Dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show women's poor dating behavior and unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves.
Posted 4y ago in $ Bailout $ - Permalink - Locked - 23.8K Views
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We're just a bunch of clueless NiceGuys™ with kindness coins that don't seem to work in women's holes so that the sex we're "entitled to" falls out. Because apparently we weren't demonstrating good relationship material through the attention, respect and stability that women demand. We were only "pretending" to be nice just to get laid.
In response to r/niceguys, this forum is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man" after dating jerks and riding the cock carousel in the prime of their youth, and think they're deserving of commitment and financial stability when all they have left to offer is their depreciating looks, narcissistic mentality, used-up vaginas, and another man's kids.
Women in their 20s have numerous opportunities to date the decent men they claim to want, but many reject or friendzone these men for jerks and promiscuity. She takes advantage of a good dude's kindness for attention and favors, then accuses him of being a bad person who thinks he's entitled to sex.
But when she's in her 30s with depreciating looks, jerks who won't commit, the likelihood of being a single mom, and the social pressure from her married friends, she asks "Where have all the good men gone?"[1][2] Funny how back when she was chasing the bad boys "Being nice is the bare minimum", but now that she's past her prime and needs a bailout, she wants a man with nice guy traits.
Furthermore, dating jerks and riding the carousel before settling down with a good man is planned by many women, and encouraged by feminists. They then come to the dating market with unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves. Such women are totally unaware that the mature, stable men they now need are the same decent men they rejected, except these men remember the rejection and are responding in kind to avoid unstable, unappreciative women who view them more as ATMs than romantic partners.
The reason women end up here is because their behavior is not exposed as the lucid, self-destructive, feminist ideology that it is. And we're here to help Good Men guard their commitment and resources by exposing women who would make poor life partners and mothers of their children. Providing observations and opinions on the posts here allows us to better understand women's psyche and later depressive/miserable state when they are not held to a moral standard required for healthy, functioning relationships.
Rules of conduct:
1. No shaming men for any reason.
2. No white-knighting or NAWALT. This is not a debate forum.
3. No comments such as "Her profile looks decent", "She's not asking for much", "At least she's honest". No comments saying a post is fake without proof. Proof must be sent via modmail.
- 4. No brigading, doxxing or witch-hunting. Do not look for the individuals posted here, nor ask or give their personal info/social media, nor ask or give the source or you will be banned and reported to the admins. See here and here.
Rules for submission:
5. Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy". (Examples, details)
5b. No posts of women who are merely fat, post-wall, unattractive, seeking sex or money, nor women merely behaving badly. (Examples NOT allowed)
6. No personal information in dating profiles or social media accounts. Take a screenshot and censor all names, social media, hometown, school, and place of work. Additionally, censor any children's faces if their mommy included them in any profile photos.
7. No links to any subreddits or websites, nor crossposts where the OP is a woman. For articles use For Reddit use a censored screenshot. Screenshots must contain the full story. No links to any women's Youtube, TikTok, etc. videos. Use to upload videos after censoring them through
8. We accept images from Imgur, Postimage, and ImgBB.
- 9. Other content may be posted on the weekends. See the types of content we allow.
Recommended reading:
Dating profiles showing women's Dual-Mating strategy and unreasonable standards
OkCupid study shows women reject 80% of men based on looks alone
Milo - The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Women Want to Know Why Men Don't Want to Marry Anymore...Allow Me
WAATGM mod explains why promiscuous women can't get good men to commit.
Okay, I get it. You're sick of hearing men complain about girls only dating assholes.
Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Nice Guys: We Don’t Want You Anymore
Dear Single Moms: I wasn't your type then, why am I all of a sudden your type now?
The Truth About Single Moms Who Bring Young Children To The Dating Market
Carol asks WAATGM for the harsh truth after riding the carousel
- Complete list of resources here.
Link Flair:
The Big Question- Carol asks "Where are all the good men?", "Why can't I find a decent guy?", "What happened to chivalry and respect?"
