tl:dr Old plate / girlfriend wants to meet up, we meet and in the end is going nuclear on her own social circle.
It has been a while since I swallowed the pill. My then girlsfriend let's call her S for this story endured the blast of my anger phase - while still in the honeymoon phase. This is ironic because S became a sexual freak during. I stopped her advances because I saw what she was doing. Bribing me with sex to gain my affection and it was disgusting.
After I passed every shit test possible through my anger "yea when you leave take out the garbage"; "I have no interest in your family before I know you so I won't baby sit your teenage sister" etc. I failed every comfort test: "Hell, I never get married honey" "We go ice-skating when we have children because hell will be frozen over" she broke up with me; how surprising.
This was saddening for me because she had a warm nature and stayed with her personal king of the betas for over 3 years together before we met and she branch swinged. While she was 19, 3 years with a full blown beta is remarkable. She is an HB7 for that matter. She went back to her former-former ex-boyfriend a fat dude who banged her well and so the radio silence started.
Fast forward 6 month
So her we go: she sent me a text asking for some legal aid. Knowing the RP, I immediatly figured she and fatty-fatso broke up; and a meaty lawyer-steak á la providér seasoned with abs smells so good.
We meet and I still have some anger in me. Not anger against women but anger against her, she changed me for a fat fuck who lives in a van and now wants to change back.
Anyway, we talk. She tells me stuff about her dad being an asshole. I do not listen. Like it was when were doing fun stuff (I was very poor in my younger years so I enjoy amusment parks and doing spontanious things I never had the money for in my teens).
Then S asked me whether we want to meet up again.
To which I replied what her legal question was because I got appointments (lie).
After some mumbling about seeing me again she tells me she thinks about 'us'.
I look her in the eye: "you left and fucked your ex, I am not your plan B" shocked about this she asked how did I know after denying everything for several minutes.
And so the machiavellian H-Bomb is about to be dropped:
"people, especially your friends talk, and you know what, people talk in a very detailed way".
This is all a lie - a gamble if you will; I knew from Facebook that she was seeing a fat guy who had pics of a van in the background, dumb as S is she rambled back in our LTR about how much of an idiot she were when she dated that guy and showing me pictures of him.
I left.
Three hours later: an unknown number messaged me. Telling me all the shit they told me were in confidence blah blah blah. Mind you none of her bitch friends told me anything.
Lessons learned: Girls don't even know which secrets they share Girls forget about everything given enough time She is not yours, it's only your turn Girls don't have real friends they have subjects of validation and will abandon them at will At least to be a stone-cold SOB and pass a comfort test once in a while
exit_sandman 8y ago
So you were pissed off at her for leaving you after you had made it abundantly clear that you weren't the sort of guy she was looking for? What exactly did you expect?
fitzrhapsody 8y ago
Yeah this kinda just makes OP sound like a prick. I mean, why even meet with her if you'd already decided you were pissed at her? Seems like staying with OP would have been just as bad a choice as dating her ex, just for different reasons.
yomo86 8y ago
To be honest I was in doubt about her intentions. To be honest I was not stoic when she broke up with me; I was stone cold and from an objective perspective I was an asshole. I wanted to have a nice end to all of this and I expected she wants closure, too. I was wrong obviously.
Rathadin 8y ago
You have not internalized the sidebar at all.
You haven't internalized English classes either.
Get to work on both, for the sake of your future communication.
[deleted] 8y ago
Is this RedpillGradeSchool? Wtf???
i_forget_my_userids 8y ago
This is hilariously bad. I'm sure it'll get cross-posted somewhere
HeadingRed 8y ago
Was the VAN down by the RIVER?
yomo86 8y ago
I do not know man, maybe he was such a good Chadbro that he fucked her in his flying van - and to be clear I apologize for the awful writing.
Stythe 8y ago
You sound like you got exactly what you had coming. That said, you are right in that when a woman is I retested she'll tell you things and completely forget she told you. This happens all the time to me and it makes for some fun moments.
