Dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show women's poor dating behavior and unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves.
Posted 1y ago in Strong Independent Woman - Permalink - Locked - 9.3K Views
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We're just a bunch of clueless NiceGuys™ with kindness coins that don't seem to work in women's holes so that the sex we're "entitled to" falls out. Because apparently we weren't demonstrating good relationship material through the attention, respect and stability that women demand. We were only "pretending" to be nice just to get laid.
In response to r/niceguys, this forum is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man" after dating jerks and riding the cock carousel in the prime of their youth, and think they're deserving of commitment and financial stability when all they have left to offer is their depreciating looks, narcissistic mentality, used-up vaginas, and another man's kids.
Women in their 20s have numerous opportunities to date the decent men they claim to want, but many reject or friendzone these men for jerks and promiscuity. She takes advantage of a good dude's kindness for attention and favors, then accuses him of being a bad person who thinks he's entitled to sex.
But when she's in her 30s with depreciating looks, jerks who won't commit, the likelihood of being a single mom, and the social pressure from her married friends, she asks "Where have all the good men gone?"[1][2] Funny how back when she was chasing the bad boys "Being nice is the bare minimum", but now that she's past her prime and needs a bailout, she wants a man with nice guy traits.
Furthermore, dating jerks and riding the carousel before settling down with a good man is planned by many women, and encouraged by feminists. They then come to the dating market with unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves. Such women are totally unaware that the mature, stable men they now need are the same decent men they rejected, except these men remember the rejection and are responding in kind to avoid unstable, unappreciative women who view them more as ATMs than romantic partners.
The reason women end up here is because their behavior is not exposed as the lucid, self-destructive, feminist ideology that it is. And we're here to help Good Men guard their commitment and resources by exposing women who would make poor life partners and mothers of their children. Providing observations and opinions on the posts here allows us to better understand women's psyche and later depressive/miserable state when they are not held to a moral standard required for healthy, functioning relationships.
Rules of conduct:
1. No shaming men for any reason.
2. No white-knighting or NAWALT. This is not a debate forum.
3. No comments such as "Her profile looks decent", "She's not asking for much", "At least she's honest". No comments saying a post is fake without proof. Proof must be sent via modmail.
- 4. No brigading, doxxing or witch-hunting. Do not look for the individuals posted here, nor ask or give their personal info/social media, nor ask or give the source or you will be banned and reported to the admins. See here and here.
Rules for submission:
5. Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy". (Examples, details)
5b. No posts of women who are merely fat, post-wall, unattractive, seeking sex or money, nor women merely behaving badly. (Examples NOT allowed)
6. No personal information in dating profiles or social media accounts. Take a screenshot and censor all names, social media, hometown, school, and place of work. Additionally, censor any children's faces if their mommy included them in any profile photos.
7. No links to any subreddits or websites, nor crossposts where the OP is a woman. For articles use For Reddit use a censored screenshot. Screenshots must contain the full story. No links to any women's Youtube, TikTok, etc. videos. Use to upload videos after censoring them through
8. We accept images from Imgur, Postimage, and ImgBB.
- 9. Other content may be posted on the weekends. See the types of content we allow.
Recommended reading:
Dating profiles showing women's Dual-Mating strategy and unreasonable standards
OkCupid study shows women reject 80% of men based on looks alone
Milo - The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Women Want to Know Why Men Don't Want to Marry Anymore...Allow Me
WAATGM mod explains why promiscuous women can't get good men to commit.
Okay, I get it. You're sick of hearing men complain about girls only dating assholes.
Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Nice Guys: We Don’t Want You Anymore
Dear Single Moms: I wasn't your type then, why am I all of a sudden your type now?
The Truth About Single Moms Who Bring Young Children To The Dating Market
Carol asks WAATGM for the harsh truth after riding the carousel
- Complete list of resources here.
Link Flair:
The Big Question- Carol asks "Where are all the good men?", "Why can't I find a decent guy?", "What happened to chivalry and respect?"
Bailout- Carol wants a man to help raise her kids and provide financial stability.
