Quite a while ago, I pretty much defeated approach anxiety. I still hamster about approaching girls who really catch my eye though. Just can't seem to justify walking into a jewelry store and asking out a cashier.
Anyway, I went out solo tonight, as I often do, and I realized something that I suspected for quite a while. There are 50 to 100 women in the club, and I don't want to approach a single one. No, it has nothing to do with nervousness or hesitation. I just look at them and I feel disgusted. Some of them are plain fat or ugly, but a lot of them are 7s or 8s. The problem is that they present themselves in a way that's completely unappealing to me. They just look like feminists; there's no better way to put it. They wear stupid feminist eyeglasses, the kind that seemed to be stylish in the 60s. They all seem to have sassy, bitchy, brash attitudes and personalities. Their heavy makeup reads like a giant "no trespassing" sign. Nothing about them is the slightest bit inviting or appealing.
You expect that when women go out to a club, they dress themselves up to be as attractive as possible. But to me it's the exact opposite. They're all wearing NeopolitanAfterglow repellant. It's like they normally receive too much attention, so they uglify themselves to take some of the pressure off. So what the hell am I supposed to do? Walk up to them and pretend that I like how they look? Pretend that I want to dance with them? Pretend that I'm happy to be at the club? That I'm enjoying myself and having a great time? Literally the only thing I could say to them that would be honest is "Hey there. I don't want to dance with you, but I'd be OK if you sucked me off or something."
It's getting to the point where the only thing I can realistically see myself doing is walking up to an Asian cashier at a girls' clothing store and saying "Hey, I know this is going to sound strange, but do you want to go have a coffee with me sometime? I just find other women to be fucking disgusting."
[deleted] 9y ago
You're bullshitting yourself. Even if they aren't great, you can practice.
[deleted] 10y ago
[deleted] 10y ago
[deleted] 10y ago
Booooo, stop scaring the short haired hotties long.
RealRational 10y ago
Ya know, I tend to think the same way. But have seen 1 or 2 females in my life that legitimately look better with a short wavy haircut than a long one. Literally 3 tops though, so it's more the exception that proves the rule than an actual rule.
[deleted] 10y ago
Just imagine how hot those 3 would be if they had long hair!
RealRational 10y ago
These 3, saw with long and short hair, they were hotter with short hair.
jagrmeister721 10y ago
If women aren't behaviorally feminine, to me they can never be a 7 or 8. When I see an otherwise attractive woman with masculine posture and movements, with a self-importance about them, I lose attraction. An unfeminine woman is automatically sub-5 to me.
icallmyselfmonster 10y ago
Do something like pottery, or anything artistic, you will get a broader range of people and an actual "social" dynamic.
laere 10y ago
I want to add to this. I see a lot of girls who have relatively nice bodies (ass/tits) but their short hair and liberal/feminist glasses just kill my boner. Don't know if anyone else experiences this. But It's like I am looking at a male hipster with a vagina.
oldredder 10y ago
I'll add the 33rd upvote on that one. Boner-killer.
NeopolitanAfterglow 10y ago
If what you say is true then I'm afraid I live in a city where 95% of women are sub-5s. It pretty much takes a baseball bat to the head of my abundance mentality.
jagrmeister721 10y ago
Where do you live? City, suburbs? Country?
NeopolitanAfterglow 10y ago
oldredder 10y ago
Well, that explains it. I'm afraid game in your area is just about dead. Try Edmonton, Vancouver, or the other way, Ontario ... just be wary of Toronto's bitches. They're hot. They're trouble. Feminists 99% so watch out.
ImRasputin 10y ago
Fuck man, I wanted to move there...
[deleted] 10y ago
I would've expected farmer's daughters to be more feminine...
ChairBorneMGTOW 10y ago
Saskatoon is like that. It's only one of two moderate sized cities in the province, and so people there frequently adopt what they think are "urban" or "cosmopolitan" characteristics, and then crank it up to 11. Found the same thing in Winnipeg.
asianmasaccount 10y ago
And on your last point.
You know there's more Asian chicks than the one at the jewelry store right?
Off the top of my head. Any Asian activity interest group (go,kendo,anime,ping pong Asian arts, etc), boba tea places, WORKING AT PHARMACIES (I have no idea why), hair salons, nail salons.
A lot of the nice feminine Asian women that you are saying you are into will be fucking terrified of RP approaches though. Anything that whiffs of "kino escalation ladder" or "sexualized conversation" will send them running the other way. It's a very very very different game. Try to read up on it somewhere.
