Dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show women's poor dating behavior and unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves.
Posted 1y ago in Cock Carousel Rider - Permalink - Locked - 12.3K Views
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We're just a bunch of clueless NiceGuys™ with kindness coins that don't seem to work in women's holes so that the sex we're "entitled to" falls out. Because apparently we weren't demonstrating good relationship material through the attention, respect and stability that women demand. We were only "pretending" to be nice just to get laid.
In response to r/niceguys, this forum is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man" after dating jerks and riding the cock carousel in the prime of their youth, and think they're deserving of commitment and financial stability when all they have left to offer is their depreciating looks, narcissistic mentality, used-up vaginas, and another man's kids.
Women in their 20s have numerous opportunities to date the decent men they claim to want, but many reject or friendzone these men for jerks and promiscuity. She takes advantage of a good dude's kindness for attention and favors, then accuses him of being a bad person who thinks he's entitled to sex.
But when she's in her 30s with depreciating looks, jerks who won't commit, the likelihood of being a single mom, and the social pressure from her married friends, she asks "Where have all the good men gone?"[1][2] Funny how back when she was chasing the bad boys "Being nice is the bare minimum", but now that she's past her prime and needs a bailout, she wants a man with nice guy traits.
Furthermore, dating jerks and riding the carousel before settling down with a good man is planned by many women, and encouraged by feminists. They then come to the dating market with unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves. Such women are totally unaware that the mature, stable men they now need are the same decent men they rejected, except these men remember the rejection and are responding in kind to avoid unstable, unappreciative women who view them more as ATMs than romantic partners.
The reason women end up here is because their behavior is not exposed as the lucid, self-destructive, feminist ideology that it is. And we're here to help Good Men guard their commitment and resources by exposing women who would make poor life partners and mothers of their children. Providing observations and opinions on the posts here allows us to better understand women's psyche and later depressive/miserable state when they are not held to a moral standard required for healthy, functioning relationships.
Rules of conduct:
1. No shaming men for any reason.
2. No white-knighting or NAWALT. This is not a debate forum.
3. No comments such as "Her profile looks decent", "She's not asking for much", "At least she's honest". No comments saying a post is fake without proof. Proof must be sent via modmail.
- 4. No brigading, doxxing or witch-hunting. Do not look for the individuals posted here, nor ask or give their personal info/social media, nor ask or give the source or you will be banned and reported to the admins. See here and here.
Rules for submission:
5. Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy". (Examples, details)
5b. No posts of women who are merely fat, post-wall, unattractive, seeking sex or money, nor women merely behaving badly. (Examples NOT allowed)
6. No personal information in dating profiles or social media accounts. Take a screenshot and censor all names, social media, hometown, school, and place of work. Additionally, censor any children's faces if their mommy included them in any profile photos.
7. No links to any subreddits or websites, nor crossposts where the OP is a woman. For articles use For Reddit use a censored screenshot. Screenshots must contain the full story. No links to any women's Youtube, TikTok, etc. videos. Use to upload videos after censoring them through
8. We accept images from Imgur, Postimage, and ImgBB.
- 9. Other content may be posted on the weekends. See the types of content we allow.
Recommended reading:
Dating profiles showing women's Dual-Mating strategy and unreasonable standards
OkCupid study shows women reject 80% of men based on looks alone
Milo - The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Women Want to Know Why Men Don't Want to Marry Anymore...Allow Me
WAATGM mod explains why promiscuous women can't get good men to commit.
Okay, I get it. You're sick of hearing men complain about girls only dating assholes.
Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Nice Guys: We Don’t Want You Anymore
Dear Single Moms: I wasn't your type then, why am I all of a sudden your type now?
The Truth About Single Moms Who Bring Young Children To The Dating Market
Carol asks WAATGM for the harsh truth after riding the carousel
- Complete list of resources here.
Link Flair:
The Big Question- Carol asks "Where are all the good men?", "Why can't I find a decent guy?", "What happened to chivalry and respect?"
Bailout- Carol wants a man to help raise her kids and provide financial stability.
Leftovers- Carol whines about how hard dating is as an older woman.
Dual-Mating Strategy- Carol admits to promiscuity and dating jerks but now wants a good guy to settle down with. Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.
Cock Carousel Rider: Carol complains about being single while having a history of promiscuity.
Entitlement Princess- Carol has unreasonable standards while offering little to no value herself.
- New Carols Unlocked!- A list of all the Carols we've identified.
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Durek_The_Bald 1y ago
It's because you've injected so much botox into your lip, you look like you have a mustache.
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
I thought she was having an allergic reaction to something she ate...was going to send her out a bottle of Benadryl...
Turns out to be just another bolt-on woman, and she wonders why guys won't take her seriously.
Durek_The_Bald 1y ago
Exactly. I look at her, and I think: "Would bang". But what I don't think is: "Would introduce to family and friends".
Problematic_Browser Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
She's a 2. Hear me out:
1-10 is bullshit.
That rating system allows women to exaggerate and cope. The only real rating system is 0-3.
0 - not my type, regardless of objective attractiveness. For example, dudes don't get my boner rocking, so even the most handsome man would be a "0" to me. Family members are "0" because they are not in my dating pool.
