- UPDATED: 9/5/2018; Time: The World's Most Important Commodity and cutting some bulk off the post.
Hello, I am an Asian American, male, age 23, 5'6, 160lb. It's been several years since I have started this journey. Typical bluepill background. Typical Asian upbringing. School smart but not street smart. High school was a dud and I wanted to committed suicide during my junior year. Been told I was cute before but never had the balls to do anything. Been an orbiter, emotional tampon, "best friend", the whole nine yards.
My journey started in 2013 when I discovered PUA, then to TRP, then to MGTOW, and now I'm just a guy with a mission in life with bit of knowledge and better boundaries. Went through all the stages of grief and learn to accept women and their.. special ways. They aren't meant to be men so I can't expect them to have the same values as men. Now life tends to be more.. amusing and less.. self inflicting drama. I am way less thirsty around women and no longer asking 'why' about a lot of things. Instead I now know 'why' and tend just shrug things off when they don't work out.
Below is a list of ideals I have come across on this journey, things I have struggle with, and the tools that had help me along the way. I ask you to keep an open mind and take everything with a grain of salt. Do you own research and conduct your own experiments and observations.
Note: All listed books can be purchased on the Amazon Kindle App. Save trees, save space, and read anytime, anywhere. Use Audio Narrations upgrades for times like traveling, cleaning, or working out.
- Recommend Youtube:
- Benefits Of Reading - The Improvement Pill
- 7 Ways to Maximize Misery - CGP Grey
For curious newbies:
- Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief. -Frantz Fanon
For women:
- Recommend Books:
- "Self-Made Man" by Norah Vincent
- "How to Get the Guy" by Matthew Hussey (He also has a YouTube Channel and live seminars for ladies)
The First Rule of TRP is: You Do Not Talk About TRP. The Second Rule of TRP is: You Do Not Talk About TRP.
WARNING: TRP is not a safe subject. Cue eye-rolls. The truth is hard to hear and much harder to accept. It is never popular but always a necessity. There are those who would use TRP philosophy incorrectly just like those who use religions or politics to suppress or terrorized others. Keep your mouth shut and your thoughts to yourself whenever these type of topics come up in public. Self-preservation keeps you safe and others safe. Let people think how they want to think.
Recommend Methods:
- Do not talk how 'alpha' you are or how 'beta' someone is in public. It's sad and pathetic. You wouldn't be here if you were a natural alpha. We all were betas. Be humble.
- Do not put down or insult women for not sleeping with you. They are not evil, prudes, bitches, cunts, sluts, whores, or etc because they won't help you get your dick wet. They are human too. They have the freedom of choice and numerous of men to choose from. It is just a different world for women.
- TRP is a brotherhood. For those of you who want to help our brothers who are plugged in, please keep in mind of how much you resisted swallowing the pill. Just keep an ear out when they start dropping hints. They will be ready when they will be ready. Do not force it. You can only lead a horse to water, you can't make it drink it.
- Recommend Youtube:
- Derek Sivers Keep Your Goals to Yourself - TED
A Different Perspective than the Standard Disney Dream:
Welcome to TRP. Somehow you arrived here because your method of attracting women isn’t working and you are looking for different answers. It is consider madness if you repeat the same action over and over and expect a different result. It is NOT wrong of you wanting to get better at attracting women just as it is NOT wrong of women wanting to be more attractive to men.
Recommend Methods:
- Use the Five Stages of Grief to identify your emotions and state of mind. It WILL be hard and does take a lot time to come to an acceptance of TRP perspective. It is completely normal to feel negative feelings such as anger, hate, depression, feeling lied to, exploited, ignorant, etc. What you are feeling is the change. You will breakdown. You must breakdown. Then you will rebuild yourself. We men are taught to not express our troubles or negative emotions in public view due to all sorts of backlash if we do. TRP is a safe and anonymous place where you rant your hatred, your negativity, your mistakes, and your grief in the privacy of your own home and your own mind. This is where we can get honest answers, feedback, and guidance from those who were in the similar situations. Be patience, be kind, and be grateful once you are unplugged.
- Recommend Books:
- "The Game" by Neil Strauss (This is where it all started for me. The first book. The knowledge, values, and beliefs that contradicted my own at the time.)
- "Practical Female Psychology for the Practical Male" by Joseph South, David Clare
- "The Rational Male" by Rollo Tomassi
- "The Rational Male - Preventive Medicine" by Rollo Tomassi
- "The Rational Male - Positive Masculinity" by Rollo Tomassi
Traditional Male Roles in Modern Times?
Be on guard with your traditional male role. There are plenty of people willing to take advantage of it. Men roles and women roles are being questioned and everybody is confused. Mother nature will always be the invisible government of the land. However, mankind's 'laws' are always changing, for better or worse. Men, please do some research for your legal rights (or lack of in some areas). Remember, women have the potential to use men as successful objects just as men have the potential to exploit women as sex objects.
How unhappy and trapped males look like when taken advantage of or being used:
- Provider/ATM - Guys who used for their resources and receive nothing in return.
- Best friend/Emotional tampon/Orbiter/White knight - Guys who listen to a girl's problems, are always hanging around them, and defend their honor in hopes of getting laid.
- Marriage/Divorce Raped - Guys that their wives got tired of and lost everything in a divorce.
- Kids/Child Support - Guys that have children they are required to pay for. Sometimes the child might not even be their genetic offspring.
Recommend Book:
- "Men on Strike" by Helen Smith
- "The Manipulated Man" by Esther Vilar
Recommend subreddits:
- MensRights
- PussyPass
- PussyPassDenied
- Childfree
- RaisedbyNarcissists
- Recommend Youtube:
- "The Red Pill Documentary" by Cassie Jaye
- Tom Leykis -Time Travel Radio
- The Tasteless Gentlemen
- Why Engagement Rings Are a Scam - Adam Ruin Everything
- Why Weddings Are a Total Ripoff - Adam Ruin Everything
- Divorce Corp Documentary
- Dr. Helen Smith PhD - Men and Women are from Earth
- The Ideal Man? One's Woman's 43-Point List Stuns Steve Harvey
- The Horrors of Children - The School of Life
Are You a “Nice Guy”?
Cross-examine your behaviors by heading over to the ‘niceguys’ subreddit to see examples. Learn the difference between infatuation and love. There is also a 'nicegirls' subreddit too.
Recommend Methods:
- Don't ever give favors or gifts for women and expect sex in return. You WILL become passive aggressive when you are disappointed. Women are not stupid. They can smell a guy's agenda or ulterior motives a mile away. Always be upfront with what you want and always be willing to leave or show anyone the door when it doesn't work out.
Recommend Book:
- "No More Mr. Nice Guy" by Robert Glover
Recommend subreddit:
- Neckbeardstories
- niceguys
- nicegirls
- Recommend Blog
- "Love or Infatuation? How To Tell The Difference" by Nancy Van Pelt
Relationships & the Human's Need to Love
Educate yourself about relationships. A lot of relationships fail because one or both parties are not educated about the other sex and/or their own needs and boundaries. Ask yourself honestly and deeply why you want to be in a relationship. You should NEVER depend on one person to fulfill your EVERY single need. Don't put all your eggs in one basket for love, emotional support, loyalty, and etc. Diversify your love between all of your family, friends, coworkers, mentors, etc. Learning to not 'own' another person and be whole and happy on your own is having an abundance mentality. She is NOT yours, it is just your turn.
Nothing last forever, even stars die. -Neil deGeneres Tyson
Recommend Book:
- "Men Are Like Waffles — Women Are Like Spaghetti" by Bill and Pam Farrell
Recommend subreddit:
- Relationships (Scary stories)
- Relationship_Advice (More scary stories)
Recommend Youtube:
- How Romanticism Ruin Love - The School of Life
- Reasons to Remain Single - The School of Life
- 'Mark Gungor Tale of Two Brains Full'
- Recommend blog:
- blog.kareldonk.com - Featured Topic - Love
Frame Control & Personal Boundaries
This is a way to control your reptilian brain or 'reactive' side. Reacting is instinctual. Responding is a conscious choice. When something happens, our body is going to react automatically regardless. The trick is to become aware of this initial reaction, resist doing anything, involve your higher intelligence by considering options, possible ramifications, who you want to be, and what is going to be in your best interest, and, then, choose how to respond.
Man is affected, not by events, but by his view he takes of them. -Epictetus
Recommend Method:
- Stoicism is a great philosophy to adapt.
- You are the CEO of YOUR life. Learn to make decisions for yourself and lead. You are the captain. Let the other person(s) decide if they want to follow. You choose who stays and who goes. Anyone toxic, can include family and friends, need to be let go. All relationships are give and take. Keeping scores in your head is fine but don't get obsess with it. You are the average of the five people you spent your most time with. Crabs in a barrel mentality is an easy red flag.
- Practice saying 'no' out loud with confident and conviction. Learn to say 'sorry' less and only when it is absolutely necessary. Take your time talking. Don't rush things and don't let anyone rush you. Be content during those silent pauses. Gather your thoughts Pick your battles wisely. You can never change a person's world view overnight. Walk away if needed.
- Stay amused. Have a play and/or flirty tone when teasing. It's banter and it's supposed to be fun. Test yourself 'being mean' cautiously. Don't backpetal whenever possible. Never get into a fight with or over a women. You automatically lost frame.
- Imagery training. I have a rather good imagination and tend to play devil advocate with myself. I "test" myself against scenarios with my ideal oneities, bitches, AMOG, betas, white knights, femnazi, and etc. You can do it anytime but you must envision REALISTIC solutions. It teaches you where your state of mind is and how much control you have over your emotions and reactions.
Recommend Books:
- "Extreme Ownership" by Jocko Willink
- "The Undefeated Mind" by Alex Lickerman
- "A Guide to the Good Life, The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy" by William B. Irvine
- "Emotional Intelligence 2.0" by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves
- "Verbal Judo" by George Thompson PhD
- "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene
- "What Women Want When They Test Men" by Bruce Bryans
- Recommend Youtube
- Kezia On Bitch Shields Part 1,2,3 - Richard LaRuina
Sexy Times in Bed
Wanting sex is NORMAL for humans. Repeat: Wanting sex is NORMAL for humans. It is a built-in nature for all lifeforms to have sex and reproduce. Just learn to control your biological sexual urges so it doesn't control you. STOP being so thirsty. Sex is great and all but it's not the one thing in this world you should strive for. Your value as a man is not defined by the quantity or quality of women you can bring to bed. Ask yourself honestly and deeply why you want sex.
Destroy the sex glands, whether in man or beast, and you have removed the major source of action. For proof of this, observe what happens to any animal after it has been castrated. A bull becomes as docile as a cow after it has been altered sexually. Sex alteration takes out of the male, whether man or beast, all the FIGHT that was in him -Napoleon Hill
Recommend Methods:
- Quit using porn and fapping. Practice semen retention. The urge of sex is one of and the MOST POWERFUL driving force of man. You are wasting your drive for fake pixels. (by far one of the hardest thing for me to achieve.)
- Use a condom and wash it out after. Sperm-jackers are real.
- Don't EVER have sex with a drunk girl. You are just asking for a rape accusation.
- For proof of consent: Take selfies throughout the night and save a screenshot of a "Awesome night" text and her reply after a night of sex and upload it to the cloud like Google Drive. Invest in a dash cam or home security cameras.
- Don't EVER 'date' coworkers/clients. You are risking your income/job. Don't shit where you eat.
- I used to suffer from premature ejaculation. To last longer, I started doing Kegal exercises and invest in a Fleshlight. Tips I have learned is to use a stopwatch to keep track of time (try to go for 30 mins) and a playlist of sexy songs (YouTube: THE BEDROOM PLAYLIST PT. II R&B/SOUL) to get a sense of a slow thrust rhythm, breathing pace down, mix up body positions, and fingering and licking simultaneously.
- Check/increase your testosterone levels. Google the benefits. EverlyWell has a home test kit for testosterone.
Recommend Books:
- "Your Brain On Porn" by Gary Wilson
- "The Sex God Method" by Daniel Rose
- "Sexual Intelligence" by Marty Klein
- "Cupid's Poisoned Arrow" by Marnia Robinson
Recommend subreddits:
- NoFap
- Recommend Youtube:
- The Science of Pornography Addiction - AsapScience
- Why The Members Of NoFap Become Successful - The Improvement Pill
Know Thyself
You have to know how you see yourself, your thinking process, and how you perceive the world around you. Your thoughts are your reality.
Recommend Method:
- Google "MBTI Test" to find out how you think. We aren't all meant to be social butterflies. (I have INTP personality, which is 3% of the population. Really helped me out to accept that I think and see things differently from the majority.)
Recommend Websites:
- 16personalities, 23andme, EverlyWell.
