There was a removed post awhile ago about a kid getting banned from gyms and stores for cold approaching. I proceeded let off some steam. Below is the copy and pasted version + some additions.
Listen up PUA snots, I've been seeing similar behavior and attitudes and was recently triggered by some young armchair theorist due to his ignorance. This shit needs to be addressed.
Subject: Cold-appoarch
1) I can tell by your post that you're like one of those cold-approach PUA dorks that lingers in the malls spamming strange women for 'number closes'. People take notice. When a man is using a direct approach and his sexual intentions are obvious, people watch from afar or eavesdrop up close when they see a man do this if only for entertainment. Either they find it hilarious you're saying things most men wouldn't dare say from lack of confidence (and root for you), or they deemed you low value from the start and are anticipating your failure and rejection and they take pleasure scoffing at you peasantness. ESPECIALLY WOMEN. This is important because word spreads. On your first approach, people may just chuckle and go on with their day like nothing happened, but if they see a pattern, specifically a pattern of rejection, word gets out. Women start gossiping and talking shit about your low valueness, making sure to exaggerate to make you look worse in the public eye (i.e. bragplaining) and grab more attention. At the very least, you'll be eliminated as a sexual prospect by a great portion of the female population for no other reason than you'll hurt their rep (even if they found you attractive before). You're a sexual outcast.
Now for the men. Men like me don't give a shit unless I'm with the girl(s) and you're disturbing the vibe at that moment in time. "Boohoo a man you didn't like hit on you". For the vast majority of other males? They are whiteknights. They are suckers for female approval and will raise arms against a man that any female that's slightly fuckable accuses or IMPLIES that you're merely bothering her. They don't even consider she may be lying or exaggerating. They don't care if it's true, they get to virtue signal and will turn against you. Male rejection is the worse form of rejection because men are the leaders and builders of all social circles. With restricted to women, it's just sexual ostracism, when men get involved, it's social ostracism. Goodbye. This is what you experienced. The guys don't even have to be white knights, they're just guys hanging with the girls and you suddenly disturbed the good vibes they've worked at establishing. Men never hesitate to kick out another sperm competitor. "Yo nigga, why you scaring the pussy. Youza pussy-scarecrow. Get." I would do the same.
- Conclusion 1: Cold-approach in this manner is spam. It's similar to marketing foot soldiers at kiosks and at grocery store isles confronting you about new cellphone plans, but with one difference, cold-approach in this manner is SEXUAL SPAM. The customer didn't walk into the store for that purpose. You're a hobo asking for pussy change. 'Mr. Expert Gamer' is a social outcast. Mr. Expert Gamer relies on the 'numbers game' which leaves a long trail of rejection in his wake, disturbing any social setting he's involved in due to the reasons outlined above. A mathematically valid approach in vacuum, but doesn't account for the social mechanisms. Guys who are successful with women aren't 'expert gamers'.
2) You're approaching in closed settings. The gym is not a mating ground like a bar or club, it's a place to get gainz. The girl in question is 'forced' to endure your approach because where else is she gonna go? She shouldn't have to leave because someone is making her uncomfortable. Every citizen has the right to stand their ground, fuck the police. Every man needs to accept that in every society outside Islam and hunter-gatherer tribes not interfered by civilization, women, specifically 'stranger women' choose how the mating ritual proceeds. So in a closed setting like the gym, you wait for an IOI before proceeding. Or you better hope you're successful, otherwise you'll be at risk with your result. Even if you're polite about it not doing anything 'wrong', it doesn't matter. You better be good looking, swole, or clearly lifting heavy shit or have met her before (not really a cold approach if you know her is it?). You're also on a business establishment. They don't give two shits about you. One whiff that you're a problem, specifically a female problem, your ass is gone.
Conclusion 2: Cold approach (spam) only works (not ostracized) in settings you don't frequent, have no social ties, and/or where the population is large (where you don't see the same people twice often). That shit does not work in a closed setting or a small population. Under these conditions, the dynamic in '1)' described above will kick in. I don't give a shit what these wannabe IDGAF-alpha-machiavellians think, reputation and image matters a lot. Creeper is a sexual connotation. There's nothing more damaging than a bad 'sexual reputation' (i.e. creeper and of course rapist and molester). Creeper is worse than liar. Creeper is worse than asshole. This is how you're viewed at the gym by the populace:
How is it that other guys are flirting with women in closed settings like the gym and you can't get a break?
A: The 'cross-contextual chad' is a fantasy.
You need an environment outside work that you have an investment in and decent status, then attempt to approach those. The stranger banging chad is mostly a fantasy. There are very few 'outsider guys' who get consistent 'drive by pussy' or 'just passing through pussy'. By that I mean, you contacting women who are in environments and social circles you have no investment in and expect bangs with little socializing.
Gym chads? They work at the gym or go to a specific one all the time and are in fitness groups and bang the girls there.
Club chads? They have specific bars they frequent with the same circles and bang the chicks from those specific locations.
You getting the picture? These guys are known by the girls in question or recognized as being officially established in that environment. Take them out of it, and they'd have to start all over, or at most get little success. Let me repeat, the 'cross contextual chad' is mostly a fantasy. YOU LOST YOUR STATUS THE SECOND YOU LEFT THE JOB. You don't get to leave the 'gang' then drop by and expect the privileges. As an employee who engages with these girls, you're at least a part of the 'group' and have a reason to be there. That's all gone. That's why the same behavior you displayed while employed was no longer deemed acceptable.
