Dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show women's poor dating behavior and unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves.
Created By kevin32
Dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show women's poor dating behavior and unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves.
We're just a bunch of clueless NiceGuys™ with kindness coins that don't seem to work in women's holes so that the sex we're "entitled to" falls out. Because apparently we weren't demonstrating good relationship material through the attention, respect and stability that women demand. We were only "pretending" to be nice just to get laid.
In response to r/niceguys, this forum is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man" after dating jerks and riding the cock carousel in the prime of their youth, and think they're deserving of commitment and financial stability when all they have left to offer is their depreciating looks, narcissistic mentality, used-up vaginas, and another man's kids.
Women in their 20s have numerous opportunities to date the decent men they claim to want, but many reject or friendzone these men for jerks and promiscuity. She takes advantage of a good dude's kindness for attention and favors, then accuses him of being a bad person who thinks he's entitled to sex.
But when she's in her 30s with depreciating looks, jerks who won't commit, the likelihood of being a single mom, and the social pressure from her married friends, she asks "Where have all the good men gone?"[1][2] Funny how back when she was chasing the bad boys "Being nice is the bare minimum", but now that she's past her prime and needs a bailout, she wants a man with nice guy traits.
Furthermore, dating jerks and riding the carousel before settling down with a good man is planned by many women, and encouraged by feminists. They then come to the dating market with unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves. Such women are totally unaware that the mature, stable men they now need are the same decent men they rejected, except these men remember the rejection and are responding in kind to avoid unstable, unappreciative women who view them more as ATMs than romantic partners.
The reason women end up here is because their behavior is not exposed as the lucid, self-destructive, feminist ideology that it is. And we're here to help Good Men guard their commitment and resources by exposing women who would make poor life partners and mothers of their children. Providing observations and opinions on the posts here allows us to better understand women's psyche and later depressive/miserable state when they are not held to a moral standard required for healthy, functioning relationships.
Rules of conduct:
1. No shaming men for any reason.
2. No white-knighting or NAWALT. This is not a debate forum.
3. No comments such as "Her profile looks decent", "She's not asking for much", "At least she's honest". No comments saying a post is fake without proof. Proof must be sent via modmail.
Rules for submission:
5. Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy". (Examples, details)
5b. No posts of women who are merely fat, post-wall, unattractive, seeking sex or money, nor women merely behaving badly. (Examples NOT allowed)
6. No personal information in dating profiles or social media accounts. Take a screenshot and censor all names, social media, hometown, school, and place of work. Additionally, censor any children's faces if their mommy included them in any profile photos.
7. No links to any subreddits or websites, nor crossposts where the OP is a woman. For articles use archive.is. For Reddit use a censored screenshot. Screenshots must contain the full story. No links to any women's Youtube, TikTok, etc. videos. Use Streamable.com to upload videos after censoring them through Musicaldown.com.
8. We accept images from Imgur, Postimage, and ImgBB.
Recommended reading:
Dating profiles showing women's Dual-Mating strategy and unreasonable standards
OkCupid study shows women reject 80% of men based on looks alone
Milo - The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Women Want to Know Why Men Don't Want to Marry Anymore...Allow Me
WAATGM mod explains why promiscuous women can't get good men to commit.
Okay, I get it. You're sick of hearing men complain about girls only dating assholes.
Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Nice Guys: We Don’t Want You Anymore
Dear Single Moms: I wasn't your type then, why am I all of a sudden your type now?
The Truth About Single Moms Who Bring Young Children To The Dating Market
Carol asks WAATGM for the harsh truth after riding the carousel
Link Flair:
The Big Question- Carol asks "Where are all the good men?", "Why can't I find a decent guy?", "What happened to chivalry and respect?"
Bailout- Carol wants a man to help raise her kids and provide financial stability.
Leftovers- Carol whines about how hard dating is as an older woman.
Dual-Mating Strategy- Carol admits to promiscuity and dating jerks but now wants a good guy to settle down with. Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.
Cock Carousel Rider: Carol complains about being single while having a history of promiscuity.
Entitlement Princess- Carol has unreasonable standards while offering little to no value herself.
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[deleted] 4y ago
there are some terrible people in this world, jesus christ
Scourmont 4y ago
Yes there are.
kajzni 4y ago
“Have manifested interest in me”
Sounds like a succubus who has lured her first victim and is reporting back to Satan.
[deleted] 4y ago
Scourmont 4y ago
I was a virgin with my ex wife, what's your point? Just because someone, man or woman does something doesn't make it right and doesn't excuse bad behaviour. Take personal responsibility for your actions and stop blaming them on someone else's actions.
[deleted] 4y ago
Scourmont 4y ago
Speak for yourself, I don't have a sad and bitter life but it sounds like you have some personal issues to work on pumpkin. This the wrong sub for that, and definitely the wrong sub to vent your spleen at me. I do take responsibility for my actions. I married a hoe, guarantee it won't happen again, live and learn and all that jazz.
KY0J1N_MGTOW 4y ago
branch once baby i dare ya after that its a continous cycle of branching until you can no longer swing
[deleted] 4y ago
She should tell her husband by financially repaying him for investing in her. Bad decision.
ApolloAE 4y ago
Something to keep in mind is that website is Quora. I’ve used it for years and recently it’s become full of troll questions in order to fire people up and make people respond aka become more popular. The more popular the answer the more money you’ll make from ads (assuming they use Quora partner program)
lethargic_apathy 4y ago
Just remember: “men ain’t sh*t” even if my significant other has been loyal to me
GSFleming 4y ago
I bet this woman is Asian. Other women try to hide their monkey branching with weasel words like, “I’ need to grow.” or “I need to find myself.” Asian women are very blunt. They will come right out and say, “I want more stuff.”
SupremeGentleman92 4y ago
Marriage is a meme in the 21st century. The Simp’s turn is over.
djkbrown2001 4y ago
Nothing about the guys being honest and loyal. All based on material stuff.
Why do men get married?
I am engaged and I am having second thoughts. Actually I am having lots of thoughts. The only reason I see is that I have two kids with my gf and I do not what my boys to grow up with Tyrone. Apart from that their are no upsides to me getting married.
Fucking none.
ThatDamnedRedneck 4y ago
If you can make it work somehow, kids from stable marraiges end up significantly better off.
And keep in mind that this sub isn't about the success stores at all, it's strictly about the failures.
StingRayFins 4y ago
Conversely, this husband that seemingly isn't good enough can get another wife who is with another guy who has less and is uglier. It's all a shit show. Guys, don't fuck with other men's wives. Also, even if she were single, don't feed her trashy nature.
She'll do the same to you when she gets the chance. "there are dozens of men at work that have manifested interest in me" she said... meaning she doesn't have one in mind... she's looking at the whole bunch and slew of them. This means she's most likely going to sleep around with a few of them to try and score the best one or just have multiple sugar daddies. In the end, end up with none of them because she exhibits slutty behavior and doesn't show the capacity to pair-bond or commit properly.
Then she'll hide and die lonely, craw back to the husband, or have to lie and cheat to tie down a beta cuck to beleive she's in love with him to wife her up all over again.
This is history 101. It's been predictable time and time and time again. Over and over and over. It's not new. It's not uncommon or rare. It's everywhere. Predictable.
archangel3531 4y ago
I watch multiple couples around me fight and split up. Woman goes out and "gets fit" and hoes around, jumping from one dick to the next, guy gets fucked giving up pretty much all he worked for. I'm glad my shit is still just my shit. Lol
ZealousMaths 4y ago
Gets fit usually means they wear slimming clothing
Cantide756 4y ago
A girdle
Signalshadow247 4y ago
The bachelor life is a great thing now In days
Mar_Ci 4y ago
Some women just can't tell the difference between a guys' interest in a one night stand and interest in a serious relationship so they dump the only decent guy who's willing to put up with them. Big mistake, even bigger past 30.