Recommend Youtube:
- "An Instruction Manual To Oneself" - The School of Life
- Recommend Book:
- "The Spiritual Awakening Process" by Mateo Sol and Aletheia Luna
- "Old Souls" by Aletheia Luna
A Man's Mission In Life & Being Selfish
The most important of concept of TRP is converting your belief from making 'women' being the center of your universe to make 'yourself' the center of your universe. A man's mission should be his MAIN source of happiness. To self-improve is to self-invest which requires you to have self-discipline, learn to love yourself, and put your needs first. An easy concept for self-love is to love and treat yourself like you would love the women of your dreams. Being selfish and putting yourself first is hard for most men to grasp. It is because we have been taught all of our life to self-sacrifice for the greater good of others. Follow your efforts, not your passion. You learn the skills you need in life by searching for it.
Recommend Blog
- "So She Dump You?... Become A Selfish King" - selfishkings.com
Recommend Youtube:
- Success at School vs Success in Life - The School of Life
- Wake Up Early|End Laziness|Motivational Speech Compilation - daily Motivation (I downloaded this and listen to it every morning and when I am working out)
- Recommend Book:
- "Live Your Truth" by Kamal Ravikant
- "Love Yourself Like Your Life Depend On It" by Kamal Ravikant
Time: The World's Most Important Commodity
Time is your MOST valuable and limited resource. The average free time for an adult can range from 4-5 hours per day.
Recommend Methods:
- Make or buy an Unplug Box (It's a box to put your smartphone away for less distraction.)
- Change your smartphone screen to grayscale to reduce addiction.
- Eliminate/reduce timewaster like: video games, TV shows, Netflix marathons, porn, etc.
- Reduced all of your electronic devices with screens down to one or two.
- Try to keep your phone to just a communication device as much as possible. Don't be connected 24/7. Disable/silent notifications off your apps.
- Delete all of your personal social media. You can start slowly by limiting your friends to under 100 count and set it to private. Eliminate people who you don't know, never talk to anymore, are toxic, or their posts are just drama. Unlike and unfollow everyone to have a empty feed.
Recommend App:
- Quality Time (Keep tracks of your cellphone usage per app)
Recommend Youtube:
- How Is Your Phone Changing You? - AsapSCIENCE
- How To Stop Procrastinating - The Improvement Pill
- Delete Social Media Dr. Cal Newport
- Recommend subreddits:
- StopGaming
- NoSurf
Making It Rain Money
I don't know why this wasn't taught in school. It's pretty much the one skill you NEED to have. Maybe it was to keep us ignorant so we could be debt/consumer slaves.
The things you own end up owning you. -Tyler Durden.
Recommend Methods:
- Make paying off all your debt one of your top priorities.
- To use a credit card correctly is by having zero balance at the end of every month.
- Reduce or eliminate non-essential bills like Netflix, magazine subscriptions, cable/satellite TV packages, etc.
- Start an emergency fund and saving fund. Keep it in a separate bank or safety deposit box so you won't be tempted. Start at 5-10% of your paycheck once a month. Do a separate allotment/transfer so you would never see the money to be tempted.
- Give yourself 24 hours when wanting to buy something that is non-essential. You don't need the latest gadget or toy. You live well before without it.
- SeedInvest.com - investment opportunities
- Get a passport and Global Entry (USA) or something similar to get through customs faster. This document opens the world to you. There are so much women, work opportunities, new experiences waiting for you all over the world. It is an essential key to develop more of yourself and get you out of your comfort zone.
Recommend Youtube:
- Exploring Alternative
- Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things
- Daniel Norris The Millionaire Pitcher that Lives in a Van
Recommend Book:
- "The Total Money Makeover" by David Ramsey
- "The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas J. Stanley Ph.D."
- "Essentialism" by Greg McKeown
Recommend subreddit:
- Zerowaste
- Vandwellers
- Tinyhouses
- Personalfinance
- Frugal
Recommend App:
- Mint: Personal Finance @ Money (great for knowing your Net Worth, Debt, and Credit Score)
- Recommend Product:
- Turbo Tax (Easiest way to do your taxes and receive a refund.)
Your Man Cave
Your living space is a reflection of your state of mind. It is every human personal responsibility to be self-efficient and self-reliant.
Recommend Methods:
- Make your bed every morning.
- Wash your dishes/pans immediately after you use them.
- Vacuum carpet, mop/sweep floor, dust/wipe down furnitures and bathroom, do laundry, take out trash, and air out the place at least once a week.
- Having less stuff mean less cleaning to do.
- If you have a car, get it a cleaning detailed once a year. It would feel like new again.
- Recommend Book:
- "Adulting How to Become a Grown-up" by Kelly Williams Brown
Eating Like a Caveman
Eat healthy is life skill you NEED TO HAVE. It is the first and most ESSENTIAL part of your SMV. This is a very important investment you can ever make.
Recommend Method:
- Invest in a slow cooker.
- Self-experiment with Intermittent Fasting and Keto.
- StillTasty.com - Your Ultimate Shelf Life Guide. Should help with grocery shopping and avoid spoiled food.
- Buy reusable tupperware and a lunch bag. This should encourage you to not eat out often and cook more. Plus you can show off your dishes.
- Drink only water. Avoid sodas and other sugary drinks. Place a reusable water bottle in plain sight at your work area to help remind you to drink.
- Lessen your exposure to mind/body alternating substances like tobacco, alcohol (I limit myself to 3 drinks when I go out), drugs, and caffeinated drinks.
Recommend Book:
- "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success" by Maria Emmerich and Craig Emmerich
- "The Complete Guide to Fasting" by Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore
Recommend Youtube:
- The Ketogenic Diet Explain - PictureFit
- Keto and Intermittent Fasting - Dr. Eric Berg DC
- Tastemade or other cooking channels
- Addiction - Kurzgesagt In A Nutshell
- Recommend Subreddit:
- keto
- intermittentfasting
- fatpeoplestories
- stopdrinking
- stopsmoking
Cold Showers, Hygiene, & Manscaping
Recommend Methods:
- Take daily cold showers for 5 minutes. Listen to the excuses your mind makes up. This can really help with your control over your emotions.
- Teeth whiting. A smile can be improved greatly with white teeth. Takes about a month or two using a store brand.
- If you can't grow and/or maintain maintenance a beard, shave. (Don't be a neckbeard or have a pedo-stashe).
- Learn to pick and trim your eyebrows, ear hair, nose hair, chest hair, back hair, and pubic hair.
- Have a hair style that doesn't required a lot of maintenance. Buzzed, short, shaved haircuts gives you a clean look. Do a Google image search for your ideal men haircut, print it, and bring it to the barber.
Recommend subreddit:
- NoPoo (No Shampoo).
Recommend Youtube:
- Benefits of Cold Showers Comfort Zone Killer- The Improvement Pill
- Manscaping - Alpha M.
- Recommend Book:
- "The Way of the Iceman" by Wim Hof and Koen de Jong
Sleeping Like the Dead
Recommend Methods:
- 7-8 hours of sleep time for the average adult.
- Stop looking at digital screens an hour prior to your bedtime.
- Darken your room as much as possible.
- Sleep naked and also on hard surface (floor, flat bed frame). It could help with neck and back pain and improve better posture.
Recommend Apps:
- Bluelight Filter for your phone
- f.lux for all your computers
Recommend Product:
- LightDims Stickers 5.99$
- Blackout Curtains or Sleeping Mask
- Weighted Blanket
- Recommend Youtube:
- What If You Stopped Sleeping? -AsapSCIENCE
- Sleeping On Floor Is Better Than Mattress -motivationaldoc
Nature & the Great Outdoors
Go outside more often and be surround by nature. It's one of the few healthy things you can do for FREE.
Recommend Methods:
- Vitamin D from the sun (tanning or running shirtless). Improve energy, mood, and appearance.
Recommend Book:
- "Earthing" by Clinton Ober, Martin Zucker, and Stephen Sinatra
Recommend subreddit:
- Barefoot
- Recommend Youtube:
- What If You Stopped Going Outside? -AsapSCIENCE
- Earthing Documentary
No More BluePill Music
Take some time to go through your music collection. Many studies have shown that the type of music or songs that you listen to can have an affect your subconscious or belief/value system. I love music but I get so irritated now with songs that have lyrics like 'waiting for a girl' or 'she is the perfect one', or 'how can I live without her.' Makes me want to gagged and/or cringe.*
Give Me Masculinity or Give Me Death.
Every man should be proud to be a MAN. Society today has drastically demonized the word masculinity. Take pride in yourself and in your manhood. Say to yourself "I am proud to be a man".
- Recommend Methods:
- Find some men space. Look, every man need some guy time, away from the women. You need some good brothers to be by your side and can relate to. Take up martial arts, join local sport team, bowling league, golf, pool billard, poker night, sports bar, shooting range, hold a guys night, etc.
- The Art of Manliness. This website gives you a wide variety of little hobbies, manners, and skills that are consider manly. A lot of us didn't have a male role model to teach us these things like how to tie a tie, change a tire, smoke a cigar, etc. This gives you more things to develop your own definition of being a man and personality.
Men's Fashion & Style
Learn the basics of men's fashion & style and apply it to your wardrobe. It's like a video game, increase attractiveness +5. Once you have the basic down, get rid of all unnecessary clothes so you can look stylish all the time. Understand that generally "men" don't care what men wear but "women" do because a woman's SMV is mostly based on her looks. Women invested and max out their looks to gain the attention of high-value men. They compare themselves to other women and thus how their man look too. Remember, your clothes convey non-verbally who you are. If you want to be the guy that girls want to fuck, you got to at least look like the part.
Recommend Book:
- "Dress like a Man, A Style Guide for Practical Men" by Antonio Centeno
Recommend Youtube:
- "The Try Guys Get Style Makeovers" - Buzzfeedvideos
Recommend Services:
- A personal one-on-one stylist, or an online services like Bombfell or Truck Club.
- Recommend subreddit:
- menfashionadvice
Iron Doesn't Lie
Getting in shape. If there was ever a first step to attracting women, this is it. Starting now is the best time to do it. I was a skinny 130lb in high school. Now I'm 160lb and been call "bigger" and "muscular" which is a confident booster.
Recommend Methods:
- Lifting (Duhhhh). My personal goal is to join the 1000lb Club. (Your max benchpress + max squat + max deadlift =1000lb)
- Walk or run, it's FREE to do anywhere, anytime. You can also bike commute to work.
- Consider getting a standing desk for the office.
- Designate a time and place to work out. Your daily time resource is 24 hours everyday so use at least one hour to workout. Try to not use your home as a gym. It has too many distractions. Your home is a place of relaxation.
- Find a workout buddy or personal trainer that who knows what they are doing. I needed help to stay motivated and be committed to the workout program for the first few months. I was dragged kicking and screaming along the way until I learn to shut up and stop wasting energy complaining.
- Document your progress by taking body pics once a month and writing down your weight and reps.
Recommend Book:
- "The Swoly Bible" by Dom Mazzetii
Recommend App:
- Symmetric Strength
Recommend Website:
- Labdoor.com - A website where they tested, review, and rated all supplements.
Recommend subeddit:
- Fitness
- Bikecommuting
Recommend Programs:
- StrongLifts 5x5 Workout Program (stronglifts.com/5x5/)
- Jim Stoppani's 12-Week Shortcut to Size ebook
- Recommend YouTube:
- Gym Stereotypes - Dude Perfect
Talking And Body Language
Improve your speech/voice and recognize facial/body language. The percentage of types of human communication are consist of: 55% are body movements and facial expression, 38% are voice tone, volume, and pauses, and 7% are words. This is to help you see the subtle signals of attraction or the need to back off.
- Recommend Methods:
- Watch your favorite shows/movies on silent. Look at the actor's facial expression and body movements.
- Stand tall by using the pencil posture test and fix your forward neck or round shoulders by using the 'hang by your teeth' technique.
- Use a computer stand to level your screen higher for a better sitting posture.
- Place a pen in your mouth and start reading out loud. You should be able to pronounce every syllables, talk slower, take breaths and pauses, and get rid of 'umms' and 'uhh'.
- Record yourself reading out loud. To focus on your tone and volume, place your recording device at different distances away from you. This should give you the idea of how loud and clearly you must be speak in order for the person to hear you. You should also listen to pitch of your voice and make sure it stay low.
- Practicing maintaining eye contact by looking in the mirror.
- Learn to sing. For some reason, singing tend to bring people together. When you and another person know the lyrics to a song, it's really cool feeling. Great for singing during car rides and karaoke nights. Take a few singing lessons from a tutor to learn breathing and pitch.
- Learn how to storytell. Our stories are who we are. Share the jokes, the 'what the fuck' events, the scary adventures and your brainfart moments. You have to 'describe' more than necessary to have her 'live' in the moment.
Recommend Books:
- "How to talk to Anyone, 92 Tricks" by Leil Lowndes
- "What Every Body is Saying" Joe Navarro
- Recommend Youtube:
- Body Language - Howcast
- Any video for practicing eye contact on YouTube.