[deleted] 8y ago
What was the purpose of this post? A pat on the back and an attaboy? Karma to feel good about what you did?
How the fuck did this get upvoted?
[deleted] 8y ago
this should barely be on asktrp i dont know wtf its doing on redpill. Mods should start putting certain standards to what get posted on the main redpill.
vandaalen 8y ago
You know what the "report" button is all about?
WeedDaddy 8y ago
"How to destroy your ex's social circle" is a nifty skill.
[deleted] 8y ago
Except that wasn't accomplished.
mconfounded 8y ago
Yeah if you're a narcissist. As in mentally ill not alpha
tif2shuz 8y ago
You need an English and grammar class. You can barely put together full sentences.
Sdom1 8y ago
I'm guessing he's a lawyer in a language other than English, as I can't see him securing employment with his current mastery.
Chewiemuse 8y ago
I was reading through and felt like I was being thrown around the room with the grammar/Literature.. Like this... Wait you got married but.. now you take out the garbage... but you're not married wait what..
peterson2004 8y ago
The best revenge is not giving a fuck - 'outcome independence'. Why did you waste your time with her at all?
WeedDaddy 8y ago
That's fine if you don't have much social skills. But what the OP did was skilled indeed.
It's good that women have repercussions for their actions, instead of men just taking it in their stride.
d4ng3rz0n3 8y ago
If her ex is living in a van, you probably shouldn't date her.
WeedDaddy 8y ago
He's probably some crypto-alpha.
EmCeeMultiple 8y ago
Should've just permanently cut contact.
Il128 8y ago
When you next someone you block them on all social media, you block them on your phone then delete the contact, you destroy every picture all the selfie porn and you throw in the garbage any possession that might remind you of them.
Never speak or text with or about them ever again.
[deleted] 8y ago
read the sidebar. Why would you even meet her in the first place. Your actions despite what you think are showing her you still care.
vandaalen 8y ago
Well. If it looks like an easy pump'n'dump and you are already confident in your new frame, fucked a bunch of other women, etc. pp., there is nothing wrong with giving some to your ex.
MGHOW_ATL 8y ago
Best part was the friend bitching at you for sharing shit she hadn't told you. Laughed my ass off, thanks.
[deleted] 8y ago
My favorite hobby is outing promiscuous sluts to their whole social circle. Just grab some popcorn and watch the hamster hit warp speed. Sometimes, if they're lazy with their technique, they start outing each other out of spite. That's when it gets HILARIOUS.
Newportlover 8y ago
I respect this sort of posting, and I can seriously relate to it from my own circumstances.
I think you being direct with her was great -- I found out a girl I was in the fun zone with was seeing someone else and I too destroyed her social circle by posting our picture on her Facebook and calling the guy while she was asleep. They just got together, but I don't believe it will last at all. Plus she looks thirsty af for moving to plan B. Well played.
[deleted] 8y ago
Newportlover 8y ago
I had made it clear that I wouldn't tolerate her talking to someone else. We've had kind of a long-term on and off again relationship. I needed to put the nail in the coffin for us.
TheDialecticParadox 8y ago
This just seems petty and pathetic imo.
Moolg86 8y ago
Black Knight level :Vantablack
MarkOkeef 8y ago
You seem angry towards women, you sure you're not gay?
RealMcGonzo 8y ago
Impressive. Think of how little this unknown chick values loyalty/friendship/trust. Like choosing a pair of socks in the morning, such a trivial thing requiring not a moment of thought that one cannot remember a day later. Chicks will betray without a moment's thought - literally. Must suck to live like that, no wonder they love strong men.
Nazgulian 8y ago
Is he living in a van down by the river?
iamlateagain 8y ago
Ha that is a running joke in the van dwelling community, it's something I want to do in the next year or so.
solidsnork 8y ago
Well I liked your post, specifically the end. Nice on making her freak on what friend betrayed her and getting a message from an unknown number. I wonder if it was some mangina who texted you that.
howmuchisdis 8y ago
I have no idea what's going on.