Bailout- Carol wants a man to help raise her kids and provide financial stability.
Leftovers- Carol whines about how hard dating is as an older woman.
Dual-Mating Strategy- Carol admits to promiscuity and dating jerks but now wants a good guy to settle down with. Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.
Cock Carousel Rider: Carol complains about being single while having a history of promiscuity.
Entitlement Princess- Carol has unreasonable standards while offering little to no value herself.
- New Carols Unlocked!- A list of all the Carols we've identified.
Content Archive:
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jflc3l 4y ago
Yasss kweeen
Yuuzhan83 4y ago
Um, she has a kid. Bit late to claim the no sex thing lol.
WereNotGonnaFakeIt 4y ago
Can you imagine how hard her jaw would hit the floor if you said "you aren't pretty enough to merit that kind of money" ?
Iceth_Thtea 4y ago
I have a feeling these chicks are so ridiculous because it actually works. I bet this "delicate little flower" found exactly what she was looking for unfortunately.
PimpinAce175 4y ago
The picture of her on her phone is the only thing this cheating whore will do when. Your married
dirkberkis 4y ago
Translation for simps: yes I fucked other men, but now I want to hold off in doing that with you until you can support both me, and the child of one of the other guys I was fucking that I decided to keep. Dont ask me anything about myself because I am a gaping void with nothing inside, so just show me that you have money.
chewis 4y ago
You have to double translate this one because her English is so bad.
CarlSpacler 4y ago
further translation: I will continue to fuck Chads and spend your money on him while you are at work
ac714 4y ago
At least this is frank unlike what she’s doing despite asking it of others.
Don’t ask any standard questions about me. This post isn’t for forming a connection. Show me what’s in your wallet.
PlayFree_Bird 4y ago
What fantastic advice... that you should have heeded 10 years ago.
Almost as if social norms and morals and standards exist for a reason, right?
Putzku 4y ago
Cristoff13 4y ago
If any man is foolish enough to follow her conditions, he'll find there's no sex after marriage either.
ugluk1 4y ago
They exist for BB.
DavidLoPan13 4y ago
No sex without married for you! Other men get my pussy for free.
Jarin01 4y ago
Women make rules for betas but they break rules for alphas.
dirkberkis 4y ago
omg dont judge me for my past! Even if its still living with me lmao
OptimalAdhesiveness 4y ago
No joke, I’ve read some chick say we shouldn’t judge someone by their past actions or words. I was like wtf, other than words and actions literally what else is there left to even go on...
Jarin01 4y ago
What they mean is they want to be able to make horrible decisions and to be a terrible person and to never be judged by anyone for any of it.
Yuuzhan83 4y ago
Sounds similar to athiesm lol.
[deleted] 4y ago
mr_kuk 4y ago
Come on why so cynical? This one is a virgin. She got pregnant by
ejimmaculate conception. She's the real deal! The lord has returned! Once she gives birth, the grotch goblin lord will be your new king and and you will truly know hell on earth!cutt88 4y ago
Lmao these last three words broke me.
tinmonkey147 4y ago
Further translation: she is a mid-tier hooker
[deleted] 4y ago
She does kinda seem like she has done some escorting.
Jarin01 4y ago
Of course. No way that boat is hers and no way she paid her own way to any of the places you see her at in her pictures.
RegRobillard 4y ago
Only upside I see here is noodlewhores tend to stay young for a long time
[deleted] 4y ago
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
You OK?
[deleted] 4y ago
tinmonkey147 4y ago
So how you figure she pays for her lifestyle? Humor us
Blogginginvicecity 4y ago
I'm not seeing how she is disrespected just for being a woman. She is being disrespected because she is offering nothing but her looks and is most explicitly looking to be financed.
Also, 'noodle' seems to be pretty lighthearted IMHO, kind of like 'beanwimminz' for a thot latina, as popularized by Latinos I know.
OP ain't looking like wife material IMHO, thus the jokes.