- What Actually Makes a Man Attractive? - BuzzFeedVideo
Texting 101
Try to keep texting, emails, and any online messenger for logistics. It is a very inefficient tool to use for flirting.
Recommend Methods:
- Text with the PURPOSE of meeting up/making plans. Don't text just for the sake of texting. (Like asking how was her day was or what your goals in life are.) Save that for when you are together in person.
- No wall text, no double texting, and write out your texts in compete words, sentences, and correct grammar.
- Use 'statements' formats more often than 'questions' format. (Example: Instead of asking her if she is free, tell her a time, location, and activity of what you will be doing together. Take the lead and assume attraction.)
- Do not drunk text or send nudes. (She got enough dick pics from other guys)
- Make a phone call every once in awhile. Show that you got some balls.
- Easy 'nexting' tells: If she responds back to reschedule, she is into you. However, if she 'stalls' without rescheduling, she is not into you. 2-3 strikes and she's out.
- KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)
- Recommend Youtube:
- How to Text a Girl - sWooZie
- Texting - Based Zeus
The Art of Seduction
Learning seduction or just basic female interaction. THIS is only when you are at a healthy mindset, have good habits formed, and basically got your shit together. PUA without TRP is basically bluepill mindset but redpill acting.
Recommend Methods:
- Make sure your logistics are in order before going anywhere, anytime. You will never know when the next opportunity will arise. Transportation? Check. Bedroom clean? Check. Condoms? Check.
- You must LEAD at all times. IT IS YOUR responsibility to make the FIRST move and every move after that.
- 3 second rule: When you see an attractive women, don't think, approach. This gives your brain no time to develop any excuses. Don't restrain yourself to just weekends or night venues. Women are everywhere.
- ACCEPT REJECTIONS GRACEFULLY. You CAN'T attract/have sex with every attractive woman you see. There are too many factors to why a woman rejects you. Just say 'thank you for your time' and move on.
- For first few outing keep it: fun, casual, interactive, cheap/free, kino friendly, and low pressure. Never start off with a dinner or movie. Get ice cream cones, bowling, arcade, laser tag, a walk around a park, putt putt golf, hiking, swimming at beach/pool, board games, and etc.
- Topics to avoid: religion and politics.
- Topics to use: music, movies/tv shows, food you love/hate, adventures, places you have been, happy childhood memories, scary stories, jokes, people watching, the surrounding environment, etc.
- Don't be afraid to touch her! Sit next to her, hold her hand, high fives, hugs, fist bumps, make her twirl, hand slapping game, and etc.
- Kino map: Shoulder -> upper arm -> wrist -> hands.
- When going for the kiss, make sure to isolate her from the public view or from people she knows. A person's public reputation can greatly differs from their private desires.
- Keep a little fun sexual tension alive. Use sexual innuendos. Wink, slowly bite lower half of lips, slowly lick top half of lips, smirk, grab/slap her ass playfully, and etc.
- Push and Pull during the interaction. You're not sprinting to the finish line. Escalate and rest on your terms. Give her room to chase. Think it like baking a cake.
Recommend Method:
- Take a PUA Bootcamp to have a coach in the field to give your honest feedback. Asian guys: ABCs of Attraction.
Recommend Books:
- "The Manual What Women Want" by W. Anton
- "Models: Attraction through Honesty" by Mark Manson
Recommend subreddit:
- seduction
- socialskills
- Recommend Youtube:
Richard LaRuina Videos:
- Day Game vs Night Game, The Key Differences
- Night Game Masterclass Part 1 & 2
- High Status Night Game Body Language
- Kino Escalation Tips
- Howcast Videos:
- Attraction Body Language
- How to Kiss
- How to Remove a Bra
- How to Undo her Bra with One Hand
Dancing The Night Away
Learn to dance as if no one is watching. Great for getting out of your comfort zone.
Recommend Method:
- There are two types of dancing style. Individual and partner. Take beginner classes for both. Partner dancing can help with being comfortable touching the opposite sex and leading. Individual dancing can help with being comfortable with your own individual movements.
Type of dance/Venues:
- Salsa/Latin Night
- Country Two Step/Country Bar
- Shuffling & Tutting/Raves
- Popping & Locking/Hip hop Club
- Recommend Youtube:
- Dance - Howcast
- Will Dancing Get You Laid? - AsapSCIENCE
- Energy Concept - ItsMRich
- How to - STEEZY
Final Words:
Don't take life too seriously. We live in a very fucked up world. Somewhere, someone else has it worse than you. You were at the bottom but now know the way up. Work hard but do enjoy the little moments and achievements. Laugh at your mistakes and look at how far you had come. Don't compare your life to others or how perfect it 'should' to be. Success in life is when you can smile and say 'yeah, that was fun'.
The life of every individual, viewed as a whole and in general, and when only its most significant features are emphasized, is really a tragedy; but gone through in detail it has the character of a comedy. - Arthur Schopenhauer
- Recommend Youtube:
- The Philosophy of Rick and Morty - Wisecrack
- The Lottery of Life - The School of Life
FireFoxImr 8y ago
This is an amazing post, you have my respect for that.
[deleted] 8y ago
Thank you. I appreciate it.
TryHardDaily 8y ago
I disagree with the get more sleep part somewhat. Sleep is definitely important but sleeping in 90 minute intervals is almost more important than just sleeping a lot. I work two jobs atm, one is 40 hours/week and 1 is just a side job that I do online for a little extra cash, and I time my sleep based on when I go to bed, either I get 7.5 hours or 6.
sjkevinlee 8y ago
I feel bad about myself for not taking proper care. Thank you OP, for sharing your wisdom
[deleted] 8y ago
[deleted] 8y ago
Thanks. A lot has change since the initial post but I am happy to know that at least one person is looking at this post from time to time.
aprettycoolviking 8y ago
I don't know how to thank you for taking the time to write this.
furyzen1 8y ago
New on TRP. this is one of the most ellaborate posts I've seen. Really helpful.
[deleted] 8y ago
Most of the points were good but that Joker quote was just cringe.
aliensarehere 8y ago
Tom Leykis has a website. His live shows begin at 3PM Pac/ 6PM Est
JesusTheCridge 8y ago
I know I'm reading an old post but you have some great advice and general reminders that I can always improve my life. Thank you man
smggs 8y ago
RemindMe! 1 day "read again"
angryomlette 8y ago
Thank you. I needed these to relearn redpill and get over anger phase.
ouroborus_ 8y ago
What you said about music is spot on. I get shit constantly for listening to "angry" music i.e. death and black metal but it's masculine as fuck, intellectually stimulating and keeps me alert.
Los_olvidados 8y ago
"Personal hygiene Caveman Style habits"
So i am trying the no soap/shampoo thingy, this week has only been hot/cold water for me. So far i don't feel anything, i will ask someone to smell because i need to know if i smell terrible :s When i went to the nopoo sub red, i see that a lot of people are using "special types of shampoo and oils". Should i also look into that? Not only i became interested in this because i want that manly smell but also because i want to save money, and buying special handmade products are expensive af.
[deleted] 8y ago
It's only been a week. Have you notice any difference in your hair, scalp, or skin? Are they less dry? Less skin irritation like pimples or oily? It takes about a month to see some changes. Well the shampoo and oil is for people who have issue with dry scalp or dandruff or etc. If you don't have any issues, you can just stick with water. The natural shampoo and oils can be relative cheap if you look in the right places. Oils can be found in stories for about 5$.
Los_olvidados 8y ago
I haven't notice any difference in my skin, just that my hair just feels flat, i have long hair. I will wait a few more weeks :3
[deleted] 8y ago
First of all, I must say that this is a truly comprehensive list and I'm astonished to see such a young dude so determined and red pill aware! I'm a man in my forties and are now in the midst of finding out about these things myself. That doesn't mean that I didn't knew how to take a shower and neither that I haven't had any girlfriends in the past. Just that many of the principles outlined here was not in my conciousness.
Two things strike me when I read through all this (thanks for your submission by the way!). The first is that its impressive for such a young dude to have such knowledge and awareness about whats attracting the opposite sex. The second that this is written by a person who have taken things a little too far :) Don't get me wrong, most if not all you write is good knowledge and excellent principles. But if you look at it all and consider your young age, I get an impression of a guy who study too hard to learn some principles and does too little to just being a MAN.
All are good principles and things which can highten your status and inner peace, karma and personal power, but if you try too hard, you might end up like a parrot or a robot and in the end not even apply the things you try so hard to make an integral part of your personality.
We learn alot about alpha and beta males in the manosphere, what constitutes the one from the other etc. And something we hear alot is that alpha just don't care. That some of the things women are actualy attracted to, is the "I don't give a fuck" attitude many men have about life, responsibilities and life. Should we all "just don't care" then? I believe not. But as I mention above, I believe we can try too hard to be the "perfect picture" of a real man and on the way to succeed we might loose ourselves and end up not acomplishing out goal. We end up as beta males with alpha looks and characteristics but our internal belief system and our impression about ourselves, is still beta and one which is not completed and fulfilled.
I read some of the comments in this thread and most of them is in regard to "how to shower properly". Is this how we become more Men? I guess my point here is, do it and try hard, but take a break and relax. And enjoy being who you are :)
[deleted] 8y ago
Condoms are absolutely not meant to be flushed down the toilet. Jesus Christ.
[deleted] 8y ago
First, what would you do if someone decide to spermjack your used condom? Second, I doubt Jesus know what a condom is. Sex outside of marriage is forbidden in the Catholic religion. Third, have you seen the amount of garbage we human have produce? We have islands made of trash float in the oceans. Fourth, you just gave me an idea, biodegradable condoms. Going green with safe sex. XD
[deleted] 8y ago
Call me crazy but my advice would be "don't have sex with people you haven't first gotten to know and can trust not to steal your sperm" but maybe I haven't taken the right pills
[deleted] 8y ago
Well their are wives/girlfriends who decide to get off their birth control pills or poke holes in condoms and hope to have an 'accident'. The issue is to have guys take full responsibility of their reproduction system. Do not depend on anyone else.
[deleted] 8y ago
Or just don't sleep with people who you're not ok with possibly having a kid with? Condoms do fail you know.
[deleted] 8y ago
The whole point of condoms is give the ability to sleep with people and not have kids or STDs.
[deleted] 8y ago
The whole point of condoms is to give the ability to sleep with people and REDUCE THE RISK of having kids or STDs. I mean not to belabor the blindingly obvious or anything.
dyel24 8y ago
Thank you so much for this post! I wanted to start but i didn't have a reference or how to do it.
NotJakeKwon 8y ago
Saved partway through. The grammar mistakes here and there were a little unnerving, but message was still loud and clear. I'd upvote twice.
I am willing to fix the typos and send a copy tomorrow.
BenOfMahogany 8y ago
I gotta wonder, why / r / childfree ?
Seems like a bunch of post-wall women using comedy to make up for the hole in their lives from not having a child.
[deleted] 8y ago
Well there are men in that sub too. All humans have holes in them. We tend to fill it with money, status, or other humans such as mates or having a family. At childfree, alot of people, both men and women, don't want their life to be defined by having a successful family. They see the hardship, the amount of time, and huge responsible to shoulder another human life. Just as some men don't want to be a human atm, there are some women who don't want to be a human incabator. It's all up the individual of what they want out of life.
vsimak 8y ago
Take an ayahuasca journey. Go to a Vipassana retreat.
Break into the silence.
JKossuth 8y ago
Damn, I did this on my own without even needing a guide. Go ME! Ok, I don't agree with alienating women quite so much, but I am picky and hold them to a higher standard than many. When they squirm and start to preach their lady power bullshit that is really just excuses, I pwn them.
Wilreadit 8y ago
Bro, this is one of the best posts to hit RP any time soon.
Most men are posting their own pity shit and ranting and whining all the time, without providing stop gaps.
And then you come and post this nice little curated post. Awesome work. Great job.
[deleted] 8y ago
Excellent formatting on this, lots and lots of reading material.
Benny757 8y ago
Out fucking standing. Printing this one off to have for future reference and study.
BlacknOrangeZ 8y ago
I'm just passing through. Only slightly familiar with TRP.
One thing that struck me is the aversion to marriage and children. It seems to me that an early vasectomy is about the most "beta" thing a dude can do in a biologically evolutionary sense, and I was under the impression that TRP philosophy is largely founded in exactly that.
You're killing your genes. You're genetically neutering yourself. You're voluntarily preventing any hope of descendants.
I can understand the negativity around marriage, given its adoption by feminised government laws and courts as a tool of manipulation and control, so ignore that for the moment, but I always imagined that fathering offspring would be one of the core objectives of such an ideology. Back on marriage, it would also seem to me that an objective would be to land and secure the highest possible value woman that one is capable of, and to provide the security and prosperity for her for the remainder of your lives in return for loyalty, love, and the bearing of many children.