PART 4 and Conclusion next comment, can't fit
4) Your looks
I don't normally even mention a man's looks. Not even on this sub. A man can't change it other than body fat percentage and hair grooming. I most certainly don't insult him for it, but it matters in cold-approaching. When you cold-approach, you're stating, "I believe to be valuable enough to have sex with you while giving much less than other guys". You're an outsider with no investment in said setting approaching a girl who has tons of sexual options on a regular basis that has no idea about your value other than your looks. If you're not good looking, don't bother cold approaching, especially in a closed setting like the gym. You have two things going against you now, no investment in the environment AND don't meet the looks criteria.
Take me for instance. I'm tall and good looking. Been told that my whole life. I can get away with saying things most others guys can't, I can be more aggressive in my approach than others. I can flirt and ask out a girl in the kitchen from the fast food counter in a volume where other people can hear and not be considered a creeper, even when rejected. I can flirt with a married woman, kiss her hand, and tell her that her ass is delicious and at the very least get rejected with a smile/giggle. If I didn't know she was married/taken after my flirtatious statements, then she tells me and the boyfriend or husband witnessed it, he laughs too. Being hit on by someone like me is not an insult. It does go wrong sometimes, some girls aren't interested at all, but I have a lot of leeway. But..... Even I rarely cold-approach. Why? Looks only get your foot in the door. You have to compensate for being a lone-wolf/stranger. Women don't bang dudes they don't 'know', usually( and this is excluding invaders). Sidenote: And after the girls gets to ~23, economic potential becomes important. After 23, money becomes a pre-requisite to sex even though it may not induce arousal. That's hard to impossible to show in a gym. After women become 23+ and you get older, the game changes dramatically. Many women, especially these women hate the entire concept of cold-approach. It doesn't matter if you're good looking, or higher smv than the schlub they're with. You coming up to them in this direct manner is 'offputting' for whatever reason they believe.
Back on track.... Good looking has it's privileges (me). Great looking has even better ones, they don't even have to try or be fit. That's just the way it is. For the rest of you, you have to take a different route, what most people do: social circle game, career choice, hobby choice. These put you in close proximity and make you apart of a group (more detail in a later post). Yeah yeah I know I keep mentioning the comment elaboration post but I'm still working on it, until then you fuckers are gonna hear my rants.
I don't wanna hear some 'non good looking' guy come here an try to disprove me. If you're not 'good looking' and still pull from cold approach, you compensated with something else. You didn't just pull with your wizard like seduction speech skills.
5) Social calibration (iois and other people watching)
When I 'cold approach' (almost never now), it's almost always because I saw her look at me in a sensual way, is strangely in my vicinity for no real reason, or I'm far away from home/vacation. On top of that I take in the surroundings. Who is she with, who will witness it? What kind of environment is this? Especially if I know she's taken. Social calibration and common sense motherfuckers. You don't instantly start touching a woman you don't know. You don't get all sexual with her friends or family around. You don't approach a taken woman in front of her peers unless she and the others clearly have no problem with it. Sometimes she'll give IOIs but the situation doesn't allow you to go for it. If you do anyway, a negative social mechanism kicks in, the woman senses it, and will act like she was never interested at all and make it worse for you to protect her image. WARLOCK'S LAW 2: Game is being naughty while keeping her image nice. I don't hit on a married even if she initiated it unless it's quite clear no one is around to judge it. People will forgive or overlook her part and blame you and she will deny all 'wrong doing'. I don't hit on women in closed settings or small groups, specifically in a direct manner, unless I get an IOI. Unless you know what you're doing, don't ever touch her ass, tits, or vagina with others around.
Believe me because I used to be one of those PUA dorks with no social calibration (especially in high school). Cold-approach should never be a main source of talking to women. There's no easy route to pussy. Unlike a woman, your value further than the 'minimum looks threshold' (outside of extreme genetics) comes from things like status, proximity, and money. Men have to invest in groups to get something. Only women can barge through and be happily invited. This especially when you get older and people start partnering up and as explained earlier, start to not accept 'strange approaches'.
It's not that you're talking to her that bothers her (usually), it's how you got there in front of her.
Example: You work somewhere and see a hot girl. You walk up and ask if she is enjoying her experience there, then make some small talk and start flirting and ask for her number. If she finds you attractive in this scenario, this usually wont be a problem. BUT take the same guy that doesn't work there that just walks up to her and says hi and tries to escalate, and he will more than likely be rejected and she will act all awkward, regardless if you are physically attractive. You had no 'background purpose' to be there. It sounds stupid to men, but women care about that.
If cold-approach is working for you great, you're doing it right. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
P.S. Had a woman once tell me, "I like a guy who just creep in. I'm at a bar eating and watching the TV and he walks up and sits down casually for a bit. Eventually makes side convo about something superficial and eases his way in." I can confirm this. Keep that in mind.
I could go on and on with slightly relevant tangents and forgot some things, but I'm tired. Goodbye.
LordThunderbolt 7y ago
Your post is way too long dude. Fuck you.
[deleted] 7y ago
Hey man, Id caution against this wording. While I would agree that straight out cold approaching wont get you far--particularly if you live in a small town, I would have to say that even in a small town, and even in a long as you have the comfidence (frame), you can litterally do whatever the fuck you want. So long as you are sincere in your actions, it don't fucking matter what you do. Case in point: I go to the same gym every day in a small town. The chick that works behind the desk is a blonde HB 5-7 depending on ur standards (mine are pretty fucking high as I can tolerate the dry spells), 22 y.o. College chick. Every time I walk in she gives me shit. (I play more of a being a dick with a smile game--seems to do ok). The last time I walked in, she gave mea bitch face and said, "eww." I walked up, looked her square in the eyes and told her the only time a girl gives a man shit is when she wants to fuck. She immediately blushed, and smiled with the doe eyes--u know what I mean. Now I will say that what you were getting at was social calibration. In my instance, there was nobody around for her to be embarrassed. Cold approach all day if you want! Just be aware of your surroundings. I will say though, at a regular place, the slow game is ALWAYS the best shot. Totally agree. Just say hi and introduce yourself. Leave it at that really. You will see her again to build more of a connection over time.
