About one to four months after finding the red pill, a lot of you young bucks have a bad idea.
"My eyes are open now", you say to yourselves. "I can see now that it is all about being Alpha. I need to do what Alphas do, and then I will be Alpha. Alphas are teachers and leaders. I will become Alpha by teaching and leading."
"I will make a post!"
"Errr... let's see now... what am I going to say?"
Usually the result contains:
- Platitudes.
- Vague encouragement.
- The words "brothers" or "gentlemen".
- Nothing of value to anyone.
Well, "brothers", "gentlemen", let me remind you of something. TRP does not have democratic values. It is probably the first community with non-democratic values that you have ever lived in. It is this way because democracy, specifically the kind of fetishized democracy that insists that everyone's voice has equal value and weight, and that every voice needs to be heard... well, that's what fucked up the social order so bad we needed to invent TRP.
Your opinion is not valuable just because it's your opinion. Your voice does not need to be heard just because it's yours. You do not have the right to waste people's time to because you want to see yourself in print.
Every time I write something, you are doing me favour by reading it. You are giving me something you have a fixed amount of, and will never get any more of... your time. And either I repay that favour by making what you get worth your time, repay it so much that I've done you a favour by giving you something that was worth far more than your time, or I fail to repay the favour by wasting your time with words of little worth.
Either you either profit by reading, you break even, or you lose. Which one do you think would make me a teacher, and a leader of men?
Resist the impulse to speak because you want to be the guy speaking. The path to being a quality speaker is to wait until you have something you are burning to say. Something that has blown your mind and everyone else needs to hear it. Something that repays the precious gift of their time. Yes, it's a problem that RPS has to sticky something saying "Don't post pablum", but writing pablum isn't good for you, either. If you don't have insights or experiences you are burning to write about, then lurk, learn, and practice until you do. Ultimately, TRP is about the quality of your life, not the size of your metaphorical internet penis.
You do not need to see yourself in print to prosper.
[deleted] 9y ago
Limekill 9y ago
Damn GLO - I just spat coffee at my sweet ass monitor set up :/
I feel this way about myself very infrequently. A lot more as a kid. I think it passes with age, enough life moments plop like turds into your cereal until you don't care enough to be a bitch anymore. peeps are gonna deal with your opinions or they aren't, at this point it's their problem.
DuncanMonroe 9y ago
I saw one of these a few days ago. The dude kept bitching about being a "desi", whatever the fuck that is, and wanted everyone to throw a pity party for his race.
machimus 9y ago
And he got smashed for it, as I recall. I'm not sure how many hints we're supposed to give, that was retarded.
Gettingaware 9y ago
Its easier to write that then to write...
Help guys, im a completely average, well adjusted man who is bad with women and other higher up men. Im smart enough to know what to do, but it always seems impossibly hard to reach that peak i cannot even see.
Ive been over this a million times in my head, and i replay certain memories, and continiuosly do the same things that get me nowhere in life, but the fact of the matter is, i dont know who i am, what direction to move, and whether or not the fruits of my labor will be worth the effort, if i somehow manage to figure it out.
I read and read about theories, on everything masculine and as it were by chance i can relate to everything but in knowing so much i im now stuck. Everythings been thought and said before, im nobody. I know what my place in the world is in realtions to other men i admire, and emotionally and mentally im well below the grade, and to to lazy to change it even though its well within my capacity.
Im afraid of confrontation, im afriad of failure, i cannot handle rejection, and id rather just call it quits and be a social outcast then play the manipulation and phoney game we call social interations and realtionships.
I dont love myself, ive read too much and dont trust women, and im life situation is stagnant, where it will remain for far longer than i hope. Although you cant help me because i wont actually listen to your advice i had to get the word out there and see that someone, anyone is willing to even pretend to care what i have to say.
But I wouldnt know anything about that cause im a super well adjusted alpha
[deleted] 9y ago
Ok what the fuk, that was me to the dot!
[deleted] 9y ago
vengefully_yours 9y ago
From one gimpy vet (46) to another.
