Good day,
I'd like to share some of experiences that I've had and I've been having a hard time finding a particular subreddit that fits the parameters of my particular issues, as they seem to border on many different categories.
TheRedPill seems to be the closest, although I apparently don't see eye to eye with most of the people who post here. That's fine, and I think that's an important part of coming to a more refined understanding of who I am and what's going on around me. I'm hoping for some insightful discourse from this.
To give you a bit of a background on the story, my wife and I have been together since 2009 (VERY happy relationship by the way, it seems I've won the lottery by any state of measure). We allowed her brother to move in with us for a while early on, in about 2010. He was shortly asked to leave because of his abusive nature towards women (I wasn't having that in my house). We have a roommate who has been living with us since 2012, and the guy is nothing short of awesome.
In 2015, my wife's brother apologized and admitted he was wrong, and it appeared that he was making an honest attempt to turn some corners and straighten himself out. He enrolled in school, and we agreed to move him back in at a low rent rate to help out. Hell, he even inspired me to go to school, and not to toot my own horn I'm killing it right now and I got the practicum placement I was gunning for.
Anyway, things were going pretty good for a while, but there were elements in our lives, these two particular women that I never fully trusted. You know when you meet someone and your internal bullshit detector is going "beep beep beep"? These two live together, and one is super dominant over the other.
One of them (the subservient one), whenever we were having a party was always promiscuous with all the men. She was dating a very good man, so when she was doing this it irritated the hell out of me. And I hated it when she came anywhere near me. Finally one day I told her to back off, and she went on told on me to the other one, who we will name Cow.
So Cow goes and talks to my wife about the fact that I did this. I didn't find out until the morning until my wife was super stoked about the bizarre conversation she had with them, but they told her something to the effect that I'm a really good guy and some other nonsensical bullshit. The point is that I was just standing up for the integrity of my relationship. I don't need to engage with flirtatious behavior with anyone to justify my existence, and I respect my wife a lot more than that.
That being dealt with, the issue was far from settled. Cow was dating a friend of mine, and mistreating him severely, and at the point where I told the other woman to back off was around the time she decided to break it off with him. She then started dating my awesome roommate, who I tried to warn. I had to respect his decision though. Unfortunately he was treated like absolute shit by her as well, and he was in rough shape when she was done with him. Then guess what? She dated my brother in law, who was dishonest with my awesome roommate.
I told him that I did not want her in my house, and he hid her in his room for an entire weekend. I found out on the Sunday (It's a big house, but still how the hell?).
I was having an issue with her because of what happened with my awesome roommate, and she knew it, and I demanded to talk about it. She refused and left, and later on Facebook she sent me a message saying "If I'm at your place let's just ignore each other, ok?"
So I told her to stay the fuck out of my house and never darken my door again.
Obviously things were tense at the old household at this point.
At that point I kicked the brother's ass out and he tried to challenge it with the tenancy branch, which my wife and I annihilated his ass in the court, so that settled that. I think Cow put him up to trying to fight it.
Seriously, it's my fucking house and the government can stay out of my living room.
Long story short, she broke up with him a week later, citing that he did not have enough money. She was trying to get at me this entire time, because she knew I was on to her shenanigans to begin with and wasn't giving into her shit. I've had friends come to me and tell me that she's asked them why I didn't like her. It's funny that she'd ask those things, because I never did anything to indicate as such... But my bullshit detector has been on for quite some time and maybe I telegraphed it to her unintentionally.
There's a lot more to this that I could touch down upon but I don't want this to get too long.
The crux of the matter is that sexual manipulation was used for psychological warfare against an entire group of people, and I'm wondering if anyone else has had any similar experiences or insights to this sort of situation.
[deleted] 7y ago
grewapair 7y ago
The brother in law, also known as the brother, lives with OP as well.
insoucianc 7y ago
Did you want advice or something? The imperative of female hypergamy is to consolidate power through the auspices of sex in order to facilitate emotional manipulation of a male to self-preserve. You witnessed it first hand. This serves more as a field report if anything.
Dunstan_Stockwater 7y ago
Not looking for advice in particular as I've already cleaned house, but ideas and commentary that I can possibly learn from. I'm also hoping to find other people who have had similar experiences because I'm trying to develop sort of a silver bullet to deal with similar bullshit situations in the future.
insoucianc 7y ago
You'll never convince your mate as long as the pussy flows. Best bet is to remove yourself from the situation. If you really do want to interfere then you need proof of the infidelity.
[deleted] 7y ago
Dunstan_Stockwater 7y ago
Kinda hard when they're in your life and immediate vicinity day to day.
Although I do agree!
BurnYourFlag 7y ago
Listen first off I would like to say that this subreddit is filled with people misinformed about the red pills true values and are stuck in the anger phase. If you are interested in the more positive aspects look up Rollo tomasi the rationale male. She wants you because you dont play her games. She uses these men because they allow it to happen. If she shows up again call the cops.
Dunstan_Stockwater 7y ago
Thanks! I can definitely see what you're talking about, the actual red pill values seem to get muddled in a lot of different ways. I'm definitely going to check out that book you recommended, this is exactly the type of literature I need to be looking at.