1 - would not fuck. They meet the requirements to be in the dating market but they're so unappealing that they wouldn't even be a sneaky fuck. Very few people exist here.
2 - would fuck, but would not tell anyone. Most women exist here and they know it. That's why they're okay with being hookups. This is also why they don't like the system and prefer a way to pretty up the reason they're unclaimed.
3 - would openly fuck and even deny other opportunities to continue to fuck. These are the girlfriends and wives.
Everpax 1y ago
Must be maddening having enough self-awareness to see the imminent trainwreck that is her life, but not enough to do anything about it.
Land_of_the_losers 1y ago
Curse of Cassandra.
You know the autopilot in the locked cockpit is aimed at the side of a mountain. Nothing left but to enjoy the remainder of the flight.
Problematic_Browser Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Except that, for women, there is always a way off the carousel.
The problem is that the solution (find an average man, settle down) is not as appealing as getting railed by Chad every Tuesday night.
Al_Walter_Chadwick 1y ago
Oof, she got the Tuesday slot in Chad's rotation? That's gotta burn a bit, since I assume she realizes that anyone who gets the Tuesday slot is just one step above the benchwarmers that only get called in when one of his regulars have to call out sick, or something.
ogrilla99 Pez "The Pussy Dispenser" Pimp 1y ago
LoL. True, the Tuesday slot means she's one step above the benchwarmers. She's skating on thin ice. Any bitchiness and she'll get benched and one of her replacements will be called up.
Forget becoming someone's Forever Girl. This girl needs to aim to become at least the Thursday girl. Aim high Gurrl! #LifeGoals
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 1y ago
Well for starters, when a woman has blatantly overdone the botox and bococks injections, men looking for something stable and worth their time who aren't stupid are going to nope the fuck out by the next morning at the latest.
MelkorHimself Mod 1y ago
Oh no. We did assume.
Land_of_the_losers 1y ago
That was the first thing I assumed, who did she think she was kidding? "Money" was the real surprise. I assumed most of her money went into that voluntarily-deformed face of hers.
Aphr00dita 1y ago
nicknack 1y ago
I can sit here and front but personally I’d add her to my rotation. She herself said she has nice guys who even want to take her seriously, but she’d rather share Chad and just complain about it.
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 1y ago
They really tell on themselves once they start jabbering.
For starters, there's your giant, coelacanth-looking lips. There's also the fact that you talk to yourself in a bathroom mirror, then decide to share that on the internet. Your weird hair extensions scream "I'm a total bimbo!".
That's just from a few seconds. I'm sure over the course of an evening, you reveal even more reasons not to be taken seriously.
What the fuck?!
Any lurking women: don't do that shit to your lips like she did.
And if you're under 50 and not a burn victim, don't get any cosmetic surgery at all. FFS.
Initial-Glove Wahmyns 1y ago
Jesus God.
reignoferror00 1y ago
Why don't guys take you seriously - while grooving to the beat and playing with your hair while recording in the rundown bathroom of some club. Bleached blonde hair in a lame dollar store discount version of an "I dream of Jeannie" hairdo, combined with a skintight version of a weird take on your grandpa's long underwear - only thing I'm curious about is if there is a flap in the back of them.
What's not to take seriously?
Also, Is the "other thing" using your lips as a life saving flotation devise?
redblow22 1y ago
a flap in the back of them
You Savage! Best line of the month!
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
I don't often use the phrase "vapid whore" but I can't think of a more appropriate one.
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
I watch a bunch of vids by dudes that call out stupid female tik-tok-ers regarding dating, etc... so unintentionally I have access to the female hive-mind in the sense of the phrases and whatever lines they're using this week.
It seems "Ick" is up there, gets mentioned by a bunch of these idiots in varying degrees. So I guess the hivemind is all-in on this one.
I find the term a bit annoying, personally. Usually applied against men, of course.
I also would like to add that while she is videoing herself, she keeps looking off so she can see her reflection, because that is the most important thing to her. Yep, young women in a nutshell.
Initial-Glove Wahmyns 1y ago
I'd say the number one reason is the lack of a personality.
The fake green hair, the plastic surgery, the camel toe jumpsuit.. it's all contrived. Its Chav or Geordie Shore or whatever but it isnt original or authentic.
If shes 19, which is allegedly the highest sought after age group, and has zero prospects.. 30 is gonne be even worse.
Unless she grows up a hell of a lot between now and then.
Boar_excrement Jr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Honey, have you tried clown school? Either as a profession or a dating pool?
Impressive-Cricket-8 Founding member of FapGPT 1y ago
When did sex dolls become sentient? Is the
SkynetSmutnet already rebelling?Al_Walter_Chadwick 1y ago
Sentientish is as far as I'm willing to go.
I mean, is there any self awareness on display? I don't think so.
Not really much in the way of planning, or awareness of others as separate sentient agents with their own goals etc, rather than simple stimulus-response entities, either, really.
redblow22 1y ago
Saw in 10 seconds of nails on the chalkboard misery the One Trurh for these gals:
Chad Won't Wife Me Up
No matter how much they dance around it, they tell on themselves, @Typo-MAGAshiv points this out as well downthread.
Sometimes, gals hit passing gear to smash the wall earlier than their peers.
whytehorse2021 Jr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Jeez, I dunno. I'd put my dick in her. It must be something that happens after sex...