Transmigratory 10y ago
It is either the anger phase or club game isn't your thing. Try day game, the girls won't be going full retard with make up.
I think this should be a topic in-itself. There's a difference between hamstering yourself not to talk to a girl and simply not knowing how to ask out particular girls e.g. waitresses and cashiers.
[deleted] 10y ago
NeopolitanAfterglow 10y ago
It's slowly sinking in that day game is really the only way for me. But it presents its own challenges to be sure. Day game versus night game is like catching fresh fish versus buying shitty frozen fish at the supermarket. I already know that the supermarket fish is bland and unappealing. But holy shit, day game is unreliable and time consuming. Then there are the added distractions that I'm actually trying to accomplish other things during the day. If my goal is to approach as many women as possible to improve my social skills, then day game is like starting on extra-hard mode.
oldredder 10y ago
Ya, you literally have to add an extra 30 to 60 minutes to a normal routine of getting this or that at the grocery store, etc., don't get frozen-food till last since will thaw and then you have the actual time to sit & talk, chat a girl up, like it "just happened" except only an idiot would go do their real grocery shopping, especially the frozen stuff, and then it 'just happened' and all your food is melting because you're busy chatting up a girl.
Bookstore game: be ready to invent some kind of story connecting multiple books you've "read" that relate to what she's looking at, maybe asking her to say that kind of thing very indirectly by showing interest.
etc. Each day-game strategy kind of goes with the type of girl and/or type of venue.
JayViceroy 10y ago
In any day game situation if you talk to her for longer than 5 minutes you really are doing it wrong.
oldredder 10y ago
so wrong. In any situation where it's less time she's flaking you off politely. If you're doing it right she's spending as many minutes as it takes to show her interest & affection and doesn't want to stop.
JayViceroy 10y ago
No. I'm sorry my friend, but you are wrong. If you are talking to her during the day it's most likely because she's out doing something, running errands or whatever. In any and every situation you have with a female you control the interaction. You approach. You bring her into your frame. You initiate kino. You bring up the topics you want to talk about. Then finally, you end the interaction with her number or plans or whatever. The reason it should never be over 5 minutes (and even that is too long) is because then you come off needy. I don't know your age, but for my generation people want quick. This isn't a date, it's an initial interaction. Get in, get out. Be deliberate. You're a busy man and you always have somewhere else to be.
oldredder 10y ago
Precisely the opposite.
If you're trying to rush everything you look needy, desperately needy to "get that number". If you keep things going until she and you both feel the emotional connection is solid, which will take more than 5 minutes, then it's on solid ground.
I'm 38. Girls who are only 20 aren't interested in day-game - they'll reject you just because it's day-time.
JayViceroy 10y ago
I don't know who is downvoting us, because I think we both have solid points just two different types of game I guess. A girl knows whether she wants to hook up with you within the first 30 seconds of interacting, probably less. I only talk to girls about 25 and under and all I know from my experience is what has worked for me, and it's worked very well. Either way, to each their own. Cheers
[deleted] 10y ago
''I just find other women to be fucking disgusting''
maybe your gay man
BluepillProfessor 10y ago
Read Day Bang by Roosh and stop going to the clubs. You are seeing the bitch shields in full extension. Go out during the day instead- and don't scare the cat.
asianmasaccount 10y ago
My best week I hooked up with 4 girls in 8 days. That was followed by a couple weeks of not even wanting to talk to a girl.
I don't really see what you are saying as a problem? I mean life can't be about girls all the time..
[deleted] 10y ago
If you don't want it don't pursue it. I fail to see the problem.
favours_of_the_moon 10y ago
This apathy is common. It arises, from giving it up too easy.
Make a bitch work for it man. Let them come to YOU. Don't give it up so easy. Make them jump through some hoops.
NeopolitanAfterglow 10y ago
Well, this strategy would result in me getting laid by a new >= HB7 about once every three years.
oldredder 10y ago
possibly but if you get at least 1 or 2 6's in chase after you, with 7's & 8's seeing you're being polite, friendly but not leaving with them and still being social with the 8's then they'll see you're ready to have hotter, then the chain-reaction starts
favours_of_the_moon 10y ago
You might be surprised.
At any rate, YOU are the prize.
NeopolitanAfterglow 10y ago
No, I wouldn't be surprised, because your strategy is exactly what I did in the years before discovering TRP in which I laid precisely 4 women.
oldredder 10y ago
If you applied no redpill/PUA type principles then it is not the same game and you should try again 1 more time. It changes everything
Doomsday_ 10y ago
1) Unless you really care about SNL's, there's not much point approaching in clubs. Not only do you have to compete with all the other dudes, but you also have to deal with cockblocking friends and shitty logistics.