Leftovers- Carol whines about how hard dating is as an older woman.
Dual-Mating Strategy- Carol admits to promiscuity and dating jerks but now wants a good guy to settle down with. Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.
Cock Carousel Rider: Carol complains about being single while having a history of promiscuity.
Entitlement Princess- Carol has unreasonable standards while offering little to no value herself.
- New Carols Unlocked!- A list of all the Carols we've identified.
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houseoftolstoy Unchivalrous Christian 1y ago Stickied
The problem with the "Type A" "alpha female" wanting to have a man who is the alpha male leader she wants is that this type of man is not going to want a woman such as herself. Rather, he is going to be looking for the type of woman who is more submissive and willing to be led from the start.
Sorry "alpha females," men are not the ones who glorify the so called "power couples," it is women like you who fail to understand that men do not want to have a woman who is also trying to be a leader herself but wants to contradict things by having a man who is so much of a leader himself he tames her to follow him. For the man, this is a whole lot of extra work for less benefit, as you know this woman will be constantly forcing the man to live with this inconsistent behavior, where she will likely pull out the "alpha female" card when convenient and the "you are the man so you should be leading" card when convenient.
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 1y ago
I hate to give this guy credit for anything for reasons I can go into on another forum, but Myron Gaines of the Fresh & Fit podcast has a decent analogy that sometimes gets through to women like that:
Imagine a man who likes to wear makeup and put on pretty dresses and prance around, but says that "the right woman can bring out my masculinity".
moorekom Urban Hoe Guerrilla 1y ago
Regardless of the source, that's a very good analogy.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 1y ago
I'm surprised nobody pointed out the obvious which is the sheer poetry of what this woman wrote: "I'm a strong woman silently begging to be led". It's sublimely paradoxical. "I'm a leader whose looking for people to tell me what to do" (Sadly, the majority of corporate executives I met were simply following industry trends and then pushing those downwards).
That being said, in the past, women were expected to "build men" such as "behind every successful man there's a strong woman supporting him". Women were expected to marry young men and help them build their careers and this is the trope trotted out during alimony hearings "I gave the best years of my life for his success".
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
omg, I have often used a variation of this to explain to women who are using the 'intimidated' argument. They go on about how men are intimidated by some other women that they know, and I will gently explain, 'No- they're not intimidated, they just don't like masculine women'.
Whey they scratch their heads and ask what I mean, I say
"Well, you like effeminate men? Men that wear heels and bras? No? Well guess what, we don't like masculine women."
No matter how much you explain it to them, they just don't get it. They just prefer the 'intimidated' argument. I have actually given up explaining it to them. They don't deserve the truth.
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
F&F Podcast seems to be everywhere, I'm curious to your views on that if you could direct me to a link if you've already expanded on that topic.
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 1y ago
AurelianWay Jr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Modern women have a unique ability to self sabotage more than anyone else.
Oddest-One-Here Jr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
So she wants to turn off her Alpha-mode huh?
Maybe she can get into BDSM and find herself a Leather Daddy to dominate her.
woodsmoke Respectful reprobate 1y ago
Not at all. She wants a sufficiently attractive man to "take charge" and do precisely what she wants him to do in precisely the manner and time frame she wants him to do it while also magically knowing precisely when to meekly surrender control to her as soon as she wants to be in charge again.
Just like so many of the women I've known who are into bondage have told me, she wants to have the illusion of not being in charge without actually surrendering any control.
Or, as we often like to say here, she wants fried ice.
moorekom Urban Hoe Guerrilla 1y ago
In other words, you have to create the frame where she feels comfortable submitting temporarily without her feeling any guilt for doing so. If I have to do that, I would look for a girl who does not insist on doing the work over and over again.
woodsmoke Respectful reprobate 1y ago
Aye. Holding onto the key until I've demonstrated competence in handling the vehicle is perfectly reasonable the first time. Expecting me to run the course again every subsequent time you want me to take the wheel?