Unfigured 4y ago
I think women only ever go to the gym if they're on the prowl. Which means that any man whose wife decides seriously to get in shape had better talk to a lawyer and try to get his ducks in some kind of row. Because he's not going to get to enjoy her fit new body. Despite the years of accepting her flabby overweight body.
coldsteel86 4y ago
Fine example of monkey branching!
Notice how everything she says that is in her words " better " is all materialistic...... good looking, bigger house, better car, etc.
I hope this backfires on her. She divorces her husband and hooks up with a coworker, then later on down the road when her looks are starting to decline and her fertility window is closing, that guy dumps her for the 20 something year old intern that just got hired.
Shallow bitch!
Blogginginvicecity 4y ago
Absolutely. It sounds like the type of person to focus squarely on superficial stuff and then complain about abuse later.
coldsteel86 4y ago
They only love what men can provide for them.Now that she is doing better than hubby its time for her to move up to a higher value man.
SuperGoxxer 4y ago
Just had a thought, this virus shit is going to manifest a lot of breakups once the quarantines are over.
The next spike? STDs, and probably single moms.
Scourmont 4y ago
I doubt it really. The economy is sinking faster than the Lusitania and that will stick around for some time. Less chance to monkey branch and less billy betabuxx running around. Also... less men. This shit is killing men twice as fast as women.
SuperGoxxer 4y ago
I'm specifically talking about the arrangements that have women leeching from a provider, but being in close quarters with him is making things unbearable -- she can't go out to screw around, so she's frustrated and may branch away at the first opportunity.
Scourmont 4y ago
F0000r 4y ago
For better or for worse. If you truly have improved so much, why not help lift your partner to your level?
Overkillengine 4y ago
Because she just wants to show up at the finish line and fuck the winner, not help a guy train to be one.
Cantide756 4y ago
But then feminism would collapse!
lethargic_apathy 4y ago
You know she’s about to cheat like crazy (if she hasn’t already) and then claim that he was abusive and/or she cheated bc he needs to improve
Kerlongsj 4y ago
That is just horrible and that is why I will never get in a relationship.
The reason why is simple. I know that I'll be left behind one way or another and that most likely, I'll be traded in. I don't want that. I prefer to be single for the rest of my life than to suffer from such a thing.
PolukranosWordEater 4y ago
I always tell guys that the dull kinda aching feeling of lonliness you have when you're single is much, much preferred over the suffering you go through in divorce rape and how it utterly ruins and reshapes your life afterword. It'll make you wish for that lonely feeling back. Your crime for not making her feel a single emotion her whole life is in turn a lifetime of suffering.
Women have no idea what kind of power they wield over us men and how their actions effect us... Nor do they care.
Kerlongsj 4y ago
We have the power until we hand it over to them. When we hold onto it, you can notice the effects of it.
I have had the feeling of loneliness before and it aches every once in a while. But I look to my dad and what he went through and I just don't want that in my life. I'll just end where I am now but with a huge debt and a lot of pain.
In my place, I owe no women anything and I will keep it that way.
ThaHentaiConnoisseur 4y ago
"Why I'll never get in a relationship". You've broken out the societal matrix there brother. I see too many men put women on a pedestal during their lives. Really sad.
Kerlongsj 4y ago
Tell me about it. It still going on in lives and I am not interested of being part of that pain. Saw it too many times and I don't want that.
Honest_Solution 4y ago
Loneliness is the cause of the pedestal putting and tolerating of bullshit.
loneliness-inc LvL 99 Rogue NiceGuy™ 4y ago
Hay, don't blame me
[deleted] 4y ago
Traksimuss 4y ago
Hahaha. Women are incapable of love, and it is not worth to love modern women as he correctly mentioned, she will betray you anyway.
tommyboy0208 4y ago
You never know what’s going to happen
Kerlongsj 4y ago
Most likely nope. I don't know what is going to happen. But I can steer my path in one way. Away from crazy.
tommyboy0208 4y ago
Agreed. Stay away from crazy, worry about yourself and focus on your career.
[deleted] 4y ago
ClubZlut 4y ago
Yeah that's a hard pass.
DrNoAwS 4y ago
Hard like in boner? /s
719Kai 4y ago
I guarantee you if did manage to get one of these successful men at her workplace and they did the same thing to her with a younger and more good looking woman, she will play the victim and won’t see how that’s exactly the same thing she did to her husband
Traksimuss 4y ago
Of course not. It is acceptable only when woman does something despicable, and she was victim all along!
sleepyweaselisawake Plowing his way through muck while misquoting Office Space 4y ago
She's definitely getting pumped and dumped, she just doesn't know it yet.
Cantide756 4y ago
Be pretty funny is she didn't. The guys at the office might be looking at her, but I doubt anything else will come of that after #metoo especially if they find out she divorced her husband. Or even more likely, she's delusional and not one guy is looking at her.
Sunrider84 4y ago
This exact thing happened to a friend of mine a year ago or so. They have two children together already.
It's some fucked up shit.
asdf333aza 4y ago
Hope he divorces her and takes half (or more) of her retirement and alimony.
Ryakinfist 4y ago
Poor guy. He'll be red pilled soon enough.
thenotoriousdougie 4y ago
If a guy is hitting on women at work these days, he’s an idiot.
Scourmont 4y ago
Dollars to doughnuts she's a narcissist and any guy that is nice to her is interested in her mind.
ugluk1 4y ago
Especially on post-wall married whores.
spinnyd 4y ago
Never get your honey where you get your money!
Kool_McKool 4y ago
To her I say, did you marry for love, or did you marry for money.
Scourmont 4y ago
She married for love of money.
Kool_McKool 4y ago
toughenup2016 4y ago
Happens too often.
Ranidaphobia 4y ago
Cue a post in 6 months saying how she is being pumped and dumped but can't find commitment lol
NeoCzar 4y ago
As long as there are no social repercussions to monkey-branching it'll only increase, and that is obvious no where else more than the West. It doesn't matter if it's Russia, China, or Saudi Arabia, if you're married and start gauging the market your life will become miserable very fast when hubby finds out, and society won't help you out either. We have generations to raise and a universe to conquer, no time for this nonsense.
On the flip-side, and this is why I urge guys who get lucky with a girl above their pay grade not to go gooey and commit, one can take solice that it was a fluke anyway. Flukes in grandpa's days stuck. You could find a drifter with a gorgeous wife. Now the hierarchy is visible and connected, so the chances of a guy keeping someone more attractive, intelligent, charming, and successful than he usually would be expected to have dwindled to the realm of well-exploited daddy issues and mind games, and that's not healthy, and even then, someone richer, better looking, with a bigger dick could come along and exploit them better. Just stay clear of what'll burn you, even if it's hard for our egos as guys to take.
letmereaddamnit 4y ago
Its this kind of stuff that make me want a housewife who doesn't work. Sadly, women who want that are in short supply. But hoes who want to get dicked down and have fun are out the door, and get mad when I'm not into it.
Scourmont 4y ago
My grandmother was a housewife, still found opportunity to cheat.
letmereaddamnit 4y ago
Well, women are women. Islam has the right idea after all.
amyjoel 4y ago
Dozens of men are interested in her. Dozens
Scourmont 4y ago
Seriously, how many men does she work with?
Traksimuss 4y ago
She already slept with 1/3 before she got fit, so only 2/3 will be eligible.
Scourmont 4y ago
Well she did say she got promoted.
incelposter 4y ago
Jeez, it's not even because of "abuse," like women usually like to claim.
It's straight up purely vain, materialistic reasoning.
Because other guys have a bigger house or car you're going to dump your husband who committed to you when you were probably 250 pounds?
What a shallow cunt. Where's the damn loyalty?
The_mightiest_punt 4y ago
Wife doesn't put out so husband cheats: "emotional abuse"
Wife gets violent so husband defends himself: "physical abuse"
Wife has no job and spends too much money so husband takes control of the finances: "financial abuse"
BoltharHS 4y ago
These hoes ain’t loyal.