[deleted] 9y ago
I'm of the opinion that some men shouldn't be helped and I wish they would stop trying to get laid and breading altogether. That's one of the main problems with our species, the natural order of things is all out of wack. Only natural alpha males should bread (or even get laid for that matter). 20% of all the males, the strongest, best looking and smartest should get all the females. The rest should get robot fuck dolls or sterilized so they don't go around causing problems. This is best for our posterity. Eugenics sucks for most people but look at the alternatives - week fucking genetics, sickness, disease, ugliness, stupidity... FUCK!!!, we're all fucked! Society is heading for the rocks in so many ways. Men like me should spread their seed as far and wide as possible in order to counter all the shit genetics going around. For the good of humanity.
Hahahaha, joking. I don't really believe that. Allegedly. Maybe I shouldn't even joke about eugenics. Some of the greatest contributors to humanity were ugly fuckers. Besides, I'm pretty sure they tried breeding for intelligence and it didn't work.
vengefully_yours 9y ago
The word you wanted was breeding and bred.
DuncanMonroe 9y ago
That's because usually girls don't want to fuck smart guys. If they do, it's not because he's smart, but because he thinks he's smart and has a stick up his ass thinking he's better than everyone and the smartest person on the planet.
[deleted] 9y ago
Intelligence makes a woman feel safe and protected. It works in the same way as muscles. If you have both intelligence and muscles that's even better.
Street smarts is a form of intelligence that women find attractive. Being able to fix things is attractive. Working on cars, around the house etc. Making things with skill is attractive. Being a musician or an artist is a form of intelligence.
Intelligence can get you pussy if applied intelligently.
DuncanMonroe 9y ago
I think this is a part of why I get laid sometimes. I've had some hot girls tell me that I "make them feel stupid". I never considered this had much to do with attraction.
[deleted] 9y ago
tokyodom 9y ago
It's not that simple. Linked is an article written by Harvard professor Steven Pinker.
randomuserwot 9y ago
Seems like I can't repeat this enough. It's a law of nature, that extremes will inevitably come closer to the mean over time. Extremely intelligent people will produce less intelligent offspring. That doesn't mean their offspring isn't smarter than the average, but it will be CLOSER to the average than their parents.
sarsar2 9y ago
Indians and Chinese are at a significant disadvantage in the western dating game though. There's no doubt that they could overcome it with enough hard work, but they'd have to work significantly harder than some dude who was born 6'4" and hasn't had to work his ass off to get to where he is. The genetic lottery is a thing, and you're stupid to deny that. Until you live vicariously in a brown dude or yellow dude's skin, you don't have much of a right to say anything.
Cyralea 9y ago
It's not that significant. It's a minor disadvantage at worst. There is a tendency by most people to attribute their failures to their biggest insecurity. The minor racial setback is often overblown.
machimus 9y ago
Exactly, by far the biggest factor of their low SMV is their attitude about it.
[deleted] 9y ago
Yes yes it's all very sad. Posts detailing the sexual desolation in lower betaistan aren't of much value though.
sarsar2 9y ago
Emphasis on the stupid part, since you selectively comprehend things that people write.
oldredder 9y ago
Not really. There's a SHIT TON of Indians and Chinese vs whites, shouldn't be surprised in raw numbers a ton of them aren't genetically ideal. In fraction-terms it's probably no worse than whites: very few women are 8's and up. If you live in a college town like I do you get kinda spoiled because you see a lot of them & they keep getting replaced. Realistically that's not how life works.
machimus 9y ago
It's bell curve distributed just like anything else, with 68% of guys within a standard deviation of average. The good news is an average guy can change a lot by being in good shape etc, but most importantly having a good attitude. And that's what those guys on here do NOT have, on average.
oldredder 9y ago
It's probably not that either: bell curve applies to random distributions but heredity is anything but random. Every mating is seeking an ideal / better partner leaving the least fit to mate or not mate, but if they mate the offspring may be so unfit they don't get far, or don't get born (spontaneous abortion, etc.), so this puts a heavy bias to improvement vs the environment's threats (and proxies of that)
vengefully_yours 9y ago
I'm 5'8, very heavy set old gray haired white guy. If I wear baggy clothes I look fat because it hides my definition. I busted my ass getting where I am, and have been set back to zero or below 8 times in the 30 years I've been out of school. Two wars, two divorces, child support wallet raping, and I've been worked nearly to death when I wasn't being shot at. Grew up poor as fuck, nothing has been given to me, yet here I am, over 100 notches because I learned how to talk to them.
