Dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show women's poor dating behavior and unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves.
Posted 4y ago in Entitlement Princess - Permalink - Locked - 32.4K Views
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We're just a bunch of clueless NiceGuys™ with kindness coins that don't seem to work in women's holes so that the sex we're "entitled to" falls out. Because apparently we weren't demonstrating good relationship material through the attention, respect and stability that women demand. We were only "pretending" to be nice just to get laid.
In response to r/niceguys, this forum is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man" after dating jerks and riding the cock carousel in the prime of their youth, and think they're deserving of commitment and financial stability when all they have left to offer is their depreciating looks, narcissistic mentality, used-up vaginas, and another man's kids.
Women in their 20s have numerous opportunities to date the decent men they claim to want, but many reject or friendzone these men for jerks and promiscuity. She takes advantage of a good dude's kindness for attention and favors, then accuses him of being a bad person who thinks he's entitled to sex.
But when she's in her 30s with depreciating looks, jerks who won't commit, the likelihood of being a single mom, and the social pressure from her married friends, she asks "Where have all the good men gone?"[1][2] Funny how back when she was chasing the bad boys "Being nice is the bare minimum", but now that she's past her prime and needs a bailout, she wants a man with nice guy traits.
Furthermore, dating jerks and riding the carousel before settling down with a good man is planned by many women, and encouraged by feminists. They then come to the dating market with unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves. Such women are totally unaware that the mature, stable men they now need are the same decent men they rejected, except these men remember the rejection and are responding in kind to avoid unstable, unappreciative women who view them more as ATMs than romantic partners.
The reason women end up here is because their behavior is not exposed as the lucid, self-destructive, feminist ideology that it is. And we're here to help Good Men guard their commitment and resources by exposing women who would make poor life partners and mothers of their children. Providing observations and opinions on the posts here allows us to better understand women's psyche and later depressive/miserable state when they are not held to a moral standard required for healthy, functioning relationships.
Rules of conduct:
1. No shaming men for any reason.
2. No white-knighting or NAWALT. This is not a debate forum.
3. No comments such as "Her profile looks decent", "She's not asking for much", "At least she's honest". No comments saying a post is fake without proof. Proof must be sent via modmail.
- 4. No brigading, doxxing or witch-hunting. Do not look for the individuals posted here, nor ask or give their personal info/social media, nor ask or give the source or you will be banned and reported to the admins. See here and here.
Rules for submission:
5. Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy". (Examples, details)
5b. No posts of women who are merely fat, post-wall, unattractive, seeking sex or money, nor women merely behaving badly. (Examples NOT allowed)
6. No personal information in dating profiles or social media accounts. Take a screenshot and censor all names, social media, hometown, school, and place of work. Additionally, censor any children's faces if their mommy included them in any profile photos.
7. No links to any subreddits or websites, nor crossposts where the OP is a woman. For articles use For Reddit use a censored screenshot. Screenshots must contain the full story. No links to any women's Youtube, TikTok, etc. videos. Use to upload videos after censoring them through
8. We accept images from Imgur, Postimage, and ImgBB.
- 9. Other content may be posted on the weekends. See the types of content we allow.
Recommended reading:
Dating profiles showing women's Dual-Mating strategy and unreasonable standards
OkCupid study shows women reject 80% of men based on looks alone
Milo - The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Women Want to Know Why Men Don't Want to Marry Anymore...Allow Me
WAATGM mod explains why promiscuous women can't get good men to commit.
Okay, I get it. You're sick of hearing men complain about girls only dating assholes.
Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Nice Guys: We Don’t Want You Anymore
Dear Single Moms: I wasn't your type then, why am I all of a sudden your type now?
The Truth About Single Moms Who Bring Young Children To The Dating Market
Carol asks WAATGM for the harsh truth after riding the carousel
- Complete list of resources here.
Link Flair:
The Big Question- Carol asks "Where are all the good men?", "Why can't I find a decent guy?", "What happened to chivalry and respect?"
Bailout- Carol wants a man to help raise her kids and provide financial stability.
Leftovers- Carol whines about how hard dating is as an older woman.
Dual-Mating Strategy- Carol admits to promiscuity and dating jerks but now wants a good guy to settle down with. Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.