PlainTundra 4y ago
Their brain is wired this way. Evolution make women this way to succeed as specie.
Vaxel00 4y ago
Briffault's law.
Women's love is completely utilitarian and men are just means to an end. Accessories are best.
She's never yours, it's just your turn.
madeinheaven11 4y ago
To a women, having sex with a man she is not benefiting from enough constitutes abuse in her brain
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
Manosphere Icon "Archwinger" wrote a piece called: Every unhappy wife is a rape victim.
If she is "forced" or coerced or begged into having sex with her husband when she wanted to punish him, or play games, or would have rather seen his hurt face as she rejects him again, then she processes it as "rape."
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 4y ago
Loyalty is a tool of the patriarchy!
loneliness-inc LvL 99 Rogue NiceGuy™ 4y ago
You're learning....
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 4y ago
Hahaha, I've been biting your style on that since I started here.
People have been emulating MGTOW beastmode's "HERE ARE MY DEMANDS" thing, too.
Overkillengine 4y ago
I mean few things distill the essence of the posted profiles nearly as succinctly as that.
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 4y ago
At first I thought "this'll get old quickly", but I was wrong; it gets funnier every time.
SirKolbath 4y ago
Sit down, princess. I'm going to solve your problem right now. Let him know that you need to talk to him. Don't beat around the bush. Be up front and tell him: "I'm sorry. I am just not good enough for you. You see, I know I made a commitment to you that was supposed to last for the rest of our lives, but I have no honor and no integrity. You deserve better than me. It'll hurt for a bit, but if you keep working on yourself; go monk mode for 3-6 months, get in shape and work on your earning power, you'll find a younger, hotter girl than me in a brief period. She'll probably even do all the stuff I won't, like anal and facials and that thing with the tongue that I get tired of doing but you can't get enough of."
You tell him that, cupcake, and I'm pretty sure he'll take it okay.
hijoton 4y ago
Tailtappin 4y ago
Well, you'll just take off one day, file a restraining order against him, get custody of any kids, take the home he paid for, the cars he bought, keep all the shit inside the home and then you'll relax, get fat, get lazy, get resting bitch face and complain about men.
So, your life in a nutshell.
teh_pope82 4y ago
This must be an article about my ex
sthlmtrdr 4y ago
Just see them for what they are to the core, opportunistic creatures that are out to take advantage of you. They may be sweet and "love" you, but in the end it all boils down to that they are there to grab your assets and use it for their own pleasure.
Don't opt out of women, but never succumb to oneitis and always protect your belongings, assets, investments. Never give control of money to a women, even in a serious relationship. Never let a woman know how much you got and what you earn. Keep her in the shadow regarding these things. There is no reason she need to knowledge about these things.
Imoldok 4y ago
Genesis 3:16 (NLT) Then he said to the woman, “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.”
Yeah watch for cycle repetition.
Innovative_being 4y ago
Hypergamy is a cruel mistress
[deleted] 4y ago
loneliness-inc LvL 99 Rogue NiceGuy™ 4y ago
Rule 1
Narcissist456 4y ago
Every guy who thinks their girl loves them unconditionally needs to see this.
Kuma07 4y ago
A few years later: "I made a regrettable decision. I never realized how good I had it with my husband. Now I'm getting fat and alone. The other guy's just want hook ups. I tried talking to him but he won't respond back. I don't know what I should do."
Every. Fucking. Time.
The_mightiest_punt 4y ago
Yep. It doesn't ever go differently.
Who would have guessed that a husband willing to put up with your fat bitchy ass was a keeper
Redhood616 4y ago
And then she gets her thot friends (who probably had an impact in her decision to leave in the first place) to nag you into taking her back
Scourmont 4y ago
Or her family. My former in laws won't stop sending me letters. I don't blame them, she lied to them about alot of shit and I willingly helped take care of them when my ex and I were married. Not anymore though.
djkbrown2001 4y ago
What a POS. Those guys just want to fuck her.
binkerfluid 4y ago
Have you ever given a fuck what car your GF drove or what house they had?
lol, its laughable. I provide for myself as best I can.
tosernameschescksout 4y ago
"they have manifested interest in me."
This is why dudes get pissed off by harmless flirtation. It's not harmless at all. It gives women the idea that they could have other men. Flirting = making an offer, literally offering yourself to another person. It's so much more than just being playful.
Scourmont 4y ago
If a man said that line the response would be "Just because a woman talks you doesn't mean she's into you incel!"
mr_kuk 4y ago
In the immortal words of Bill Hicks:
I've learned a lot about women. I think I've learned exactly how the fall of man occured in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, and Adam said one day, "Wow, Eve, here we are, at one with nature, at one with God, we'll never age, we'll never die, and all our dreams come true the instant that we have them." And Eve said, "Yeah... it's just not enough, is it?"
yycreformed 4y ago
That's not really true though. God commanded Adam not Eve (probably part of the reason she misquoted God's word when talking to Satan). Had Adam not eaten the fruit, I don't think their offspring would be under the curse of original sin. That's why Jesus could be born a man and be sinless, sin is carried from the head of the family, but Jesus was born to a virgin.
Blaming Eve is no better than blaming the snake. Adam ate it too and should not have. Adam was the head of the relationship and should have built a 80 foot fence around the tree before Eve even saw it.
mr_kuk 4y ago
Patriarchy... the cause of and solutions to all of women's problems.
yycreformed 4y ago
No, Jesus is the solution. Man falls short, but Jesus did not and through the Gospel we can be restored
Philhelm 4y ago
One day, God approached Adam and proclaimed, "You are all alone, so I've decided that I shall create a woman for you!" Adam scratched his head and asked, "What is a woman?" God replied, "A woman will be my greatest creation yet. It will be beautiful and kind, and shall please you in every way imaginable." Adam asked, "That sounds great...but wait a minute, what will it cost me?" God shrugged and sheepishly replied, "...an arm and a leg." Adam asked, "What can I get for a rib?"
Scourmont 4y ago
Preach it brother.
mustangfrank 4y ago
I was laid off from an offshore drilling company due to the oil price crash of 2015. I knew a salesman who sold repair services to the company I worked for, and he got laid off within 6 weeks after I did. He was as solid a Joe as you could get. He was active in his church i.e. Sunday school for children, events for singles. He was active in the Home Owners Association and City Government. He asked me one day how to write rules limiting access to a new meeting center the city had built, so as to prevent bad group like the KKK and Radical Muslims from using it while allowing access for groups like the Boy and Girl Scouts. He was involved with his kids after school activities i.e. soccer for the girls, baseball and football for the boys. He had 5 children and was married for close to 10 years. 5 months into his layoff, his wife filed for divorce. He eventually found work after 8 months of searching.
His wife stayed with him as long as the checks cleared, then dumped him when they stopped. She was just like all women, first into monogamy and first out when the resource stream dried up or a better one could be found. What about for better or worse?
Bronzeraptor 4y ago
I mean, he's not wrong. That's essentially the angle Satan used to tempt her.
ShortWarrior 4y ago
Satan basically called her a dumb hoe to get her to eat the fruit.
fantasticfantasy69 4y ago
I posit that he f%#’d the %# out of her first because they’ll listen to whatever THAT guy says afterwards. Adam was the first cuckold or AF/BB. I believe Cain was Satan/Chad’s kid. If you look at the nature of Cain who was he more like? Satan or Adam? Just a theory of mine but if you think about the story and the nature of women, it makes complete sense why she went against BOTH her husband...AND God. Tingles first consequences? Meh. Final note, why do you suppose God said he was going to make childbirth painful for her? By definition that means PRIOR to what she did it likely wouldn’t have been, otherwise why state it? Could it be because she DEFILED herself and God wanted her to have a constant reminder of her shame? Hmmm....
kyledontcare 4y ago
She'll always want "more".
[deleted] 4y ago
You know why Spain has so many coronavirus cases ?