Chwed 7y ago
Why the fuck you lyyyyin~
Seriously, this is the dumbest thread ever posted. You aint shit
chauncy_popperstein 7y ago
I would agree that spamming a cold approach is never going to generate good results. You would have to do this all day just to get a handful of numbers.
HOWEVER: Going about your day and smiling at people, keeping your eyes open for attractive women and IOI's goes a long way. If I see anything that might indicate interest, I approach. But I would never tell someone to just walk around hitting on every sausage wallet that walks by.
Rollo_Mayhem3 7y ago
It would nice to read a good post about hiring a pro in the US. While some might downplay it as being beta (pay for sex), I think that it would be an experience I'd like to experience once to understand the dynamic, particularly in the event that I am presented with the opportunity in a more legal fashion abroad (ie. Germany). Anyone know posts or resources?
Koryphae_ 7y ago
Okay, completely confused what 'cold approach' is. So essentially, when you go to a venue with a mate, a girl clearly checks you out, you approach at an appropriate time, i.e. coming from a bathroom, ordering drinks, smoke, whatever, then that is already NOT a cold approach? And when you literally stand near mall fountain, waiting for a girl to pass just to talk to her, that IS cold approach? P.S. who would do that? People actually buying that advice?
TunedtoPerfection 7y ago
Been saying it for a while now, you need a reason other then:
"Your hawt", "I wanna stick my dick in you", "I like your (physical feature here)/Your (physical feature) is so beautiful"
to talk to a woman, period.
The most simple thing is comment on an accessory or her shoes and say your niece would love them or something. But honestly even that isn't as powerful as catching an IoI and just saying "Hi".
Without an IoI approaching cold the only way to generate excitement is via your looks, you have to be so hot to her that she is getting wet looking at you. There is nothing for the hamster to get riled up about. She knows you hitting on her because you think she is hot, mystery gone so unless your ungodly hot it's a lot of work and effort, if it even works now a days because of the PUA hysteria.
Catching an IoI and just calmly walking over and saying "hi". Now the hamster has an endless supply of things to run with. in fact my theory is most cold approaches that work usually just the guy getting a good break and actually missing some IoI but still hitting on her at the right time anyway.
When the hamster has energy to play, the vagina gets wet and so does your dick. A bored hamster means a dry dick.
iamcincobeats 7y ago
What’s an lol? You mean ioi?
TunedtoPerfection 7y ago
Those are capital I's dude...
gELSK 7y ago
// , It follows normal rules for capitalization
Dmva100 7y ago
As far as gym game goes, especially If you only go to one gym, is to do any approaching and closing on the way out, or in the parking lot. If the IOIs are there or even if you just said 'hi' in passing, you benefit in the following ways:
You don't interrupt your workout
You don't get rejected 'on stage' at the gym and maintain your image.
You aren't going to get reported or cockblocked by a beta cuck trainer who then proceeds to get your membership pulled for 'inappropriate behavior' which can be further amplified in the event that you fail an approach.
Her ASD is lower, as she isn't 'on stage' and is more receptive to approach.
If you're at a gym at a hotel, or on a guest pass somewhere you never go though, you can toss all this and just approach and do whatever since odds are you wont be going back there. Context is very important.
dr_warlock 7y ago
One of the biggest differences in male and female sexuality: women require abstract information to invoke arousal (i.e. context).
Psychocist 7y ago
What I don't understand is it seems this post is advising you not to approach if you're not stereotypically attractive. Or am I missing the point completely?
Tinder generally keeps me busy, and I've had some success with salsa dancing. I'm sure same would go for most groups I work my way into.. but there are plenty of attractive women walking around, and now, apparently, these women are reserved for only the most attractive guys?
Dmva100 7y ago
Depends on the context as noted above. If you're the hottest guy in the gym or one of the few with obviously higher SMV, and you're getting eye fucked by girls, and hell even guys (mirin' or jelly), your approach would then be welcomed rather than frowned upon because you've been preselected based on your looks/height values, ripped physique, etc. so it may not seem creepy like if that big ugly mofo wearing cheetah pants dogging it on the treadmill drinking mountain dew approaches someone.
Psychocist 7y ago
I see where you're coming from, appreciate the explanation.
[deleted] 7y ago
Raikkonen716 7y ago
Based on my experience, on my approaches, on the observation of my friends pick ups, on the observation of the dating scene in my town, this statement is simply not true.
There is too much lookism in TRP these days. Your statement is true for ugly guys (i consider Pua being falsely too optimistic on this issue), but average guys still have a ton of potential. Never in my life i saw an average being rejected more than a handful of times. Even using the most basic openers (hey, i'm brad, what' your name?). "hundreds of rejections just to get a number" is pure science fiction, if one is not a complete idiot when gaming.
The op made some valid points: reputation and image matters, a lot. Calibration and empathy too. Plausible deniability, another great point.
But still, no point in dismissing cold approaches when one is not stereotypically attractive. That would be just an overthinking of a very simple and natural act.
Psychocist 7y ago
Agreed. I think that's what I'll have to learn to seize. It has happened quite a few times. I'm not tall or buff, but I do hit the gym and I have decent facial aesthetics (helps on Tinder). But I've rarely seized the opportunity to approach someone who has shown any possibility of interest.
