leader for me is quite indistinguishable but I see your point.
On the rest you got me, not much to argue, I'll think about it.
Right on, good guess. I came after the EMSK post and created this account later after some weeks of lurking. May I ask why this question?
Bottom line I'm egocentric and perfectionist. I was conditioned to fight those two qualities throughout my life so I'm pretty much messed up. Recently I stopped giving a shit about woman and this has been the underlining of all my comments. I'd love to not give a shit about everyone else and use them to by benefit but I'm still unsure about this path.
[deleted] 10y ago
That is the part I don't get, why is this "social" game.
Because my premise doesn't rely on routine and social relations as a base for social proof. I base my social relations on pure utility. I can genarate friendliness with anyone in a bar, I choose to do it with hot chicks and bartenders. In term they get one anothers numbers trough me and everybody is happy and selfish. There is no vagueness or expectations.
I disagree that people lack dark triad traits, I think they don't allow themselves that level of honesty with themselves and with others. I personally find a douchebag that goes to africa to save the children less trustworthy than one that just went to africa so he can brag about it. It's about honesty, and not playing a dick measuring contest fought with self righteousness.
You can benefit from it, just that the validation should not be a major factor in doing it. You must be the most important person in your life. And when you are doing something to get a reaction you are functionally sacrifing for others. It's a bad habit that people should break.
Because the EMSK crowd has a certain flawor that doesn't sit right with me. Let me put it this way, the first step in emotional maturity for any man is to be okay with himself having nothing. Only after being at peace with your intrinsic worthlessness can you pursui achievement, friends or love savagely(with abandon, without fear, with complete outcome independence), and the types of men EMSK atracts are men that are on the complete oposite end of the ego spectrum, they try to cover up their fear, their disatisfaction with what are ultimetly "things". They are the type that believe in fake it till you make it and are men that need to borrow external value and atach it to their lives.
I may be wrong in thinking this but from my perspective, you can only grow after you lost the bullshit that society told you is important(the glossy magazine type of advice if you will). It may be nihilistic but you can not make a "happy" blue piller swallow the red pill as you can not convince a healthy Christian of the benefits of modern medicine. I fundamentally disagree with the impression that the red pill is about self improvement, it is about acceptance, the closest analog is daoism or stoicism(aldough I greatly prefer the former).
You can be egocentric, you just have to man up to it. Yes, I am obsesed with this woman because I haven't fucked anotehr one that is better. The same goes for perfectionism. I am very fixated on certain issues, but to the outside I am a lazy slob. My fixations are my obsesions, I do not get validation, I do not get grief for them. They are mine.
I finf it amazing that if men would voice their issues and replace women with inanimate objects like cars there would be no dilemas, there would be no problems. We have been told that emotions are valid reasons(they are valid states, but they are not reasons) and that is fundamentally wrong.
Addictedtoiron 10y ago
Thanks for your comments man. Very interesting point of view.
If we separate game in three categories, night game, day game and social game. The latter is the most easy to develop because cold approaches are rare and there's more time to escalate. I find it more efficient getting more IOI and less flakes/rejection.
Just take in consideration that post reached the front page of reddit and people like me who joined TRP on that wave might not be part of the EMSK sub and may never heard about it before.
That struck with me and I agree with you, even the red pill analogy is about acceptance and now I see people mostly use the self-improvement chore as another mean to get pussy. I know TRP is about sexual strategy but all those posts that put pussy as the reward/goal annoys me like hell.
I just figured I reached the 4th stage of TRP:
Going monk mode has become very tempting lately.
[deleted] 10y ago
yes, because comfort is already there, the issue is you can't really game, you just provide indirect proof and escalate within the nominal tolerace your peer group has. Definetly if your peer group works in the sex industry it's a great strategy, but otherwise it is very llimited and you won't develop better skills, not to mention that the group will always be a priority in her mind.
It shouldn't. Pussy is the objective measure of manliness. You can not trick nature. Yes, in certain circumstances you can get pussy just by being ripped, rich or beta as fuck, but all men and women know that isn't "getting pussy" that is just having pussy around(the same goes for Pick up).
HAving a high enough value to be deserving of a woman and having her in a red pill way, that is exceptional, that is a universal proof of worth. Beyond sexism and how horrible modern women(and men ) are, having a emotionally healthy balanced woman love you, is a biological reward you can not cheat, and from feminist to AMOGs, from models to chumps they can not deny your worth after that. (I know it's stupid and shallow and I have great respect for MGTOWs but you can be right in life or you can win at life, and unfortunetly that is how you win)
I do think that expanding the red pill sub does more harm than good. You can not teach men that aren't scraping the bottom of the barrow. Blupers that just have trouble with "one special woman" can not be helped, and they just ruin the principles with "well it worked for me". Yeah cause you are a athlete in college you shithead, singing seranes while break dancing can get you laid in that circumstance.
The stages are also bullshit, they where invented by a feminist to justify pity parades and are used specifically to make moving on even harder. They have been disproven academically and they are only valid in pop psy like maslows piramid.