To put that in practical terms, I don't consider the single, childless 50 year old dude still trying to lay random chicks at the bar an "alpha". I find that quite sad. I look far more favourably upon the 50 year old man with a doting wife living an upper middle class lifestyle, with high-achieving children perhaps looking forward to celebrating their children's marriages and welcoming grandchildren.
Am I wrong in my assumption of TRP's view on reproduction? Is my view on marriage irreconcilable with TRP?
[deleted] 8y ago
My post on vasectomy is not based on the TRP's philosophy. It was based from the subreddit Childfree and MGTOW. My post is for people to explore their belief and values. To pick and choose the tools I used. To rethink what they want to achieve and believe in.
While I would love to have that dream you mention, my opinion is that there is a lot of factors to achieve that dream. Factors like a loyal supporting wife that will not leave you, raising children right and hoping they turn out right, the economy, the career field, your job stability, you life expectancy and health, etc.
There are many debates of the end game of what is being 'alpha' is. George Clooney is 55 year old, has a most successful career field, marriage in trouble, no kids. Johnny Depp, age 53, 1 kid, married twice, going to another divorce and being accused of violence. If these successful male with great career field can't make it work with their wives and kids, what are the chances you can? The only person that I am still rooting for is Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. There is a picture perfect family. Both successful and caring about their kids.
What I am trying to say is your chances are slim. It's possible and there are those who have done it but you have to be willing to face factors that are out of your control. Is the life partner you choose is willing to stand with you all the way through hell? A lot aren't and it doesn't mean they are horrible people. It's just how life is.
[deleted] 8y ago
A few points since I finally took the time to read all of this.
Debt is something you take on that you can't afford. Loans are something you can.
When you're signing up for a loan, it's an honesty check- you're either lying to the bank or yourself- about your ability to pay. Now, sometimes there is a perfectly good reason to take a loan over paying in full- having your money now is more important, even if it translates to paying more over the term of the loan- but in broad terms you should never sign up for a loan you couldn't pay down immediately.
Loans aren't bad. Liars are bad. No one likes a liar, and your credit score is a good indicator of how honest you are. And if your response is, "well I didn't know I'd lose my job in four months!" then you're just a delusional idiot who can't plan, which is arguably worse than a liar.
There's a certain vanity to not wanting to cook, but being perfectly willing to throw money at whatever joint you buy something from. Whether it's a subway, pad thai, burritos, burgers, chicken, whatever, you can do it cheaper at home, and usually in roughly the same amount of time. No one's asking you to make crown rack of lamb or a baked Alaska or flambe, but you should be able to make something like pulled pork or a good seafood pasta. Fast food is what you eat when you're new in town or living out of a hotel and don't have much of a choice.
Plus being able to make a good home cooked meal is an excellent test for anyone you'd consider LTR material. A woman who's just prostituting herself to you in return for expensive meals out and nice things isn't going to have a lot of patience for thrift minded home cooked meals. Similarly, being able to cook is a sort of dog whistle for women who actually want someone who's a frugal, self sufficient adult. You're not a teenager anymore, stop living out of the freezer.
Nofap is a bunch of nonsense, but it's perfectly necessary in a society where it's 'normal' to beat it once a day. Testimonials from people who'd have you believe they started shitting gold once they gave up the habit should really tell you something. Once a week would be on the extreme end- relative to a plausible goal that should be something like once every other week to once a month- but quitting these adult subjects is completely pointless if you're not willing to fill the gap with something else. Like any other addiction that lacks a chemical component- tobacco, heroin- if you don't have something else to fill the gap, you will absolutely fall right back into the addiction. It's not about quitting, it's about replacing bad habits with positive ones.
Some people work best with a cold turkey method, some people can control themselves. Do what works. The only person who's going to know if you fuck up is yourself, so you gotta ask if you can be honest with yourself. Remember what I said about lying? Lie to other people, you're a dishonest scumbag, lie to yourself and you're a delusional buffoon.
No. This is stupid, especially if this leads to you working up a good sweat and then not washing it off. Plus some people really do just chronically sweat like a pig. You can shower as often as you want provided you're not nuking your body with hot water, scrubbing it down with aggressive, anti-bacterial soaps, and ruining your hair with shampoo before throwing some conditioner on it to recover some of the damage. More on that later.
Hot showers have their uses, but if we think of showers like drugs, a hot shower is a relaxant, while a cold shower is a stimulant. You take a hot shower after a hard work out, or if it's a hot, humid summer night and you want to fall asleep, or if you have a sore muscle. If you get sinus induced migraines, the steam can also help with that. Hot showers can generally help with dealing with, say, a bad cold as well.
All other showers should be cold. Hot water damages your hair, causes you to sweat- this runs counter to the point of showering to clean yourself- and drives important oils from your skin, out to the surface. While all of this is minor in scale, if you're doing it every day, it will absolutely add up.
Since I've seen it discussed in the comments, I felt it necessary.
BO is caused by a broad variety of factors, including genetics, environment, dietary habits, hygienic habits, stress levels and things you probably don't think of, like remembering to dry off properly after showers.
The root of BO is caused by the fact that your skin will retain a lot of goodies some bacterial strains like to chow down on. If they have a wet surface, these bacteria will spawn like there's no tomorrow, making you stink. So the contest becomes an issue of how well you can stay dry. But some times of year you can't really help it, and other times you don't really think about how, say, a spicy meal can make you sweat. Or alcohol. Or how some components in foods- sulfur specifically, but red meat has also been associated with it to some degree- will actually sweat out of your body. If you ate a meal that was basically a plate of onions and garlic, people would be able to smell it, and it wouldn't just be your breath. This is also part of why obese people are said to smell like sausages.
Of course, chronic sweating- especially cold sweats- can be indicative of uncontrolled diabetes. It can be worth the effort to talk to a doctor about your sweating if it feels uncontrollable.
It's a hell of a lot more complicated than getting more zinc in your body. Vitamin D- dietary sources are as important as being in the sun; eat those eggs- has been found to have a direct correlation with testosterone production. Though it isn't known which is the critical component, high carb- by which I mean sugar, you're eating too much sugar- diets, and obesity have both found to have negative impacts on testosterone production. Fats- especially saturated fats- are also important. Your diet should include meats other than fish and chicken, and other sources like olive oil and avocado should not be ignored.
Getting enough veggies in your diet- particularly bad estrogen cleaning cruciferious veggies like your leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, kale, cabbage, spinach, and collard greens- is also important. Remember to lay off the booze. A drink here and there is fine but you're not just getting a beer gut when you hit the bottle.
Excluding a handful of AM stations, radio in general is cancerous. If it's not shitty pop music, phoned in, "I want my royalties check" songs, or dumb love songs it's masturbatory radio ads trying to get you to spend money on insurance to follow a Dream(TM). The good stuff isn't worth wading through an ocean of piss mist waiting for it to come on.
But I swear to god if I see you in a car with head phones on as the driver I will eat your limbs. The radio sucking is no excuse. Headphones do far more to block out external sound than your car's stereo system.
[deleted] 8y ago
This is what I want. To have people think about my post. To do research and decide for themselves. I said that these tools that help ME 'might' help you. It's up to you to find out for yourself. Thank you for your post.
guest123420 8y ago
Great work, thank you. A lot that I already do, and a lot that I can add or refine.
NotSoStandardDeviant 8y ago
This post is like the most serious thing I have ever seen.
[deleted] 8y ago
Why so serious?! -The Joker. lol
NotSoStandardDeviant 8y ago
Everyone, including infants, knows who said that
paul190 8y ago
Nice post, that must have taken you a while.
rayray2kbdp 8y ago
There's actually very little evidence we're born with a clean slate. Hence why we have so many commonalities in social behavior across humans. I suggest you do a bit more research on this area. It might help.
I'd also advise against assuming kids and a wife are this terrible black hole. Even in TRP philosophy, we have to conclude that having kids is the most alpha thing one can accomplish with their life. "Freedom" from love, support, and passing on one's genes is a bit naive.
[deleted] 8y ago
Having kids is the most 'alpha' thing one can accomplish with their life? Bet all the bluepillers with family units feel good right now. Single mothers are strong, independent women, they should be alpha too. You do realize that ALL animals can produce offsprings? Reproduction is nothing new or grand. Your genes are not a jackpot. There are 7 billion people on this planet.
rayray2kbdp 8y ago
And Alphas are the ones who spread their DNA the most and have the most offspring. Betas are the cucks who get off to someone else doing the impregnating. Betas are the ones who forego mating, ending their life in the gene pool, then convincing themselves they're free and somehow stronger for it.
[deleted] 8y ago
Yeah, and can those Alphas support and raise all those offsprings to adulthood? It takes a lot of resources and time just to raise one offspring. And an offspring future can vary greatly. Would you rather use your time and resources instead on having fun?
Having a family is great and all, don't get me wrong. But a lot of parents lose their sense of identity. It all becomes about the children. You wouldn't have the same amount of freedom to pursued your dreams and ambitions. To do what you want, when you want.
We as a society have come to a point where we can choose to not have children. In the past, we didn't survive for long. It was always about the survival of human race. However, that's no longer needed as much. Marriage rates and child birth have been on declined for a long time now. Having a family isn't 'necessary' anymore.
[deleted] 8y ago
This is how you raise narcissistic buttholes. Obviously for a span of time it really is all about the kid- from birth till they're about 7- because they're physically incapable of even basic self-sufficiency, but past that point you really can't devote yourself wholly to them. Teaching them that they have to make their own decisions and fight for themselves because no one else will is the most important lesson you can ever teach a kid, and instead we've got back to back generations of self absorbed losers who were raised on sunshine and bullshit about how it's not a competition. Life might not be a race but it's absolutely a competition. Go look at the employees staffing any typical big box grocery store like Walmart and tell me they're winners with a straight face.
You'd need a plan B. I get not wanting to invest yourself in a family in the current political and economic climate in the US, but what you'll learn as you get older is that what really matters is people. You don't want to be that lonely old weirdo.
[deleted] 8y ago
People do matter. That's why you surround yourself with people you trust. Not just the people that raise you or you raise up. You can't choose your family. Some people's family are shit and some are blessed. Your friends are family too. They can mean more to some people than their own family.
I don't get why people thinking being alone suck. People die alone all the time. If you aren't happy with yourself, by yourself then of course you would be depressing. I wouldn't pity from people if I'm alone. Beside, people come and go in your life. We will all died someday, some faster than others. Don't waste time being sad cause you are alone.
I honestly don't believe in plan B. There is only this one life I get to live. What ever happens, happens. There isn't no guarantee of a happy life. Love the people who are already here with you now instead of waiting for a future family that may never come.
rayray2kbdp 8y ago
No - it was about the survival of your genes over others. I don't care about the "human race". All the problems you listed can be solved.
Luis_McLovin 8y ago
Absolutely amazing submission.
[deleted] 8y ago
[deleted] 8y ago
There are nights when I go all out and my friends don't and banter me a little. Just think this, 'have you ever care how another guy look?'. Once you clean out your closet and all your clothes are in style, your standard norm will be 'killing it'.
[deleted] 8y ago
So you're good at math and have a small pecker?
I kid, I kid!
[deleted] 8y ago
Thank you. You are #869402490 customer to have used that joke. Here's a cookie. XD lol
PaulRocker 8y ago
"Drugs: Never did drugs before so my only inputs are I don't like things that mess with my mind and prefer no marks on my records."
Fuck you weed is the one thing that makes sense in this world
penworth 8y ago
Thanks for this, especially about Leykis. This man is godlike
[deleted] 8y ago
lol yep. Wish I could had listen to his radio when I was a kid.
Pgayed2 8y ago
Bonus points for the Rick and morty and the Dexter reference!
PaperStreetVilla 8y ago
Well, if this isn't the building of a self aware man who owns his shit.
This one will go far
PM_Your_8008s 8y ago
You said you couldn't sit and think of nothing without falling asleep, but I'd highly highly recommend trying that kind of meditation. With even just 20 minutes a day it's pretty helpful in cutting through the bullshit running through your head and helps so you 'respond' to a situation rather than 'react', which is huge for me because I have a real temper and some of the shit girls say and do can really bother me, but not so much anymore. It helps keep that amusing, light attitude towards stuff, so you can shrug it off easier.
Anyway that was my little bit on meditating, rest of the post was great and I saved it in case I want another read through now and again. I appreciate it
2polew 8y ago
Much obliged. Found some really good pieces of advice there.
the1mancircus 8y ago
If I may make an addition you cats may find to be of value. Wim Hof, "the iceman". He, on the Tim Ferris podcast, episode 102, expounds upon what he and his team of research scientists, take to be a potential cure from things spanning depression and disease. All things that inhibit us from living life maximally. He's also on the Joe Rogan show along with, I'm guessing, a whole host of other interviews.
A teaser of whats on the podcast:
Methodological breathing is hugely important. Combining that with other activities, e.g. cold showers etc., combine to recalibrate the regions of the brain surrounding the brain stem, in such a way that ailments like depression more or less can disappear, along with restoring pH levels to where they ought be, etc.