Not really interested in just approaching random strangers, though I am a half-attractive white man in Thailand so.. this could be a completely different game over here than in my home country.
[deleted] 7y ago
Psychocist 7y ago
Yeh, I've noticed Thai women are far superior than their Western counterparts. Of course, that won't last forever. They've also been named the fattest women in SEA, though from my experience I will see 3-4 cute, in shape chicks within 10 minutes of being outside.
I don't necessarily have a problem. Tinder is ok.. but I still feel like I could be doing a lot better if I gamed in person. I definitely get more double-takes and lingering eyes over here. Was planning on capitalising and finally overcoming my fear of rejection and approaching some chicks.. and then I read this. Seems like I'm just going to have to find out for myself. Like was said, context matters.
Epictetus2017 7y ago
I am guessing you are white, american, and educated. Do you have blue or green eyes or other European gene markers?
If so that is why your context changed. Pale skin and other European features means status in the third world. Having money gets you very far in the third world.
I am a millennial who was raised with the white guilt narrative, so the first time I had a sexy Latina (HB8) compliment me on my " beautiful white color" it was a shock.
Then she said it again when I was smashing her later.
My point is, women in some foreign countries will fetishize Europeans. It's pretty great if you ask me.
If you have it, use it.
Gawernator 7y ago
Same how first world white guys then fetish the latina and asian girls from those poorer countries... nice cycle
Psychocist 7y ago
I'm white, British, self-educated, with green eyes. I am certainly using it! Have had a lot of fun over the last 6 weeks. Just trying to keep a few of these women honest by refusing to pay for shit.
I wasn't doing that bad in the UK, but the fact that I rarely match with Western girls over here, and yet match with plenty of attractive Asian girls, is a great example of the white privilege, and a depressing fact that Western women's standards are just far too high on Tinder.
[deleted] 7y ago
Thai girls are really easy and no LMR most of the time.
I say that as a very awkward guy who gets laid once per year back home. It's something about the pale skin I think.
Epictetus2017 7y ago
Pale skin and you have money. That's what it is. I get the same in Latin America.
Women there often fetishize pale color as a sign of status. It's a very common compliment for me.
I went from a dry spell back home to at least one lay by a different girl every two weeks.
[deleted] 7y ago
Cold approach is one of the most valuable skills you could ever learn, it puts you in direct control of your dating life.
However like any skill worth learning you have to work for the skills, calibration and empathy required to do see any kind of results
Reading through the way some of the guys on this sub think, they dont stand a chance. Women would destroy them. They lack self control, no way they can take control of a women if she gave it to him
This is just true. I know this from personal experience. Like, I have been on the side of enthusiastically being given control, and on the darker times in my life, seeing girls disgustingly take me away from a position of control.
Ezaar 7y ago
Thanks for writing this out.
[deleted] 7y ago
Best advice I've seen on here about game.
Running direct spam approach "natural game" is the fucking worst form of game and in my opinion for peasants. I don't even consider it game.
Sad this type of game is still getting taught and used. If you need to approach 30 women in a day just to fuck one, you don't have game.
LuvBeer 7y ago
I don't give a fuck if I "have game" or not. I want to have sex. Street approach yielded terrible returns so I stopped doing it.
FREEDNA 7y ago
Why approach women just for sex when you can just hire a professional?
Is it some thrill to grab some random thot into bed for free? lol
dr_warlock 7y ago
There's no substitute for genuine desire.
[deleted] 7y ago
Oh come on dude. A girl doesn't love a man for who he is, but for what he is. If he loses his job, gets injured or sick, her "genuine desire" disappears and she branch swings in a heartbeat.
If a girl passes the boner test, I couldn't care less whether she is or she is not a professional. My genuine desire is binary.
[deleted] 7y ago
The fact that things end does not equal desire isn't there in the moment.
Trust me a girl that seriously wants to fuck you and you her = better than drugs. Nothing beats fucking like rabbits days on end because you can't get enough of each other.
[deleted] 7y ago
Totally agreed, that level of desire is why you should be constantly nexting the low-investment girls that put up this high price tag for pussy. Its never worth it. 1 girl you click with is worth 1000 of the semi-interested ones.
FREEDNA 7y ago
So you can't be desired from an escort? lol
Transist0r420 7y ago
lol. sure. ask her if you can have sex for free. Hell, even ask her for a discount. Let me know how that goes.
[deleted] 7y ago
Transist0r420 7y ago
not sure if I'm one of them.
FREEDNA 7y ago
So same experience as asking some bar thot.. except I can kick her out for not satisfying me?
strikethrough123 7y ago
In one experience you waste money, in another you don't.
FREEDNA 7y ago
Money I have.. time I don't waste.
Paying for sex is so efficient.
strikethrough123 7y ago
This is a bit unrelated, but let me provide you with an analogy to help you understand what genuine desire is.
Let's say you're moving, and random stranger passing by sees you struggling with a heavy couch, he offers to help, but not only does he help you with the couch, he helps you with the move entirely. You would thank him with the utmost gratitude. Now, in another universe, this stranger never showed up. Instead, you called the local movers company, paid them, and they did their job because it's their job, not because they genuinely wanted to. Out of those two, which is the better experience?
You might say, "Why would I wait for a random stranger to show up? I'll just call the movers and get my service". To which I will say, you can put yourself in a position where those random strangers come to you instead of being a lazy fuck with no game and tons of money.
You can hamster it up all you want, but having a girl wanting your cock isn't the same as a girl wanting your money.
FREEDNA 7y ago
Sure if that's what YOU need to get off... go for it.
Chaddeus_Rex 7y ago
Paying for sex is one thing. You can't pay for passion, desire, power.