Use it as a crutch if you want, wish you were taller or white or whatever, it won't change your reality. Even if you were born with easily sunburned skin, that doesn't mean shit is easy, it just means you might be OK at a kkk rally, what a plus.
DuncanMonroe 9y ago
100 notches, that's crazy. As a fellow 5'8er who's 26 with <30 girls banged, teach me your ways.
vengefully_yours 9y ago
I'm nearly twice your age, hit 100 in my 30s. Everything I do is in the sidebar, I had to learn it the hard way long before the Internet was available to civilians.
Big things, lift heavy shit, do things that are difficult to do because it builds confidence. Learn game, mostly what not to say so you don't talk her out of fucking you. Travel and learn interesting shit, I have and it's something to talk about.
The fucking interesting part, is that I spent 18 years of the last 29 in 3 different relationships, and I never cheated. Lots of ONS in my past, and lots of screw ups too. I fail often, I probably bat around 100 to be honest, but I am constantly talking to bitches, gaming every one of them I meet, even if she is old or ugly, I game them. Practice makes proficient.
Read and reread the sidebar, and do shit that takes effort. It pays when you're mid 40s.
oldredder 9y ago
and yet probably what you really learned of value about those notches is getting more didn't make you a better soldier, mechanic (if I remember right, been a couple months since I may have read that) or man in general. Life experience & surviving bullshit is what made you that. And guaranteed some of that bullshit came with the notches.
vengefully_yours 9y ago
Yeah, the notches aren't the reason, they're a perk. The point is most of us don't have it easy, just because you're white doesn't mean you have it made, you have to make your life into something worth living. That takes work, effort, and hardship builds indestructible men, or it breaks them down into whimpering little bitches.
Having it hard in your life is preferable to easy, because you become a better man. Bitches have shit handed to them constantly, they rarely become anything as a result. I made myself stronger and more resilient to better combat the hardships in my life, you don't do that if you're whining because you're not 6'4 white Chad with a 12" long dick and a massive trust fund. You do it because you want something better from life, and you're not going to let anything or anyone hold you back. They don't like you, fuck them, I will still achieve my goals.
sarsar2 9y ago
No one is saying to use this as a crutch-- those are your words. It's just a statement of fact; brown dudes and yellow dudes have it harder than white dudes in the western dating game. Doesn't mean they can't score.
vengefully_yours 9y ago
That's the point. Put in the effort, learn how to do it, and stop crying that you were born with more pigment, because you can't change it. Change what you can, accept the rest and use it to your advantage.
I build cars, mostly Pontiac engines. These are low rpm torque monsters, most never Rev higher than 6000 rpm. The 350 chevy or 302 ford needs rpm to make power, the 400 or 455 Pontiac doesn't. The camshaft is largely what decides where the power will be made by how long it holds the valves open. You don't put a cam in a 455 that starts making power at 4500 rpm and maxes out at 7000. It won't work right, it will be slow as fuck and run like shit. You use a cam that makes its power between 2000 and 5000, build on what the engine is designed to do rather than trying to force it to do something it can't. Accentuate the positives rather than trying to change the negatives.
That applies to people. You take your positive attributes and make them better. You fix any shortcomings, lift, eat right, learn, and make the most of what you have. Trying to be something you can never be, taller, different race, etc is futile, but you can be stronger, better educated, and have an interesting and varied life because you do cool and interesting shit few others do.
DuncanMonroe 9y ago
So why is it even worth mentioning? Why bring it up, if not to elicit empathy or sympathy? We aren't chicks, we don't need the feels.
sarsar2 9y ago
Because the OP made a direct assertion to the contrary, that's why. You're not very smart, are you?
Whisper 9y ago
I've noticed these as well.
I think they are an artifact of certain men being largely raised by women. They learn woman-tactics for interpersonal interaction. "I am hopeless at this please help me" is a viable thing to say if you are a woman. It evokes male protective instincts, and also displays a humble, submissive attitude which men find appealing.