Deliver this entirely deadpan while looking her in the eye confidently. Open enough girls and some of them would dig it.
You haven't entirely thrown off the shackles of your social conditioning, then. You simply have to learn not to give a fuck. Become comfortable with approaching any time, any where.
NeopolitanAfterglow 10y ago
I wonder which would happen first: Me getting laid, or me getting permanently banned from the club. I'd put 60:40 odds on the latter.
You're 100% right.
By the way, what is an SNL? Saturday night live? Social networking loser? The googles do nothing.
[deleted] 10y ago
same night lay.
so easy.. https://www.google.com/search?q=snl+redpill+-saturday+-skit+-obama&oq=snl+redpill+-saturday+-skit+-obama
nzgs 10y ago
Decent women don't go clubbing. Bad music, ugly women, extortionate alcohol, fat sweaty men starting fights. Clubbing is a fucking stupid culture unless your goal is to play STD roulette. Meet women through your personal activities and hobbies.
NeopolitanAfterglow 10y ago
My personal activities and hobbies are absolute sausage fests.
[deleted] 10y ago
That means you're intelligent. Unfortunate for you!
[deleted] 10y ago
Switch environment. Some cities just plain suck. You can't pursue women you're not attracted to. You can't change them, so you'd have to change yourself to be attracted to them. This is your choice. Change your soul or change your place. Men used to wander. All animal males do it. Go into the unknown.
stuckinbathroom 10y ago
Exactly this. Leave the Anglosphere entirely if you can: I recommend southeast Asia or South America.
If that's not feasible, for God's sake, GTFO of places like San Francisco, NYC, and LA: gold diggers and masculinized career harpies everywhere. Try a smaller city like Denver, Austin, or Portland. Yes, there will be SJWs and feminazis, but there are also genuinely interesting and (dare I say) feminine women, the likes of which you will not find in a big moneymaking city.
[deleted] 10y ago
stuckinbathroom 10y ago
I grew up in Bellevue, a stone's throw from Seattle! I loved it there and it will always be my home. That said, beware of bitchy hipster chicks, Tumblrina SJWs, and the like. People say it's hard to make friends there as a newcomer. I wouldn't know, but if you go to school there it will be fine (it's so ridiculously easy to make friends in school).
Very outdoorsy area, so I hope you like hiking, mountain biking, camping, climbing, rafting, rowing, etc etc. Plenty of chicks who like the same, and it keeps them (and you) in shape. Oh, that's another thing: the PNW is one of the healthiest parts of the nation. Very few land whales compared to flyover country.
Dating wise, if you like/are good with Asian girls, you're set. Difficult to plate girls immediately; they take a bit longer to warm up than girls from more cosmopolitan areas like NYC. But if your game is strong, you should have little to fear: Seattle is overrun by skinny, weak beta-ass tech workers and hipsters.
[deleted] 10y ago
stuckinbathroom 10y ago
I don't know about a girlfriend. Focus on yourself first.
[deleted] 10y ago
stuckinbathroom 10y ago
You've got the right attitude. Keep it up! Also make sure to eat right. And by "right", I mean "a lot (of good, nutritious food)". If you seriously look 14, you should bulk straight from now until the summer, at least. Lay off the junk, count your macros, etc etc.
[deleted] 10y ago
Fucking approach anxiety. I don't know what my deal is. Sometimes I can even tell that they are attracted to me, I still don't approach. I guess I can just vividly picture the approach going horribly and I associate the risk with humiliating attempts in the past. It's really the anxiety of knowing what to say. Most the time I only approach if I am really drunk, to mixed results. I have to drink myself stupid before I truly don't care how the interaction will go, and I've given myself an out because "you were too drunk, next time you won't be so drunk"
I need to just cave and use Tinder I guess.
oldredder 10y ago
no, you need to cave and really approach sober and look it. In control but made a decision to show your attraction.
THEN you won't be afraid. Otherwise this will just carry over into tinder and before you know it instead of meeting girls you'll be "escalating" (as if) over text and wondering what "good text game is" leading to another 10 rounds of shit-posts in asktrp instead of just DOING It. (and texting is only for logistics)
[deleted] 10y ago
I saved this comment to remind myself to be less of a faggot. Thanks.
oldredder 10y ago
For sure. Been there. I literally spent years documenting mistakes I made and looking at them all years later. Never felt more shame in my life than looking back at what I did and didn't understand at the time... it hurts even now to look back at such things I wrote down and wonder how I could be so clueless then. But at least years later I get it and because of the cringing I know I get it and I won't repeat those mistakes.