Fuck that. Ain't nowhere she'd want to take me I can't get to by walking with far less trouble on my end.
moorekom Urban Hoe Guerrilla 1y ago
Good analogy. You should expand this analogy and write a post in WATGMA on why boss bitches are annoying and why men do not commit to them.
woodsmoke Respectful reprobate 1y ago
I'll give that a think tonight, see if I can't come up with something decent.
moorekom Urban Hoe Guerrilla 1y ago
Yes please.
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
I find it amusing that women sold the feminutz lie all just want to not think, and be led.
At the same time, they'll have 'standards' that weeds out a majority of men that would be willing.
Welcome to the decline, all of you delusional bints are getting exactly what you deserve.
AlwaysStoic 1y ago
These, the ones with 'alpha tendencies', are the ones which end up with criminals and drug dealers. Then cry about black eyes and eventually WAATGM.
lurkerhasarisen A Strategist Among Tacticians 1y ago
Yeah… good luck with that. First of all, women should never use the word “alpha” to describe themselves. It’s cringy enough when men do it, but it’s exponentially worse coming from women.
It’s not “alpha”… it’s just bitchy, and no self-respecting man wants to deal with it. If she understood that she was just another garden-variety bitch, at least she could work on improving that about herself, but she honestly thinks that men like that (or at least don’t mind).
So few people understand the first thing about leadership. Any relationship has a hierarchy, and it doesn’t work if one person can switch off-and-on at will. Leadership implies both authority and responsibility, and nobody is a leader without a follower. Followers don’t get to choose when to follow and when to assume the leadership role.
Aside from that, she will demand to lead whenever she wants her way, and will only submit either 1) when she has no preference, and/or 2) when she doesn’t want to be responsible for the outcome of a decision.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 1y ago
And thus the stupid game many men have ran into when dealing with even as something as banal as "where do you want to go to eat?".
She makes no choice, gives no useful input on preferences, but bitches about every choice you make before, during, and after it.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 1y ago
My story of two dates I went on. In 1986 I asked a girl who was part of our friend group out on a movie date. I asked her what she wanted to see and she said "Whatever you want." So I picked "Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2". It wasn't the best choice even by my standards. She griped about it to our friends and they were laughing (they know me.) In hindsight, I'm glad it didn't work out. She looked like she was going to have a weight problem.
I took my future wife out on a movie date and asked her and she didn't hesitate to try to pick a film: Unfaithful. She had no idea what it was about but she likes Richard Gere. (spoiler) In the film, Gere kills a man who cucks him. I was laughing my head off. My (future wife) was horrified. We laughed.
I was at goodwill last friday and looking at DVD's they had Unfaithful available. I thought better of picking it up.
moorekom Urban Hoe Guerrilla 1y ago
Most people do not understand the meaning of strength. They think being assertive is the same as being bitchy/being an asshole. She wishes to convey strength, but the impression is anything but that.
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 1y ago
Women almost never want to be responsible for the outcomes.
They will almost always try to find a way to blame anyone but themselves.
I still go through this with my wife.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
When women say that they are alpha, all I am hearing is 'lesbian'.
In general, women like OP, only want to be 'responsible' up until the moment of failure, then the will hand over the responsibility to the man. They want all the control, none of the responsibility.
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
I am a proponent of low self-esteem for women.
We spend so much time and effort trying to "build them up" and tell them they can be anything - even a man. It's all lies. Women excel at ONLY two things in life, the two things they were created for. They need to hear that.
Women with horrible self-esteem are quick to take the blame, know their place in life, and infinitely more agreeable and manageable and humble. I just wish there was more of them around.
BobbingForBunions Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
I think when women talk about wanting strong men to be leaders, they imagine the leadership paradigm common in business today. Supportive, charismatic, nurturing, motivating, and helping the people following them to "be the best they can be."
Stuff that sells books, courses, and mentoring programs.
When men think of leadership, many of them imagine military leaders of the past. "Follow my orders. See to your responsibilities. If you run into problems, figure it out."