What age are you? In any case, before 28(or 32 depending on your country) monk mode is poinless, you can mold yourself on the fly into awesome. After that yes, you should reinvent yourself completely. Go underground, get a ego death and be reborn as someone cool.
Addictedtoiron 10y ago
You may be right but this just reinforce the "well it worked for me" idea you mentioned but I recognise the sub is far from being perfect but TRP principles are solid.
I was there and she stabbed me when I showed signs of weakness exactly by the book. You're right woman are really a proof of your worth. No compassion.
I'm 35. I get 6s and 7s laid without much effort from my social circle. I know I have to step up my game to reach for 9s but I'm really taking a break from gaming and prioritizing working on myself. Game just take too much time and I need it for working out and sleep. I got into an LTR to have easy access to pussy but I'm planning to break up with her and either go monk or return rotating the girls I meet through my social activities. I see much more value in becoming a normal person able to navigate through different social settings than the guy who's relentlessly approaching every attractive woman recurring to PUA tactics. From the former I expect to consolidate a pool of good friends while the latter just seems like short term validation.
trying2bracehumanity 10y ago
my new homepage.
thanks for the contribution!
--Anthony-- 10y ago
Very good stuff man. Really good.
johnyann 10y ago
Don't underestimate my power.
Im just dicking around. Great post. Really good stuff as usual. You always have a pretty firm demeanor while not being demoralizing.
[deleted] 10y ago
I cannot thank you enough for this post. My social life has been pretty much shit recently but I started lifting about 6 months ago and been reading about fashion more lately so I guess that's going to be a good start. Also I would like to add that getting a haircut that matches you can add very much to your smv. Good luck to everyone who still haven't made it yet.
redpillbanana 10y ago
It's actually useful for everyone.
The problem with oneitis is that a girl, who is not even sleeping with you, is basically taking you off the market and keeping you away from girls who might be more receptive to you.
Unfortunately it is the model taught by romcoms and Disney - if you fail to win a woman's heart, try, try again. After all, the greatest lovers always start out as bitter enemies.
Blue-pillers with oneitis need to be reprogrammed to use a fishing net rather than a harpoon. If you fail, try, try again - with other women.
Cashman124 10y ago
Great post, especially since I just turned 21. I work at an coffee shop and now I'm willing to socialize with everyone of my customers that always wanted to hang out with me!
achtung_b4by 10y ago
The military is a shitty place for social circle game. Damn.
PlebDestroyer 10y ago
How is monk mode a part of social game if you're not supposed to socialize?
caleb675 10y ago
Pretty good advise but /r/malefashionadvice is shit. If you in there you'll be dressing like an old man and know too much about shoes nobody wears to clubs. Just dress your age and read GQ or something that keeps you updated on what's in. You still need to one-up other dudes but don't two-up people.
Spiritualpha 10y ago
How about growing your male circle? I have always had the natural thing with women, but never too close to men. It's like I can have a laugh and even go out with some but I can't grow a true friendship or a "bro" closeness except for a few guys I've known for my whole life. I am finally starting to bond more easily, but any help is appreciated.
Women, on the other hand, I can be with easily (obviously only after sexual interest or personal reasons. No gay boyfriend kind of thing).
CreepAcceptance 10y ago
I've had many friends come and go over the years, magnified by the fact I've moved around a bit. Despite this I have friends which I've kept close even though we see each other once every few years. The keystone which maintains those close friendships are bonds formed over shared activities - that is beyond drinking and socialising. For me this has been through sports, some kind of hardship or a hobby/interest. The majority of those who've fallen by the wayside were friends of convenience or proximity. I suggest getting involved in team sports or a hobby which is male dominated.
MistrVand 10y ago
Its all about spending time around those people and doing what they do. I've met some of my closest friends just by working near by, or frequenting wherever they work, yadda yadda.
One had a "don't start shit" unnapproachable-ness about him the very first day I saw him. Turns out he did 3 1/2 years. But he's one of the nicest dudes you'll ever meet. Just has a brash exterior for survival reasons.
vitent 10y ago
How to win friends and influence people by dale carnegie, a great read that has great concepts
JimiJons 10y ago
Some of my closest friends look like dudes who will fuck you up for glancing at them wrong, but that's the thing: they won't.
reddiforlove 10y ago
I was afraid this was going to be a link to that shittacular video by TylerRSD where he attempts to give people advice on social circles by talking to millionaires at a mansion party in the Hollywood hills.
Glad I was so wrong. This is great shit, I really identify with this quote from 5.5.
This is a great way to signal pre-selection. Still you have to be careful after building comfort that you don't fall into the trap of being everybody's "friend" who is not viewed as a sexual creature. One way to counter this is to either be in an LTR or to be dating at least one girl from every social circle you are in.