ErasmusOrgasmus 10y ago
If you've really defeated approach anxiety and your game is good then the obvious solution is to go looking in places where you are more likely to find girls who will be of interest to you.
Go to the library if you want to find girls who read, go to the gym if you want to find girls who are interested in fitness, join a sports club if you want to find a girl with hobbies etc.
NeopolitanAfterglow 10y ago
My game is definitely not good, and I think my approach apathy is the main reason for that.
I don't give a shit whether a woman reads, plays sports, or knits fucking glow in the dark ninja costumes in her spare time. I just want a woman who's attractive, sweet, and presents herself nicely. And so you've identified a similar problem with daygame to the one I described with nightgame: Am I supposed to pretend that I find their hobbies interesting? That I really want to hear about the books they read and how cultured and well-rounded they are? That I'm interested in their clean and jerk technique and how they're progressing toward a new PR? Because literally the only thing I could say that would be honest is "Hey, I just wanted to say that you seem like a sweet girl, and I'd love it if you let me take you out to dinner sometime."
ErasmusOrgasmus 10y ago
I didn't make it clear but I should have also said that by looking beyond clubs you are more likely to find that sweet, innocent-looking, well-dressed type of girl. It barely needs saying that such girls are not the norm in clubs, so look elsewhere. Even if you don't give a shit whether she reads or not, you're more likely to find the girl you're looking for in a book shop than in a club.
My only other suggestion is to go abroad if your circumstances allow it, even if only temporarily. I can personally recommend central / Eastern Europe where a much higher percentage of the girls match your preferences. I know this because your preferences seem to match my own, give or take.
I lived in the capital of a small central European country last year. I noticed the average girl was more attractive than in my country (UK) and they were typically of a more demure, reserved, feminine nature compared to the exhibitionist sluts we have all over the place in England. Case in point, I met a girl who wouldn't really stand out in a crowd, yet the more I looked at her as I talked to her, the more I appreciated her features: small, cute frame, nice face and genuine smile, feminine and well-dressed without the eager need to show off skin. I figured OK, she's like a 6 with a nice personality, let's see where this goes. So I plated her (albeit this was before I had discovered TRP) and although she remained true to her cute, sweet, feminine impression, when I got her naked it turns out she actually had a cracking body (7.5, maybe an 8 if petite girls are your thing) and looking back now she was probably close to the ideal sex partner. If I hadn't have had to return to my own country she would have been an LTR contender and note: she was not a unicorn in her surroundings. Having travelled a bit around the region, this type of girl was quite common. And they tend not to come with the ridiculous sense of entitlement that English and American girls carry round in their handbags.
asianmasaccount 10y ago
Eh. After reading your comments, this apathy sounds like an ego defense mechanism.
Like you gotta be young and foolish before you can be old and wise. Nobody magically jumps from no game beta to "alpha male who wants to settle down with a nice sweet girl" without playing the game first.
Look at it this way though. If you approach these girls and get your game really down, when the one you want comes you'll know exactly what to do and you will be more likely to land her.
And who knows, along the way what you want might change, and you might even have some fun.
RXRob 10y ago
If you really have zero interest in women besides getting your dick wet then you should use hookers.
They'll dress up how you ask them to, make you cum and then fuck off. No ungenuine interest needed.
NeopolitanAfterglow 10y ago
To say that I'm only interested in getting my dick wet is actually not correct either. What I really want is to find a nice, sweet girl, and make her cum like she's never cum before. To show her what it's like to ride this roller coaster. I realize that I risk sounding cocky or arrogant or something, but I really do pride myself on my sexual prowess. It's probably the one thing that I'm more skilled at than anything else in life. Making a girl cum is practically effortless for me. And to me, there's literally nothing in life more satisfying than the moment that she trembles, convulses, and screams by my hand. Getting myself off is just the icing on top of that cake.
OK, if you haven't completely turned away in disgust at my illustrations at this point, can you see what I'm saying? Me buying hookers makes as much sense as a fisherman buying frozen fish at the supermarket.
oldredder 10y ago
so... unicorn hunting? You'll need one of these
[deleted] 10y ago
If that's true, don't you already have a few plates spinning?