These young men want help, and their only experience of how to get help is what they see women doing. Their only experience of emotional comfort has been their mothers' love for them, so when they are hurting and in despair, they retreat into the psychological space of childhood, and look for someone to parent them.
The question here is how to get them to that initial realization that shit that works for women will not work for them, that submissiveness is charming when women do it and cringeworthy when men do it, that to get help they need to show a serious determination to use their own energy to walk the right path if only a wise teacher will point them in the right direction.
The men of TRP can't give out emotional comfort, because it's not what's needed. Emotional comfort for men comes not from sympathy, but from getting that first small win under your belt because you made the right moves at last.
In order to profit from TRP, men need to understand the man-language that is spoken here. That's the first real hurdle, and it's a high one for men who have only been raised to understand chick-speak.
CopperFox3c 9y ago
This really speaks to the degree that modern feminism and feminized society has fucked over men. It's insidious in its nature really.
Oh how far down the rabbit hole we've fallen.
SilentForTooLong 9y ago
Well, for as long as women keep helping women, and men keep helping women... while both men and women just fuck over men that need any help, women will continue to dominate society.
No man is an island.
But the belief that all men are islands has certainly helped women take over society.
leleleoleleleol 9y ago
Im knew to trp and i fall under this category. as unfortunate as that is since i have found trp i have been making changes to the way i'm living over the last few weeks and honestly im feeling better about my life more every day and living more like a ''man''. back to my main point. you said '' The question here is how to get them to that initial realization that shit that works for women will not work for them,'' I'm just going to say that this comment of yours has done just that for me. and this is just another victory for my mentality and i just wanted to say thank you.
[deleted] 9y ago
I am the kind of man who post that kind of thing. I've been doing so on various forums for all my life.
You are onto something with your explanation.
[deleted] 9y ago
I'd recommend a post about it. Something sidebar worthy that we can tell people: Read this. Something that would cover several stumlbing blocks for feminized men. I've been sitting here for several minutes but I can't thing of anything to add to the list. Maybe being raised by a single mom is adding to it. its always and AHA moment when I see it here.
Funny aside. When I was a recruit some guys would go to the drill instructor and talk with a soft quiet voice and the drill instructors would yell "DONT TALK TO ME LIKE A BITCH" for a while I wasn't sure if the bitch was the DI (don't talk softly to placate me like a woman), or the recruit was a bitch for talking soft. But either way you cut it, there isnt supposed to be any bitches on the depot. We're men and we fucking sound off when we talk to each other.
Whisper 9y ago
And now you have given me an article title. Time to get writing.
[deleted] 9y ago
Give me something I can use.
[deleted] 9y ago
Just want to let you know this work of yours could potentially save thousands of males lifes.
cocaine_face 9y ago
Maybe a post about masculine language and how we communicate here? Possibly with a special emphasis on how victimhood is not a successful path for men.
Whisper 9y ago
[deleted] 9y ago
So many men need that, myself included.
[deleted] 9y ago
cocaine_face 9y ago
You do what you can within the constraints that you have.
If you're disabled, you will not do as well as someone, all things being equal, who isn't physically disabled. Likewise with tall and short (this is all things being equal - things are never entirely equal and TRP is all about how to maximize yourself). A tall ripped billionaire will have more options than a short ripped billionaire. The disparity in options is fantastically minor though (and probably only limited to one woman - the LTR of the tall ripped billionaire in this case).
If you're physically disabled, that sucks. Do the best you can. Become masculine, don't let your disability control you. If you can get in shape, get in shape.
A physical disability didn't prevent Stephen Hawking from being one of the most influential men ever, and he was married until very recently.
vengefully_yours 9y ago
News flash, I got fucked up 11 years ago in the desert, it's only in the last 20 months that I can walk without a noticeable limp and excruciating pain. I haven't spent the last decade whining and watching cartoons, I've been working around my limitations, finding ways to do things I couldn't do the way I used to, and when I hurt too much I read, studied, and planned.