Chaohinon 10y ago
Learning how to verbally spar with AMOGs was a great starting point, I found (it boils down to the same principles as deflecting shit tests). Granted, I work in a blue collar industry so it's not hard to come by.
squarehead93 10y ago
This. I think there's very few guys who can sleep with 10 women in a short amount of time. I've been getting over a long LTR and I've learned the hard way that it's not as simple as "get out there and go fuck some strangers," at least if you're a dude. This post was extremely timely for me.
bkmnalpha 10y ago
Sometimes because you know something to the depth , you think you shouldnt review the basics But i was wrong
Thanks man i forgot many of thr kost basic things
cruelcop 10y ago
Thank you and I am eagerly awaiting for the post on how to keep frame. Your way of going into things really clicks with me. Thanks again!
lloydy98 10y ago
Excellent post. I notice you wrote in 5.7 "be fun to be around. (This is a separate topic)". Are you going to write a post on this or are you simply stating that it's another discussion?
AntixD 10y ago
I love how simple you phrase everything and lay it out,very informative
Neverd0wn 10y ago
Nice guide, what would be the best way to make smalltalk?
Padre55 10y ago
5.1 is huge, especially for younger men.
Basically you are carving time out for your life, what will you do with it?
I think a larger point then what exactly one does with that newly found free time, is realizing it is Problems arise with what men do with that time..wasted zero days, or a pathway to actually living life free of the Disney/Media/Cultural phantasms that have been foisted on us all.
MistrVand 10y ago
5.7 works in a lot of aspects. Professional gaming, for one.. Which is ironically correct. Game theory is universal.
PlanB_pedofile 10y ago
This is a great quality post! I used to have the bad case of oneitis. It wasn't until I got into model photography that the oneitis began to wane. Redpill basics have helped in that category. These women are 9's, 10's even and I'm just chatting casually, flirting, getting them to smile. I resonate with them because they use the photos I took for their facebook covers and profile pictures more often than what they took with other photographers.
I still think about my oneitis once in a while. Her wall is showing but her maturity hasn't grown up one bit. Whenever the oneitis begins to surface I just flip through my albums at all the wonderful women I've worked with.
The redpill has greatly improved my interactions with models. Key is not showing any sexual interest. A gorgeous perfect tits can be standing there topless and I can keep frame and hold eye contact. I've had some girls try hard to get an arousal out of me with their poses and I'll just blow them off with a rock solid frame of "I've seen better". Working on social skills greatly improve with striking up conversation and breaking the ice. There's a few that I bomb with socially as we have nothing in common but I've also had a few develop into good friendships which also led to exclusive invites and a more 1 on 1 access for the more "creative" works.
Do I develop oneitis over a model? Luckily redpill helps here too. Models are 100% textbook modern woman that the redpill describes. The hypergamy, cock carouseling, alpha fucking, attention whoring, all of that. 90% of models either have an alpha boyfriend or they are a plate to a dark triad that spins them. Plus a photographer hooking up with a model puts you on a shit list that will suicide your career.
I would like to see myself as a Petyr Baelish. A man surrounded by beautiful women and known by many more but doesn't take much interest in fucking any of them for that will be bad for business. Plagued by the lingering oneitis which requires another dosage of free entertainment with lovely acquaintances and meeting new people.
LeGrandDiableBlanc 10y ago
This is a GREAT primer, and I think a point that almost every natural misses. They take for granted the steps that they have automated, and can't grasp why someone without this automation can't successfully behave the same way that they do.
40_SixandTwo 10y ago
Saved and upvoted. I took alot from this post and I'll be on the look out for more of them. This was really helpful.
Cheers, bro!
Foozerd 10y ago
This post fired me up, thanks for the shared knowledge.
Sketti-Os 10y ago
What, in a little more detail, is "monk mode"? I get the basic picture of it, but to what degree do you shut things out? Is it complete isolation from society (with an obvious exception to family, career, and goals)? Things like social media shutoff, etc? Does NoFap hold any weight in this "monk mode"? Is it recommended that this be your first step in swallowing the pill? I.e, monk mode activate, get bigger, improve SMV, then come out with a roar?
Good post though, man. Very informative.
MistrVand 10y ago
Its a sabbatical. Its time off from anything and everything that isn't originated or driven by your own mentality. Cut out social drama (its minimal after 22, anyway), cut out the shitty food you're eating. Start taking your life one day at a time and inspecting the very things you do throughout it.
Monk mode is about finding yourself.
Monk mode is about understanding that who you are internally is o.k. and needs to grow both the body and soul.
TRP is ultimately about becoming a master of your own universe. Sex is just a lot of icing on the cake, in layers.
gt35r 10y ago
In a nutshell monk mode is working 100% on yourself. I've been in monk mode for about 2 months now, I still go out with male friends and travel but I don't put any focus on meeting or hooking up with women. Go to work, eat properly, meal prep, hit the gym, cycle, rinse and repeat. This is just a time where I can get to a point where I can be comfortable and happy with myself, then I will be ready to move onto "on the hunt" mode. I'm perfectly fine with this routine for now and it helps me focus on what's important for the future, myself.
[deleted] 10y ago
This is a great question.
It'd be cool if someone were to do a separate post on monk mode entirely.Edit: Here it is, thanks to /u/IllimitableMan
Sketti-Os 10y ago
Absolute gold. Thanks for the link!