TL;DR- An extensive analysis on the Machiavellianistic implementation of passive/pre-selection sexual strategy, using the manipulation process behind a threesome as it's framework.

"The Machiavellian Approach to Passive Game Manipulation" Part 1

"Fortune is a woman, and if you wish to keep her under it is necessary to beat and ill-use her; and it is seen that she allows herself to be mastered by the adventurous rather than by those who go to work more coldly." -Niccolò Machiavelli

Disclaimer: On Machiavellianistic Amorality

First and foremost, both in comprehension throughout and in commentary below, leave your sense of morality at the door.

Game is amoral. Machiavellianism is amoral. The world is amoral.

Manipulating those around you for your own personal benefit i.e. adopting a psuedo-Machiavellian persona is big part of this strategy.

People will be used, discarded. Your lessers stepped on. Your blue friends manipulated.

Unlike other strategies, a high level of morality will hinder you.

But not unlike one's perceptions and opinions, morality is innately subjective.

Its subjective in that no one will value your sense of moral justice as highly as you.

While I do have some codes of ethics (don't purposefully persue a friend's LTR, etc.), this is still in my own best interest and I would never expect someone to hold my code of ethics to the same level that I do. That level is subjective to me.

That said, anyone that exists outside of my inner circle that is weak or frail enough to be stepped on or over for my own personal betterment, will be. I'd encourage you to adapt this line of mental processing before proceeding forward.

Again, to those who abhor the notions of absolutist or objectivist amorality, this was your warning. This is not the place for you.

A Foreword

The point here is not the story in and of itself.

The point is to understand the importance behind every action taken in the story to improve the sexual strategy or, at the very least, the comprehension of said strategy amongst other RPers.

In light of this, this field report with take a more analytical perspective, abandoning the tongue-and-cheek approach found in previous entries.

Also, this field report will be extensive. VERY extensive. Without a thorough establishment on how context, the implementation of passive strategy and on how motive, mindset, strategies and the end-goals of all characters involved ultimately led to the field reports conclusion, the results inherently become unnecessarily difficult for other RPers to repeat.

On that note, let's begin by defining the key players and how they identify.

The Key Players

The Red Players

  • OmLaLa: OP, highest male SMV present at event

  • Cam: Natural Alpha (Chad Thundercock), a close friend, non-RP, has a crush on Jill

  • Scarlet: Self-Identifying Machiavellian Black Widow (Devil's Daughter), “Open” Marriage to Beta, HB9, highest female SMV present at event

The Blue Players

  • Brad: Natural Beta, very low SMV, has a crush on Cindy

  • Ben: Chad-ish Beta, low SMV, dating Jill

The Female Players

  • Cindy: Bi-Curious mid-CC HB8, ex-girlfriend to Mandy

  • Mandy: Bi-Curious mid-CC HB7, ex-girlfriend to Cindy

  • Jill: Normal attractive HB9, dating Ben, second most highest female SMV present at event behind Scarlett

Each one of these players played a roles the greater strategy, all roles which will be covered within this field report.

Additional depth will be given to each individual player as they become more relevant to the strategy at play.


Cam and I were recently invited to attend a masquerade style Halloween party.

The party was hosted by one of our wealthier friends.

Roughly 50 people attended the party. Half in their late 20’s to early 30s, the other half over 40 and married, although a fairer portion of these married couples identified as “open”.

Cam's the textbook definition of a Chad: tall with an aloof approach to just about everything. 

I enjoy keeping him around because his main social circles consist mainly of attractive women. 

Although he’d never openly admit it, Chad follows me around as an attempt to comprehend how “a guy like me” ends up with "girls like that". To learn my secret, as it were.

Cam has a clear height advantage over me (Cam’s ~6’4” to my 6’0”). Given that, judging solely based on physique alone, some might say our SMV is similar. More on this later.

Cindy and Mandy are new to our circle. Both of them identify as quote-unquote “lesbians”, but recently they've gone through an unavoidable rough patch and have since split up. 