Cock Carousel Rider: Carol complains about being single while having a history of promiscuity.
Entitlement Princess- Carol has unreasonable standards while offering little to no value herself.
- New Carols Unlocked!- A list of all the Carols we've identified.
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RottenRobyn 4y ago
I can’t get over the fact that people are so shallow. People cannot always control weight and certainly cannot control height. My boyfriend is 5’1 and two inches shorter than me and I’ve gotten some criticism for it, despite how obviously happy we are together.
Heresyreznor 4y ago
I love when fat/ugly chicks are REALLY vocal about their standards, as if that will make people attractes to them. The grapes are fucking sour.
20Boobies 4y ago
Do mirrors exist? Why dont people use it?
Pugwhisper 4y ago
That seriously had the same energy as
You fell for it fool, THUNDERCROSS SPLIT ATTACK!
DaftZack 4y ago
As a dude who is 5'8", shit like this piss me off to no end. Like, why can they shit all over me for not being a giant, when I can't say shit about their blubber?
It gets fucking depressing seeing and hearing it over and over again. I can't help how tall I am, but you can help how far you are.
Svartanatten 4y ago
I'm 6'3 and I hate that women will treat my freaking height like an achievement.
RedPill_Dragon 4y ago
Agreed bro, and just so you know, average height for Navy Seal is 5'8" so fuck'em!
Hazmatfox 4y ago
And this little piggy went "wah" all the way home.
SnowAssMan 4y ago
Difference is, a lot of 6ft guys would find her attractive. A lot of guys actually prefer chubby chicks. Conversely no woman prefers short guys.
EvilKlownz2 4y ago
She threw shit and got some on her. Then she tweets back to the WRONG guy. I don't get why a 2 thinks she can get or deserves a 10. Is because some website said she could? Is it because her friend, who's a 6 has a 8 dating her? SMH.
My favorite quote from a movie.: Fat,drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.
She may not be drunk now, but that wall will make her buy case lots of wine and cat food.
autobots6789 4y ago
Achievement unlocked ~ total destruction 50 pts.
Ah such a classic.
orwasaker 4y ago
Surely there must've been some women on that tweet who called her out on her bs? unless none of them knew why he replied to her like that
StingRayFins 4y ago
I'm 5'14" so fk this thot
3DWomanHelps2DWomen 4y ago
Me and my boyfriend are short as fuck :p. These bitches are crazy man no one can control their height! High and unrealistic expectations? Accept your new found love life with The Wall.
where_muh_good_mens 4y ago
It's one thing to have preferences. It's another to claim superiority simply because you have those preferences. This does work to a degree, to maintain the pecking order, but social media brought a fragile social system of balances to it's weak, feeble knees. Women like this claim they are above men, but sooner or later the men carrying her weight will put her down and let her fend with the rest of the degenerates. Once the well runs dry and men find less and less reason to work hard for a woman that will statistically-speaking, divorce rape his ass, then will the suffering and hard life come to pass for us all. Not a day I am looking forward to, but a day that will come if state sponsored welfare continues to churn out it's sycophants and dependants at a rate higher than independent freedom-loving men.
3DWomanHelps2DWomen 4y ago
It's a needed change to our current society so I advocate for men to stop validating women. It's kind of like natural selection in a way.
where_muh_good_mens 4y ago
Yeah, that's not going to happen. Women won't allow it. Let's come up with actual solutions, like the one I presented. Of course, that would mean women would have to give up their current privileges, so I guess we are at a standstill there.
3DWomanHelps2DWomen 4y ago
I agree with you. Even male white knights get in the way too. It's difficult to solve this when society at large does not want to get rid of those privileges.
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
waymen won't give up their privileges until the soldiers in Gilead round them up and force them to submit.
where_muh_good_mens 4y ago
Greedy men wanting control and power dangle the 'benefit' carrot.
Lazy men not holding them accountable and becoming their slave.
Women doing what women will always do, take the path of least resistance to extracting as much resources from men and the system as possible.
Women don't want to get rid of those privileges because then they would be responsible for their own stability and security which they have evolved to delegate to men.
Men give women what they want and attempt to gain the same or higher advantage.
Everyone loses as the lowest denominator becomes the unfortunate second class citizen where young fertile women are first class citizens and the wealthy oligarchy are the rulers.