Because women went out to the streets during women’s day to manifest despite being told about the virus.
wtfdoiaskfor1 4y ago
Shh, don't say that on the streets if you don't want to get mob'd
We clearly couldn't know! It's not like Italy or China or any other countries were severely impacted by similar situations, so we couldn't look at them!
It's clearly the patriarchy tho, somehow
j3wbacca996 4y ago
Exact same thing happened to Philadelphia in 1918. It was cause they wanted to have a WWI V-day parade, everyone warned them but they pressed on and then Philly got hit harder then anywhere almost with Spanish flu.
mr_kuk 4y ago
But they can blame it patriarchy, right? I don't want to live in a world where women can't blame everything on patriarchy. I mean, where would we get all the WAATG fuel from? What would we make fun of?
Kerlongsj 4y ago
Man, Spanish ladies are stupid. They knew of it and blame it on us.
As for the guy below me, don't worry. We got material for a long while. We try to be done with them but they won't let us.
Captainbuttman 4y ago
yeah, I found out what women want:
mustangfrank 4y ago
That is exactly why women are never happy because more is never enough.
engineerjoe2 4y ago
It's the definition of consumerism.
Dean_Clean 4y ago
When I was in my mid-20's, I made the joke that women only want one thing: everything. More than two decades later I realize that I wasn't far off considering I was young and dumb.
mustangfrank 4y ago
We need to combine the commets
Women want one thing and one thing only, everything. And that is why women are never happy because more is never enough.
Scipio_Amer1canus 4y ago
There is so much wisdom in that one sentence, I think my head might explode.
heyheyitsdatboi 4y ago
How about “...everything is never enough”
maruadventurer 4y ago
Explains my ex wife.
I asked her when is enough, enough. Her answer was 'Never'. That is when I knew the marriage was not going to continue. I had reached the point in my life/career such that I wanted the exit ramp. We had the house, the monies and investments to live a comfortable downsized lifestyle. Not enough for her. A year later I split.
Narcissist456 4y ago
lol and did she move on to have all the luxuries and extras in life she dreamt of?
notacrackheadofficer 4y ago
Mark Twain wrote 2 pieces worth reading: "autobiographies" of Adam and Eve.
They are free on many platforms. Just search Adam's Diary, or Eve's Diary with Mark Twain.
They are right up the same alley as this post.
Forerunner0 4y ago
(In Paradise Lost) God made eve from the rib of Adam after Adam asked for a female counterpart from god. God agreed as it was part if his plan. Adam was amazed at her beautiful appearance, but god explicitly said that he was made above her and that he over she shall rule.
Eve is eventually convinced by Satan, in the form of a serpent, to eat of the tree where god gave them charge thou shalt not eat, in order to become equal to adam and perhaps even surpass him. Being afraid to suffer the punishment of God alone, and not wanting to die knowing a different Eve will be made for Adam and they to live in happiness and bliss without her, she decides to convince Adam to eat as well.
God comes down to the garden in the form of christ and among many other things says this to Adam. "Was she thy God, that her thou didst obey Before his voice? or was she made thy guide, Superiour, or but equal, that to her Thou didst resign thy manhood, and the place Wherein God set thee above her made of thee, And for thee, whose perfection far excelled Hers in all real dignity? Adorned she was indeed, and lovely, to attract Thy love, not thy subjection; and her gifts Were such, as under government well seemed; Unseemly to bear rule;..".
Bronzeraptor 4y ago
Odd that stuff like this is not included in AP reading material at schools.
Roshambo_USMC 4y ago
There's no link to Satan being the serpent in scripture. It is only evangelist retconning that the serpent is Satan.
JackedLikeThor 4y ago
Here's the real story:
Adam was hanging around the garden of Eden feeling very lonely. So, God asked him, "What's wrong with you?"
Adam said he didn't have anyone to talk to. God said that He was going to make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman. He said, "This pretty lady will gather food for you, she will cook for you, and when you discover clothing, she will wash it for you. She will always agree with every decision you make and she will not nag you, and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you've had a disagreement. She will praise you! She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will NEVER have a headache and will freely give you love and passion whenever you need it."
Adam asked God, "What will a woman like this cost?" God replied, "An arm and a leg." Then Adam asked, "What can I get for a rib?"
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
Weird, I never see great literature like Milton quoted on female dating strategy, r-feminism or TwoX.
It's probably the patriarchy keeping women from reading the classics.
maruadventurer 4y ago
Simpler answer -- Many don't want to take the time to read. When they do its all romance novels and for the lazy Hallmark Channel.
Cantide756 4y ago
Makes it sound like a long process. I bet it was more, "I wonder if your life will be better if you eat that?" "Snake I'm way ahead of you." As munching
chadtwashington 4y ago
Daniel Tosh: "Ladies, do you have to eat everything?"
Cantide756 4y ago
Everything except beta dick
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
That's not quite how it happened.
First the serpent had to malign God (aka masculine authority).
Then he had to make the woman doubt and fear masculine authority.
Then she objected by repeating and reciting the rule and the masculine authority that she was under.
At that point you are right. Once male authority is undermined, all Satan needs to do was suggest that she might be able to get another deal with another masculine authority and she is munching away.
JackedLikeThor 4y ago
Sounds like feminism.
Bronzeraptor 4y ago
The part that riles me up is that Gen 3:6 points out that the temptation of Eve was done right in front of him. Either he didn't play the man and assert his headship or he wanted to be like God and wanted to see if Eve would instantly die if she ate the fruit first.
pickles-n-noodles 4y ago
That’s one way to put it, I mean you’re not wrong. Women will constantly push men to do better.. in a way it is purposeful yet can be burdensome. the man himself can decide for himself to decipher whether if that is either a blessing or a curse. If the man is about self improvement then I see no problems with this notion that women will always want more.
mr_kuk 4y ago
I mean, why should a strong independent woman who needs no man choose against all rationality, logic and common sense, to pair up with a creature, that, with a statistical certainty more akin to death than anything else, make her life miserable beyond measure?
How many articles on how men ruin women's lives must Feminfisting publish before the fairer sex realizes that interactions with the less fairer sex always lead to disappointment? Are women idiots or just masochists or worse, both?
The second obvious point that you so clairvoyantly point out is, why is this magical unstoppable will to ever improve not ever directed at herself or say another female? She doesn't need to, because she is perfect. Women are perfect by default and if women are perfect and at the very least, at their worst, equal to men, then how can they allow themselves to be oppressed for thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years by the sex that is obviously inferior in each and every way factual and or imaginable?
maruadventurer 4y ago
That right there is a keeper. Its going into my quote bank.
GraveyardZombie 4y ago
amo tu flair cabron!
buldopsaint 4y ago
I learned if you don’t want to perpetually compete with all the men that your SO is surrounded by don’t even bother.
Unusual_Chair 4y ago
This is probably what actually happened haha.
CusterCat89 4y ago
Hicks was a true prophet. RIP
Ipride362 4y ago
Miss him
[deleted] 4y ago
goodmansaysfuckyou Big Dick Energy Misogynist 4y ago
You may want to research that topic a little more. Lilith got pissy because she didn't want to submit to Adam at all. She abandoned Adam and the Garden and when angels were sent to bring her back, she refused to return. God then made Eve and Lilith was destined to roam the Earth as a 'winged demon who prays on pregnant women and children (specifically males until circumcision at 8 days and females until 20 days). Of course Eve proved to be the stereotypical female by not being satisfied with what her life in the Garden was. As a result, her actions had consequences for Adam too.
MsMerceMary 4y ago
Hmmmm, Source?
goodmansaysfuckyou Big Dick Energy Misogynist 4y ago
Try a search engine
Older_Miggy 4y ago
Where in the Bible though?
goodmansaysfuckyou Big Dick Energy Misogynist 4y ago
It isn't in the Bible. The writing of the Bible was part Godly purpose and part political function. So, there are many stories and histories that didn't make the cut in Nicaea back in the day.