FREEDNA 7y ago
Again.. you need that stuff... some people ( me ) don't.
I just want to rent a hole.
mental_models 7y ago
Because I can't afford to hire professionals full-time, and it would bruise my huge ego.
That said, I doubt your question was sincere.
[deleted] 7y ago
So you rather to be a trick the rest of your life than to learn proper game?
FREEDNA 7y ago
I know how to game.. don't see why any man has to when he can just buy sex... are you all chickenshit for asking an escort to fuck or something?
[deleted] 7y ago
I love the hunt, the capture, the new/strange, the banter, the game, feeling 10 feet tall and bulletproof, the subtle push to find the individual/sexual kinks. The observation of male-female interaction, the smells, tastes (Ever notice some women just smell/taste "right" to you? I'm sure it's biochemical, but it's amazing and is actually a factor in my plate or drop decision tree.) The freedom to go "No Ragrets" in the bedroom.The satisfaction of knowing I am truly in charge of my life. The feeling of walking into a bar, picking out the woman you want, and knowing you'll be fucking her later that night. Pushing the envelope. The ultimate expression of amused the game with enough women, and the same patterns emerge. It's a trip to be able to see the code.
FREEDNA 7y ago
I've done all that... fuck dude I'm almost 50.
I get the same feeling picking an escort from backpage.. just cheaper and faster for me.
Leave the cunt hunting to you young bucks with more energy.
[deleted] 7y ago
I'm 47.
Still love the game.
RescindMySentience 7y ago
Why pay for something that you can basically get for free? I'm pretty sure an escort is gonna cost you more than a cup of coffee, a condom, and MAYBE two movie tickets. It's not as difficult as it might seem. Harder for some, admittedly, but with proper experience and the right mind-set you'd be surpised.
FREEDNA 7y ago
My time is valuable. Money is not.
RescindMySentience 7y ago
While I get that, let me ask you this: How can you, as a man, be okay with never sleeping with a woman because she genuinely wants to, but because it's her job? I'm not bashing anyone who sleeps with escorts... But to solely sleep with them because your game is lacking? That's what I don't get.
ShavedApel 7y ago
Some men don't need desire or validation.
with prostitutes it can be a turn on when they don't like it and you have can do whatever you want and you have the control.
For myself I like getting massages, it costs me 40$ for a half hour. Does she genuinely want to or is it because of it's her job. Now I suppose I could spend a few hours befriending the masseuse getting her phone number arranging a private meetup to see if I can get her to give me a free session from her genuine desire but that would be less cost effective. The massage will feel the same in the end. (I think there was a Seinfeld episode about this actually).
FREEDNA 7y ago
I want to have an orgasm.. what is your goal "gaming women" ?
dr_warlock 7y ago
The chase is addicting. The process of kino escalation is gratifying.
RescindMySentience 7y ago
If I had to put it into one word? Power. The power to get absolutely anything I want, when I want it. The power you feel when you challenge yourself over and over and constantly succeed. Not taking the easy way out. And this mind-set doesn't only apply to getting women. Do what you will, but I'm simply just offering you an alternative perspective.
Redpilledaccordingly 7y ago
Obviously do you, but I wouldn’t feel the “adrenaline” of accomplishment from hiring some girl to fuck me. Literally if your game is on point, go with a few guys have some fun, and you could literally walk out with a broad in 20-40 mins top.
FREEDNA 7y ago
So I have to go out.. hang around some people.. and maybe there's a chance I find someone I find attractive who wants to go do ass to mouth with me and not get clingy?
hahaha... no fucking way what a waste of time
EdmondDaunts 7y ago
Back in the old days, as in decades ago, there was a technique called Stroking. It was how you get a woman to talk about themselves. It involved listening and adapting i.e good game.
It involves rapport and creating a conducive atmosphere. Then all the hidden innuendo can run riot. Like a good movie you don’t speak the premise.
So cold approaches need to establish this or have it preestablished by IoI. Much better to small talk and kid around with sales girls.
Andgelyo 7y ago
Agree completely with this post, OPs thoughts are pretty much along the lines with my own thinking. In general, the better looking you are the more successful you will be in approaching women, but logistics have to play a role as well. It has be the right context. You wanna know why I have absolutely no problem approaching girls at concerts, bars, and clubs? Because at the end of the time I likely won’t ever see those bitches again. Plus, the place is so busy, nobody would care if my ass gets rejected. Now if I hit on a girl where I frequent such as the gym or work? You betcha my image and reputation would be garnished especially if shit goes south. Solid post.
BlastCorporation 7y ago
When most guys I've seen do cold approach it pans out like OP described and it ends up backfiring. The guy gets a bad reputation and basically screws himself and that's why a lot of them have to travel to different neighborhoods or areas where nobody knows them.
HaoleBoyz 7y ago
Don't see a lot of counter arguments about cold approach. But you hit it spot on. This is why I don't run around cold approaching in my small town. You come off as desperate and needy. NO OPTIONS other than to run around asking for numbers. Like you said, people see it, and it lowers your SMV massively.
Chaddeus_Rex 7y ago
I Don't know about night game as I mostly daygame. I don't have time to do night game and I live too far from any Good night game venues.
During daygame indirect approach is king. You can do a few approaches at the mall, but it always must seem like you just happened to be walking beside her and made an off hand remark that sparked a conversation. That maintained plausible deniability. As OP says, maintaining plausible deniability is vitally important, even on the approach. Everything has to seem like it happened by accident and is eased in. Never go direct during daygame, for most guys it doesn't work. Indirect has worked best for me.