Give it a listen. I think you guys will dig it.
Episode 102 of the Tim Ferris show.
[deleted] 8y ago
lol it's funny. I was looking through my Amazon Kindle app and found out I had already download his book. I'll start reading it today.
[deleted] 8y ago
[deleted] 8y ago
I apologized. It doesn't look like the book is no longer available on Amazon Kindle. I would try several samples of other summary books of the 48 Laws of Power.
net_ripper 8y ago
How did Dragonball Z inspire Image training? I'm very curious
[deleted] 8y ago
There was scene where Gohan and Krillin are onboard the Namekian spacecraft on their to Namek with Bulma. The craft had very small space so they couldn't do any physical combat training without damaging the ship. What they did instead was the 'telepathic' training against each other.
net_ripper 8y ago
Interesting how you took that scene which might appear completely useless to most, and learned something from it. Thanks for the advice man.
[deleted] 8y ago
Thanks. It's the same technique Olympic athletes uses. Visualization.
eatgodseeacid 8y ago
Near choked on my coffee when i read 30 minute commute per day.
[deleted] 8y ago
You should see the 'Morning commute' traffic in Los Angles. I don't know how can people live like that.
[deleted] 8y ago
I included both forward to and back from work.
IronManAlan 8y ago
Great submission OP, much appreciated. I'm glad you touched on personality type, turns out I'm an INTJ (3-4% of the population) Just reading up on this has given me a better understanding of "The way I think and how I perceive the outside world"
ItsTheHomeWrecker 8y ago
deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2139 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?
[deleted] 8y ago
You are welcome. It's a major aspect of one's mindset. You have to know yourself first before you can change anything. Socrates says that people make themselves appear ridiculous when they are trying to know obscure things before they know themselves. Plato also alluded to the fact that understanding 'thyself,' would have a greater yielded factor of understanding the nature of a human being.
orangepolenta 8y ago
Incredible post. Thanks. Saved.
Dont touch the eyebrows unless your rockin the unibrow. My experience with woman is the shit guys get for pluckin brows is serious. Theyll know if you do, nothing wussier. Be proud.
[deleted] 8y ago
I don't know how anyone can rock the unibrow. lol It took me several trial and errors to learn how to pluck and trim the eyebrows. Just don't get them wax. Go for the natural look. Alpha M. on Youtube shows how you can do it.
orangepolenta 8y ago
yes, point being is girls and eyebrows have a strange relationship. Its almost as though for some reason the most feminine thing a man can do. I dont write the rules....
David_029_Tredecies 8y ago
"PUA is basically bluepill mindset"
Why is PUA and effective on meeting women considered a bluepill? Is it because of routines or even some NLP stuffs? That reminds me...some of my friend while chatting about Mystery. I thought Mystery is awared in his social situation after he got master the art of meeting women and his alphaness after he has slumbered from his introvert state. The last issue I recalled is Mystery having a custody issues with his daughter Dakota while his wife Amanda (I think) took away his two beloved children.
[deleted] 8y ago
I think you answer your own question. XD
skuuurtt 8y ago
Why do you think that the "tabula rasa" is a valid theory?
[deleted] 8y ago
I wouldn't call it a 'valid' theory. I'm still mulling over it, leaning toward one side. I just use aspect of the theory to conduct my self-experiments. It is the basis for my foundation of teaching. I guess that everything has beginning. It's a great tool to use for estimation of the ideal 'pureness'. DNA and society upbringing does have an impact of one's self though.
DDOS_Feeler 8y ago
Do you recommend smoking? How often?
[deleted] 8y ago
I only smoke two cigarettes in my life and it was just to try it out. I wouldn't recommend it. It cost a lot money to maintain the habit and your health.
[deleted] 8y ago
Hydrate motherfucker. Love it.
[deleted] 8y ago
I was hoping someone got the quote. XD
RPFlame 8y ago
I have to disagree with Rick and Morty's viewpoint on existentialism and Nihilism. Especially the latter, where everyone interprets Nietzsche as if he was pushing Nihilism as the end of all. Nihilism was the means towards a better end. Like grabbing a rubber and erasing everything that sucks. Rick and Morty is based on a half-assed high-schooler's understanding of what existentialism and nihilism are.
Also, existentialists tend to be very dutiful people. Morty's quote "life is meaningless bla bla can I watch TV" is beyond retarded. Our actions still matter now not just for ourselves but also for our family, friends, business. It sounds similar to those who think they can take a shit down to traditional values and build from nothing. There's no way you can build anything without foundations, for starters. We don't get the choose the moments when what we do matters and when what we do doesn't, that's hamstering.
I'd suggest people who are interested in learning more to read multiple existentialists, instead of taking my point of view or even a TV show's point of view at face value, and form their own opinion.
akthero1 8y ago
I'm not sure what makes you think Rick and Morty has a "viewpoint" on nihilism or existentialism. All it does is present different characters with different viewpoints, and obviously all of the characters have flaws. It's purpose is to get the viewer to think about these issues (and laugh) rather than persuade them one way or another.
Also, the recommended video was "The philosophy of Rick and Morty" by Wisecrack, not the show itself, which judging by your comment you haven't seen yet in which case I second OP's recommendation.
Eyeswears 8y ago
Yeah, existentialism was never about freeing yourself from the responsibility to accomplish anything of worth because life is meaningless, it was about giving you full responsibility for every action you take because life has no meaning. It's up to each person to create that meaning for themselves and others.
As the famous saying goes, "we are all enslaved to freedom".
HungLikeA_Moose 8y ago
A vasectomy at 23? Yea, I also thought I had it all figured out at that age. Hate to break it to you, but you don't. What an idiotic decision.
orangepolenta 8y ago
Agreed. Im 33 and for christs sake my 23 self was a maniac. Would not trust him. It can be reversed though no?
awalt_cupcake 8y ago
23 year old here. Can confirm. Am maniac of sorts.
HungLikeA_Moose 8y ago
You can try to reverse it, but there is no guarantee. Also it's quite expensive.
[deleted] 8y ago
Well you should go over to subreddit childfree. There is are a bunch of us idiots. Recently there was one guy who was able to get it at 20 years old. A new record. XD
[deleted] 8y ago
[deleted] 8y ago
I don't why people think I made a drastic decision. It took several years of thinking and a lot of research on vasectomy. I read stories of parents who regret having kids and those who wishes they had kids. I play scenarios in my head. I babysit other people's kids. I would actually see how much money I would need per month in order to raise a kid if I was either single or have a spouse. Did you really think I just walk into a clinic and just ask for one? For god sake, it's a knife surgery to my balls. That's something any guy would take time to think about.
WolfofAnarchy 8y ago
I don't agree with the insignificance but great post!
EddieTH 8y ago
>advises to cut out screen time
>recommends and app/youtube channel with every point
no wonder the internet thinks this sub is full of inbred idiots
[deleted] 8y ago
lol The irony was not lost on me.
chaseemall 8y ago
Your comment contributes absolutely nothing of value. Fuck off.
Churoflip 8y ago
Not all drugs are bad, some can help some can break you. Rejecting them all is not wise in my opinion
[deleted] 8y ago
I agree with your opinion. I am curious of some drugs that have been listed as 'soft' and even medically benefit people's sickness. But my career field doesn't allow it and I need my source of income. It's just a rule I have to abide by until I can find another career field with more 'relax' rules.
Warrior_For_Hire 8y ago
Best fucking post on the red pill. Much appreciated.
GentlemanGengar1 8y ago
This is a gorgeous post, good job my man.
[deleted] 8y ago
[deleted] 8y ago
Honest dude, you sound really thirsty and putting her on the pedestal. Just text her a location and time of activity of what you are doing this weekend and tell her to be there, don't ask her. And no dinner or movie. Do sometime active like bowling or mini golf. Or just a walk in a park.
If she respond positively, she's attracted to you. If she can't make it but want to reschedule, she like you. If she doesn't respond or puts it off without rescheduling, she's not in to you.
Attraction is non negotiatable. If you did a good job when you physical with her, then just escalate. It's just a girl and it's just sex. Relax man. Don't put pressure on you and her for a 'date'. Just see what kind of person she is.
[deleted] 8y ago
If you read my post, the texting do's and don'ts portion are near the bottom. Texting is a terrible way to build rapport or expressing emotion. Just call her if you want to build rapport and not be like other guys. Other guys hide behind texts. At least the tone of your voice will display emotion.
geezertrp 8y ago
Great post overall.
One very minor nitpick:
That's absolutely true. Learning to hold frame, to fail in the process of learning something new, and to not care about what random people think are all important things for newbies to learn—and dancing in public can help.
But what about those with two left feet who really want to learn how to dance better?
Would you tell someone headed to the gym, "learn to lift in public, just put on the soundtrack to Rocky and wave some dumbbells around?" Probably not.
Some resources that helped this old guy get some better moves:
This guy, douchey hat aside, will teach you some things that help with rhythm and footwork, but he's short on the big upper body moves that indicate you're alpha on the dance floor. So you can start there, but move on.
[deleted] 8y ago
Thanks. I'll write in my post on how I learned to dance.
thismaytakeawhile 8y ago
workyoursteps 8y ago
Marvin Gaye's "Heard it Through the Grapevine" You are Marvin fucking Gaye. Why the hell are you crying about rumors you heard about one woman?!
Eyeswears 8y ago
All music isn't necessary reflective of what the song-writer believes or is actually thinking. You can always choose to listen to music as a sort of historical or cultural document of a certain idea or frame of thinking. Satire is also a thing.
A_Crabby_Patty 8y ago
Canceling your credit card because you max them out is stupid, just spend less.
Credit cards offer you anywhere from $0.01- $0.05 per dollar of spending. It's literally free money.
Credit cards also offer you protection against theft. Lose your debit card and the thief spends your money? Shit out of luck.
[deleted] 8y ago
shrug I don't have self control of it. I keep a saving account in a separate bank in which the money I can't touch. My debit card account just have 100-200$ at once. I won't lose all money, just a small part of it.
[deleted] 8y ago
I heard creatine converts test into DHT speeding up male pattern baldness. Anyone know if this is true or not?
[deleted] 8y ago
I'm pretty sure lot us don't have degree in human biology. You should try asking your doctor or certified physical trainer.
[deleted] 8y ago
I will. That's a good idea.
Glassland 8y ago
Yes, that's true. But only if you have the genetic disposition to have male pattern baldness in the first place.
I don't have it for example. My father has full hair and so do I. I take creatine every day and my hair remains the same.
You will have to watch your hair if you don't already do that.
There is also to say that DHT is a much more useful and stronger variant of testosterone. More DHT is usually better.
[deleted] 8y ago
I've used it for a year before and I haven't seen any noticeable change before but that was before I seen the study about male pattern baldness. I'm going to start taking it again and if I notice anything than I'll just stop.
[deleted] 8y ago
[deleted] 8y ago
Thanks. It took me three years to get here. You can't become redpill overnight. It's not how life works. Change take time. A lot of time.
saiyanmentality 8y ago
Saved, one of the more useful posts since the last few days
PawnToKing 8y ago
Since this post is practically perfect, I'm just going to point out the two or three things I personally disagree with. Firstly, you mention running right after weight training, but for cosmetic purposes. Running is something one should do for either health or leisure. Do not recommend running for building a physique. It's a time waster. I plan on doing a detailed post on proper efficient training later.
Second, you said to learn to manage your money or cancel your credit card. In 21st century America, it's imperative to have credit. It's easy to build credit with no danger to yourself. Every small purchase you would usually make, simply put on your credit card. Set up monthly autopay and pay in full. Get a card with no annual fee. This way it will cost you nothing to use it, but because of cash back you will actually MAKE money, while building credit. Especially since you stress the importance of self control and discipline, not being able to control yourself with spending is no excuse.
Lastly, you don't mention leisure. Being a high functioning, driven male is all well and good, but in Cal Newport's Deep Work, he cotes research that shows we only have a finite amount of self control we can use in a day and a finite amount of hard work we can do. This means to keep a healthy emotional state, we must practice leisure. Go climbing, play music casually, read books (fiction!), Or even waste time on Netflix or video games.
That's my two cents. Feel free to disagree, and of course, congrats on a top notch post.
[deleted] 8y ago
For the credit card, I had auto pay, no late bills, had a card that gave me airline miles which I used several times. My credit score is 751. I just didn't have self control and tried before to be discipline.
I didn't mention leisure is because I know for a fact none of us can grind our self improvement everyday. We get lazy, bored, sidetrack and want something fun to do. There nothing wrong with it. It's part of being human. I mention that I like watching anime. That's my leisure.
Thank you for your input.
Kingofmyworld909 8y ago
Deadlifting and rowing (with proper form), and other accessory movements focusing on back, will also help reduce or eliminate back pain.