The only reference in the Bible to Lilith is in Isaiah 34:14, but that is dependent on which version of the bible that you use. Other than that the story is found in many Jewish sources. Her story is also referenced in Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, and other ancient cultures. Many of the pre-Christ cultures were familiar with the story of Lilith and used her as the defacto 'boogy man' (or woman in this case). According to one site the earliest documented mention of Lilith is in the Sumerian epic Gilgamesh.
If you google "Adam and Lilith" then the first 5 or 6 hits will provide a basic overview.
Since she was defiant of Adam and God (and probably everything else) she was adopted as the poster child "strong independent woman" of the feminist movement back in the 1990's. Thus the short lived "Lilith Fair" festival series in that time.
MsMerceMary 4y ago
No need to be rude. Sorry if my request offended. I was just asking for some reading material as the topic seemed interesting, but if you don't have any it's OK. ;]
Bedtyme06 4y ago
Time to ride the carousel again!.
I can always tell my, by then, ex husband that I'm sorry and he's the only one for me after a bunch of these men have had their way with me and left me when I'm no longer attractive enough for them and my life has gone to shit.
Till then he's no longer good enough.
BoxofMistakes 4y ago
You've got to give it to her- at least her value hasn't dropped. I mean think about it- she's gotten older, uglier, fatter, more demanding and criticizes more but she brings in more cash so it's even.
I'm joking but I've seen this play out irl. Wealthy old women always come in second to poor young women. It makes them angrier and more irrational. Why do you think old women always give old women awful advice?
RRFdev 4y ago
Women are such selfish cunts that the first thing they think about when they earn money is go fish for richer men.
All thoughts of saving money for the family or setting up funds for the children are thrown out of the window.
Of course the agenda is still going to be the same too. Her money is her money, and her husband's money is her money, and the kids get jack.
Bronzeraptor 4y ago
The state does the same thing. My FiL died unexpectedly and his will wasn't notarized. How do they divvy the wealth up? His 3 children (by wife #1) had to split one half and his 3rd spouse got the other half.
Will my wife see any of her father's wealth when spouse #3 passes on? Nope. It will go to her own kids.
Moral of the story: Men, protect your assets and your legacy both for the here and the hereafter.
assface0 4y ago
that's why its important to choose the rigfht one before settling your gonna have kids and going to spend your income on them better choose right or everything will be ashes
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
No, AWALT. NO woman is going to let her stepkids inherit a dime that she could have. I doubt at any time all of human history has a woman sacrificed for stepkids like that.
assface0 4y ago
ffs what are you saying, my mom is not one, she sacrifced everything for us and she was selfless thanks to her im here doing masters and well into my career. i dont understand you western have really fked up women you need to fix dat god help you lol gg
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
I said stepmom. Moms routinely sacrifice for their kids. Stepmoms routinely take 1/2 of dad $$ and give nothing to the stepkids.
ThaHentaiConnoisseur 4y ago
I just know for a fact that the women responding are giving this bitch severe positive reinforcement. You know the usual lines of: "YoU gO gIrL", "KwEeEeN", "WoMeN aLwAyS dEsErVe BeTtEr". I've seen posts from men talking about losing a small bit of attraction to their wives because of her gaining weight and the shaming the husband received from women responding were cancer inducing. What a monkey branching filthy hoe.
PlainTundra 4y ago
Do you know why it is not amoral at all for them? Because for women love is that, purely opportunistic. There's nothing wrong in dating up if the opportunity presents in front of you, it just happened, you are stupid if you don't take it.
ThaHentaiConnoisseur 4y ago
Exactly. It's what's resources a guy has that determines if a woman "LoVeS hIm".
sthlmtrdr 4y ago
Women are amoral creatures in some situations. They may cheat, lie, backstab, etc. while feeling happy and in good mood about it. Pure opportunists and very selfish at times.
Do__Math__Not__Meth 4y ago
They’re more Machiavellian than Machiavelli himself
Scourmont 4y ago
I believe they have the ability to love but then the carousel looks so delicious. It won't hurt to just try it out one time... 10 years later pair bonding is gone, love is nothing more than a word and they an empty husk desperately trying to find resources.
rocafellasalazar 4y ago
Of course women can love, my mom loves me.
Spiderthing69 4y ago
Probably not more than her want for grandchildren.
rocafellasalazar 4y ago
Well, she does get really upset when I tell her I don't want kids.
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
Love is the willingness to sacrifice for another person.
Women don't love men, they love the feelings that men give them.
Women love children and puppies.
Men love women and dogs.
Only dogs love men.
rocafellasalazar 4y ago
Yeah man, everyone got the memo already. Only dogs and mothers/siblings can give men unconditional love.
Scourmont 4y ago
Women are a hive mind when it comes to this shit. "Women always deserve better", "women are never happy"... and the hamster wheel turneth
ThaHentaiConnoisseur 4y ago
"YiKeSsS, wE hAvE iNdIvIdUaLitY, yOu PiG" - is what they'll respond with. However, their actions tell a different story.
Sabertoothsnowhobbit 4y ago
One gets married, their friends start getting married. One gets divorced, she starts talking to her married friends that they should get divorced.
[deleted] 4y ago
Sabertoothsnowhobbit 4y ago
After you see it happen once, it becomes predictable.
TomahawkSuppository 4y ago
It’s like when chicks all go to the bathroom together
SirKolbath 4y ago
If women had so much individuality they wouldn't rush to get tattoos and piercings in the exact same goddamn places. Constantly.
Cantide756 4y ago
Didn't you know? They get a tattoo punch card, trade sex for 5 tattoos, get the sixth for the low low price of a blow job
PlainTundra 4y ago
Or upload the same photos in IG.
SirKolbath 4y ago
Including the same damn captions. "Take me back!" "Life goals" "Healthy life" and so on.
PlainTundra 4y ago
Real captions, not joking: #lаstweekend #sunnydаy #outdооrs #mountаins #lаndscapеphotography #natural #day #lоve #yоu
pickles-n-noodles 4y ago
Well what is she supposed to do then? You can’t change a woman’s nature
texazthrowd 4y ago
Women should be exiled and sex robots should be implemented.
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 4y ago
"MeN oBjEcTiFy WoMyN!"
As if that tripe up there isn't objectifying the men, reducing all of them to how they look, how nice their cars are, and how big their homes are.
Scourmont 4y ago
BuT mEn HaVe BeEn DoInG iT fOr YeArS!!! Waah waah waah ThE pAtRiArChY!!!
ummagumma99 4y ago
These bitches will never be satisfied. Megan Markle even was about to become princess, but no, fuck that, lets drag a prince into misery with me because "Im not satisfied".
[deleted] 4y ago
PolukranosWordEater 4y ago
Jeez and here I was troubled over how vicious my family is toward one another and these people plunged a whole country into civil war over family drama lol. Family being "a safe haven in a heartless world" was always an ideal and not a reality.
Honiton_Harry 4y ago
Not quite accurate, grandchildren get a Princess title too, if they are the daughter of a prince.
Any woman with an HRH title is a princess, so Catherine is a princess but isn’t referred to as such.
Children of sovereigns get a definite article in their title, so Princess Margaret was born “Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret of York” but when her father acceded to the throne she became “Her Royal Highness The Princess Margaret”
Daughters of the sons of sovereigns get a Royal Highness title automatically but not daughters of daughters of sovereigns
Prince Andrew’s daughters are princesses, but Princess Anne’s daughter is not.
thenotoriousdougie 4y ago
Well, he was never going to be KING after all. She can do better.
ummagumma99 4y ago
I wont be surprised if she leaves him. And he will end up begging back into royal family.
DavidLoPan13 4y ago
But didn’t you hear? They were all being “racist” to her. She had no choice. She didn’t feel safe.
[deleted] 4y ago
Is it so wrong to want credibly British people in the British royal family?
DavidLoPan13 4y ago
No. Not at all. But I’m sure they weren’t racist at all
Jack_Krauser 4y ago
What do you call British? Isn't the royal family mostly ethnically German?