Same principle for gym "game". Treat it as a multi-day affair. You just happen to be working out on a machine or squat rack near the girl. You just happen to make an offhand comment about something gym related, you're just being a friendly guy. You talk a bit and get back to your workout but Don't ask her for her number, you'll likely see her again. When you see her Next, don't boldly walk up and talk to her, talk to her as your walking by on your business and leave. Maybe third or fourth time you see her say that it would be nice to hang out in an offhanded way.
blackedoutfast 7y ago
this. there's nothing wrong with cold approach or daygame, you just can't be an awkward weirdo using Mystery-style PUA pickup lines on every single random woman in the grocery store.
you have to be congruent with the environment. the things you can say and do in a sweaty dark nightclub where everyone is drunk and DTF are NOT appropriate during the day when people are out doing errands on their lunchbreak.
if you're going to daygame, it's important to be indirect and give her plausible deniability. you're just a friendly, outgoing person. talk about harmless old people type topics like the weather or what brand of food is the best deal. the words you say aren't what creates and builds interest/attraction, it's your attitude and charisma that builds interest. the words are just a pretext.
and definitely don't be persistent and keep annoying her if she isn't clearly interested. if she isn't actively trying to keep the conversation going, then just drop it.
[deleted] 7y ago
I've studyed pick up and social skills since 2009, I lift, I'm fit and dress well, guess what? I'm 29 and I've fucked only 1 escort, 0 results from cold approach ( thousand of sets in a lot of cities in europe ). I'm short, bald and ugly, girls reject me harshly. The whole PUA industry is a scam.
[deleted] 7y ago
you need to find shorter girl...
FREEDNA 7y ago
PUA is simply cosmo for boys
RescindMySentience 7y ago
Well, guess what; Being negative about it isn't doing you any good. There are so many things you can do to make up for your shortcomings (no, I'm not trying to be funny). You say you dress well, but who has told you this? Obviously not a woman, because you've had no success in that department. You also say you're bald, which in reality, isn't the worst problem to have. Have you considered a hair transplant or any products for hair growth? Or even just fucking owning it? You'd be surprised how many chicks dig bald guys. But what I'm trying to say is that maybe the problem isn't just how you look, or how you're approaching these women. Maybe the problem is how you think you look and how you think you're doing everything right. That's often one of the biggest issues people have. They lie to themselves to make them feel okay about not giving it 100% or exhausting every resource. I can guarantee there's at least one thing you could fix that would drastically improve your results.
lordkrink 7y ago
If you made thousands of approaches and failed you have two options: Looksmax or prioritize finding happiness in other things(MGTOW).
bobaisdope 7y ago
Some of us are not fortunate enough to possess a decent-looking face, I know this sucks. But why would you beat yourself up about it? The truth is some of you will never pull a decent 7, at least, all you can get is uggos. Why don't you focus on making lots of money? Lift hard, have some hobbies...and just pay for sex? In the end, we all will never have the love which we crave for.
[deleted] 7y ago
Go after some girls on your level. Yes, you can fuck UP so to speak but you can't fuck UP to 10's if you're a 2 in all likelihood
[deleted] 7y ago
even the fat girls want the 6'4 square jaw football player. Thank you tinder
tibikush2012 7y ago
5'7 guy checking in. Slept with a couple dozens of chicks (I am 27 now), longest dry period since I lost my virginity was a month. You are doing something wrong
[deleted] 7y ago
No, your just a fucking idiot and gaming incorrectly.
If you truly have ran thousands of sets with no results you are doing something wrong no matter your looks and you are making those mistakes over and over again with out correcting them. You are doing the exact style of game this post was about not doing. (direct spam approach natural game)
What puas have you been learning from?
[deleted] 7y ago
I've read over 300 pua books. Simply the girls reject me with " ewww, gross " " you're bald" " you are old" and the most frequent " you are ugly ".
[deleted] 7y ago
Psychocist 7y ago
Wrong. I'm bald, 5'9, only go gym couple times a week.. have plenty of matches on Tinder and have slept with 6 new women this month. Drill it into your head: facial aesthetics will trump everything.
[deleted] 7y ago
[deleted] 7y ago
It is the most important factor for a match, however if your text game is crap you won't get anywhere.
[deleted] 7y ago
[deleted] 7y ago
I get your point but you know that those results are cherry picked and are probably 20 out of 100 matches they got. Which is still good I guess. I agree that this doesn't work for the majority of men, even the attractive ones. Unless you're a 9 or 10 you need text game.
AWorseManThanYou 7y ago
PUA training is like lifting. If you lift for ego you will never grow. If you lift to master skills you will join the quarter ton club in a few years.
PUA and drive by pussy does work. You need to master it though.
[deleted] 7y ago
AWorseManThanYou 7y ago
Don’t worry, you’ll never have that problem.
[deleted] 7y ago
AWorseManThanYou 7y ago
I applaud you sir. Deadlifting 600 lbs within 6 mos is a feat!
Torabor64 7y ago
Deadlifting 600 is a feat. Totaling 600 in 6 months is below average.
AWorseManThanYou 7y ago
500 lbs deadlift is the quarter ton club. Glad to clear that up.
It doesn’t make sense to total your lifts. You could just decide to add in lifts to get you there: squat, bench, oh press, military press, deadlift, clean, clean and jerk, look how silly that is.
dr_warlock 7y ago
No. It is universally understood to mean the big 3: squat, bench, deadlift.
AWorseManThanYou 7y ago
Huh, then I misunderstood. Thank you.
rigbed 7y ago
Most men are scared of women and they can tell.