I have two friends in wheelchairs, paralyzed chest down. Both those men get some damn hot pussy, they don't let that shit slow them down. They have game, they have confidence, and being unable to do the work when fucking sure as hell doesn't hold them back. One is hardcore into fast cars, he's had an 11 second Trans Am, ten second Vette, and now has some new import with silly power and an auto churning all four wheels. We help him with shit, but he gets under the car with us and works on his own shit.
Be a whiny bitch if you want, your life will continue to give you shit to whine and bitch about. Or find ways around the shit you gotta deal with every fucking day.
[deleted] 9y ago
vengefully_yours 9y ago
Hey, I don't give two shits if you worked for KBR, Maytag, or some other outfit, you've been there, got fucked up like I did, even if it was in a different way. The point is, this is life now, don't let what happened prevent you from doing whatever the fuck you actually can. Stop wallowing in self pity, it doesn't get you anywhere. Own that shit, it's who you are now and you're not worthless.
One of those guys doesn't get any VA support, he got out, then got in a car accident. The other isn't service connected, so he doesn't get much from the VA, yet he has the fast cars. It's not stopping them, why is it stopping you?
As for support, yeah we military get some, but not as much as you might think. We got paid far less than you did for our time there, and it depends on what you did as to the risk you took. You guys get fucked if you get hurt, thats the risk you take. Anyway that's irrelevant now, yeah we get paid some for coming back fucked up, but most of our support is little more than platitudes. I've been homeless (by the VA definition) for two years, nobody is helping me do shit. I own land, sold some cars to buy it, want to build a house and a shop, but nobody will lend a hand, unless I pay them 10x the cost of materials. So I make shit work, and I am still building despite not being able to do shit like I used to. I am not letting shit hold me back, and I will do it all my damn self because fuck everyone else.
It's not macho shit, it's fucking reality. You get the fuck back to doing something that makes you feel like a man again, and you don't let shit and limitations stop you. If you don't, then you might as well end it all now, because it's not going to be like it was. You go forward from here, you do what you gotta do, or you bitch out.
You're on TRP so apparently you don't want to be a bitch. Stop thinking like one, because you're not a bitch unless you want to be.
Whisper 9y ago
Good. Goooooood. Let the hate flow through you. Let it make you strong.
Let it make you determined not to let him win. Take the hate and use it to show him you're better than him, by succeeding without any of the perks he got. Then laugh at him and call him a sissy.
mrp3anut 9y ago
Waaaaaa!!!!? I got paid 5x what you did to go to the sandbox and got unlucky but nobody gives me a shoulder to cry on. /s
Either move mountains or don't but crying about someone on the internet not thinking you are manly is pathetic.
[deleted] 9y ago
If you hate him so much, then do better than him while having less than him.
Then come back and make him suck your dick.
[deleted] 9y ago
I'm shocked you'd imply there is a difference between men and women. I'm furiously blogging about this incident as we speak, stay tuned for more info. /s
Upvote_To_The_Left 9y ago
There's a lot of crap posts, like that guy who made a huge post about going out alone. big fucking deal.
go out alone 4 nights a week for 8 months and bang a new girl every month, then write a post about it. I'm sure that will be much more valuable.
or the guy who said some ex reached out to him and his response was to be a dick because that's alpha. and he provided almost zero justification or background to the relationship. the point of the post was literally "lol look at this girl being desperate, i am an alpha asshole that will treat her like garbage" without any kind of insight or reasoning other than "alpha = asshole = that's what she deserves"
really weak shit. and extremely misguided.
DRMMR76 9y ago
Personally I'm growing to think the opposite. TRP seems to be headed away from being a discussion group and being more like a lecture circuit. Some people are beginning to "believe their own legend" as it were and it appears they are are trying to come at this with a "I'm an EC, you're not, sit there are shut up while I enlighten you" attitude, and frankly it's getting a little tiring. If I wanted to just read what the "pros" have to say, I would stick to reading the blogs like CH and Rational Male. But I don't want to just be talked at. I like hearing from everyone, n00bs and EC alike. Even the shitty posts offer an example of what not to do or say.