Do__Math__Not__Meth 4y ago
European royals are all sorts tbh, Marie Antoinette was an Austrian
warsie 4y ago
Right but the British Royal family was from Ssxe-Coburg before they renamed themselves Windsor due to WWI.
Scourmont 4y ago
WTF was the deal with that? I really don't follow celebrity drama.
2muchtequila 4y ago
Prince Harry always seemed like a regular dude who was born into the wrong family. I imagine he's spent his entire life being told "As a prince, you have to do to X" or "as a prince you're absolutely not allowed to ever do X."
Being a royal meant that every teenage fuckup that would be a funny joke among normal friends was displayed on newsstands all over the world.
Being a royal meant that when he joined the military he was able to serve with regular guys on the front lines until some asshole tabloid published his location. Him simply being there now put people he cared about at high risk so he had to leave.
Being a royal killed his mother.
And all of this time he knew he would never be king. That duty would go to his brother, his only purpose in life was to be a spare. Wishing to be king meant wishing for his brother to die.
So after 30 years of that bullshit, he found a woman he liked and the media ripped her to shreds because she wasn't his sister in law.
At some point, the urge to say "Fuck this, fuck you, fuck the media, I'm out, bitches." becomes understandable.
I don't know much about Megan because I think 90% of what we see is either sensationalized to drive clicks or propaganda to make her look good. However, Harry could have pretty much any woman in the world, and he chose a bi-racial divorced American, so I imagine she's fun to hang out with, knows how to help him deal with stress and can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
Do__Math__Not__Meth 4y ago
He really does seem like a solid dude stuck in a shit situation tbh
djkbrown2001 4y ago
Word. He is his own man. Surely he knows what he is doing
ShortWarrior 4y ago
Being king would suck though, being a spare means the benefits of royalty with little responsibility.
ummagumma99 4y ago
So that prince and his wife got away to live in Canada and refused to be in royal family any more. Imagine being such a dumb simp. This was in news few months ago
Sake99 4y ago
I can't believe the Prince falls for her, what does she bring to him that he decides to quit the royal family?
Cantide756 4y ago
Must be a pretty bomb snatch
Unusual_Chair 4y ago
She gave him the best pussy he has ever had, now he is trapped forever.
Scourmont 4y ago
Yeah I read they left I just wasn't sure why. The race baiters around here said it was because of her heritage and the royal family hated her but I don't buy that. Her being unsatisfied, that I get.
ummagumma99 4y ago
She was a black sheep in royal family and got tired of that drama. But I dont think one should leave a crown because of a woman
rapidpeacock 4y ago
His great grand uncle the King of England did. That’s how granny got the crown. He was friends with Hitler.
Older_Miggy 4y ago
Elizabeth has had her world turned upside down TWICE thanks to American skanks. She's gotta be pissed.
Garathon 4y ago
She does have a history of isolating from everyone though so not unexpected that she wants to isolate Harry.
PlainTundra 4y ago
She most likely suffers BPD or NPD.
DrNoAwS 4y ago
Just thought exactly that after the above comment.
where_muh_good_mens 4y ago
So, Woman. then.
Cantide756 4y ago
Suffers from XX
seedlesssoul 4y ago
They are only living in Canada because Megan wont live in the US while Trump is President. She wants them living in California, if I remember correctly.
ummagumma99 4y ago
Lol what a snowflake
[deleted] 4y ago
ummagumma99 4y ago
Name one actor/actress/other snowflake who said they will leave US after 2016 election and actually left.
SirKolbath 4y ago
By my count, none.
PlainTundra 4y ago
She already changed her mind.
seedlesssoul 4y ago
It half feels like he is a kidnap victim.
Uhtred_McUhtredson 4y ago
I feel for the dude in a way. Lost his mom tragically at a very young age and had to grow up in that weird ass environment.
You’d think the Royal Family would have an army of psychologists on hand, but they apparently don’t because they’re all fucked up.
The dude never had a chance with that predator.
SirKolbath 4y ago
My favorite part was this:
Bitch, who the fuck do you think you are to forbid a man from seeing his father?
LateralThinker13 4y ago
Textbook abusive relationship.
ShortWarrior 4y ago
Because she knows he'll do what she says. That's how a loser like her landed royalty in the first place.
ReasonablyAssured 4y ago
I thought his father was Diana’s bodyguard though
CanadiaNationalist 4y ago
The tennis coach.
bodden3113 4y ago
And yet she wants to cross borders to go see her mother...
GuassHound 4y ago
I remember when they first got married all the news outlets talking about her previous divorce and saying that it was amicable and low key. Now it's pretty clear it probably wasnt.....
Uhtred_McUhtredson 4y ago
I think I read that she just emailed her ex from her acting job in Toronto that she was leaving him and just never went back to him in LA.
So, technically low-key and sorta amicable...
GuassHound 4y ago
Good point if true but that's still fucked
Uhtred_McUhtredson 4y ago
I was being sarcastic. She’s a monster.
[deleted] 4y ago
SirKolbath 4y ago
We shouldn't be flying around, yes. But neither should we be staying at home because our bitchy wives ordered it.
[deleted] 4y ago
SirKolbath 4y ago
You're walking on the edge of man shaming. Knock it off before it gets knocked off for you.
JimBagleaducia 4y ago
Yes she wants to show all those people she was competing with unsuccessfully as an actress that She is the A Lister now
ButMessiDeservedIt 4y ago
SirKolbath 4y ago
She's in for a rude awakening. America doesn't really give a shit about royals. We'll buy a few tabloids and read a few articles on the web now and then, but employ them because they used to be a prince? Not going to happen. I see from the article they are "working on becoming financially independent". That's cute. Harry is 35 and has no clue how to live a life without servants.
This isn't going to go the way Megs thinks it's going to go.
Uhtred_McUhtredson 4y ago
But America LOVES celebrities.
She’ll get a reality show and start taking in the big bucks and give the Prince an allowance.
Then in 10 years he’ll go the way of Katelyn Jenner and we’ll all say, “Finally!”
SmiralePas1907 4y ago
Well he's been in military his whole life and actually went on missions. He's the least shelter royal out there tbh
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
Can't wait for her big budget film to lose millions and be universally panned.
Not getting any younger princess.
lorum_ipsum_dolor 4y ago
A lot of American's actively despise the royals.
Cantide756 4y ago
Not enough
GuassHound 4y ago
A lot of Brits are starting to actively despise the royals.
Groxy_ 4y ago
A lot of Americans are more involved with the royals than brits, especially in the past. Royal weddings still do bits in America.
Damn, 29.2 million Americans watched the latest wedding.
Cantide756 4y ago
And caused George Washington to start rolling in his grave fast enough to catch fire
[deleted] 4y ago
marlybarrow 4y ago
Americans love British royalty, probably because they don't have one themselves.
Groxy_ 4y ago
There were still 23 million US viewers for the William, Kate wedding in 2011. Pretty insane all round the amount of interest the british monarch brings in all around the world. I have absolutely no stats to back this up but I'd say Queen Elizabeth is the most profitable person in history to have around.
Celticpenguin85 4y ago
What a disgusting cunt.
DavidLoPan13 4y ago
The honorable thing to do here is, if she wants to leave, just be honest about it and leave. But she is not gonna do that. She is going to cheat like crazy, if she isn’t already. I’ve only ever had one woman ever in my life be open and honest and say she wasn’t into me any more and ended it. Yeah it sucked. But I respected her for it. She didn’t do me dirty. I still remember that girl and would say hello if I saw her again.
mustangfrank 4y ago
She will demand 1/2 of the assets. My bet he was the major income producer. Now, when she passes him, she wants more from a man, and he cannot provide it. So on to Mr. Next.
This is why women are never happy, becasue more is never enough.
maruadventurer 4y ago
She won't do nuttin' till she has secured the next income stream. THEN she will divorce rape the poor man.