But women are 'equal' now, so them having promiscuous sex is their fault and the full brunt of the consequences theirs to bear. Men don't need sex, but women need commitment and even the state can't substitute that.
That is why we don't hold men accountable for the consequences that women face. It's their problem now and they can't have it both ways. Either they relinquish the right to hold authority (voting, public office, etc) or the face the full error of a collapsing society that caters to their dependency via wealth redistribution. They wanted to be free from the rule of their husband, so they are now and men are too free from the consequences women face for their poor decisions.
At the end of the day, women need society, not men. You aren't going to shame men into doing what is necessary to protect and provide for women, but you can shame women into doing what is necessary to stay loyal to a man that will.
3DWomanHelps2DWomen 4y ago
You see article after article and posts where women wonder why they screw up so hard in relationships- there is a pattern yet other women don't see that as a warning and a checklist of not what to do. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
where_muh_good_mens 4y ago
They honestly think it will be different for them. And you know what, for many of them they won't have to face those consequences because most of society is ignorant to the truth.
brucetwarzen 4y ago
fattie here looks like the most annoying person on the planet.
typhoonthunder 4y ago
If one single tweet ruined her life, she has many, many problems.
General_Duke02 4y ago
Lol that guy on twitter is the king
[deleted] 4y ago
Oldie but goodie.
RRFdev 4y ago
Whenever you come across a woman with absurd, shallow requirements, remember....this is how they tend to look like
Women like her, in practice only get to match with men 5'. Attractive men completely ignore her. So she femcels herself, pretends to have high standards so she can be the one doing the rejecting.
You aren't getting rejected by men if you are the one doing the rejecting.
imlastin 4y ago
i never understood how making fun of height is so socially acceptable when someone cant control it but making fun of someones weight or even just stating it is completely unacceptable when it can be controlled and changed
Launch_Day_My_Dudes 4y ago
It’s a thing that’s been going on for centuries. In 17th and 18th century Moscow, peasants hoped to give birth to dwarves because they could be sold to rich aristocrats as court jesters.
People are awful.
Extra_Napkins 4y ago
I’m 6’4 190 pounds. That chick is at least 190.
gofortheko 4y ago
I like how he blames him for ruining her life. No bitch, McDonalds ruined your life.
Lifty_Pete 4y ago
She looks like Buzz’s girlfriend from home alone. Woof
justagoff 4y ago
Fun fact: that was actually a guy! John Hughes and the director thought it would be too mean to cast a female.
germiphobe 4y ago
PLEASE tell me that isn't true....
justagoff 4y ago
Ha, it is indeed - you can find multiple sources, but he's a reddit post discussing it.
germiphobe 4y ago
b-but i love home alone...
smoochwalla 4y ago
Why would you love it any less now though?
germiphobe 4y ago
yeah u rite
TheseUpstairs 4y ago
Short and fat aren't equivalent. You can't solve short.
This woman could get cancer and become a 6. Lapband surgery, regular diet, lipo. No reproductive penalty.
Dazza477 4y ago
If you look, she's actually tweeted the wrong person
[deleted] 4y ago
Does think shell get a 6 ft guy?
SirKolbath 4y ago
So Meninist should feel bad because she can't stop eating? I'm confused here.
RedPill_Dragon 4y ago
It's fat shaming. Another weapon women use so that men can't have standards.
NinjaDingo 4y ago
Perfect example of the double standards that are ingrained in these idiots mentality.
[deleted] 4y ago
Height isn't something you achieve. But your weight and how you treat others is something you can change.
If only she could do an analysis of her character and person. Or is she not willing? Since the sexual market place is runned by women? Why bother right? Just let it rot. Provides us with entertainment at least.
HellishGod 4y ago
Thomas Sowell: "When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination".
So a woman is allowed to be shallow, to be extremely picky and demanding, even if she's disgusting and idiot, but if a guy does the same thing, he is labelled as a jerk. Even worse, if we call out these kind of women on their crappy behavior, then we are misogynists, assholes and immature.
mustangfrank 4y ago
Welcome to the land of the 3rd wave feminists.
mustangfrank 4y ago
So a woman is allowed to be shallow, to be extremely picky and demanding, even if she's disgusting and idiot, but if a guy does the same thing, he is labelled as a jerk.