ScholarInRed 9y ago
"You are not entitled to your opinion; you are entitled to your informed opinion. Nobody is entitled to be ignorant." ~ Harlan Ellison
"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something." ~ Plato
the_red_scimitar 9y ago
And Harlan is (or mostly was) not a man to go into a battle of wits with. Few are as well armed or armored.
grubek 9y ago
There is no shame in being ignorant as long as you are aware and not pretending otherwise. We all are ignorant in a lot of stuff. There is no time in the world to deeply learn about everything.
There is a myth promoted to keep people believing in democracy and it is that people are or can be rational and informed voters. Its not possible, human nature is such that we are much more ignorant than knowledgeable.
[deleted] 9y ago
"Democracy is a lamb and two wolves deciding what to have for dinner." Basically just mob rule and we know how stupid, uninformed and easily propagandized most people are.
tits_out_forTheBoys 9y ago
♂ added because I cannot agree with you more.
For some reason, the truths you've cited tend to be even more difficult for people to accept than the fact that women are incapable of loving men as we want them to love us.
The human tendency to be stubborn and resistant to change partially stems from the fact that it's human nature to act like we have a crystal ball when it comes to certain topics or issues that we're particularly passionate about. Bros, read the book Mastery by Robert Greene and you'll realize that a key trait of every Master throughout history is that they refused to accept that there's a "best way" to approach something. There is always a better way, a deeper truth, a more complex reality. This is the very root of humanity's ability to innovate.
[deleted] 9y ago
It's silly to think that there isn't a best way to do something--there is. Whether that way is known or not is another thing.
I agree with the sentiment, but I also think that there has to be a best way to do something.
grubek 9y ago
But isn't the discussion on whether there is a best way or not useless since we can never be sure one way is the best? Sure, there are ways that are better than other's, but you don't really know if there is even a better way.
We just have to remain humble because otherwise you hinder your development. And by humble I don't mean externally or socially humble, because those are usually manipulation attempts, but internally humble. No matter how useful is to have an attitude, how wise you have become, how much social recognition you get, etc... it is very important to remember that the world is too complex for just one human mind with all its limitations. Because when you forget that is when you get arrogant and people will take advantage.
Basically what I'm saying is: Don't show your weakness but never forget them.
Dsdcimyc 9y ago
I for one think the words "brothers" and "gentlemen" should be banned from this sub. So cringeworthy.
StManTiS 9y ago
Many other figments of the internet belong in that same category of both praising the listener and trying to establish the speaker as being on equal footing even though they are speaking from below.
They are words that leaders use with great power but they only hold as much power as the speaker.
JavaMage 9y ago
I'm sorry to burst your egotistical bubble but this is reddit. Reddit is a social platform where 1/2 of the community openly admit to posting to achieve 'karma'.
If you don't want people to post for upvotes you really need to go elsewhere..
tits_out_forTheBoys 9y ago
First off, this is true as fuck which is why I find it so funny.
That said, I'm gonna have to take the opposing standpoint on this: I actually prefer it when newbs write their posts with an overconfident mindset.
Sure, some of them don't know wtf they're talking about and just come off as an ass. But there are some newbies who do actually have an idea of what they're talking about, and I would much rather read something with balls-to-the-wall conviction than some sort of "eh, I think this is what's happening, IMO, but I could be wrong. :/"
Regardless of whether the content of the post is shitty or awesome, I think it should always be written like the OP has a big swingin' dick. Because quite honestly, no one wants to read something that was written by someone who lacks any sort of conviction or self-confidence - especially in an anonymous male space.
If the post is great, then it helps the message sink in that much more. If the post sucks, easy as fuck - we report the jackass for writing a shitty post.
But I refuse to support this recent influx of "all newbies need to be humble" type of posts that my fellow EC's have been writing lately. I respect you guys a lot for your work, but come on, you know that it's shitty to completely dismiss the work of other men -- just because they haven't earned the "high honor" of TRP's Reddit flair.
We're above that, my fellow endorsed bros.
I'm a huge proponent that respect is earned, but I think some of us are taking it WAY too far: (a) This is Reddit (i.e. there's worse things in life than "a Redditor who thinks he knows it all!! >:o"), and (b) How can we expect anyone to earn our respect, when we also expect them to show something less than full conviction in their work?
Whisper 9y ago
You're not quite hearing me.