Now, one can hope that the future ex-husband stumbles across this little piece and can use HIS lawyer to turn the tables.
Celticpenguin85 4y ago
I bet this bitch would still demand alimony.
Pot-stirrer 4y ago
Because she’s a princess you see, and deserves the best.
[deleted] 4y ago
Celticpenguin85 4y ago
And Chad is her king.
Bing_Bang_Bam 4y ago
First she'll cheat, then look for reasons to be a total fucking bitch to you... The guy is just left wondering... why?
Living with a woman, or even dating is basically fucking dangerous.
SirKolbath 4y ago
Slightly incorrect. First she'll cheat. Then she'll rationalize all the ways in which it was your fault.
It's such an ingrained part of the female psyche that it's literally in mainstream media such as the first season of The Orville. Seth McFarlane finds his wife in bed with someone else and divorces her. Later, she explains that he was "never there" when she needed him, and so it's his fault, of course.
[deleted] 4y ago
SirKolbath 4y ago
Strangely enough, the rest of the show is surprisingly libertarian and ecumenical in concept. Oh sure, there's some SJW bullshit in there, but it's actually mild compared to things like Umbrella Academy or October Faction with prominently gay characters of color thrown in just to tick a few diversity boxes. Given that it was Seth McFarlane, I was surprised to find that he wrote a better Star Trek than the dipshits who made Picard and turned one of the greatest fictional military officers of all time into a bitch who submits to every woman that walks past him.
tysonmoorewood 4y ago
Later, that explanation gets hand waved away because she cheated with an alien whose pheromones overpowered her reason and logic lmao. Women are incapable of taking responsibility for their actions.
SirKolbath 4y ago
Yeah, I liked how they just had to make sure everyone knew it wasn't her fault!
Honest_Solution 4y ago
Women won’t even give you a straight answer when they reject you, why would they do it when they want to divorce you? Women are HUGE liars in every way. Very deceitful people.
ugluk1 4y ago
They lie, but are easy to catch. You just gotta think with your big brain, not the small brain.
[deleted] 4y ago
and then the pop off with this shit
DavidLoPan13 4y ago
Even if they don’t even like you they are dishonest. They want you to like them even if the feeling isn’t mutual. It’s deranged thinking. Legendary selfishness
maruadventurer 4y ago
That is so they can set them up as orbiters and occasional resource elements.
Honest_Solution 4y ago
Well, yeah, because they’ll tolerate a guy they hate if he will do them favors. Plus any attention is better then no attention. Sick people.
mustangfrank 4y ago
Well said. The story of a Niceguy
[deleted] 4y ago
Honest_Solution 4y ago
Where are these “less shitty” women you speak of? Show me. I’m talking real life, not a movie screen.
[deleted] 4y ago
[deleted] 4y ago
Complicated_Peanuts 4y ago
Exactly - If a girl told me she had been tempted to cheat and decided that temptation was something she was going for, and thus wanted to break up, I would respect her more for it (Obviously would be hurt, but wouldn't blame her).
Life quality can be measured in the number of difficult conversations you're willing to have.
DavidLoPan13 4y ago
Yeah but if said woman told you that you, as a normal man, would move on. And well, she can’t have that. She’s an attention junkie....
Complicated_Peanuts 4y ago
I had a girl at my house who I liked, watched a movie cuddling on the couch.
She kept giving me signals so we kissed and I lead her to my room. Before we got there she said she'd be right back and stepped out of the house. Turns out she had a boyfriend and had to break up with him first before she went through with it.
If I were in a relationship - I'd want someone to respect me enough as a person to break up with me first. She was / is a stand up girl to this day (I screwed it up but that's a different story)
The TL;DR is there are high quality women out there, who respect people etc. Just realllllllllllly hard to find.
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
She's a high quality girl because she broke up with her BF over the phone after deciding to fuck a random guy she just met?
Please tell us more.
warsie 4y ago
Yea lol that's flat out honesty. Dudes can do the same thing..
Complicated_Peanuts 4y ago
Would you rather her string him along for years while fucking another guy behind his back, marrying him, then taking him to court for half his stuff? Maybe toss a couple kids in there that she takes custody of?
Or would you rather she respect him enough to not waste his time?
SirKolbath 4y ago
I hope fucking her is all you did.
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 4y ago
That's a good answer, except that still doesn't make her a stand-up, high quality girl.
It just makes her somewhat less shitty than most of them.
A stand-up, high quality girl wouldn't have been there alone with you in the first place while she had a boyfriend, and if she had been dissatisfied with him, not waited until a hard cock was within 2 feet of her to break up with him.
Anyone reading this far, yes, women like that exist. However, they're so rare that you can go an entire lifetime without meeting one.
[deleted] 4y ago
Fit = getting below 200.
theweirdreplyguy 4y ago
There, The difference between between men and women. That’s why civilization has had the man in charge of providing and protecting. You give her these freedoms and authority, it’s over. You are over.
It’s like a child saying: “ how do I tell my mom and dad are no longer good enough for me because the parents of friends whom I go to school with are ‘better’.”
dctrmoose 4y ago
This is why you don't get married...Marriage vows mean nothing to many people. .."In sickness and in health" "Until death does us part"
You said those words bitch! Lie in your bed.
Oh you don't want to lie in that bed? Well, now you get pump and dump culture and no men want to get married. Congrats!
AoiNagisaSan 4y ago
Just another double standard. If a wife struggles in a relationship, gets fat and unattractive, some issues like alcoholism or worse and her husband asks for advice and starts thinking “maybe I deserve better” - he is called an asshole, «that’s the love of your life, how could you think of abandoning her», man is expected to pull her out and help her.
A Husband struggles in a relationship - gains weight, loses his job while his wife is promoted and is still good looking, the wife instantly starts looking for another partner and thinks of abandoning her husband and the worst part is that if she would ask an advice, people will tell her “hey if you’re not happy just call it quits, you deserve better”.
This shows how low our society has fallen in such short time. My grandparents were married for couple of years and my grandfather was struggling with alcohol the whole time. He didn’t abuse my grandmother in any way, just would keep seeing his friends after work and drink with them, coming home very late and similar stuff. She was attractive when she was young so she could easily find another man. But she didn’t, she helped him to get back on his feet, he started a business and earned some big bucks and they lived happily until he passed away in 2014. If they were born in our age, I am pretty fucking sure the scenario would end very differently.
Fuck love, it's all about vanity and promotions.
[deleted] 4y ago
I am sure those men have manifested an "interest". PnP is not a relationship.
PolesWithGoals 4y ago
I fucking hate gold diggers
TomahawkSuppository 4y ago
This is the most common reason women give for divorce. Fact is that a man cannot ever satisfy a woman
SirKolbath 4y ago
I've got a friend who is a divorce lawyer. I met him after my divorce or I'd have hired him based solely on this quote:
"I've been in practice for 32 years and not one time have I ever seen a man file for divorce because he just 'wasn't happy.' Men might step out if that's the case, but they won't abandon their family or throw away an entire marriage out of boredom."
__TheDon__ 4y ago
More like hypergamy kickin in
[deleted] 4y ago
Scourmont 4y ago
I'm hardly an incel and hardly alone but you can go drown in your bile. I wonder how happy you truly are with your life.
wilfordbrimley1 4y ago
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 4y ago
Monty Python's Flying Circus.
*cue Susa's "Liberty Bell March"*
beto_747 4y ago
Later down the line when these other high value men have run a train on her shell write a post about how all men are trash.
The_mightiest_punt 4y ago
Is she a cunt? Yes. But dig this...I understand her.
The thing that men can never ever forget is this: she will always be looking to upgrade.
I (for the next couple of months) am married. I didn't get red-pilled until about 7 years ago. I tell my married counterparts two things:
She will compare you to every other man she meets.