You got it, you misogynists, asshole, she says.
Freelance_Sector 4y ago
Quote is gold.
PlainTundra 4y ago
They are the cognitive dissonance genre.
HellishGod 4y ago
Typical low-quality woman trait..
upsidedownbackwards 4y ago
You see it REALLY strong around gay men. There has always been fag hags but lately there's been an influx of women in the gay community due to poly relationships or whatever. They say that they should be in allowed in all male gay campgrounds and that someone should sue for discrimination/sexism (they're far too lazy). Tough luck there ladies. We're not paying to go to the campground. We're paying to be part of a private club. And the private club lets its members on the property. Sorry you're not part of the club, that's why you can't get in.
But they complain that gay guys hate women. We don't hate women, we just treat them like they treat ugly men. If they don't have a conversation to bring to the table we just aren't interested. If you've relied on your looks to get people to pay attention to you even the slightest you'll be disappointed. What's the last project you worked on? What's the last way you improved your life? None of us know your social circle of Beckys so we don't give a fuck about your gossip and we REALLY don't care about your kids.
BRING. SOMETHING. TO. THE. TABLE. If you've got nothing to talk about don't complain that the gay guys won't talk to you. Probably the same bitches that have "Must be able to hold a conversation" in their OLD because they rely on their looks to keep people interested, their personality is garbage.
Sorry, ya got me on a bit of a rant there.
HellishGod 4y ago
They expect from us, men, regardless of our sexual orientation, to bring more and more to the table, while they have to do nothing. Unconditional love? Please, for most of the women that is a non-existent phenomenon. If you don't have a well-paid awesome job, some qualifications and good looks, they won't even bother to talk to you, or they'll friendzone you. And the funny part is that even the lowest quality women want a perfect guy.
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
Is that why every fag hag I have seen is hideous? They don't rely on their looks!
notajoey 4y ago
Exactly my dood. That quote is the absolute truth
HellishGod 4y ago
And as always, the truth is hurtful.
Flurzzlenaut 4y ago
Never insult someone for something they can’t control like height. You’ll get insulted for something you can control, like your weight, and that will always hurt more. Of course the best thing to do is not insult anyone for anything because it’s just not nice.
harveyaki 4y ago
That's so true.
oh_no_aliens 4y ago
Bitches just can't "be nice" though.
meerita Sr. Hamster Analyst 4y ago
You can control your weight.
mustangfrank 4y ago
This post is a few years old. The girl above, posted several photos of herself. 2 or 3 photos were full length and showed her to be a porker, not a few pounds over but a lot i.e. no waist, big belly, big thighs, flabby arms, etc.
A man then took her photo and description and did a similiar thing to her, saying when a woman's weight begins with 2. She got all sorts of hate mail because of it.
Notice the support from the sisterhood in the photo.
notacrackheadofficer 4y ago
Every one will enjoy every repost for the rest of time. Internet gold.
JayMeadows 4y ago
And dick size too!
redveinlover 4y ago
When her dick size starts with a 5... oh shit, wayment
putdisinyopipe 4y ago
Man I feel like bro fiving everyone on this fucking sub. Everyone is legit as fuck
I haven’t read a cringe comment in this sub- it all resonates and I feel like everyone here has game and has dealt with the bullshit thirsty bailout hoes through their journey of life.
Remember boys if it’s a trashy boner hit it and quit it.
If it’s a real one keep it and don’t leave her.
[deleted] 4y ago
BillGatesOwnsMonsato 4y ago
Go flap away to your twig nest of STDs and broken dreams roastie
putdisinyopipe 4y ago
Nahh I didn’t see that.. I myself; not an incel- I come for the fun. Shit Ive dated and fucked around it’s fun but I pick legit girls. The kind that are the anti thesis to the ones on here. I pop in every now and than. I have seen a post on IT recently. That was alarming. I’m gonna investigate further- if this sub is becoming tainted with incel bullshit.
Fuck it I’m out dude. Not all women are shit I know. Because I got one outside my bathroom door in bed while I’m typing this while I’m taking an explosive shit. Also- have an upvote; I’m not one with the echo chamber bullshit either. What you said challenged me to investigate further.