Neither of them drink, sobriety being an important factor in this field report's conclusion. 

Out of the two, Cindy's more attractive, so Cindy was my target.

 Jill was Cam’s target, although in all honesty, Jill was out of his league.

Common Flaws of the Natural Alpha

The reason I concluded that Jill is out of Cam’s league is that while Cam understands the importance of male attractiveness, he doesn't seem to grasp the importance of frame control. 

While appearance is a prerequisite for a general initiation from women, women will ultimately weigh which of the 4 Ladders to place a man on (The Unworthy, The Beta, The Alpha, or The Unattainable), based upon her judgement of both good traits AND bad. Cam views emotional dependancy on women as a positive trait while most women will generally view such a trait as a weakness of frame or as a sign of scarce mentality.

Another strength of Cam's is his inherently "picky" nature with regards to women he'll actually pursue. 

Cam ONLY pursues women who met a strict criteria he's lain out, making the women who don't quite stack up desperately pine for his attention, giving him a constant aura of “pre-selection”.

His deeper fault comes from his knack for appearing too invested when women do meet his criteria. 

He tends to cling onto any relationship he has with qualifying women and thus either bores them or scares them off.  

What he gets from that -and what he often witnesses- is hot-cold interactions women. Women who fawn over him one day and ignore him/cheat on him the next.

This is because these women are initially drawn into his frame by the pre-sectorial nature he's garnered through the women he's rejected or by admiring his high level of prerequisites any woman must meet in order to become involved with him.

And yet, due to the high levels of emotional attachment he poses, they soon feel betrayed; they're lured in by Alpha tendencies yet ended up with what they perceive to be a beta.

In short, while his passive game is strong, his active game consistently undermines him. He's stuck in a revolving door he doesn't know how to operate.

The truth is, if he simply approached his qualifying women with the same lackluster appeal that he uses with his non-qualifying women, he’d see a much higher success rate. But you can't make a horse drink.

Also, due to these his high protocol female prerequisites in combination with his cling-prone nature, his sexual interactivity is severely limited, occuring in spurts. This in turn has burdened him with a scarce mentality, leading towards additional over-investment, and so on. The Blue Cycle in practice.

His commitment towards monogamy doesn’t benefit him either, considering the women he oft gravitates almost always openly identify as polyamorous, in part due to the circles he typically meets them in (raves, concerts, EDM parties, etc).

But I digress.

The Passive/Pre-Selection Strategy

At the party, the average physique of the women greatly outweighed that of the men. 

While some might see the SMV imbalance as a blessing, in some ways it could be seen as a hindrance.

This imbalance can cause a sort-of small-scale replica of the "Local Sexy Single Women (LSSW) Fallacy"; a horde of lower-SMV men pouring out validation, bolstering up the high-SMV women’s already high perception of themselves even higher.

But, all things considered, this shouldn’t necessarily be seen as a roadblock. It should moreso be seen as a need for "cold approach tactition adjustment".

As so, the Passive/Pre-Selection approach was decidly the best sexual strategy for this event.

But how does one go about implementing the PPS approach?

The PPS approach is an inherently passive means at building sexual intrigue, based almost entirely on pre-selection and mystery.  On that note, this strategy is best used on people you've just met among people/women who already view your SMV as high. The idea is to get the target woman's perceptions of your SMV to match the perceptions of others who view your SMV highly through via groupthink and the intrigue of the unknown.

In execution, PPS is rather simple. The difficulty lies in the overall comprehension of it; some might see a passive approach as a contradictory ideal, considering it falls subsidiary to "cold approaching", which is almost always considered an very active approach method. 

To those of you who might read passive strategy as complex, focus not on the explanation detailing why or how it work. 

Focus on the actions being taken. The actions themselves are small, simple and subtle. The complexity of this discussion is for you to fully understand why so subtle an action makes such a strong impression (in part due to women's covert means of communication, but that's another post entirely).