Women see things differently than men. That's why they seem delusional. They're speaking a different language with an entirely different set of expectations.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 1y ago Stickied
I get the impression that "strong women" wanting to be "led" want men to "lead" by being doing what she wants to do, but it should be his idea. Heck, there's the joke that goes that if you ask a woman what restaurant she'd like to eat at, she'll say she doesn't know and ask you to decide BUT if you want her actual answer, say: "Guess where I'm taking you out to eat!" By asking her to "guess", she is absolved from responsibility for having "picked" the place in case it goes wrong. HE still has to handle her complaining "This food isn't that good. YOU should have chosen somewhere else!"
For women, "leadership" means she makes all the choices but the problems are someone else's fault and in that regard, the "men's leadership" you cite reminds me of the worst male leaders I ever met who just issued orders and expected their underlings to figure it out and then griped when it failed. "I'm the leader and it's going wrong! It's not fault since the troops didn't "follow" the orders and figure it out!"
Effective leadership is a combination of effective delegation (trustworthy people who accept responsibility themselves and further delegate to other trusted people and so on)
The recent Russian-Ukraine war is a great example of leadership mistakes by both sides. If Zelensky had taken the US Intelligence warnings seriously, perhaps Russia wouldn't have so much territory now. If Putin had gotten accurate intelligence information that Ukraine wasn't going to fall within a week, he might not have attacked in the first place. There's the joke that goes: "We don't start things because they're easy, but rather because we think they're going to be easy."
Great video on the importance of responsive, accurate feedback to leadership:
lurkerhasarisen A Strategist Among Tacticians 1y ago
I was given an assignment once, and it was more than I could do alone, so I called back to my unit and told them that I needed a couple of minions, and I asked for one in particular.
Rather than sending me who I wanted, they sent me the two NCOs who were perennial problem children. One was an E-7 and the other was an E-3. I guess they figured they could get me out of their hair by sending me “help” and get those two knuckleheads out of their own hair for a few weeks, so they cut the two of them TDY orders and sent them to me.
The place was very officer-heavy, and none of my colleagues had minions, so that got a lot of attention. What I did was to figure out what needed to be done on any given day and told them my desired end state for each task, as well as what purpose those tasks would accomplish. Then I told them that if they needed anything to let me know, but otherwise I trusted them to figure it out.
Once or twice they needed me to work some officer intervention, but they did great. I even put the E-7 on the podium to teach a class that I normally taught myself. At the end of the event the general coined them both, and everyone was asking me why I was so special. The next time I saw the NCOIC of our parent unit he wanted to know how I got those two to do great work rather than burning the place to the ground.
I would think a senior NCO would know a bit more about talent management than that.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 1y ago
I belong to a Men's book club and I'm reading the classic "The Good Soldier". It's a 750 page long tome, from a Czech about WWI. It has issues, but I nonetheless am enjoying it immensely. It's a combination of Gilligan's Island, Family Guy, and The Simpsons.
Svejk (in the book) is given assignments and he gets them done but... with some unintended consequences. That's the challenge is that if you empower guys to get a job done, and they aren't competent or equipped, interesting things happen. I have a great Branch Chief who expects me to get things done, but if I come to him for guidance or assistance, he's helpful and supportive (dare I use that estrogen laden word? :-)
At a horrid position I left before now, the shithead wanted things done without him knowing but then griped that things were a mess because people weren't equipped or incentivized to accomplish the goals and those who came to him to ask for guidance (namely stupid, me) were punished and made an example of and he griped that he was being lied to. Sort of like women who only want to hear what they want to hear and "all men are liars".
Problematic_Browser Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
It's been my experience that most people want to do a good job, but the only obstacles are:
They don't know the desired outcome
They can't justify why they're doing it
If you solve those three problems and allow people to implement their own solutions (within limits), then usually the job will get done.
lurkerhasarisen A Strategist Among Tacticians 1y ago
US military doctrine stresses the writing and dissemination of “Mission Statements.” Mind you, these aren’t the corporate boilerplate crap that look like it came off a number sticker.