NeopolitanAfterglow 10y ago
No. The hard part is everything up to getting her into bed.
theshadowonthewall 10y ago
Leave out the last part. I just find other women to be fucking disgusting. You will learn AWALT. It isn't a matter of how the women look, it is just after a while you figure out AWALT. Sometimes you run into a woman who is actually interesting to talk to, but the odds of that are 1/100.
Try and find other interests, something that is meaningful.
NeopolitanAfterglow 10y ago
I'm doing fine on the interests front. I read business books, play the drums, and I'm preparing to spend a month on a remote tropical island filming a documentary. But all of this is for me. None of this contributes to my SMV in any meaningful way. None of these are topics women enjoy talking about, and frankly, I'm not interesting in talking about them either. I just enjoy doing them, not talking about them. I can spend about 60 seconds total talking to a girl about my interests but then I'm spent. I'm just not interested in what she thinks about it. I'm not interested in telling her stories to keep her entertained like I'm her babysitter. I would much prefer that she tells me stories to entertain me.
I see my interests as useful alternatives to getting laid, but certainly not a way to increase my chances of getting laid.
theshadowonthewall 10y ago
Go get a bargirl so she is the one who entertains you.
I will redefine SMV as social market value, it does a lot to improve yourself as a person.
It seems to me that you feel pressured by society to confirm or something. If you are happy who gives a shit.
Wheyman92 10y ago
I think you have it wrong. She should be telling you stories to entertain herself. This gets her to open up and let her guard down, think you are interesting because you find her stories interesting (solipsism), and takes all the pressure off of you.
Women are the ones who have amazing social skills, women are the ones who communicate, women are the ones who TRY to get something out of the man. Let her try.
It is your job to approach her, lay the foundation, and actively listen. You should not be trying to talk to her about politics or her opinion on the multitudes of abstract concepts that you would converse about with another man.
oldredder 10y ago
Good luck.
Women these days rarely have an interesting story to tell past how they got drunk & laid last night/week or dancing with the tards or some other inane nonsense. There's nothing to them. No personality, nothing unique, nothing special, all just whoring & complaining, or singing the praises of nonsense. I'd have to drop my IQ 50 points just to begin to have genuine interest.
So for now all I got is fake interest and genuine disinterest, which if polite, just comes across as being aloof which is what they want anyhow, some of the time.
BluepillProfessor 10y ago
They can tell you all about the 400 likes they got on Facebook but I bet fewer than 30% of women have even heard of ISIL- and about 10% are able to find Iraq on a map. Just try making a joke about the Suunis not being "Shiite" and they will give you a dumfounded blank stare. They can tell you about Channing Tatum or whoever the haaawt actor of the month is, however. AWALT.
runnerrun2 10y ago
What you describe is actually just another side of the same coin of approach anxiety. What happened is that when you did more approaches, you didn't get the fulfillment out of it that you were looking for. So your brain has used another mechanism at its disposal: it made the whole endeavor unappealing. I saw this happen to a friend of mine who after some unsuccelful dating decided all women were horrible cunts not worthy of his respect. "If I can't have it I don't want it" is a common play your brain makes and you are seeing the perceptual changes that it causes.
Go out with friends, have fun. Date a woman and get the fun back in. You're overstressed on being excellent and you're ignoring the part that is about connecting and feeling good. This is a toughie but my best advice is to get some friends you can relate your experiences with so you can regain perspective.
This may sound a bit harsh but there is more to approaching than just overcoming your anxiety. It is a very complex skillset. When you have acquired this skillset and you walk into a club, the women will look like yummy little bunnies. So aside from finding the fun again, focus on improving your communication skills.
oldredder 10y ago
to each their own. I'd rather pull club sluts to a motel room than date. Dating is just less sex, more time, more money and more drama. I'm not interested in anything to do with dating. I don't need these women in my life, don't want a girlfriend, just want the sex whatever way is least drama/hassle.
[deleted] 10y ago
The grocery store, man, the grocery store. Especially the vegetable aisle, and especially women by themselves.
If they're at the market, they have money to burn because good food is expensive. This means they likely have gainful employment. This means they're more likely to have a moderately respectable worldview. Food is also a great ice breaker.
Now, I don't know for certain if this will work for you, but I have to think it's one of the simplest, least threatening (for her) venues that two people can meet in. Clubs are obviously leading you astray, so I think it's time to mix it up. Like other people have said, quality women don't frequent clubs, but they DO know how to cook.
oldredder 10y ago
Some of them are just burning their boyfriend's money.