The takeaway isn't "Don't write with passion", it's "when you don't have passion, don't write".
tits_out_forTheBoys 9y ago
You're right. I should have realized that this was clearly the takeaway of your post:
I now realize that you and I are basically saying the same thing, hahaha, my bad for ever doubting you /u/Whisper. Let's chalk this one up to a rough start to the work week for Tits_Out, please & thank you.
[deleted] 9y ago
Whisper 9y ago
I'm not. Newb Field Reports are important. If the only accounts newcomers ever read are "Just pulled a threesome with two bridesmaids from a wedding I crashed", and "My girlfriend wears slave collar and calls me master", then they aren't going to be able to see the path between themselves and this paradise of sexual power.
[deleted] 9y ago
[deleted] 9y ago
I would have to say that we aren't pushing them enough for not closing, like half these guys are just flirting, and that's it, they might as well have just liked her new Facebook profile picture.
ghostCanape 9y ago
That's right on point. Maybe we should call them Failure Reports and LRs...
DuncanMonroe 9y ago
I mean I guess that's true. The end result is the same, and the end result is what matters. If you don't achieve the end result you want, it's a mistake, and all you can do with mistakes is learn from them.
krustytheclown2 9y ago
This comment has been overwritten by an open source script to protect this user's privacy.
If you would like to do the same, add the browser extension GreaseMonkey to Firefox and add this open source script.
Then simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, and hit the new OVERWRITE button at the top.
the_red_scimitar 9y ago
The mods do that all the time.
throwaway_holla 9y ago
Who exactly is "we"? Please be specific.
DRMMR76 9y ago
The foundation of all proper and functional relationships of any kind in life is an equal exchange of value for value. When the exchange is unequal, the relationship, even one that last but a few seconds between reader and writer, is wrong and should be terminated.
Just curious, but those who are downvoting without offering a counterpoint, why?
xaphody 9y ago
Speak with purpose or fall to the folly of deaf ears
All_fixed_again 9y ago
"listen with two ears, talk with one mouth" - heard from my father
renegade 9y ago
You forgot:
[deleted] 9y ago
I'm new and can't post yet but I sure am itching to tell y'all just how fucking amazing I am with the ladies. I'm so ridiculously good looking, confident, successful and intelligent that everyone secretly hates me, but I can see right through them all. Guys get jealous when I walk in and their girlfriends get all flustered. Women hate me because I won't fuck them. I am a true natural alpha long before I found TRP. I don't even have game, never needed it. My music and good looks drops pussy at my feet. My biggest problem is that I'm so used to fucking 10s that I can't settle for less and there's just not enough of them super hotties... Dudes really shouldn't worry about me though because I'm fucking way above your league and you couldn't get the fine pussy I go for anyways... Now that I'm learning how women really work and have rid myself of searching for unicorns, I'm out for the slaughter. I no longer care about personality. Fuck, I no longer care about anything other than myself. No more Mr. nice guy looking for a supermodel who can sing, is intelligent, educated, honest, genuine, feminine and nurturing. Fuck that. All I care about now is young hot pussy! Look out world, I just might decide to lower my standards and fuck all the bitches. You guys are done... Somebodies gonna try to take me out, that's why I'm getting my conceal carry. Motherfuuuuckckckcers!!!!
How's that for useless non-substance bravado? I hope I stole some of your precious time that you only have a limited amount of and will never get back.
FLFTW16 9y ago
LOL I just saw a wall of text and downvoted without reading LOL
the_red_scimitar 9y ago
A lot of subs have the new poster problem, where people didn't bother to do a single search of the topic they want to write about. The non-monogamy sub is the worst I know of for this. Almost everyday there is one or more posts on exactly the same thing: "my <bf/gf> wants to open our relationship. I has bad feels. What I do?"
It takes a lot longer than a few months to have anything valuable to add to the discussion on RP. Better to lurk, comment, and really CHANGE yourself, not just report a fluke success or whatever. When it's actually who you are, you'll have something of value.
That said, there is value to encouragement. And to be honest, to whom else are these early (to the poster) RP tales going to be told? Most of us have learned the hard way not to discuss this with our non-RP friends. Perhaps we need more focused subs for some of this.