With that said, I will do my best to describe the theory behind passive-approach strategy, describe how it's implemented and address how it's incorporated within the framework of the threesome.

Proceed with an open mind. Some of these concepts ahead might prove difficult for newer members to accurately digest.

”Don’t be the first to address, show interest or even show acknowledgement to high-SMV women. Let them to come to you.”

Higher-SMV women take notice when a high-SMV man isn’t paying them a lick of attention. And when I say not a lick of attention, I mean not even looking in their general direction.

What I’m not implying is that through feigning a cold veneer or appearing bitter or resentful, high-SMV women will flock to you. This could be seen as anti-social, over-compensatory or overtly strategic i.e. tryhard, all of which would ultimately hinder your chances of success. What I am saying is that your body language around your intent ed target should generally communicate disinterest or indifference. 

On the implementation of said indifference, I always think of Betty, an overweight Post-Waller who lives nearby. 

She has made it perfectly clearly wants to sleep with me. But because I don’t want to sleep with her, nor do I want to unintentionally communicate that I want to sleep with her i.e. Give her the wrong impression or some sense of false hope, I passively avoid looking in her direction, make up BS excuses to cut our conversations short, hold conversations with other women to a higher regard when she’s around, etc.

Not passive-aggressive, just passive. I don't actively avoid Betty, i don't act cold towards Betty nor do I look down on Betty. I'm just passively showing her where she is on my SMV ladder through my actions. I return her interest with disinterest. Nothing more, nothing less.

And while interest hasn't yet been shown by the high SMV woman, your approach towards her should still be one of disinterest in that same vien.

This forces her –the target high-SMV woman- to completely step out of her frame in order to signal any form of IOI to you, making most IOIs at this point very blunt and obvious and making her interests and intentions very clear.

For example (and I’m skipping ahead a bit here), Jill was one of the highest-SMV women at this event. I used the same approach on her that I use almost daily ob Betty; I didnt speak to her but spoke with lesser-SMV women or high-SMV women I'd already met, I didn't look in her direction unless absolutely necessary, and even when we were talking amongst the same group of people, I didn't addressed her as “there”.

After about an hour of passive avoidance, she made up a reason to approach me.

She bluntly asked if she can try my drink, i let her, she sips it, then she started a entire conversation revolving around the intricacies of different types of scotch –something she knew very little about- all while standing barely an inch away from my face, kino abound.

She established sexual tension of her own volition. She didn’t like the feeling of not being desired by the highest-SMV male present (and I mean that with the utmost humility), so she left her frame completely behind in a not-so-subtle attempt to grab my "elusive" attention.

”For her first time stepping out of her frame and into yours, reward her. Hit her hard, then end abruptly.”

This one takes a bit more tact. More… ”finesse”.

When the high-SMV woman does step out of her frame, let her know that you've both noticed it and appreciated it. This will encourage her to do drop frame more often around you. This makes her submissive and vulnerable,  which is exactly what you want.

Skipping ahead once more, when Cindy finally approached, I touched her hip, whispered something in her ear (sometging about how “we’re going to have fun tonight”), pulled her hair, kissed her neck, then abruptly stopped, walked away and began talking to Jill.

In doing that, you’re communicate that while you find her attractive, you both have options and force her to acknowledge that fact immediately.

You build off of her insecurities without active acknowledging them. Choosing to talk to high-SMV Jill over the other women there was all but intentional on my part.

All passive, all implied, nothing inherently said.

I didn’t tell her I had options, she saw it. Kind of like setting the stage.

While such a “James Bond-esque” approach isn't vehemently necessary in most cases (I had the added benefit of Macallan 18), the approach must come across as nonchalant. Like you’ve done this before and you'll probably do it when she’s not around.

 With this, you're stacking uncertainty on top of her insecurities and her willingness to step out of frame, all without barely saying a word.

Now there’s an establish sense of sexual tension between me and Cindy. Sexual tension is good and gets better the longer it sits idle.

 We'll continue this analysis in the next part 2. Until then.