I feel like inexperience is why guys end up with shitty girls. Know how I know? Because it happened to me.
[deleted] 4y ago
putdisinyopipe 4y ago
Well they need to leave and not taint the greatness that permeates the sub lol. I don’t want to remotely be associated with incel scums most of em are on FBI watch lists and I like my privacy.
[deleted] 4y ago
putdisinyopipe 4y ago
That say extremely violent things about women and have an extremely unhealthy worldview. Yeah.
[deleted] 4y ago
putdisinyopipe 4y ago
I’d go to r/inceltears.
Fine people don’t say shit like that.
Edit- wow- the sub disappeared. Interesting....
Skystalker512 4y ago
We just don’t tolerate any bullshit, we are done with drama and say the truth right in their faces. This sub is amazing and I just want to fistbump everybody here.
disposablepurplepill 4y ago
While the sub is relatively small - it will be fine. We are currently in the optimum "Golden age" or a reddit sub. Just large enough to have regular daily activity - but as small as possible to avoid the eye of sauron of either the Admins or other ideologically motivated but mentally and emotionally weak individuals.
I give the sub 1 year, two at the most before it gets hit by an quarantine then closed a month later.
I've seen it play out at least a dozen times personally.
The best subs eventually either get taken over or banned. (that's not to say all the subs banned were the best subs).
putdisinyopipe 4y ago
Interesting, what subs have you observed this happen too?
Paulel300 4y ago
Not op but cringe anarchy and MDE were given the same treatment once they got big enough
maruadventurer 4y ago
Dang what arms! Long enough to serve the social distancing rules.....
And yes I am just kidding.
It is good to see men setting their own pace in life.
putdisinyopipe 4y ago
Brohood lol! It’s good to be a man. At least we don’t get pumped and dumped like these dumb idiot sluts.
Or have periods
Or have a cantankerous desire to chase guys that are pieces of shit
Or go through menopause
Or be super entitled because patriarchy
putdisinyopipe 4y ago
Dude it’s a bro hood for sure I got you
Skystalker512 4y ago
You’re the best, dude
putdisinyopipe 4y ago
No you are! Haha
germiphobe 4y ago
No you are!
putdisinyopipe 4y ago
You definitely are bro hohoho hahahahaha
squints1689 4y ago
Haha bro stop it you are
putdisinyopipe 4y ago
Hahahahah the fist train is running and it’s not running up a bailouts pussy hole!
GenericOscout 4y ago
you can control your height too. it's usually more of a hassle is all.
Soaliveinthe215 4y ago
Flurzzlenaut 4y ago
Not without surgery which is what I consider when I think of things you can control. And trust me I’ve thought about leg lengthening surgery a lot the last few years but I don’t know how I’d pay for it.
GenericOscout 4y ago
just wear like short stilts to increase your height. or say you're taller than you really are. if it's more than she is, she won't know the difference.
Flurzzlenaut 4y ago
Well I’m into dudes and guys don’t normally care how short other guys are. Besides I’m 5’1” so it’s pretty noticeable
goodbye2017hello2018 4y ago
This is a old post but I laugh at it every time I see it.
First off, what the hell is chubby looking at while taking a selfies in the car? Secondly, my ex wife went from 135lbs to 190 after a couple of our kids popped out of that vag.
How the hell does a woman give birth to a 7/8 pound baby and keep 40 pounds to herself? That physics doesn't add up.
Extra_Napkins 4y ago
Popeyes Drive Thru
RedPill_Dragon 4y ago
Hey.... come on..... my mom did that too, took her 15 years to lose it. I'm not going to harp on mom for being big in order to give me life. Let's be fair.
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
IF you were fair you would know that your mom did not plump up and stay plumped up just to "give you life." She stayed plumped up because she couldn't put down the fork or get off the couch, not because the afterbirth made her stay fat.
[deleted] 4y ago
maruadventurer 4y ago
My then wife at the time only gained 10#. She then went about losing most of it. She was too busy to worry about eating. :) I also have to stand up for the MiL. She was not the typical stereotype, was a great help that first 6 months. God rest her soul, she was salt of the earth.
goodbye2017hello2018 4y ago
Texas swinger, go figure. Everything is bigger in Texas....yup, everything.
goodbye2017hello2018 4y ago
I'm not hating on her for gaining weight due to pregnancy. But keeping that weight due to laziness for 25 years is a problem. See where I'm going with this?
mustangfrank 4y ago
Truth brother.