RegRobillard 4y ago
Noodlewhore is what Asian men call Asian women. Their stereotype of being traditionalist waifus only holds true for white men, and they trample Asian men to get their hands on them. They treat Asian men worse than white women treat us, and are notorious gold diggers
deesenaughts 4y ago
boo hoo, You gonna fucking cry about it?
[deleted] 4y ago
JerryGeeGaming 4y ago
Pretty much sums it up lol
Zodiamaster 4y ago
>No sex without married
>Single mother, not divorced
that's a sudden change of standards lol
PurpleJusticeLeague 4y ago
So, have you ever considered abortion if you're not ready to raise another person? How about getting a job and setting an example for your kid that you gotta work for shit in life. What if no one's gonna wanna pay for mommy's expensive lifestyle and kid? What does she plan on doing then?
My mom had me in her mid twenties, dad was a cheating cunt and she willingly ended shit w/ him and continued taking care of me. Guess what, karma's gotten to him and she already had a well-paying job and we were never poor or struggling. This is embarrassing man
rvail136 4y ago
At least she's hot...gonna take a lot of $$$ to keep this one on your string.
WadeWilsonsThoughts 4y ago
These are some heavy filters. Her face doesn’t look the same in any two pictures.
Dr_Bukkakee 4y ago
She actually changes races.
Blogginginvicecity 4y ago
Damn right. Plus, makeup is the biggest filter of all
TehAgent 4y ago
These types of things will be more and more common as the last two generations of adults were raised in such a way that they never really grew up and become self sufficient adults. I realize this is a very broad generalization, and that perfectly functioning adults from Y and Z do exist. However, a greater percentage of them wish to remain ‘forever children’ in that they want someone else to care for them and to provide for them. They want minimum effort with maximum reward - this is why Bernie Sanders and to a lesser extent Andrew Yang have become popular faces. Women like this are extreme cases - she simply want to ‘be pretty’ and put forth zero effort into earning things herself. Instead, she thinks she’s pretty so thus deserves to be taken care of just for that - much like a child.
Looks like 5 different people there.
oxyoxyboi 4y ago
Oh wow she withholds coochie from you until you pay her..... what does that sound like??????
LordFa9 4y ago
Old school marriage with a bride price?
oxyoxyboi 4y ago
Or maybe prostitution
[deleted] 4y ago
Brides only had one dowry. You got whatever she owned if you married a widow (her husbands estate would likely go to his children)
sthlmtrdr 4y ago
Back in these times you at least more or less "owned" her and she was submissive and obedient to you so it was a fair deal I guess if she's a 18y virgin. Not so much today..
BluepillProfessor 4y ago
Men have not "owned" women for thousands of years in the West.
What they call "ownership" was the obligation to fuck your husband as they promised to do on the day of the wedding- which is, of course, a fate to horrible for most Karens and Stacy's to contemplate.
What they call "slavery" was the obligation to shut your fucking trap when your husband told you to do so.
Beyond that- lacking the ability to torture and torment their husbands, women recall it as a time of darkness and slavery. In fact, Women have been able to own property for thousands of years. They owned slaves. They operated massive estates and got to keep all the money. They were catered to and served and waited on.
The only obligation a wife had was to fuck her husband and stop nagging him when he told her. For that, all men now stand guilty of "enslaving" and brutalizing the poor dears.
I always found it interesting that when times were so, so, so hard for women- forced to work as subservient beasts, tortured, branded, burned alive and raped repeatedly every day (/s) that the suicide rate was so very low. Especially compared to how high the suicide rate is for men today!
ugluk1 4y ago
The Wall is waiting for the whore, despite her smug smile. Countdown started a long time ago.
PalmBeachDon 4y ago
The modern day woman
anon333498 4y ago
You can tell this woman actually haters her child.
For her, the child is a constant reminder of the fact that she allowed herself, stupid and vain in her complete ignorance of the catastrophic consequences of insemination, to become pregnant. She willfully allowed another deadbeat to impregnate her.