When I was a 250 pound fat fuck and even when I was lighter but hadn't started lifting, my lack of back muscles (and strength of my back) was horrendous and I would always tweak my neck and back and also accumulate more pinched nerves than necessary.
ArtistBlock 8y ago
Good post, do you have a before and after pictures? No offense, all these points are great but anyone can theorize and put together a list. Any videos of you learning dancing? Whats your profession? Do you have any proof that this works or is it YMMV? I'm not hating at all but I've seen self improvement list like these on this subreddit. What's your ethos? Your word?
[deleted] 8y ago
I wasn't exactly taking pictures of myself through out my journey. I do have a Facebook where I see my past self to today. However, Reddit is meant to be anonymous. Have dance in airports before and seen people take videos of me. Profession is military.
This is definitely YMMV. Life is YMMV. I'm not the overall benchmark of achievements for men. There are those who accomplish more than me and those who accomplish less. It's always all about self-experimentation. Parents raise children hoping they would not go through the challenges they went though. Parents want their kids to have an 'easy' life. But humans have painstakingly go through the same motion and challenges over and over. You have to learn for yourself. Experience it for yourself.
My ethos/words? I would say it took me nearly three years to create this post. There are tears, pain, soul searching, losses, gains, and wins behind these words. I can't walk to path for you. I can only show it and give you tools that I think would help. There are no guarantees in life. There is only how much you put in and how efficiently your efforts are.
asymptotic_salvation 8y ago
Brilliant post. One thing to add:
If you're going to learn to fight, learn Brazilian Jiu-jitsu or Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) at a competition gym.
Even if it's only once a week.
Bjj is widely accepted as the most effective 1-on-1 martial art (see the history of the UFC), second only to MMA -- which Bjj forms an enormous part of -- and will have the largest carry-over to a street fight.
A competition gym will ensure that your training is always practical and efficient, and the competitive environment will repulse the feminine types that have turned martial arts into a glorified body-pump class.
Apologies for formatting, on a mobile.
For the record, I've trained Muay Thai & Boxing and then MMA, bjj and sub wrestling at a couple of gyms.
powderhound100 8y ago
Krav Maga is also a great option. It is not a competition sport so very based on what works, no rules balls, eyes etc are part of the equation. Will also learn how to defend against knives, guns, how to get out of chokes etc.
asymptotic_salvation 8y ago
My only quam with Krav Maga is precisely that it isn't a competitive sport.
You miss out on all the masculine benefits of physical competition, and more importantly you can't be sure anything works if you've never used it.
Hiimusog 8y ago
In your opinion how practical is Boxing for self defense? I've always been interested in watching boxing and the sport itself and would love to learn it but was just curious about its practicality vs something like bjj.
asymptotic_salvation 8y ago
Boxing will teach you how to punch, how to be punched, and how to manage distance & energy -- which is great.
The problem is, though, that's its appeal as a sport comes from how heavily regulated a boxing 'fight' is.
When fighters clinch, they're separated. When they connect with anything other than their hands, they're penalised. When they go into an adrenaline-fuelled 'rage', they forfeit the 'fight' by sacrificing the energy they needed to last ~12 rounds.
That being said -- just wanting to learn how to handle a street fight won't motivate you to train for shit; and in a street fight it's always better to be a boxer than a chump.
Roghish 8y ago
The real problem with striking sports is the brain damage if you spar hard or often (even in easy sparring, accidents happen, even minor ones, regularly. I don't know if they're significant enough to cause problems but I'd rather not risk it.)
asymptotic_salvation 8y ago
I've yet to see any empirical studies that suggest this is a justified worry for amateur fighters.
A more realistic concern is getting cauliflower ear.
guest123420 8y ago
Agreed, I've been training BJJ for 3 years now(some boxing/stand up), there has not been a single choice and commitment that I have made that has prepared me more as an alpha, MENTALLY and physically. Knowing I have no fear in an altercation is one thing, but knowing I can defuse nearly any situation having that confidence is even better. I was never a fighter, though I did just fine, and now that I can handle myself in a fight I have even less desire to ever be in one. 99-100% of the time NO ONE wins in a street fight. Sure, you might beat the guy, but did you get hurt along the way? did you break your phone? will charges be pressed? was it worth it? My advice is stolen and simple: if you want peace, prepare for war. On my way to Jitz right now!
Turiluca 8y ago
As an INTP myself I find your post really enlightening. I have a thing or too to try and somethings I disagree that are deserving of some thought. Cheers mate
[deleted] 8y ago
Thanks. It's always great to meet other INTPs. I hope you find your self experiments interesting. Cheers.
[deleted] 8y ago
I smoked for a long time and frankly didn't care it was killing me, I'm not scared to die but I'm a fan of sport fucking. Nicotine DOES cause ED issues even in young men. So don't smoke, vap(douche flute BTW), dip, or chew. Drop that shit NOW.
Aywing 8y ago
INTP as well, thanks for the post, easy to come back to.
Starshitlord 8y ago
Finally someone else who promotes the cold shower, best feeling ever, especially after a gym workout. Winter or summer cold is your friend.
Theotropho 8y ago
pretty good. Needs more meditation.
[deleted] 8y ago
Thanks. I had add which methods of mediation has work for me.
JustTitDirt 8y ago
"Shower every other day."
Hah. Two questions for the guy who wrote that. Where do you live and what kind of office job do you have?
[deleted] 8y ago
I do realize that this method isn't meant for all. It's more of a suggestion for those who want to self-experiment who have similar background, generics, or work environment. They could had issues with their skin or hair and this could be their solution.
TomFoo 8y ago
If I was you, I wouldnt post this. Asian American stationed in ROK at a certain base. Not too hard to id.
[deleted] 8y ago
[deleted] 8y ago
Thank you random citizen. - Metro Man
Wilreadit 8y ago
Seriously, one of the best posts in recent times to hit the forum.
sedecim_02 8y ago
I think I'd have to disagree on is not showering everyday. Sure, it might work for you but in times like the summer it's not really an option to not shower everyday.
Entrefut 8y ago
Also depends how long you shower for. Those 2 minute cold military style showers are where it's at.
[deleted] 8y ago
It's fine to shower every day, or even multiple times a day, as long as you don't use soap on most parts of your body. Soap washes off the protective oils that the skin produces and is in no way helpful (sweat is water-soluble so you don't need soap to wash it off). I only regularly wash my "smelly" areas (armpits, crotch) with soap, to get rid of odors (although just water also works for some people, depends on your body), but soap my whole body very rarely, only when I'm really filthy.
adam_varg 8y ago
Depends on water temperature, water hardness and saturation of chemicals and time spent under water.
If you shower less than five minutes a day in luke warm (max) water which is low in chemicals there is no downside. Otherwise its better for you, unless you smell, cut it down hard.
TheUnknowen 8y ago
Yeah I had the same question. As someone who works out 6 times a week and having a Regular 40h job, how the hell am I supposed to not shower every day?
scarfox1 8y ago
If you shower everyday at least don't shampoo every day.
Awotwe_Knows_Best 8y ago
I have been taking cold showers my whole life. using hot water to bathe is kinda a nuisance. what is the advantage of cold showers over hot showers?
adam_varg 8y ago
Better immunity, less anxiety and depression, more body resilience against weather, etc.
I do it for years, above are real benefits which you will feel, but for me best one is it is non time consuming discipline exercise i do every morning.
TheUnknowen 8y ago
I started taking cold showers recently. I do feel better post showering but I can't feel that much of a difference tbh.
[deleted] 8y ago
Well the parts the body that produce odor, (armpit, crotch, feet, and ass) you just wash with some water and wash cloth. Your skin on your legs, upper torso, back, arms, and face don't produce any odor. Harsh soap and hot water could had been drying out your skin and cause rash and pimples. Your skin is the large organ of your body and it can maintain itself. You are supposed to have good baterica growning on your body. Showering everyday is a recent new trend. Even now a few known celebrities and a survey of Britain people are showering less.
RPmatrix 8y ago
The showering with water is fine, it's using all the soaps and other products which compromise the health of your skin by stripping away the 'natural' oils which your body then tries to replace by ramping up their production ... so, when showering or bathing, try to use the 'mildest' soap/cleanser you can find i.e. for your face use as little 'soap' as possible -- i shave in the shower and that's sufficient to clean my face. If other parts of your body are extra dirty, just be thoughtful of this.
Although old habits are hard to change, now that you're aware of this, use your common sense and be 'moderate' in the use of body oil removers aka soap.
ProTip: The Ultimate 'anti-perspirant' is Sodium Bi-Carb aka Baking SODA (not baking 'powder' which is another thing altogether)
You can make up a completely Non Toxic (and 'green') paste of BiCarb and water which you can apply to your armpits/arsecrack (and any other areas where excess bacteria has you 'on the nose') instead of soap.
Just apply it and rub it around as you would soap and then rinse it off --- you will be pleasantly surprised at how well it works! If you're really on the nose, repeat until the desired results are achieved
It's also good for whitening teeth with regular use. (many current toothpastes have BiCarb of Soda in them for exactly these reasons. It was the Gold Standard for keeping one's teeth clean and white, in my granny's day! Also, as BiCarb is a 'base' (alkaline) it neutralises the 'acid' in your mouth made from sugars and also caused by acid reflux
IIRC I also read this suggestion at The Rational Male ,,, as well as it being an 'old school' standard before soap (and later toothpaste) became commonly available
Aids_by_Google 8y ago
OP if you are of Korean origin you most likely dont produce the chemicals that make sweat smell. Most Koreans don't use deodorant in Korea, many Chinese have the same genetic trait of not smelling from sweat & many other Asians too I would guess.
Mianro9 8y ago
Interesting. I had never heard this. I almost never sweat, I smell very little and I am a quarter Asian (unknown origin country) via my biological grandfather.
beachbbqlover 8y ago
It's related to dry earwax. You still smell from other factors, it's just you don't produce a particular oily protein mix that bacteria love to feed on.
WhySoRuff 8y ago
There are no chemicals in sweat that smell. Sweat is usually odorless until it reaches the bacteria/dead skin cells that have collected in your sweat pores and that's the combo that stinks.
Aids_by_Google 8y ago
Indeed - you may have read my comment incorrectly.
[deleted] 8y ago
trpthrowaway2003 8y ago
[deleted] 8y ago
Thank you for your service. The weather has not change one bit. lol
dareealmvp 8y ago
Indian here. And I'm not going to make that mistake again. God my body smells awful within 24 hours of not showering. Even though I do lots of cardio and sweat a lot before showering, I still like to keep it clean.
Although I have to admit, I was using warm water to shower, will change it to cold now.
[deleted] 8y ago
Cumin and other spices in curry and the like is what produces strong body odors and gives indians a rep for being smelly.
Eat without it and you may or may not smell better.
Foothill_r34 8y ago
Me too, I am way too sweaty and stanky to not shower daily.
Seoul_Brother 8y ago
Definitely think it has to do with racial backgrounds. I'm Korean (obviously), and I found that I could go days without showering and smell just fine if not better, but some people smell all sorts of god-awful if they don't shower.
reddumpling 8y ago
Is it also because of the weather there? Except for summer Korea is pretty cool right?
Seoul_Brother 8y ago
Nah, I live in the US. Korea gets unbearably hot during summers and frigid cold during winters though. Clothing they wear in summer is definitely more linen based for that reason and lighter.
I live in the Northeast US, but it gets pretty hot during summers. Still don't see too much issue with B.O. even without using deodorant though. It takes a couple days for me to start being smelly.
bornredd 8y ago
Hairy euro-mutt here. I stink within a day easily. Of course, it's over 100F here in the summer.
joseph177 8y ago
You are what you eat. Stick to meat (25%) and fruit/vegetables(75%) and things will improve. Dairy is also best to avoid, our ability to break down galactose is lost after weining. This causes pimples in many white males.
Cahndiman 8y ago
People say this, but I loved in Asia and asians can definitely be smelly by the end of the day, esp. because hey shower he night before instead of the morning.
Ou-tis 8y ago
I'm doing more or less like you.I take cold shower and soap only in the smell spots.And I use starch or a starh soap.I clean my face only with water or starch. And if you have short hair is the same to wash your head.
A_local_guy 8y ago
I don't have problems with harsh soap
sassypaella 8y ago
Drinking water is a recent trend too, as our ancestors had to drink beer and wine to stay alive. Humankind evolves.
Adjust your showers to your body and your habits. If you workout, you need to shower: it's not only that a certain part of your body sweats, but that very sweat will end up covering your skin. Disgusting.
Brichess 8y ago
I agree, but they drank boiled drinks like coffee and tea to survive because boiling the water killed bacteria, and they might as well make something if they're going to boil the water. Please don't try to hydrate on alcohol
[deleted] 8y ago
I personally cannot sleep if I have that fine layer of disgusting sticky sweat on my body.
TheUnknowen 8y ago
So you are recommending showering only every second day and using water plus some kind of rag to clean those odor producing parts?
