Dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show women's poor dating behavior and unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves.
Posted 11mo ago in Leftovers - Permalink - Locked - 14.4K Views
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We're just a bunch of clueless NiceGuys™ with kindness coins that don't seem to work in women's holes so that the sex we're "entitled to" falls out. Because apparently we weren't demonstrating good relationship material through the attention, respect and stability that women demand. We were only "pretending" to be nice just to get laid.
In response to r/niceguys, this forum is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man" after dating jerks and riding the cock carousel in the prime of their youth, and think they're deserving of commitment and financial stability when all they have left to offer is their depreciating looks, narcissistic mentality, used-up vaginas, and another man's kids.
Women in their 20s have numerous opportunities to date the decent men they claim to want, but many reject or friendzone these men for jerks and promiscuity. She takes advantage of a good dude's kindness for attention and favors, then accuses him of being a bad person who thinks he's entitled to sex.
But when she's in her 30s with depreciating looks, jerks who won't commit, the likelihood of being a single mom, and the social pressure from her married friends, she asks "Where have all the good men gone?"[1][2] Funny how back when she was chasing the bad boys "Being nice is the bare minimum", but now that she's past her prime and needs a bailout, she wants a man with nice guy traits.
Furthermore, dating jerks and riding the carousel before settling down with a good man is planned by many women, and encouraged by feminists. They then come to the dating market with unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves. Such women are totally unaware that the mature, stable men they now need are the same decent men they rejected, except these men remember the rejection and are responding in kind to avoid unstable, unappreciative women who view them more as ATMs than romantic partners.
The reason women end up here is because their behavior is not exposed as the lucid, self-destructive, feminist ideology that it is. And we're here to help Good Men guard their commitment and resources by exposing women who would make poor life partners and mothers of their children. Providing observations and opinions on the posts here allows us to better understand women's psyche and later depressive/miserable state when they are not held to a moral standard required for healthy, functioning relationships.
Rules of conduct:
1. No shaming men for any reason.
2. No white-knighting or NAWALT. This is not a debate forum.
3. No comments such as "Her profile looks decent", "She's not asking for much", "At least she's honest". No comments saying a post is fake without proof. Proof must be sent via modmail.
- 4. No brigading, doxxing or witch-hunting. Do not look for the individuals posted here, nor ask or give their personal info/social media, nor ask or give the source or you will be banned and reported to the admins. See here and here.
Rules for submission:
5. Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy". (Examples, details)
5b. No posts of women who are merely fat, post-wall, unattractive, seeking sex or money, nor women merely behaving badly. (Examples NOT allowed)
6. No personal information in dating profiles or social media accounts. Take a screenshot and censor all names, social media, hometown, school, and place of work. Additionally, censor any children's faces if their mommy included them in any profile photos.
7. No links to any subreddits or websites, nor crossposts where the OP is a woman. For articles use For Reddit use a censored screenshot. Screenshots must contain the full story. No links to any women's Youtube, TikTok, etc. videos. Use to upload videos after censoring them through
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- 9. Other content may be posted on the weekends. See the types of content we allow.
Recommended reading:
Dating profiles showing women's Dual-Mating strategy and unreasonable standards
OkCupid study shows women reject 80% of men based on looks alone
Milo - The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Women Want to Know Why Men Don't Want to Marry Anymore...Allow Me
WAATGM mod explains why promiscuous women can't get good men to commit.
Okay, I get it. You're sick of hearing men complain about girls only dating assholes.
Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Nice Guys: We Don’t Want You Anymore
Dear Single Moms: I wasn't your type then, why am I all of a sudden your type now?
The Truth About Single Moms Who Bring Young Children To The Dating Market
Carol asks WAATGM for the harsh truth after riding the carousel
- Complete list of resources here.
Link Flair:
The Big Question- Carol asks "Where are all the good men?", "Why can't I find a decent guy?", "What happened to chivalry and respect?"
Bailout- Carol wants a man to help raise her kids and provide financial stability.
Leftovers- Carol whines about how hard dating is as an older woman.
Dual-Mating Strategy- Carol admits to promiscuity and dating jerks but now wants a good guy to settle down with. Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.
Cock Carousel Rider: Carol complains about being single while having a history of promiscuity.
Entitlement Princess- Carol has unreasonable standards while offering little to no value herself.