BaronIncognito 7y ago
Every failure that occurs from doing a cold approach in the same area can damage your SMV exponentially. I used to watch dudes come into the college bar I worked at and go from one girl to another cold opening. If a girl sees another girl shoot you down in front of her your odds of success are near zero unless you are extremely good looking. If a girl sees multiple women reject you, nothing can save you.
lordkrink 7y ago
Good one for you guys: Say jokingly: "Would you like to have the privilege of going out with me?" Then, if she's receptive, say "If you don't want your friend does, look at her face, how jealous she is".
Another: If you're at a party where alcohol is for free, ask her name then ask if you can pay her a drink.
You already won for being funny.
Transist0r420 7y ago
screams autism and a bit too tryhard.
lordkrink 7y ago
Any approach looks autistic and tryhard if you're not using the right mindset, voice tone and circumstance.
Torabor64 7y ago
Proptip: If you plan to use prepared lines, you have already lost.
gELSK 7y ago
// , I used to think the same.
But my observations of other men and my own experience have repeatedly contradicted your statement.
Oftentimes, it can be a show of low investment and IDGAF, especially if the person in question has already demonstrated higher value.
lordkrink 7y ago
I respectfully disagree, prepared lines can be authentic and genuine if you're on the right mindset, which is to make her laugh and you have fun seeing her reaction.
[deleted] 7y ago
lordkrink 7y ago
If you're genuine and you have enough SMV you can say anything. Have you ever talked to a woman who wasn't your mom?
[deleted] 7y ago
rigbed 7y ago
You’re handsome and honest sweetheart
Redpilledaccordingly 7y ago
The greatest thing about being good-looking, I’d say is the rejection is taken with a grain of salt by the girl. It was “cute” and “lighthearted”, and the the gym doesn’t transform into an unbearably awkward setting, if you’re calm and collected. I have had girls show up the following day with even more provactive attire.
[deleted] 7y ago
In day game yes, however, night game rejections are a lot more harsh.
RedPilledGodEmperor 7y ago
night game rejections aren't as harsh because you are less likely to run into those chicks again.
[deleted] 7y ago
They are more harsh in the sense that clubs boost chicks ego so much they won't hook up with anybody less than 1 or 2 points above their own looks
elfgod 7y ago
The purpose of cold approach is to practice. These are usually done in highly populated areas where no one judging you will see you again.
strikethrough123 7y ago
tl;dr: Ugly? Don't approach.
We definitely need more posts dedicated to not doing things, especially over-written, highly hamstered ones like these.
gELSK 7y ago
// , This seems to almost imply that there is rarely such a thing as a 100% 0-degrees cold approach.
Like 0-kelvin in real life, it is impossible to reach this except in the cold vacuum of space.
Even in a foreign country, your approach has some background to it, and people need to learn to take advantage of it.
People will take section 4 the wrong way, though.
Throwawaysteve123456 7y ago
This resonates with me. I used to work as a bouncer for a while and had endless women trying to fuck me. Once I left and went back to school, I had the worst dry spell of my life since I had become so dependent on that circle.
swaglordobama 7y ago
This is why you adapt. Gym is not a traditional pickup venue. It is, however, a social venue where you can be friendly with everybody.
Your appearance is only one part of the equation for a girl, so don't be limited by it. Girls are not as shallow as we are and tend to look past men's shortcomings if they feel strong emotions. If you have low self esteem and believe that the girl will reject you because of your looks, then it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy.
So how to game at the gym? Be friendly and talk to everybody. Guys, girls, newbies, etc. Don't give advice unless they ask for it, but offer it to newbies. If you are the newbie, people are usually happy to demonstrate and help you out. Organize an event and invite people to it. This way the girls you invite see you in a different context where you are the leader. If they can't make it, take pictures / videos and post them on instagram so they can see how fun you are. Once the girl is out you game her normally.
Cold approach is all about calibration. If you go direct you put a lot of presssure on the girl. If a direct approach hits, then the rest is pretty easy. Indirect = less pressure, less intent, so you can build more comfort and then indicate that you are interested. It's important to have a buyer's frame regardless of the style of approach.
Even if you just know her on a friends basis, if you get her alone in a bedroom at 3 am there's a high chance that something could happen.
185poundsofhatredWIP 7y ago
Can you feel the black pill slowly creeping in and taking over?
TunedtoPerfection 7y ago
this post has nothing to do with the Black pill
shoo incel shoo!
gELSK 7y ago
// , He devotes 4 paragraphs to a section called "Your looks" that explains why direct, cold approach requires natural gifts, appearance wise.
What's your definition of black pill?
[deleted] 7y ago
185poundsofhatredWIP 7y ago
Accurate. You should get endorsed.
185poundsofhatredWIP 7y ago
You obviously are on the simpler side.
We're slowly going from "game>>>>looks balding gingers superior pickup game" to "don't approach unless you're a looker"
TunedtoPerfection 7y ago
No it has been and always will be a convert game. Direct pick up worked until too many beta's got told about it and fucked it up. It was a flash in the pan. Honestly the internet killed Direct pick up by allowing feminists to use it to cast a bad stereotype of a PUA. Once that happened it was only a matter of time until the herd followed suit in that belief. Now women can't show a hint of attraction to a guy that does it in the open because she will be filmed, shunned, and throw up on youtube with a title such as "Stupid whore falls for cringy/creepy PUA". That is why direct pick up in a mall or at the beach doesn't work anymore, social shaming. Walking up to a woman and talking with her is how people have been getting laid for generations, just because we have Iphones and facebook doesn't suddenly make that unsexy.