Jumala 8y ago
People of East Asian descent (Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese) have fewer apocrine sweat glands compared to people of other descent, and the lack of these glands make East Asians less prone to body odor. The reduction in body odor and sweating may be due to adaptation to colder climates by their ancient Northeast Asian ancestors.
CQC3 8y ago
Whenever I read shit like this (OP's post not yours) I can't help but think just shut the fuck up and shower. Jesus Christ, you don't need to put this much thought into bathing. If the hot water is drying your skin out too much then alternate between cold and hot showers every other day.
[deleted] 8y ago
Better much. Just baking soda for your most smelly area. It would take several week for your body to adjust.
CryptoManbeard 8y ago
FYI you shouldn't put baking soda directly on your skin. It basically gives your skin a chemical burn and can cause it to get rough and leathery. You may be able to tolerate it but it's still not the right pH and others might get burns from it.
Skin products with baking soda have a very low amount for that reason and other products to balance out the pH.
truthyego 8y ago
Use apple cider vinegar instead. Great for skin and hair.
Afterwards, use povidone iodine on arm pits.
I have tried every deodorant known to man, this is by far the best. Won't stop sweating or make you smell nice, but it kills odors on the spot.
[deleted] 8y ago
bigkids 8y ago
I think he means, do not use shampoo or soap everyday. I don't see anything wrong with taking a "water shower", the colder the better since the hot water comes from a water heater tank that might not get drained every year as it should.
I recently emptied a tank for a friend and the better part of the water that was drained was rusty and brown coloured.
[deleted] 8y ago
limit caffeine intake. Makes me anxious and uncomfortable alot of times in social situations
[deleted] 8y ago
Thanks. I will include it in my post.
Hang10Dude 8y ago
"Now I'm just a guy with a mission in life and better boundaries."
There's a lot of debate about what the 'end state' of the red pill is. I'd say that just about sums it up.
FilthMonger85 8y ago
Best post ive seen on here in my short 3 months. Thank you very much.
PranksterLad 8y ago
Saved. Downloaded f.flux too for my mac. Legend. Any other cool apps or things, I love little things like this
[deleted] 8y ago
Thanks. I'll go through my phone and start listing apps that I have found useful.
[deleted] 8y ago
Can i have a link to an e-book of this or something? I'm not a book guy..
[deleted] 8y ago
https://www.amazon.com/Dress-Like-Man-Professional-Appearance-ebook/dp/B00I0BYOVW All my books are on my Amazon Kindle App. Save so much space.
Forcetobereckonedwit 8y ago
Great basics. Thanks for your efforts.
[deleted] 8y ago
elevul 8y ago
Hmm. It's definitely not as useful as it's touted to be for social interactions, and it's completely useless for picking up girls, but it does have some useful data in it.
I do heavily dislike Greene's method of exposition, though, especially in audiobook version. Mastery, for example is like 20% actual content and 80% emotional fluff.
LazyMagus 8y ago
You are the first positively critical person about Robert Greene I have seen. Thanks fir the comment.
TomFoo 8y ago
48 was decent, but just on historical anecdotal level. Mastery and Seduction were meh.
wtfawdNoWeddingShoes 8y ago
Care to expand on the singling out of the audiobook version? I'm curious about what you're referring to. I've spent a lot more time with The 48 Laws than I have with Mastery (The 50th Law was good too) and haven't touched Seduction yet but it's been on my list for a while.
elevul 8y ago
Greene's style of exposition is excessively long winded, focused more on motivating and providing "useful" examples and life experiences rather than focusing on fully explaining the actual content he is exposing. Mastery specifically is absolutely the worst culprit of this, as he spends an ungodly amount of time just blabbering about the possible benefits and real life examples he has seen and not nearly enough on the actual techniques of mastery.
And while im written form you can either skim it or skip it completely, in audiobook form you're effectively stuck listening to the whole speech, even if most of it is fluff.
48 laws of power is more structured by nature, so he was forced to stay on track, but even that is chock full of examples but sorely lacking in explanations of the techniques or of why they work.
Seduction has the same issue as Mastery. It's more structured, but less so than 48 laws of power and, as Mastery, it has the issue of excessive verbosity.
mikeylongshanks 8y ago
Awesome write up. Two men that went unmentioned (and deserve an honorable mention) are Chad Howse and Brett McKay.
Chad Howse usually posts motivational videos specifically for men and Brett McKay's (Art of Manliness) blog covers everything in this post from being frugal to how to boost testosterone to how to dress.
serious_bs 8y ago
Logged in to say that sleeping on a hard surface is bad for your back. Buy a decent pocket spring mattress with a box spring or decent water bed. Go lie in a bed, check your body (or have it checked) before you buy it.
Source: I have a bad back since 10 years, have spoken to dozens of specialists and physical therapists, MRI scan, ...
hidano 8y ago
Alot of evidence points to a firm surface being better for the back actually. Google it.
[deleted] 8y ago
I actually get back pain when I sleep on a mattress or couch. Self-experiments. Took about a week or 2 to adjust.
[deleted] 8y ago
Mr.Simple333, now this guy knows his shit. This is the best post I have seen on here in a while. Basically a self-improvement primer. I applaud you MrSimple333, my brother from another mother.
[deleted] 8y ago
Thank you. It took a lot work and time to get this far and I hoped to repay back to community as much as I can. We are all brothers in arms.
zetayshow 8y ago
This should go to the sidebar. Great post op.
[deleted] 8y ago
Thanks. That would be a great honor.
adam_varg 8y ago
Nah there are non smelly genes for whiteys too.
I can go without shower for atleast few days even during summer while exercising every day and i sweat a lot.
Eyeswears 8y ago
Keep in mind we don't usually smell our own odors. Like when you take a shit and nothing smells off until you flush, leave the room, and then come back to what smells like a rotting corpse.
adam_varg 8y ago
Dont worry i know, my hygiene habits are high standard so i wouldnt stink anyway, cant stand that sticky feel which you get while living in city after day without shower and shit.
JackGetsIt 8y ago
I still think he's right about the skin thing. If you can reduce showering you're going to keep healthy oils on your skin and improve skin health.
[deleted] 8y ago
Eyeswears 8y ago
Personally, when I think of someone who doesn't shower often, I think of neckbeards who you can smell with the force of a semi-truck when you stand next to them and it is not pleasant at all. They're always oblivious of it, too. Then again, it could be attractive for females, for all I know. But the people I'm talking about usually are not even close to being ideal male suitors, so I don't know. Or I could just be overestimating the number of showers needed to maintain a neutral, "natural" state.
[deleted] 8y ago
Well those are just horror stories. It's weird, I just to fantasy (obsess) over girls before but I never picture having kids with them. I don't regret anything. If I ever feel like having kids, I'll just go be an uncle to my nieces and nephews. That way I can give them back when I had 'satsified' my paternal instincts. I went under during the procedure. (They gave me a choice) Only took them 30 mins. There was pain for 3 days but you get pills for that. A bit of bleeding for 2 weeks and then you can go lift. The stitchs were biodegradable and I can't see any scars. I got mine for free from the military. It was a little difficult to convince the doctor at first but I presented a small binder of my reasons why, other testimonials, and answers to questions I know the doctor would ask. He said I knew what I was doing and display alot of personal responsibility on my part.
wrong_assumption 8y ago
Lots of unsubstantiated stuff in the list, like "eliminate artificial sugars" why? and "your skin absorbs everything" (it doesn't).
[deleted] 8y ago
Most of things I list, I have done countless research on Google. While not everything should be taken without a grain of salt, it's the testimonials of others and self-experiments that I rely on. It could very be placebos effects but placebos has cure diseases before. Mind over matter I guess.
[deleted] 8y ago
[deleted] 8y ago
May I ask why? It's fun to act a fool and have girls grind on you.
RPmatrix 8y ago
Great post bro, This is very good advice. You have encapsulated most of The Most Important things here OP and given good practical examples.
The only thing I would add is in the 'biohack' section -- Especially if you have any anxiety or depression issues, Take magnesium and vitamin D supplements too.
And when I look back on my life, without a doubt the two most significant yet simple things you can do for your health are; cold showers and proper breathing.
As it's an 'autonomic' function, we don't usually notice our breathing until it's hard to do. This is a mistake.
We can go without food for weeks, we can go without water for days, yet we can't go without air for more than a few minutes --- learn how to breathe 'properly', i.e. diaphragmatically, it's your connection to the Life force.
There's an added bonus to focused breathing, it's a form of meditation. The more control you have over your body you have over your mind and vice versa!
Also, too many guys neglect their cardio side for swole, another mistake. Don't miss "heart days"!
What's the point of being swole if you can't keep yourself going hard for more than 30secs?
Take up riding a bike if you can't run (I injured my knees skiing and later in a MC crash ... I can't run long distances without risking injury but I sure can ride a bike) Swimming is not a good cardio exercise, ideally you need to be able to push your heart rate up to 80% of maximum and keep it going for several minutes..
High Intensity Interval Training is very effective, but so is riding your bike 10kms to work and back, 5 days a week. I like how I can combine part of my training with commuting, whereas if I'm doing HIIT I still have to allocate at least ~1 hour every second day, which for me is too disruptive to a busy schedule compared to including this exercise as part of your daily commute. I can easily put in 30second bursts of 100% effort followed by 60second rst periods on the bike, 3-5 times in a 5km ride.
As I live in the inner city and my bike is my primary form of transport. I'd easily ride a 100 kms a week. These days I have no trouble smashing out a 5km trip through traffic in < 15mins, and do 40km trail rides for fun. I'm the fittest guy I know my age outside of a handful of pro athletes.
I am also the only person I know my age who's religiously taken cold showers after hot showers since I was 16. It's the strangest habit which I often had this love hate relationship with!
However. combined with a good diet, the benefits are tangible. When I was 30 people I didn't know would guess I was in my early 20's, and people consistenly guess my age to be 10-15yrs less than what it is. I find it amusing and I don't mind. From across a room people will even guess lower! Nobody comes close to my correct age (50) and most are very surprised when I've told them.
Excellent synopsis OP, you'll go far with your knowledge and attitude
[deleted] 8y ago
RPmatrix 8y ago
Good on you bro ... go hard and keep it up
guest123420 8y ago
Swimming: arguably the best overall exercise for you body, cardio included.
Way_Of_Man 8y ago
Doubling on the Vitamin D if you live in a cloudy area or a place that has long winters. It makes a tremendous amount of difference in your overall well being.
I'll add onto this comment that there is an increasingly growing awareness of the benefit that probiotics have in your mental state. It's been long known that having healthy bacteria in your guts is good for digestion. But there seems to be a growing body of evidence that having that good bacteria in your gut helps to curb stomp depression.
Anecdotally, I've been taking some form of probiotic on an almost daily basis and just feel better in all areas of my life the last few months.
reddumpling 8y ago
My friend has a hairline crack along the length of his shin due to traffic accidents and he cannot run very far without worsening the pain.
Is there any cardio you would recommend for him?
guest123420 8y ago
I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and there is nothing you can do to prepare or compare to the cardio you can achieve in this sport. And, you learn a martial art, meet some great people, and improve mental fortitude. It's not punch/kicking and it is not overly taxing on the body, especially if you're clear with your intentions and injury history. I have a 45+ buddy with a terrible neck, still does it every day, dropped lots of weight.
RPmatrix 8y ago
definitely cycling ... it's high intensity (if you want) and low impact (unless you crash)
adam_varg 8y ago
And if walking/cycling is too high impact for his injuries at the moment there is always swimming.
JihadDerp 8y ago
Swimming is great full body cardio. You just gotta swim faster/harder, as opposed to lazy lap swim. Try to sprint 100 meters in a pool. Your heart will be trying to escape from your chest. Do that with 30 seconds rest in between for a set of ten? Good luck.
mmmoreos 8y ago
It also just takes at least a couple weeks of swimming a couple days each week to get adjusted to the water again and be able to swim hard for long distance without needing to go slow or do intervals. That is if you already have good form. Swimming is the most meditative exercise for me though. No music or sounds except some flowing water and I'm completely focused on breathing and form. Once I get in the zone my mind is free and things come naturally. It's a commitment to get to that point but worth it.
[deleted] 8y ago
JihadDerp 8y ago
I'm not talking about in the ocean with waves and riptides. I'm talking about in a pool, with a lifeguard. You know, for cardio.
RPmatrix 8y ago
I swam competitively for ~8yrs and I was never able to exaust myself swimming as I could running or riding a bike ... sure my arms will get tired and eventually fail but that takes a long time ... and if you do get to that point ,, you begin to sink!
idk maybe it's just me
PalindromicBirthday 8y ago
You were a competitive swimmer, no surprise other activities made you more fatigued than your main focus.
RPmatrix 8y ago
when I was in my teens, not since.
IME swimming is exhausting but I don't seem to be able to get my heart beating as hard when I swim as when I run or ride a bike.
