So here we are with solid science about how women work, demonstrable results for many men, and lots of information online confirming it all. We have this age old question which is what really got us to where we are today. It dates back to when life became easy and men wanted women to be more than dumb housewives.
We thought giving them the right to vote would get them interested in politics and then we could have intellectual discussions about that. We let them into universities for the same reason. We invented all sorts of appliances to make their housework easier. The list goes on and on. In response what did women do? Get their hair and nails done, spend their time shopping, read fashion magazines, etc.
Fast forward to today and now they've got their degrees, voted in their policies, used their appliances, etc. Instead of becoming better women they've become shitty men. Talking politics with these women is awful. Their degrees and careers are simple and boring. They're fat and lazy. They consume excessively. They're spoiled and narcissistic. The list goes on and on.
This is the new paradigm for men. Some guys go their own way and withdraw all resources from women, some take the purple pill and go with a trad-con woman, some fuck all the hoes, etc. Nothing changes. The women keep demanding more and men keep getting put off.
It's not as if women don't know this too. They're actively running interference getting us banned and all that jazz. Using social engineering to get men to marry fat sluts, single mothers, etc. Cancel culture, #metoo, stuff like that. It's almost as if they're at war with us.
And now cometh the "red pill aware" women. The reformed hoes, reformed feminists, trad-cons, born again virgins, moms of sons, etc. They all start out with good intentions but ultimately try to prescribe trad-con marriage with monogamy, putting men back on the plantation.
sean_karaya 2y ago
I might get the "woman hater" reaction from this, but here we go.
In my observation, the "born again virgins" and other tradt..ts are just chameleons. They are operating under the assumption, that just because one day they wake up, hit the epiphany and sing a different tune, men will line up. This is just like the women who think that once she's done with the bad boys, the overlooked upstanding men will line up for her, will never expect seggs, will just pay for her presence.
You know those memes, where a list is presented with the initial steps being an idea, the middle steps being a few question marks, and the last item being "profit"?
These women fail at the question mark stage, and thus want to hide that part as well as they can. The primary question for some men (myself included) is what benefit does a "cOmMiTtEd ReLaTiOnShIp", to a man who built himself alone.
Little detour: I do not subscribe to the "men have to do it alone if they want woman ... " claims. In Mongolia, land of Genghis Khan, women were expected to find themselves a simple lowly soldier, go to war with him with a bow and arrow and earn "value" the same way a man does, but together. These women would have been feminist icons, but what these women were not applauded for was riding the CC. In Russia, there is a saying :
Хочешь быть женой генерала - выходи замуж, за лейтенанта!
Translation: Want to be the General's wife? Marry a lieutenant .
Note that this saying comes from an age where "marriage" meant more than starfish sex and demanding provision and protection. It meant working together from a very low stage.
( : Russian -speaking women discussing whether this saying has merit)
So the "women will come when you have your life set up", is neither universally true, nor a very charming proposition, nor something to look forward to. We understand that we don't have a choice in the modern world, but that does not make such women particularly interesting.
end detour.
Back to the point, the question of the benefits of a "cOmMiTtEd ReLaTiOnShIp" , where a man is supposed to "protect and provide" (explicitly mentioned points) was raised in the comments of an YouTube video posted by one of those "Red Pill Aware" women. I am hesitating to link the video lest I get a strike for doxing.
Her answer:
Now, let's pay attention. We see, that she will "try to" learn . We can't expect anything tangible, but we have to "protect and provide". The typical tradcon answer here is that the only thing we can expect is a "good time". But "good time" on the basis of what? That a broad is existing?
Ya, I guess I am woman-hater with a tiny anatomy, but that does not match up to my definition of good time.
I am sure you can find anecdotally other woman who can do more - but after a certain stage none of that is particularly fulfilling. OsloMGTOW wrote a great piece some time ago - and because he is working under a pen -name, i don't think linking his work is doxxing. So here goes:
I have already seen men in the RP circles berating us for not being overjoyed with the first ****y that finally comes our way . Even in that video that I am hesitating to link has an army of self proclaimed "real men" absolutely vouching to catch a projectile for such women with questionable significance.
Bottom line: But for a great number of us (yes, sure we probably aren't real enough men) , we fail to conclude the intentions of these reformed hoes, reformed feminists, trad-cons, born again virgins, moms of sons, etc as "good". Their intention is one of urgently needing a Bailout, and that isn't good.
whytehorse2021 2y ago
Yeah we're not buying it. We see them waiting at the finish line trying to pick the winners after they've had their fun.