If we, as men, aren't constantly improving then we are setting ourselves up to be in the situation in the link provided. We shouldn't be improving for women - that's a trash philosophy. We should be improving because that's what men are best at doing - building... building our communities, building our careers, building ourselves.
neukjedemoeder 4y ago
This is some armchair philosophy bullshit right there lmao
Blogginginvicecity 4y ago
I agree. Always good to be holistically on an upward path
SirKolbath 4y ago
I think you're being downvoted because the taterheads hitting the thumbs down only bothered to read your first sentence.
The_mightiest_punt 4y ago
Not really upset about internet points
SirKolbath 4y ago
True, but they serve to show how even here we don't seem to be able to get dawn to break over Marblehead.
madeinheaven11 4y ago
Or, get this, you can keep her away from other men by making a society that practices gender segregation, and discourages inter-gender friendships and gatherings. Thats not so hard.
The_mightiest_punt 4y ago
You can't control society, you can only control yourself.
madeinheaven11 4y ago
if enough people adhere to a certain norm, yes, you very much can. that's HOW social norms are born.
And idk what you're on about saying one cant control society, when we ended up in this situation within 60 yrs of the sexual revolution, if not even before that.
thetotalpackage7 4y ago
We shouldn't be shocked by any of this. It's not some new revelation that women want men to be fit, rich, personable. On the flip side let's also accept that plenty of men will dump their fat, ugly wife if they can score a younger hotter chick. Just the way human nature works. Women value provisioning. Men value youth and fertility.
PlainTundra 4y ago
And the fact that men are problem solvers and women are problem complainers is that movements such Broke Acceptance don't exist but Fat Acceptance is a thing.
Cantide756 4y ago
Problem causers then complainers
thetotalpackage7 4y ago
Truth. And the crazy thing about the fat acceptance movement is it totally revolves around fat women who need it the least. For example if a fat chick goes on tinder and puts up a slutty picture, she’ll have a hundred matches in a couple days whereas a fat dude on tinder might get one match per year.
jean98wit 4y ago
The guy that watched her grow doesnt deserve her and the men she's looking to get with will leave her if she goes back to her old self. So ungrateful.
largepaycheckaddict 4y ago
I just hope there are no kids involved. The kids always get the worst deals from these situations.
Mein_Tarnaccount 4y ago
Can I be the one to point out that love isn’t a factor at all in her decision making? It’s almost like women’s love is complete and utter bullshit.
[deleted] 4y ago
Neither love, nor her marriage vows. For richer for poorer, until death do us part. It seems like a lot of women simply don't take that shit seriously at all.
Scourmont 4y ago
Well that's because it is. Their love is based on tingles or materialism. They are incapable of even loving their own children anymore because more than half of them are reminders of the chad who left.
PlainTundra 4y ago
Women do not know what honour is, which was good for them to survive in this hazardous world.
houseoftolstoy Unchivalrous Christian 4y ago
"Till death do us part" has become just another meaningless phrase, just like "strong, independent woman." Thanks No Fault divorce for allowing a marriage to be dissolved because she just doesn't feel like being married to her husband anymore!
Apparently the "for richer or poorer" did not apply to this woman either, because now that she is earning more, whoops I guess that means that she is justified to be looking for another man now!
CanadiaNationalist 4y ago
The first level is "fuck you, I'm hot now".
The next level is her failing to think past the sale. She's not going to maintain that. Even if she keeps up the fitness everything else is getting older.
Scourmont 4y ago
At what level is it when she "falls pregnant"? When I was OLD I loved to laugh at the 40 year olds "recently divorced", "husband was abusive", "my kids are 18, 16, and 1 year old... wait, what? LOL you're not fooling me.
ZealousMaths 4y ago
Guy had balls and dropped a cheating bitch...gets called abusive to make everyone think otherwise.
Well-shit-- 4y ago
Because a 1000001 wasn’t possible stuck up cunt
Spiderthing69 4y ago
This is where she will put feelers out and start shit talking her husband to give herself carte blanch in the eyes of other people to monkey branch.
AngusBoomPants 4y ago
God I really hope this is fake
thedestinhunter 4y ago
Fuck people like her. Scum of the earth. It's one thing if the husband is like stay at home and do nothing but its completely different if hes supportive caring and trying. Like that's so terrible to do to someone.
[deleted] 4y ago
[deleted] 4y ago
Men don't have to manipulate someone to get with them. Women? That's all they know how to do.
The integrity shows itself.
[deleted] 4y ago
minitntman1 4y ago
Opinion disregarded
SirKolbath 4y ago
In the future I would prefer if you would report shitheels like this curious frog rather than engaging with them. They need to be removed, not argued with. Their victory condition is the disruption of our subreddit by argumentation.
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 4y ago
Aww, man! Mocking their idiocy is fun!
z31fanatic 4y ago
Little does she know that all those guys care about is to have sex with her. None of them care for anything else.
ExBariPlayer 4y ago
The Cure did a song with this refrain: “It’s Never Enough”.
geo_gan 4y ago
I’m sure her husband had the same thoughts about her before she “got fit”
J03SChm03OG 4y ago
And then when the Narcissistic delusions wear off and even the janitor says yuck she crawls back and he's moved on
TheREexpert44 4y ago
Dont get married. Ol boy is about to be fucked, and theres nothing he could do to stop it.
Scourmont 4y ago
A lesson I wish I could go back and teach my 32 year old self.
Donnage 4y ago
He could've not gotten married in the first place.
editthered 4y ago
When I met my girlfriend I made sure to mentioned that I don’t believe in marriage. She still has that dream of getting married one day and if I want kids I would have to marry her, I can get a prenup if I decided to get married. Should I be worried?
Overkillengine 4y ago
kids from her
If her long term goals and yours are not compatible, figure it out now and take appropriate action. Like getting a different woman to be in a relationship with if need be. And make no mistake, longer you wait to figure it out, the worse the eventual conflict will be. The Sunk Cost fallacy is not your friend.
Also, you want to know what's more effective than a prenup for protecting your assets? Not signing the fucking contract that gives her access to them to begin with!
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
Worried about what?
One of 5 things will happen, none of them good:
She will cheat.
She will break up with you.
She will become so intolerable that you break up with her.
She will become so intolerable that you marry her.
babiesbecray 4y ago
Prenups can be voided in certain circumstances by a judge during divorce court. It is not a full protector of your assets.
Delifier 4y ago
Now nothing will ever be good enough, so she'll be the c*mb*cket instead.
Cantide756 4y ago
Cum dumpster
Corran_Halcyon 4y ago
Fucking wow. She will end up OPP. Old Poor and Powerless. Thank you Terrence Popp.
Those men who show interest will not last, they will show interest in the next young hot coworker and leave her for them. She will look back at her first marriage and regret leaving her husband when she has no one and no one wants her.
It hurts to read that someone is that narcissistic and self-absorbed, but you reap what you sow.
turtlestrainc 4y ago
This is what my ex wife did to me. You want to know the truth. I am much better off without her now. Keep strong if you are in this situation and be wary of women who are like this but good women do exist. Cheers
Scourmont 4y ago
I feel you. My ex tried to monkey branch as well but the branch broke and now she's a single mommy pining away remembering how much happier she was with me.
turtlestrainc 4y ago
Karma is a bitch. Hope you are doing well.
mimiczx 4y ago
Guess she doesn't want to "date down"... Most likely what her husband did before she "got fit"
[deleted] 4y ago
Scourmont 4y ago
On quora it could be, but we know women's hypergamy well here which gives this plaisability.
[deleted] 4y ago
goodmansaysfuckyou Big Dick Energy Misogynist 4y ago
I am not going to boot your ass out for that comment, but you should know better at this point. We do not and cannot condone violence or calls to violence on this sub. Only the feminazi's and SJW's are permitted to hypocritically abuse the rules and terms of service.
Your comment has been removed.
[deleted] 4y ago
RareSector0 4y ago
Scourmont 4y ago
So how do you explain the original post? How do you describe her motivations?
HiredNote 4y ago
She doesn't. She merely insults and shames. This is the sole tactic of women and lame men who have no argument.