I find I rationalise not approaching. So, I made an approach algorithm. If the conditions are met, I 'should' approach. This way I can figure out if I am improving my approach game or not objectively, quantitatively.
Whatdya reckon:
Conditions for approach:
8+ Physically attractive (make a scale) either or both of w/wo/ stylish clothes, makeup, hair style
Speaks English
Hygienic appearance without disqualifying brhavioura
Doesn't appear or behave sas, negative, neurotic, or angry
I'm not busy with another timely task
Logistics availability for follow up contact, pulling or physical esclatoon
Looks between 16 to 27
Stylish attire or unusual behavior
Disengage if:
Unengaging or no longer meets initiate approach criteria
10- Catherine zeta jones 9 - mom 8 - Cindy from jimmy neutron 7 - this charity loving chick from my home town 6 - chick I’m dating 5 - Jessica rabbit 4 - petite asian chick from my city 3 - the cool chick who’s a friend of a friend 2 - this isn't gonna work with people who's personalities I know...need to control for everything but physical to be objective so look up some culture free scales 1 - Melanie Martinez
Clearly just picked first fems that came to my head. Any suggestions for a more objective scale?
Another disqualify is health signals specifically: Size/weight, smoking, IV drug use, pimples. Also taller than me or greater than 30cm shorter
sir_wankalot_here 8y ago
Sounds like a post by one of those wierd creepy guys women detest. Approach them all.
HappyScribe 8y ago
Would I fuck her? Approach.
Luis_McLovin 8y ago
This is all you need to answer to yourself.
This over-thinking stuff is silly.
HandsomeCub 8y ago
I think that's what he's trying to elaborate. Simply recognize and react, no nerves
fruguy 8y ago
Actually, I think he's elaborated on that.
corsega 8y ago
You approach every girl you would fuck? How do you have time for anything else? /s
The whole point of this thread is efficiently deciding who to approach and who not to.
HappyScribe 8y ago
Yes, if it's convenient, I'll start a conversation with any woman I find attractive and will naturally flirt with them. I've had this rule since I started daygame.
I'll add that I also talk to anyone - I'm a sociable guy. This whole having an algorithm to approached is such bullshit. Most guys first need to become social, they need to learn how to chill and vibe with strangers.
Also, more to the point, how are you going to be able to screen women, know the signs of total nutcases, if you don't approach them?
RedPillAccount69 8y ago
you left out condition 1:
Am I a fucking pussy?
BloodRedAlert 8y ago
Why is Cindy from Jimmy Neutron in there
Rooster1111 8y ago
This "algorithm" will not help you overcome approach anxiety. It just fuels more excuses to "disengage" as you call it. Like others here have said, you overcome approach anxiety by approaching everybody, attractive, unattractive, men and women.
ripross 8y ago
For me, there are 2 conditions I consider because I wouldn't think about it at all if I was busy with something else: 1. They are attractive. 2. They show interest as well be it eye contact or whatever
cs_throwawayyy 8y ago
Bro this is an inefficient algorithm. Before your brain runs the conditional statement, the girls night be gone or you walked past her on the street. I have a simple algorithm, extremely efficient.
If (Girl.isHot()) {Approach();} Else {Continue;}
[deleted] 8y ago
This is a troll post. No way it can be serious. If it is then the dude is autistic.
VikingOverlorde 8y ago
This is a guide to talking to women for nerds.
Way_Of_Man 8y ago
That's pretty much what 90% of PUA was/is.
HandsomeCub 8y ago
It is a long list, but the concept is good. Especially the idea that you are not waiting for your nerve, but responding to a boring routine checklist. Something that i would add is ways to recover emotionally from criticism... excuses or something... still trying to figure this part out.
Theophagist 8y ago
You're just looking for good ways to relieve yourself of the burden of approach.