EffigyDijjih 4y ago
The hippopotamus prefers a larger meal, obviously. If you're not atleast 6ft she'll starve, and god forbid shed some of that disgusting blubber.
Cantide756 4y ago
Gotta be that tall to make sure you can put the food or if her reach
escailer 4y ago
I never noticed before. Is she too stupid to get his twitter name right? His response is from @TheMeninistTwit and she drops the “The” from the beginning of the name in he response, and says Tweet instead of Twit. It never went to him.
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 4y ago
Nice catch. I can't believe I missed that.
kapitalidea 4y ago
This is fucking gold. As a tall man I support this.
snootoro 4y ago
If I had a cheeseburger for every time I've seen this posted on this subreddit, I'd almost weigh as much as she does.
where_muh_good_mens 4y ago
Heh, nice. You almost had me.
jrpark05 4y ago
Women: If you ain't 6' or above, don't botha!
Reaction by society: You go gurrrrl!
Men: Be slender.
Reaction by society: Misogynist! Sexist! Piece of shit!
CaptainjustusIII 4y ago
welcome to the TYT altright neo nazi jrpark05 wants to teinforce sexist outdated beauty standards.
mustangfrank 4y ago
[deleted] 4y ago
Well she most likely is following other women and just monkey see monkey do what her attractive friends posted.
jrpark05 4y ago
Also, society's double standards, because while while society approves saying men should be "six feet" society doesn't approve of men saying a woman should be slim.
MrRaspberryJamz 4y ago
Society doesn't approve of any criticism of women, even if it's justified.
You are called every buzzword in the book by the inevitable onslaught of their white knight army.
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
That includes women as a group or ANY individual woman. If you criticize women as a group you "hate" women and must be an "incel." If you criticize any individual woman you...."hate" women and must be an "incel."
You are, of course, free and encouraged to call men anything you want.
redveinlover 4y ago
"Real women have curves"
"More cushion for the pushin'"
"Big girls need love too"
These are all things I hear MEN say and they aren't helping. You don't hear women saying things like "small dicks are the best, they can't bruise my cervix or stretch me out" or "short guys are better because I don't have to strain my neck to kiss him" or something stupid like that. Men need to wake the fuck up and quit encouraging these walruses to keep eating. If dudes would quit banging the big ones it would give them incentive to watch their weight if they want to get laid again.
germiphobe 4y ago
people always talk about fat acceptance but what about people who are underweight with eating disorders?
neverforme 4y ago
A woman can have curves and be under 110lbs, these idiots don't understand curves aren't the same as fat rolls big enough to grill cheese in.
redveinlover 4y ago
Technically speaking, spherical is the best curve of them all, but it doesn't mean it's good to be that shape.
neverforme 4y ago
That's a single curve, not curves. And technically speaking, whales aren't women
Freelance_Sector 4y ago
You spelled "grow" wrong.
neverforme 4y ago
Grill is probably the wrong word, more like frying in sweat.
3889-1274 4y ago
Why is it always the ugly bitches that say this shit?
Pakfuu 4y ago
Because they ain't hot. Many men approach them so they think they are hot shit. But they only get men because they look achievable.
ClubZlut 4y ago
Because the hot ones are getting dick, and nothing brings a woman down to earth like good dick, if at least temporarily.
TANQspray 4y ago
Fat ones want a tall guy because they think it makes them look skinnier. Hot girls aren’t as bad.
thoroughlythrown 4y ago
They're mad they can't get with hot guys so they lash out at other dudes
Daytripsinsidecars 4y ago
You mean like guys do when they can’t get hot women?
Let’s take it out on the next fat chick we see!
mimiczx 4y ago
Well they get with the hot guys... They just can't keep them past breakfast.
ShitSharter 4y ago
Those are some strong men. Post but clarity is were the real shit happens.
andylowenthal 4y ago
Lol, no, they can’t..
coomer_1352 4y ago
Hot chicks are picky. Therefore if I'm picky, guys will think I'm hot!