She’s devoid of personality because the child completely sucked it up from her life. She has no personality to pass on to her son, who will likely grow up as a degenerate much like her mother.
Let this genetic breed, breed itself to extinction.
Cuntfart9000 4y ago
Poor kid is probably going to grow up and become a serial killer who strangles prostitutes who resemble his mother.
LordFa9 4y ago
Yea man that kid is fucked. Poor SOB
PolukranosWordEater 4y ago
God I feel sorry for the guy who ends up with her. Not only will he have to be treated as a doormat by this gold digger, but he'll have to repair all the damage she's likely done to her own kid.
Uhtred_McUhtredson 4y ago
I automatically take that “no sex” disclaimer as “I let the last guy raw dog me and I’m gonna make you pay for it.”
ac714 4y ago
At first I thought she was being manipulative with this post but another way to look at it is the guy really can tell what he’s getting himself into if read out by people like here.
Looking for a guy to pay for my life. If my looks alone aren’t enough to attract you then don’t message me. I won’t give in a relationship unless you can match it financially.
[deleted] 4y ago
Silas-Gray 4y ago
Women don’t posses souls. Like animals they live only to satisfy basic instincts.
golanginator 4y ago
And her feet are dangling in the air when she pretends to drive a boat.
Ranidaphobia 4y ago
Pretends to drive the fathers boat
SkyiHiker 4y ago
... Chad's boat you meant.
chewis 4y ago
Gotta love that alimony
DopeMeme_Deficiency 4y ago
Chad doesn't have a boat... He waits for her to bring the boat she borrowed from her nice friend
SkyiHiker 4y ago
Right. The boat is from her suggar daddy.
Ranidaphobia 4y ago
Yes Chad, the father of her child. I worded badly english is not my first language
SkyiHiker 4y ago
You meant her ex Chad's kid's daddy.
swansong19 4y ago
Is this a reference to not being able to reach the pedals?
Cuntfart9000 4y ago
Lol! I was wondering the same thing.
swansong19 4y ago
Thought I'd make sure before I just told him.
Cuntfart9000 4y ago
I honestly think that he thinks boats have a gas pedal and break. So do the people upvoting him.
swansong19 4y ago
That's what I'm thinking, as
Cuntfart9000 4y ago
If any of them ever bring their boats to me to be repaired, I will be sure to charge them for new brake pads.
swansong19 4y ago
BurdenedChad 4y ago
Better have a good job, but don’t ask what she does for a living(did anyone else see an old movie called The World of Suzy Wong?). Oh, and raise Chang Thunderwang’s son as your own.
Okay, so this I actually like. You’ll get more of an idea of your chemistry in a short coffee date than a month of endless fucking texts. Women adore texting because it makes it easy to juggle multiple orbiters.
I wish this would catch on in the West. Do you really need that finger-mustache or wings on your back for the rest of your life?
Overkillengine 4y ago
Oh god please yes. Especially since most tattoos look like crap and are basically defacing the female form.
Though the benefit is they do work as a great thot-sign.
LordFa9 4y ago
Dont you get the feeding she's trying to foodie date you?
chewis 4y ago
Can't tell you how much I agree with this. Like, I'm not against tattoos, but I think the majority of them are overrated. I was in Denver with my ex and her two best friends (of course) in 2018, and one friend insisted for the whole fucking four days that "we should get tattoos!", and it actually made me kinda sad, to see that someone had this process addiction.
Her "ideas" were all stupid shit like your examples. I mean the shit's permanent.
Prototype_Grendel 4y ago
I know multiple people who look like a kids sticker collection.
Its fucking awful. If i ever get ink, its gonna be fucking art, not that shit.
rellik13xx 4y ago
I give credit where credit is due. She is much more honest than the rest; she just wants you to support her financially, she won't sleep with you until she knows she can lock you down and take half your shit, and she doesn't want you asking too many questions. Probably because she has a high body count or she has no personality, both are definitely possible.
souldrone 4y ago
She is hitting the wall; very, very fast. She must do some discounts.