She won't show up again, but I definitely need to be ready to encounter people like that in the future. I've found that there's a fine line between being diplomatic and doing what's necessary to make sure my surroundings are harmonious not only for myself, but the people I care about.
AnjaJutta 7y ago
Be more Machiavellian with how you take out the trash. Confrontation is just one of many tools in a toolbox.
Dunstan_Stockwater 7y ago
Now THAT is an interesting response. The thing is that I don't feel a need to be dishonest about anything, and I find that the truth is the most powerful thing and washes away the rest of the bullshit when it's necessary.
Why would I want to undermine myself by being dishonest or underhanded in any way?
AnjaJutta 7y ago
Now THAT is an interesting accusation. Nowhere did I imply that you should be dishonest or underhanded. That's something you deduced by yourself. It's your choice to keep or change the notions you ascribed to Machiavellianism. However, just from your reply I am free to deduce that you are an absolute ass.
At this point, if you would like me to elaborate on some ideas I have on how else you could weed out trouble people from your life, you have to ask kindly.
Dunstan_Stockwater 7y ago
From Wikipedia: Machiavellianism is "the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct".[1] The word comes from the Italian Renaissance diplomat and writer Niccolò Machiavelli, born in 1469, who wrote Il Principe (The Prince), among other works....
Why should I start changing widely accepted definitions of words or concepts? Because you called me an ass? Don't be ridiculous. That won't help anything in any way, and would in fact only lead to me deceiving myself. That's the worst thing at all.
And you sir, are not very polite so I don't think I will ask you for anything.
AnjaJutta 7y ago
Lol, if you want to make your life all about riding a high horse and confronting messed up women and random internet people about their values and "truth", then so be it and I wish you lots of fun. :) Ciao Ciao
Mckallidon 7y ago
Story of my life during my 20s. Between waitresses, bars and school, so much narcissistic cunt drama. And that's just the bitches. It sucked at the time but fuck can I diagnose and profile people lol.
strikethrough123 7y ago
OP might be back when he catches his wife fucking his roommate.
[deleted] 7y ago
I had the same thought. You're just asking for trouble if your LTR/wife is cohabitating with another male. All it's going to take is one day they're pissed and ovulating and wham bam. Done. Over.
Dunstan_Stockwater 7y ago
That's a very narrow view, and an apparent blanket statement that suggests all women aren't capable of controlling themselves. Also, you don't know my wife so how would you know?
[deleted] 7y ago
I didn't say all. Pay attention. I just said it's risky and you're seriously overestimating a single human. Most women are capable of controlling themselves in single instances. But stretch that out over the span of a few months, years, etc. and the chances go up. A LOT of people who get cheated on thought it wouldn't happen to them. Their girl was not like that. Until they were. You have to account for life changes. Family members dying. Friend drama. All that shit. I saw this time and time again in the military. Just keep it in mind. Maybe you have a unicorn. Maybe not. I've just never been a fan of gambling.
Dunstan_Stockwater 7y ago
If you say I'm overestimating a single human, you're grossly overestimating your own perceptions of reality. Let's get real here. How can you possibly know? You're not me, you're not the people around me nor to you know who I've chosen to surround myself with.
You just mentioned you saw this problem time and time again in the military. How the hell can anyone purport to keep a proper relationship in check when everyone is a world apart? Never mind the fact that when people are trained to kill other people things get fucked up really fast. I know that's ridiculous and obviously so do you.
I'm not in the military, my wife is not in the military, and my close friends that are in my life are not in the military. We're dealing with deaths, and dying like we always have and we're well aware that our destination is six feet under just like everyone else.
The thing is that we actually talk to each other. We don't have bullshit expectations for each other that are completely unreasonable. Sure, sometimes we get upset but we're more than capable of figuring it out.
You said a lot of people who get cheated on thought it wouldn't happen to them, but I've got news for you, I'm not "a lot of people." It looks to me like your perceptions of red pill "gambling" are nothing more than the result of a group of people (the military) who need to prove something by training to take up arms in a struggle against an enemy that can't be clearly defined in any capacity, at the cost of their own damn lives.
Hardly Red Pill if you ask me.
[deleted] 7y ago
Oh damn. I apologize. I didn't know I was speaking with a real life unicorn.
Do you even know anything about the military or do you just repeat leftist talking points about it?
Dunstan_Stockwater 7y ago
Do you really think you can polarize your argument by simply calling me a leftist? Seriously, back up your discourse with some facts or just shut up.
I know enough about the military that I don't agree with its purpose, and if you don't like it that's your problem.
You know what you've proven? Nothing.
I'll ride out now on my unicorn rainbow if that's alright with you. Oh wait, I don't need your permission.
[deleted] 7y ago
I'll start "backing up my discourse" when you do, cuck.
Dunstan_Stockwater 7y ago
Apparently there's nothing to discuss. It looks like you have a chip on your shoulder the size of Nebraska, and you can't see past a certain segment of the population that's sacrificed everything for false ideals and promises.
Not my problem.
[deleted] 7y ago
Yeah...that isn't an argument. Are you going to provide evidence of any of this shit or not?