Jarin01 4y ago
This. I don't want to say women are stupid but women are stupid.
RedPill_Dragon 4y ago
Say it!!!!
lethargic_apathy 4y ago
Reading that gave me serious r/femaleDatingStrategy vibes. I read a list of requirements of a male partner submitted by a 17 year old girl that stipulated over 25 things, 2 of which were being over 6’0 and making +100k/year. All the women in the comments just hyped her up and told her to always ask for more. There are several other users who’ve left otherwise great people simply because 1) The constant gifts/take outs stopped or reduced in number or 2) They want to pursue someone with more money bc they feel entitled to it
It just strikes me odd how people can have such high expectations but pull a surprisedPikachu.jpg when those guys are taken or no one finds interest in them, who’re obnoxiously picky
mustangfrank 4y ago
Just by chance, I found a Steve Harvey video of him giving advise to 10 black single women, ages 28-39. They were all in good shape, no 300 pounders in the group and educated. All the women were lined up behind and seated behind a table. The very first woman to speak was at the fall left and was the youngest. She stated that when she was first dating, the man had to be 6'5", then 6'3", then 6'1" and now at eye level. None of the 9 other women did an eye roll, lauged or giggled when she said 6'5". They all thought that was a reasonable. Say the same thing to 10 average men, and they will laugh for 10 minutes.
BTW Do you think if the girl had started out at eye level and worked her way up, she would not be 28 and single>
iamadrunk_scumbag 4y ago
Not picky at the buffet we can see
Freelance_Sector 4y ago
No woman is picky about what she puts in her mouth...
notacrackheadofficer 4y ago
To be fair she avoids the nutritious stuff and shoves her fat lips right onto the fake ice cream dispenser, and gobbles it down like a foie gras goose with a funnel.
[deleted] 4y ago
Damn! That was highly descriptive.
notacrackheadofficer 4y ago
This is how covid 19 started , when an overweight goth with a bat tattooed across her chest shoved her face into a buffet tray filled with ranch dressing, like a pig trough.
coomer_1352 4y ago
God damn I miss FPH on Reddit.
EggnCheez 4y ago
Fat People Hate? Dude, that subreddit was fucking savage.
coomer_1352 4y ago
It's still on Voat and Telegram but without the constant whalesong brigaders it's not as fun.
techtesh 4y ago
Can you link the telegram chat here or in dms
coomer_1352 4y ago
It updates very regularly, which is nice.
[deleted] 4y ago
coomer_1352 4y ago
Lol, who told you that? FPH banned links to reddit and made every real name and username be censored.
The reason why it was banned was because it gave reddit a bad name. They'd rather be negativity-free than a real platform for people to exchange ideas. They then used the Imgur incident as an excuse to ban the sub.
There probably were, but none were as big as FPH. It was among the top non-default subreddits in terms of user activity.
[deleted] 4y ago
983137781389 4y ago
this has been posted hundreds of times
Dr_Bukkakee 4y ago
She tweeted back at the wrong person. lol
sakirocks 4y ago
Weight is more or less controllable, height there's almost nothing you can do about that being short. Same with having a small dick yet somehow its okay to tesse a man about these things but talking about a woman's weight is ABSOLUTELY out of the question and you must be a subhuman piece of shit to even think about calling a woman chubby. How does this make sense?
ButMessiDeservedIt 4y ago
Agree with you except with the first line.
Weight IS CONTROLLABLE and not "more or less".
sakirocks 4y ago
There are some people with really rare medical conditions that make it nearly impossible to regulate their weight gain or loss. Not talking about those people who claim genetics or self diagnose a thyroid problem but some rare cases. But yeah the majority of people most likely anybody reading this can control their weight
KilluminatiGotti2 4y ago
How did she not see that coming lol
SyerenGM 4y ago
I'll never understand women like this, truly...
Gmontiel716 4y ago
rvail136 4y ago
No absolutely not. Men are not permitted to have standards. Because if men are permitted standards, where will women be? ....
snginc 4y ago
2 thumbs up for the quick retort! #bosslevel
Wordman253 4y ago
Don't clap if you can't get clapped back.
Luck700 4y ago
She got fucking wrekt.
poetyaright123 4y ago
This never gets old. lol