Scooned 4y ago
Don’t you just hate it when people take interest in your life to get to know them? What a bunch of a-holes!
Jarin01 4y ago
What really gets me is when chicks that aren't even all that attractive have the audacity to openly demand that a man marry them and be a pay piggy before they will even have sex with them.
If you are going to make demands like that you need to at least be a solid 9 or 10.
ademmiller93 4y ago
What Pisses me off is that when she was younger she was obviously carousel riding resulting in the kid. And now that’s she’s approaching the wall. She’s making unrealistic demands
Jarin01 4y ago
It's because women are completely out of touch with reality. From the time they are born everyone they ever meet tells them that they are perfect just the way they are and that they not only can have everything that they want but that the world owes it to them just for existing and being a female.
Reality doesn't even start to creep in until they are way past the wall and can't even get a guy to come over for a quick pump and dump.
ademmiller93 4y ago
Exactly. But simps and white knights still would. Not sure if I am glad they taken the bullet or pissed they aiding her
Jarin01 4y ago
As far as I am concerned there is no one lower then a SIMP or a white knight. SIMPs and white knights are why everything in the West is fucked up right now because on their own women don't have the power do much more then complain. It's the SIMPs and white knights that will do anything for female approval that are fucking everything up to try to prove what good little betas they are.
Rodbow15 4y ago
Just a thai prostitute that ascended too high
duburitto 4y ago
“I hate guys who ask me about myself” big fucking yikes
licknsuckus 4y ago
aj340111 4y ago
Is no one going to talk about how bad her grammar is.
"Here in looking man who ready to taking care of our future life. No sex without married".
DangZagnut 4y ago
Oh so desperate, and won't have sex, not let me explain my tube top collection.
StingRayFins 4y ago
She's not giving you sex, money, or information about her but wants you to marry her and financially support her? What?! Taking "everything is about me" to the next level.
masterchiefpt 4y ago
istn this mind blow???
[deleted] 4y ago
swansong19 4y ago
In fairness sitting on a thick wallet can be murder on the she's just being altruistic don'tcha know.
SuperGoxxer 4y ago
Is this a bar girl? I'm surprised she doesn't have any tats, I'll give her that. Bet you the moment "Mr Right" and her get married she moves her entire extended family in.
Or if its in her country, she boots the dude out and keeps all the stuff.
SanFrancisco_69ers 4y ago
I’d make her sign a prenup and leave her out of the will upon marriage because I’m 99% sure she’s toyed with the idea of marrying and killing before based on the pictures alone.
Ipride362 4y ago
Wow, another one.
WeAreLostSoAreYou 4y ago
“Don’t ask me how I support myself because it’s obviously through prostitution”
fellate-o-fish 4y ago
who the fuck would sign on for this?
enzoastoria 4y ago
My room mate definitely would. He’s what would be referred to as a ‘simp’. I have a ton of stories about how this loser got swindled out of thousands of dollars on these foreign whores
fellate-o-fish 4y ago
Jesus man...Sorry to hear.
Curious - what's it like living with a guy like that? I mean, do they function somewhat normally otherwise? Do kinda normal stuff? Work? Go to school?
I know these types of people exist but I don't think I've ever gotten to know one. Have worked with a few weirdos who seem like good candidates and found them all to be just Hard to explain.
enzoastoria 4y ago
No, wayyyyyy far from normal. Socially awkward, a big slob. Like doesn’t have sheets on his bed, and sleeps on that disgusting mattress. Doesn’t shower regularly, pretty sure goes weeks without brushing his teeth, isn’t exactly good looking. He’s really out of shape. I think he knows all this and figures the only way to get a girl to give him her attention is to send her money. I remember one girl he paid to remodel her kitchen. I’ve tried to tell him numerous times that sending these girls money isn’t the kind of attention he wants. He just doesn’t want to hear it.
fellate-o-fish 4y ago
hahaha that's pretty much what I expected. I feel kinda bad for these guys but I also seriously resent them for enabling opportunistic and manipulative women. I'm sure there are a lot more of them than the few I wonder about around the office...its not like these are the ones heading out with the guys at Happy Hour or anything like that.
enzoastoria 4y ago
And I forgot to mention every girl he talks to he meets on these foreign dating sites. They are usually pretty, but every single one of them have kids. I guess he knows single American moms aren’t desperate enough, so he goes for these single moms in like Ukraine and Russia and Thailand
[deleted] 4y ago
Sankdamoney 4y ago
I also feel bad for the kid. She’s probably brainwashing him: “my strong, single mom raised me all by herself” while he witnesses a parade of men take their turns with her.