It's not 1 single thing that rules over all in terms of seduction and attraction, the mere fact you think it is shows you have a lot to learn. If you want to be direct you just have to do it where she won't be blasted by her peers for talking with you... like a bar or club.
tibikush2012 7y ago
You need to be atleast average in order to cold approach. I have two friends. One is 5'6 and the other is 5'8 (so not tall at all) and the 5'8 guy is average looking at best. Both have done superbly well in the cold approach setting (I am talking about europe). You don't get a leeway because you are good looking. You get it because you are not acting like an autistic creep
DubbleFUPAwitCheez 7y ago
Thanks for calling me good looking.
dr_warlock 7y ago
Your username is disgusting. Would be a good gamertag.
"You were killed by [a]DubbleFUPAwitCheez"
DubbleFUPAwitCheez 7y ago
I made it back when fatpeoplehate was around. Thank you.
this_is_sparta_92 7y ago
so, I should not cold approach?
Chaddeus_Rex 7y ago
You should cold approach, but don't go direct. Make it seem like you are accidentally walking beside her, like you are making an offhand comment about something random (not her looks or her beauty or whatever). If she is interested she will help you maintain the conversation. If not, you and her still maintain plausible deniability. You are just a friendly guy who talks to everyone and her she didn't feel like talking.
gELSK 7y ago
// , Not the takeaway, here.
If you do cold approach, do it judiciously, at least try to fake some context, and explore your options for doing so in situations where you have at least some status, like a gym at which you work.
Also be aware that you can, potentially, build a negative reputation for yourself. Learn some subtlety to avoid this.
king_of_red_alphas 7y ago
Should be sidebar material honestly.
The vast majority of guys will have to use some sort of indirect game.
Basically, if you’re a celebrity or top 10% Chad, you will find doors swinging open for you just by your very presence.
The rest of us have to knock first.
mallardcove Endorsed Contributor 7y ago
Cold approach is overrated. Not saying don't do it. But as this post greatly illustrates - it is extremely circumstantial. Success is only narrowly possible.
Too many autists here take the advice that you should hold approach to extremes and do exactly what the OP says not to do and cold approaches when the situation doesn't call for it. Then they post their cringey field reports here.
I've had success cold approaching but you really have to thread the needle and make sure the criteria is met. I've also never approached without getting an IOI first. I see too many posts here who discuss cold approaching without getting IOIs and I root for the person to get rejected.
unicorrnr 7y ago
It's true that looks are important for cold approach, but I believe charisma is considerably important as well.
It's bad if you're ugly, but it's worse if you're both ugly and go up to the girl with a terrible posture and a shaky voice.
If you're ugly as fuck then make sure you're aesthetic and stylish as hell.
Build a social circle or join one while simultaneously approaching on occasion and see for yourself if it works or not (don't spam, you'll make it worse for everyone). Calibrate, be socially smart, become aware of your weaknesses and work on them.
Be social with everyone at the gym so when you get to the gym you want everyone to be saying hi to you, girls will notice so if they happen to be next to you and you casually strike up a convo they'll just think you're like that with everyone.
That implies that you should be already going to the gym, you peasant.
nebder 7y ago
Rule #2 cannot be stressed enough
LiveAFTSOV 7y ago
What should a man do if his angry ex GFs and ex Plates spread the rumor that he is a rapist in a small town?
MaTArcher 7y ago
Was just thinking about that, when an ex spreads a reputation of you to be the victim.
Dmva100 7y ago
Ammonia and bleach in the air duct
LiveAFTSOV 7y ago
I doubt thats the best solution
Torabor64 7y ago
Keeping your dick in your pants instead of fucking a crazy bitch.
LiveAFTSOV 7y ago
people can hide their character for months...
Torabor64 7y ago
No they can't. If you've been seeing a girl for months and you haven't picked up any red flag it's really your fault.
LiveAFTSOV 7y ago
first, yes they can
second, that's not the point, because you can fuck a crazy plate for 2 weeks before she reveals she was raped or something. By then it's too late, you fucked her. You stop, break the plate, and now all her friends think youre a rapist.
I know we like to blame the men over here at the red pill, even though we're here to develop a positive male identity.
Torabor64 7y ago
A positive male identity includes taking responsability for your actions.
Anyway, what kind of answer do you want? Ghost the plate, ghost the people who know the plate, move on with your life. As if you had a choice.
LiveAFTSOV 7y ago
I facepalmed for a second
You meet girl, seems normal. Fuck for 1 month, she reveals she got molested by her uncle. You break the plate. Girl goes around town telling people youre a rapist.
How can you recover from that rep dude, thats the real question
Torabor64 7y ago
You don't. I thought that the answer was obvious.
[deleted] 7y ago
solid post and the ending example is exactly what one should base cold approach on. approaching is context sensitive.
Jailhouseredpilled93 7y ago
Why is this post upvotewd at all? Outsiders bang more chics than anybody. And if you understood Red Pill theory and evolutionary psychology you'd know exactly why woman prefer outsiders. Don't listen to this drivvle Go approach bitches, bitches. You fucking pussies!
J-baller 7y ago
You were probably sent here by RSD Tyler. The Sales Pitch goes like this: "Spam approach women and when you finally realize that this way of meeting women isn't the most effective, sign up for my $3000 3 day bootcamp where I'll teach you how to spam approach women properly."
[deleted] 7y ago
I can relate to OP tall, good looking, usually when I go out I have girls approach me not vice versa ("My friend thinks your hot." or some variation). However, I think cold-approach is a valuable tool to have in your toolbox,
When you desensitize yourself to most social situations it will break down barriers & benefit you in all other areas of your life not just cold-approach. Just my opinion. Don't give up on cold approach, guys.
dr_warlock 7y ago
It is. But it's a specialized tool.