Lionsmane8 2y ago
Feminism managed to play onto women's inherent inferiority complex. It turned them against men to weaken their protectors and benefactors so that corporatists can buy them on the cheap and work them, and governments can tax them to the bone. Perfect slaves.
whytehorse2021 2y ago
Hey at least I don't have to deal with them :)
DextroShade 2y ago
Socially-enforced monogamy and the family unit is the bedrock of civilization, so marriage cannot be abandoned but it must be reformed in ways such as:
Eliminate no-fault divorce
Caps on alimony, also if the woman cheats or does anything else to destroy the marriage she gets nothing, if she initiates the divorce for some bullshit reason such as "I'm bored" or "irreconcilable differences" she gets nothing.
Mandatory paternity testing with an automatic annulment available for husbands who aren't the father.
All allegations of abuse made in court must have supporting documentation from police or doctors or there's an automatic perjury charge.
50/50 custody is the default
The wife getting fat or refusing to have sex with her husband is grounds for divorce with no alimony, barring documented bona-fide medical exceptions.
whytehorse2021 2y ago
So? Not gonna happen. Women are the majority of voters that turn out. Time to adapt to a post-marriage world.
No-Stress-Cat 2y ago
There's no such thing as a "red pill aware" woman. They are chameleons, every one. The ones I see get on their soapbox and spout MGTOW talking points for clicks and views and validation.
Are they protesting on the courthouse steps and demanding for equal treatment for men in divorce and child custody laws? Are they picketing the campuses and universities and holding rallies for men to have a say in abortion, or to be given the right to financial abortion?
No. Because they know they can still reap the rewards of being a woman, while patting themselves on the back for being on the side of men. "See? I'm one of you!" they say, "Now, be a good little bitch and come back to the plantation."
NotaBene 2y ago
It's more accurate to say that women have a nature they don't deviate from. You wouldn't expect an ant to suddenly develop a personality apart from the collective - it's just not their nature.
Don't judge a woman by her willingness to campaign or shill for the political interest of men. Rather judge her by her true purpose - in her role as a wife and mother. Because the kind of women acting most like women are exactly the ones quietly being great tradwives, serving their own best interests by serving their husbands and children. I know because I've seen this in action.
In other words, a woman politician, even one trying to pass laws favorable to men, is still a failure as a woman.
whytehorse2021 2y ago
True but I did see one go out in public with a sign "Feminism is a hate group" and then make video of her talking to people who come at her. JustPearlyThings. I think she's more serious because she had 2 brothers nearly eat bullets. Other than that yeah, virtue signaling and attention seeking behaviour. On the other hand, you can't get women to change without women changing themselves.
No-Stress-Cat 2y ago
I like JustPearlyThings. A lot of women agree with her that Feminism has become a destructive force in our society. She kind of gets it, but mostly because Feminism hit her close to home. Most women really don't care about this kind of thing unless it affects them personally. They might become familiar with Red Pill philosophy, and might even agree with most of it, but that doesn't mean they are "red pill aware" or "on the side of men." They can empathize, and advocate, but until they actually do something constructive, and make actual changes in the courts and in society, they are still just as viable a threat as a full-blown Feminazi.
polishknight Endorsed 2y ago
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I'm reminded of Sun Tzu saying in war: "Give your opponent a golden bridge to retreat".
Consider that when a woman is born, she's just as innocent as we are. It's not her fault that western society is a mess anymore than the left/feminists blame us men. Heck, consider that feminism was a movement largely comprised of lesbian/elite/bourgeoisie white women (it's amusing to watch them infight amongst themselves on that.)
The question at hand is how to help women do the right thing, and what is reasonable to expect from them in society today? For example: Men can't just be "normal" men as 2 centuries ago because the society is radically different. Heck, even the 1950's housewife model was a thin-slice of time when a few women had that as a luxury. My grandmother managed a family Polish grocery store on the first floor and took care of a family on the 2nd.
We have to live with the times and this applies to women too. We need to ask what women are capable of and expecting them to be men is ultra-blue-pill thinking: Women can't reform feminism or even fight against it because men need to lead because nobody else can. That's why good women are largely invisible: They marry, raise kids, and quietly live their lives. But that's also part of the problem that the remaining women activists define women in the public venue.
My grandmother volunteered at numerous Catholic and Polish cultural charities in addition to her business and family duties. Most women did. Many other civic organizations that men belonged to were torn down as "patriarchal" or subverted and eventually died from neglect. Ironically, what is called "The Patriarchy" used to be largely true in that when only men could vote and largely ran for public office, and there was membership and camaraderie, there was more connection between normal men and politics. Ironically, as feminists smashed "the patriarchy", they only further empowered the elites.
In any case, we have to find a way for women to either contribute to society in their families or in the public sphere but led by men.