[deleted] 4y ago
Cuntfart9000 4y ago
Selling a used 1991 Ford Tempo with 473,000 miles on it. I bought it for $37, but I want to sell it to you for full retail price. Deal?
chewis 4y ago
What's sad is that every reader here knows there's plenty out there who would "settle down" with her.
PhantasyBoy 4y ago
If she has a list of lofty demands like this before she’s even met you; imagine what it’d be like being married to her.
MGTOWJulietSierra 4y ago
Wow, great point.
BlackendLight 4y ago
None of the guys she really wants though. Just a bunch of losers who will have to learn the hard way.
Cuntfart9000 4y ago
“Sex? Right now? Sorry honey. I’m just not a very sexual person ok? Besides, I already have plans to meet my friend Chad for coffee. Wait, you aren’t jealous, are you? Oh sweaty, we’re just friends! Gonna need that credit card, by the way. Thank hun!”
LordFa9 4y ago
The scariest part is the swiped right on me first *cringe*
Also in one of the blanked out parts she mentions that she stays in [insert name of a really swanky condo here]
GonadGravy 4y ago
She swiped on you first? She must think you look like a beta provider she can sucker into raising Chad’s fuck trophy. Glad you put her on blast and posted her bs for the world to see
LordFa9 4y ago
Oh shit. Time to get a pair of aviators, a leather jacket and a Harley
Cuntfart9000 4y ago
Don’t forget to pop your collar and start listening to Nickleback.
GonadGravy 4y ago
You can say that again!
Gordon-G 4y ago
Her snatch has seen more sausage then a butcher shop
[deleted] 4y ago
Guarantee you could nail her if you were alpha enough
drewc99 4y ago
All that but somehow she's smart enough to know that guys don't like tattoos?
Krampus1313 4y ago
wait... she wants you to financially support her but doesn't want you to ask her about her life and job?
lol bitch, fuck off
[deleted] 4y ago
Usually tinder girls have only a couple of these bad traits, but she just tries to become an amalgamation of shit and stupidity in one sad human shell.
Gah, I'd take a fatter uglier girl with a soul anyday over this one.
Global_MGTOW 4y ago
Single mother
Wants you to take financial responsibility for her and her crotch goblin
NO SEX UNTIL MARRIAGE, unless you're Chad
Bitchy vapid personality
How many res flags do simps need?
IcariusFallen 4y ago
"I hate a guy that asks me too much about myself"... Because it's hard lying that I was taking my kid to the park, when I was actually being passed around like a forty at a highschool party, especially since he's too young to know how to back up my lies.
[deleted] 4y ago
What a boring and unattractive person
who would fall for this ?
DrJamming 4y ago
"No sex before married". Virgin birth confirmed:)
Guitz59 4y ago
FINACIAL + No sex before mariage = divroce rape plan if you don't pay too much
variedpageants 4y ago
Spoiler: she's having sex with the guy who owns that boat. That guy wont commit to her though, so her cunning plan is to find another guy like that and withhold sex and hope that he's as retarded as she is for continuing to fuck the first rich guy.
GeneralKinetics89 4y ago
Good luck, honey bear. Feel sorry for the kid.
misfit2872 4y ago
Her profile screams goldigger/hooker. One of those greedy thots that spends tons of money on clothes and makeup trying to seem rich,when she's nowhere close to having status.Strange that she kept the kid,maybe incorrectly thought she could have used her son to snag the 'high status'(in her eyes) Chad that knocked her,I can see some nerdy,lonely guy from the west (Uk,U.S.), marrying this one and regretting it after she divorces him.....destroying him mentally and financially.