A Mission Statement contains the who, what, when, where, and why of a mission … with the mission-essential tasks (the things that determine success or failure) being the “what.” The “why” is important: people need to know why this matters: not only does it give a sense of purpose, but it allows people to move toward the correct goal.
What’s missing is the “how,” and that’s because it’s up to the recipient unit of the order to figure that out. They can ask for additional resources if they think they need them, but in theory their mission is tailored to their capabilities.
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
I agree, the first kind of "leadership" you mention has taken over the church as well, a very feminist understanding, they use phrases like "servant leadership" which you can buy hundreds of books on. OTOH:
Simple, refreshing, masculine, and not just military - this is how men lead in all walks of life, by sacrificing themselves to look out for the good of those under them. With authority comes responsibility.
DextroShade 1y ago
Sounds like she became the man she wanted. What she doesn't understand is that the more masculine a man is the more feminine he wants his woman to be. We don't want a woman who is only slightly less masculine than we are.
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Gee, I wonder why. Could it be that YOU'RE A FRIGGIN WOMAN??
You can never get what you want, because:
The minute a "strong man" tried to tell you to do anything you'd have a hissy fit.
Tell you what, get in the kitchen and make some pasta, maybe you can manage that. Start there, then we'll talk about your miserable, pointless life as a failure of a woman.
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
The number of women that I've known in corporate life that have taken "Mental Health Days" are too numerous to count.
Women don't really want to do these jobs, they'd rather be building families. One day I might see that return to normal roles, for now we have to witness the Girl Bosses flying too close to the sun.
My sympathies are exhausted, if they even existed.
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Oh yes, the trends always reverse themselves. We'll have a patriarchal culture again. The sad thing is the collateral damage along the way.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 1y ago
I just recently taught my wife how to make pasta more efficiently (granted, I saw this on a video). We use a deep pan instead of a pot. That way, the pasta lies flat right away, very little water (and heat) is wasted, and the cooking time is faster.
My wife and I have an agreement on who gets the PRIVILEGE of cooking dinner because we both have our own styles. She loves to boil a lot of things, and I'm a pan-fry kind of guy.
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
I meant just "making pasta" like cooking it. I doubt this career woman could do even that. She's fat from going out to eat every night, her pots are always cold, she has a nice kitchen but never uses it.
My wife just made sourdough bread in cast iron today (her own starter), my daughter just perfected English muffins, and we can make our own pasta from flour/eggs. Right now the girls are sewing dresses and stuff using our 1940s sewing machine. When women can just get over themselves and embrace the home life, they do quite well. Every career girl is a colossal waste of potential.
hornetsfalcons12 Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Modern woman logic 101: weak men give her the ick, but strong and capable men still need to respect her strength.
Pro tip: if a man is a strong leader, then he doesn’t want to get challenged by a person who is supposed to be deferring to him constantly.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
It's so easy to read between the lines when women write. She says that it is 'exhausting' to work and keep a home. So what she wants is a solution.
The solution she is looking for is a man that will do the work and keep her home. But,,,the man will have to be subservient to her, obviously, because women like her can never go back from being boss babes.
Basically this woman has transitioned from being a woman to being a man.
So why oh why is she still looking for a man? She is clearly a SIW and utterly 'amazing', so why doesn't she just enjoy all her amazingness on her own?
My advice to this sista is never settle girl, men are so useless and crap, and you are so beautiful and amazing, so just don't bring yourself down with some useless man, ok sis?
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 1y ago
The funny part is she probably could find a beta male who would pay the bills if she TOLD him to, but then, (puke), she's have to SLEEP with them. They're fundamentally whores who are addicted to sleeping with men for money, but they believe in "liberation" that they shouldn't "have to" sleep with anyone because "rape". Women should ONLY have sex when she WANTS to and under IDEAL conditions.
So consequently, they're pissed that there are no "gentlemen" who exist who pay their bills and yet are also attractive to them. In their universe, they should work at a brothel where all the johns are hot.
SpiritualEnema Jr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Jesus Christ lady…..pick one. Or just wait right here while I go fry you up some ice.