Depends. I'd still give it a shot if she looks worthwhile. On the other hand if a woman's out to do stuff and you're suddenly in her way to flirt with her, if you're not immediately attractive to her she almost certainly will feel a little threatened. A little small-talk to make it seem innocent, then the "it just happened moment" to follow is disarming without being threatening, almost as if "duh, I didn't even think you were attractive the first 5 seconds we spoke, but it just happened!" and show it in your eyes, your smile and your tone. Even act for a millisecond like you're trying to fight it (faking this, obviously, but hey, it's a thing).
From there she'll mirror/accept/seek if she's interested. If not she'll push back verbally or try to make herself busy, pretend something interesting is on her phone or whatever. Maybe politely say "nice meeting you" and move on
oldredder 10y ago
Agreed though it hasn't been as bad around where I am. Near a campus, can't be helped that some of them want to be as hot as possible and let the feminists be feminists.
neocamel 10y ago
Going to the club to find a decent girl is like going to the bookstore to buy a kangaroo. You're fishing in the wrong pond bud!
NeopolitanAfterglow 10y ago
Well, the point of the club is to simply approach women and improve my game, but the problem I've identified is that I would never naturally talk to a club whore in the same way that I would talk to a quality woman. Real women make me smile. I don't have to apply game with them because at that point I'm just expressing myself honestly.
Practicing game on bitchy sluts doesn't translate to practicing game on girls that I actually want. That's because one is an act and the other just comes naturally. You could say "then just focus on girls that you want", and that's all fine and well, but that would mean I'm making 1 or 2 approaches a month, and that's if I push myself.
koncept61 10y ago
Just don't go to clubs. I haven't asked a girl for her number in a club for 4 years
BluepillProfessor 10y ago
Yes you do use game. It is just more natural to be a man (with game) when you are with a 'real' woman (TM).
ChairBorneMGTOW 10y ago
A surprising number of former players make their way to MGTOW. That's my experience personally too. I had good success with women, but I kept trying to "shake the whore tree and expecting a wife to fall out". Soon I just realized that the investment of even a minimum amount of time wasn't worth it usually.
But yeah - a lot of MGTOW evolved that way from being successful players.
UnpluggedMaestro 10y ago
I've always been a strong proponent of day game. What's the worse that can happen? She rejects you and your life remains the same before you asked her. She's not going to be all "OK your approach failed. Call in the firing squad!". The additional benefit is that (at least for me) I find the general RMV quality higher when day-gaming compared to club-gaming, and you're going to also meet a larger variety of girls as compared to just one type in clubs.
stuckinbathroom 10y ago
Meh...I get what you're saying, but the sad truth of the matter is that the worst that can happen is actually a lot worse now than it used to be: she can call the cops on you or get you kicked out of the store/wherever you are for being "creepy".
That said, I don't disagree with your advice. Day game is a godsend for picking up quality women, as compared to club game, so long as you screen for women who are unlikely to react badly to your game and you follow rules 1 and 2 (be attractive, don't be unattractive).
TekkomanKingz 10y ago
That feeling of disgust is important and it's a modern-day man's life-preservation instinct to avoid drama and being financially fucked and emotionally sucked. Cherish it.
PeteMullersKeyboard 10y ago
You're looking in the wrong place, man. You're not going to find anybody worthwhile in a club.
iluminatiNYC 10y ago
Not everyone is a club dude. You're learning that your lane is in day game. Stay in that lane and go for the gold.
[deleted] 10y ago
dude i cant even think about women right now i am so disgusted with their shit
[deleted] 10y ago
wiseclockcounter 10y ago
whats with this presumptuous bullshit. Why would the girls be there all dressed up if they weren't worried about impressing people? That's precisely the reason they try to doll themselves up- to outdo other girls in the fight for male attention. OP isn't saying he's the center of the whole thing, he's saying he's a part of it, a willing and able participant, yet he's disenchanted with it. OP's more that likely been at this a while and has tried many places. He's no more self-centered than anyone else trying to make moves for themselves. Had your advice not been tainted with attitude, it'd still be just as useless considering "find attractive girls" is a pretty dumb response to the problem of not finding any girls attractive.
Wheyman92 10y ago
Don't know why you're getting downvoted, I agree with you. Their are plenty of times I go to areas that have predominantly white women. I never enjoy myself, they are not my type. I like ethnic girls. It is not the fault of the women at the venue that I am unable to game them because of lack of interest, it is my fault for choosing the wrong venue.
Seems OP is making himself the center of the universe.