Datingisnotfun999 4y ago
seems like she already had a sugar daddy in the past who traded her in for the younger model
Mortheous_Darkmere 4y ago
Her: "I lost my life"
Me: No you gave it to your kid that you CHOSE to have!
LordFa9 4y ago
But but but I just fell on chad's dick T-T
Mortheous_Darkmere 4y ago
Then go be with chad, oh wait he didn't want you for anything than a smash and dash and you were stupid enough to rawdog.
AbsoluteMercenary 4y ago
That "No sex without married" is about as fake as that fucking hena tattoo.
ToraChan23 4y ago
Hey at least she is honest
houseoftolstoy Unchivalrous Christian 4y ago
Not that it would help her case, but is she a single mom (never married) or a "single mom" (divorcee)? The first case would have her not serious about the "no sex without married" statement, and the second case would not have her serious about marriage.
Both is also a valid answer, but no answer tells me she is a good choice for a man to marry. She may have the looks to bait a man, but any man that bites is going to find out how poor a decision that was.
djkbrown2001 4y ago
RedPill_Dragon 4y ago
I was on a site one time with a lot of Filipinas who acted just like this chica. Most of them where single mothers wanting a Christian man to treat them right. They were post wall also. Fled from that site so hard....
LordFa9 4y ago
What site? For....research purposes
loneliness-inc LvL 99 Rogue NiceGuy™ 4y ago
Piggy is looking for her bank.
Oink oink
ademmiller93 4y ago
Good luck to the simp or white knight that will end up with her
Hektik352 4y ago
Starting to think these are low to mid tier prostitution posts. She shouldn't have that lifestyle via woe is me rescue womens.
entitled_monster 4y ago
She “lost her life” in having a child? What a disgusting cow. Being a parent is TOUGH (IDK, I got the career and husband first) but how selfish is she?
[deleted] 4y ago
And some beta cuck swooped right in and took take of her and her bastard son until she got bored enough of him to jeopardize the financial well being of her and her child to feel like she’s 20 again and and spend a few weeks riding the CC. Don’t worry when she eventually ends up getting played she’ll cry and wonder complain that all men are pigs on her dating profile until she can find a different male feminist 3 days later
sthlmtrdr 4y ago
She will ride the CC secretly on the side with hot studs.. guaranteed
If she's previously been "working" as a hooker/sugar babe there is no moral limit in her mind that will hinder her from doing it if she get the opportunity
allHibbityBibbity 4y ago
Her Engrish is terrible
LordFa9 4y ago
Thats coz she's from a country where english is like a 3rd language
Dwarf90 4y ago
Who the fuck calls their children crotch goblins
Silas-Gray 4y ago
It’s a common if derogatory term for children, especially the vile spawn of low class trash like every single mother.
WhiskeyAndSunsets 4y ago
That young boy's only chance is if she commits suicide.
BLiiiiiND 4y ago
Sounds and looks like a catfish/scammer account to me
Dr_Bukkakee 4y ago
Good thing my names not Frank.
Chairman_Ellen_Pao 4y ago
What you give? What I no can buy from women some other place?
urbana1 4y ago
Thots just love cute emojis trying to inject a bit of humour in their tyrannical demands teehee
silly_birb 4y ago
Simp: "i will do it! Because this way i will proove to be a real man!"
redshieldheroz 4y ago
Looks like some cheap Thai thot at first glimpse.
[deleted] 4y ago
Pretty much everything is fake on those pictures. Kid's real though. So is the mother insatiable greed.
pdpt13 4y ago
Too bad my name's not Frank.
judeau7 4y ago
The sad part is that someone will probably take her in. Feel bad for the son though, he will probably grow up all fucked up. With mommy and daddy issues.
softbeats 4y ago
Frank should definitely watch out.