But you can't really wind yourself swimming or you'll stop, sink and drown!
PalindromicBirthday 8y ago
Having considered a little more, I think a simple reason might be that in water you are buoyant, so the water assists you by decreasing the constant gravitational struggle. Less so in fresh water, where I imagine the cardiovascular struggle is increased.
Obviously water provides more friction than air, but as you no longer have to compete as hard with gravity this might offset this.
Just a thought, I'm far from sure on the reasons why.
JihadDerp 8y ago
K? So if you don't know how to swim, don't do that. Otherwise, go hard.
RPmatrix 8y ago
I've been riding bicycles since I was 3-4 and I could swim before I could ride a bike ;D
[deleted] 8y ago
Thanks. I totally forgot breathing methods.
RPmatrix 8y ago
no probs, and great post bro, thanks for putting it together
eraser851 8y ago
Hot shower than cold shower? Do you finish your shower and turn off the hot for a few minutes?
RPmatrix 8y ago
pretty much,i have a nice hot shower and when I'm done I turn off the hot and spin on the cold for 30-60seconds
Great in winter as you become warm when you get out
in fact I only ever miss one in very hot weather when the opposite applies
Dollar_thief 8y ago
Try to get in the habit of fully cold showers all the time. Within 4-5 days you become adapted to the cold, and in 1-3 weeks you become comfortable in it - as in you don't feel the cold.
I've done this for 3 months now and cannot describe how much it has changed my morning routine: shorter showers, feeling of joy/satisfaction in the shower, warming up when leaving shower instead of cooling down, and feeling buzzed and ready for the day.
There is a Dutch man called Wim Hof who has an excellent documentary called "Inside he superhuman world of The Iceman" who swears by cold showers and ice immersion, he uses it as a tool for proper breathing and has done extensive research on the physiological and psychological affects that it has on the body. He has developed the power (that we all have) to control his "autonomous" systems: endocrine/vascular/nervous etc.
I believe that this should be one of the end goals of every red pill man. I have been meaning to write an extensive post about this topic as there is so much valuable information to give.
If you take nothing else, take the documentary, it's 45 minutes and, like the red pill, will alter your perception of what is possible of the human body and send you down a rabbit hole of research into the body and what the scientific community is only just beginning to understand.
RPmatrix 8y ago
haha I've been having cold showers religiously for 35yrs bro! And only a few months ago was I able to convince my (very Red) best mate to start doing the same .... and then I find out he's become a huge Win Hoff fan! lol
yeah mate, they sure are amazing for such a simple thing to do
also Wim does these cool hyperventilating exercises ... which I highly recommend to anyone who hasn't learned about how important your breathing is
Dollar_thief 8y ago
Yeah his hyperventilation is incredible, you get into a completely peaceful, mindful state and I'd even go as far as to say that it's one of the best forms of meditation.
Next step is ice baths haha, not sure I'm looking forward to that so much!
Dollar_thief 8y ago
The cold burns fat - activates brown fat which increases metabolism levels, uses blood glucose to provide energy to heat the body, blood sugar levels decrease to more natural level.
Mental toughness - psychologically, overcoming an extreme condition at the beginning of the day gives mental clarity and feels like an achievement each time (start the day as you mean to go on).
Increases immune function - like weight lifting you are stressing your immune system and it gets stronger each time you do it. It increases the number of immune system cells which fight disease and infection.
Better heat regulation - The body is more comfortable in different temperature, I quite literally feel warmer during the day compared to before starting cold showers.
Redefines comfort - people think comfort is watching tv and eating crisps, it's not, comfort is being in tune with your natural self - we are a tiny percentage of human history to have central heating and warm showers, we've lost the ability to properly control our bodily systems and survive cold weather conditions and I believe this lack of connection between our lives and our natural state causes us to enter "easy mode" in life which has damaging psychological issues and health issues.
Full body cold exposure has been proven to significantly reduce depression levels.
Increases energy - it awakens you from your sleep, some believe it can treat chronic fatigue.
Great for your skin and hair, noticeable differences after a few weeks.
Increases testosterone levels.
Lowers stress levels - whilst showering adrenaline (stress) levels increase and then rapidly decrease afterwards, like a reset.
This turned out to be longer than I thought it would be. Tell you what, I'll start writing my list tomorrow on the cold showers and breathing techniques and will let you know when I post it.
[deleted] 8y ago
TRP_Minor 8y ago
I know this comment is a bit old but some of these seem to apply to morning showers, yet I notice night showers help me go to sleep (though I usually take hot night showers.)
Should I try and switch to morning showers?
Dollar_thief 8y ago
Have your shower whenever you prefer it. What I'm trying promote is that cold showers are much more beneficial than warm showers.
Personally I prefer a cold shower in the morning as it wakes me up properly and sets me up for the day, but you should experiment with morning vs night showers and see which one works for you. So definitely try morning showers, but stick with whichever one works for you.
adam_varg 8y ago
Dollarthief summed it up nicely. Only thing he forgot is less anxiety and depression from lowering cortisol and extra serotonin release.
Dont waste your time on WymHoff bullshit. Its scam, meaning he can do his feats but they are overinflated and his methods wont learn you anything special (its basic cold exposure training with breathing mediations exercises with shitload of hippybullshit for lot of money)
TedTheAtheist 8y ago
Sorry but video games are very important. Can never do without them. They are my hobby. Liked much of what else you've written, though (not everything).
[deleted] 8y ago
I used to be a huge Call of Duty player. Modern Warfare was my favorite game. Quickscoping was my favorite 'skill'. However, I didn't find that it help me with anything in the real world to do with women or career. It was a great stress reliever and a fun hobby but I wasn't achieving anything from it like a salary/career.
TedTheAtheist 8y ago
Well, my career is awesome.. and I meet enough women to where I get laid every month. Yes, I spend a great deal of time on my video games, but since I'm an introvert, this suits me fine.
I couldn't imagine dumping all my free time into getting women, as I don't have to work on my career so much. I would get a TON more numbers, sure.. and maybe more sex, sure.. but I don't really care to do more than I am, I guess.
I'm achieving fun times.. I have people I play with online, and it "takes me away" from everything. Instead of a vacation, I can just game. :)
RedPillFreedom 8y ago
Enjoy the format.
Good Post especially for Newbies.
[deleted] 8y ago
Thank you. The 'formatting help' help a lot. I tend to get a headache when reading post with no paragraphs or lose track of where I was reading.
Red_SL4 8y ago
I don't know if you do already, but reddit enhancement suit (RES) allows you to preview your post as you write it, formatted and all.
[deleted] 8y ago
I don't know how to do that.
reddumpling 8y ago
It is an add-on/extension you install on your browser. It has a ton of customization that literally enhances your reddit experience.
aewiggin 8y ago
Agree with everything except shower frequency and deodorant use.
truekejsi 8y ago
and maybe...shaving my legs? srsly wtf
orangepolenta 8y ago
no. Just no. Thin out? fine. Clean shave legs? wtf is happening to us?!
[deleted] 8y ago
Chicks digs calves man. (How I Met Your Mother) XD Lol
cwilson830 8y ago
Good post, but I don't agree with part of this.
I do agree that in person > online dating, but I don't agree with cutting out all online. Sure, if you're in the top 10%, you'll clean up, but I've seen plenty of regular guys do just fine with minimal effort.
Also, online dating and general social media should be two separate things. Definitely limit SM usage, set accounts to private, and disable notifications. And I don't get the point of the 100 limitation. If you do the first three things, this isn't necessary.
[deleted] 8y ago
For online dating, I seen awesome guys get nothing. It's more a personal experience kind of thing, sexual market value, and location, location, location.
For social media, Dunbar's number is a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships. These are relationships in which an individual knows who each person is and how each person relates to every other person. 150 is the limit. To make your Facebook personal and not have strangers snoop, you should only include people who you care for. If you want a massive follower count, create a Facebook page. The majority of the population tends to friend request everything they touch.
sharpie711 8y ago
I have some more books that I personally like:
Influence: https://www.amazon.com/Influence-Psychology-Persuasion-Robert-Cialdini/dp/006124189X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1467738215&sr=8-1&keywords=influence
What everybody is saying: https://www.amazon.com/What-Every-BODY-Saying-Speed-Reading/dp/0061438294/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1467738244&sr=8-1&keywords=body+language
Body Language: https://www.amazon.com/Definitive-Book-Body-Language/dp/0553804723/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1467738244&sr=8-4&keywords=body+language
Emotional intelligence: https://www.amazon.com/Emotional-Intelligence-2-0-Travis-Bradberry/dp/0974320625/ref=sr_1_sc_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1467738330&sr=8-2-spell&keywords=emtionall+intelligence
EvrythingISayIsRight 8y ago
Also -
Attempt to curb reddit/facebook/twitter/etc use & drinking/smoking/whatever
[deleted] 8y ago
Thanks. Totally forgot about substance abuse.
ghengiscock 8y ago
Aaaaand saved.
Love that you included School of Life and The Philosophy of Rick and Morty.
[deleted] 8y ago
Thanks. I can't wait for the 3rd Season.
beastboi27 8y ago
Alot of good advice to follow except quitting tv shows..how the actual FUCK could anyone just quit Game Of Thrones?! that's just so gay...
[deleted] 8y ago
Never really got into Game of Thrones. My coworkers got me started on the current season though. I still can't get over Hodor and his future affecting his past. Time travel is always confusing. I did like Arya's blind girl story though and Tyrion is my favorite character.
beastboi27 8y ago
Cool, You really have to start it from the beginning, will make this current season so much more impactful and awesome.
aDrunkenWhaler 8y ago
You mean that show where all men are castrated, deformed or weakling cucks and women rule the entire world?
beastboi27 8y ago
Jon Starkgaryan will rule them all ???? fuck outta here.
aDrunkenWhaler 8y ago
You mean Sansa's little bitch? The all goody beta dumbass leader with less leadership skills than a horse? The king of No.. concept of politics whatsoever that got stabbed to death by most his fellow men?
beastboi27 8y ago
Like you could of done better ???? don't be a hater.
drew967 8y ago
OP im also Asian and lifting. Like you I also started off very skinny, but how long did it take you to reach 160?? Currently at 151-152lbs from a year and a half of lifting.
Were you just on a constant bulk like me?? Or did you have periods of cutting?
[deleted] 8y ago
Well I started this year since the middle of March so about 3 months. I was at 145 lb and I was almost skinnyfat. What my coworker/personal trainer, got me doing was:
eat 3 large meals a day (Used to intermediate fast.)
a protein shake with creatine before a work out and a protein shake after the workout.
A protein shake first thing in the morning, and protein shake before I go to bed. (Our metabolism are ridiculous)
Everyday workout a muscle group. Chest/Abs, Back/Running, Shoulder/Arm/Abs, Legs. You 'rest' when you don't workout one muscle group but work on another. So technically, one muscle group 'rest' for 3 days until the next rotation. Took me awhile to made a habit of working out everyday but it just setting aside 1 hour a day for it.
Lift heavy. Do 6 reps of 3-4 sets. Always increase weight if too easy. You should be struggling to muscle failure. Keep perfect form though. Don't jerk or heave. Always stay solid and straight.
chances_are_ur_a_fag 8y ago
I recommend you read Arnold's book the encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding. excellent resource.
drew967 8y ago
Well thats kinda what ive been doing, my main 3 meals and 2 or 3 smaller meals of actual food not just snacking. But seriously 2 protein shakes a day. where do you buy protein for so cheap.
Ill def give creatine a try i heard it works but for rn i need to finish off the rest of the BCAA's my other friend once recommended me.
[deleted] 8y ago
www.bodybuilding.com. Don't buy from stores. They jack up the price. Also you need good protein formulas and creatine. Some products are made from shit. Protein shake I use is Pro JYM (4lb 55$) and creatine is RSP nutrition Creatine Monohydrate (16.99)
Lightning14 8y ago
I recommend myprotein.com. They frequently have deals that bring their 8.8lb bag of unflavored whey isolate down to ~$60.
kenstripe 8y ago
Hey there, chiming in, also Asian and also 5'6". Eat like it's your last meal 3 to 5 times a day. Go with an easy to prepare meal with high protein and moderate fats/carbs. If you're the type that hates eating the samething over and over again, then it means you don't want this enough. Lift heavy and do it often, always with good form mind you. You'll make it, from my experience at least. I'm a personal trainer, with a few wins in powerlifting and going on to bodybuilding.
drew967 8y ago
Nah ive been on a Frozen chicken from costco and Peanut Butter Sandwich diet for the longest time. I throw in vegetables and fruit whenever i can tho.
Oh and rice, cant forget rice xD
Metalgear222 8y ago
this right here. Been on brown rice and quinoa and chicken breast and a protein shake with whole milk and peanut butter for months. Costco FKN wins.
Went from 130-160 in less than 9 months and still 10% body fat. I train 6 times a week hard tho