Also, there seem to be groups of disparate demographics here, who tend to post similar things among their milieu. There's the pre-college crowd, the college crowd, the under-40 (or maybe 35) working crowd, and then the silverbacks. Posts about what your parents did or your teacher are rarely going to be interesting to any but your age demographic. Not sure what we can or even should do about it, but it's another noise factor that's gotten worse as the membership grows.
stellarMan24 9y ago
Sucks for those of us who have been reading TRP for a couple years now, but decided to make an account in case they just HAD to share something with the community.
Happened today. I really enjoyed writing the post titled [Rid Yourself of the "One Size Fits All" mentality]. It was a message I feel most men here need to hear. It appear's its gone now. I can still access it, but I don't see it on the front page.
Anyway, what's the duration of time an account needs to be alive for a submission to not be removed? Is it 30 days?
BigRedChewingChum 9y ago
It's not that your account just recently became active, it's that your post was removed by the mods thanks to the new policy regarding prescriptive advice. Read the stickied post by RedPillSchool, he makes a mention of your post there.
SplashArtist 9y ago
Oh how ironic this post is...
WhatWouldTuckerDo 9y ago
No it is probably not the first democratic community most of these members have participated in. Get over yourself.
You are born into a family. Most likely not democratic.
You go to school. Not democratic.
Do you have a job? Not democratic.
Maybe you go to church or play on some team; not democratic.
Most communities are not democratic because it is already know democracy is not efficient and very complicated.
[deleted] 9y ago
This might be true but the mod team has a tendency to just delete anything. I'm one of those guys that hasn't subscribed for about a year only to do so mere months ago. I write a post that causes an uproar of stories of people's fathers, truly emotion drenched comments. And yet, I get a warning, and a friendly 3 day ban, quite interesting with the classic "woah there young buck". I recieved a message from someone asking for my deleted post, a post written two days ago. I hadn't known it was deleted until that message. Why? Eh, who knows. For fucks sake mods, I'm not saying don't do your jobs but don't do it for the sake of doing it.
FrameWalker 9y ago
First post ought to be a field report
Upvote_To_The_Left 9y ago
Just want to say thank you for doing a good job. without moderation this place would be a cesspool of garbage.
[deleted] 9y ago
aguy01 9y ago
Let the market decide. That's the great thing about reddit. I've brought this up in several threads that complain about other people's posts and got downvoted every time. Guess the market doesn't want to hear this.
fanthor 9y ago
The market is not filled with trp people, thats the problem.
You are basically asking 9newbs and 1rp to vote which they think is right
DRMMR76 9y ago
The Western world as a whole is no longer filled with people who want agency or responsibility. We live in a culture that wants to be kept warm, fat, and complacent by their masters.
the_red_scimitar 9y ago
Aaaannnnd that's democracy, folks. :-/
nantucketghost 9y ago
deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0378 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?
crack_tobi 9y ago
You cannot offer an advice to a person who does not want it.
oldredder 9y ago
even better: when I can distill a direly important concept to less than 10 lines and others are burning to hear it and it shows, rather than me burning to write it, then it's time for a post.
So far I just comment. No post. Few hear are ready to actually read how things really, really work. They think they want to but I can see they don't. The elders here who do know... don't need to be told.
recon_johnny 9y ago
STFU is literally the best lesson here.
greatmikeshark 9y ago
Who cares! If the red pill is about one thing, it is the idea of doing what you want to do and not worrying about what anyone has to think or say about it. If people want to post what you view as wasted internet space, then so be it.
Limekill 9y ago
Complete and utter bullshit. TRP is not about that. Does TRP recommend you go and rob the closest 7/11 because you want some cash? Does it recommend telling your boss to "go fuck himself"? Of course not.
TRP is about going against the 'moral' rules females have created to keep the beta bux as beta bux. It's not about creating shit because I'm a TRP Alpha AND a special snowflake.
greatmikeshark 9y ago
Does it recommend telling your boss to "go fuck himself"? Of course not.
You are taking things to the extreme. Any view that is view to the extreme can ca be viewed as a misrepresentation of a argument.
These theories that you have list are supporting ideas of TRP. The general main idea of TRP is do what you want with you fear. all other theories support the main idea.