- New Carols Unlocked!- A list of all the Carols we've identified.
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Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago Stickied
On Opportunity Cost
There are two paths that they could have chosen
Option 1 is to settle down at your peak (mid 20s) with the best guy you can find, and forgo all others
I have read an interview with an Noble prize winning economist and the interviewer asked him a great question, which was "what one concept do you think that most people don't understand that would actually help them with their lives?"
The economist didn't even think about it - he said "Opportunity cost" The interviewer didn't know what he was talking about.
Opportunity cost is the very simple idea that every choice means forgoing another choice. Sometimes it's not very visible, but its there. For example, if I choose to go to Greece on my holiday in June, that means I have forgone a holiday in Spain. I can't have both. But I have also forgone many other things, like things I could have bought with the money I am going to spend in Greece (Like a new motorcycle for example). Many people simply cannot understand the concept (which is why so many people end up in debt). They say things like I can afford this fancy car, but they never ask themselves this question....What will I not be able to afford if I get this fancy car? It costs about the same as a new roof for my house. So, I can have the fancy car OR the new roof, but not both. That is when you start to understand opportunity cost.
To understand it is one thing, but to practice it is another thing. Start trying it yourself! Never ask yourself whether you can afford something, ask yourself what could you NOT buy if you choose to buy this thing that you want.
When you look at the discussion between these women, none of them seem to understand the Opportunity cost of spending 20 years on the CC. They say things like '35 is a good age to get married, because you have more expereince of the world, you know what you want etc etc etc'. They are not asking themselves this question;
"It's fun to sleep around, and I get a lot of validation from sleeping with guys far above my SMV. I love the thrill of new relationships and being sexually liberated. BUT.... what is it that I am giving up when I choose that life?"
I'm not saying that women should always choose marriage/kids/ltr. I am saying that they need to have the Opportunity Cost discussion with themeselves and then decide early one, before its too late. Maybe there is more utility to be had from Option 1 (sleeping around for 20 years), Maybe it's better to have a married life with kids. I am not saying one is better than the other, its for them to decide.
But decide you must. Because men are not going to change to accommodate your demands for having it both ways.
Opportunity cost baby, its a bitch.
Vermillion-Rx Penchant for plastic dolls 11mo ago
This is all pure bullshit, she deserves the best or something
mattyanon TRP Endorsed 11mo ago
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
You missed one part of that sequence....
Men must marry me when I decide that I'm done with sex for fun and I now require provisioning in exchange for no sex
That is the bit that most blue pilled men don't realise. When you 'step up' and become a beta bucks provider, you don't get sex in return. You get just enough reluctant sex to seal the deal, and the the spigot is turned off.
Because what the blue pilled men don't realise is that being a beta bucks provider gives them the dry.
adam-l TRP Endorsed 11mo ago
Although Opportunity Cost is a thing, I don't believe it's the central issue here. Despite our best (or worst) revenge fantasies, women can, indeed have it all. Both the CC ride and the nice husband later on.
Their problem is rather one of calibration. The decades of CC riding skew their perception of their SMV, and they can't adjust as they get older.
A 35yo woman can find a perfectly fine +1SMV man to settle. Having been used to exciting assholes and 9s, though, these guys don't do it for her.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
I think that's just the issue - men are waking up. They are no longer that interested in bailing out post wall sluts. And the proof of that is the declining marriage rates, birth rates and 'new household formations'.
There are several industries that are very dependent on 'new household formations', such as home depot, mortgage lending etc. And they all see a decline in old fashioned boy meets girl unions.
The reason for this? The girls are not going to give up their 'right' to ride the cc for 20 years before setttling down. So the the guys are voting with their feet. There now seems to be millions of guys that just wont take the deal (used up slut over 35 as a wife). And because women won't back down, there is a market clearing failure. The signs are everywhere.
This is why we are seeing a lot more WAATGMG posts.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
@Lone_Ranger What's amusing about this one is that she says (in comments elsewhere) she wanted someone with a "stable career" (provider) but also politically liberal. The golden era of double-dipping feminism was from 1970 to 1995: Tons of Baby Boomer men with good jobs were available to date liberal Gen X women. It also helped that housing was cheap.
"Calibration" is a funny way of putting it in that these women are irrational. She said in a recent comment (not part of this post) that she wants men who are "passionate" about their careers and competitive with her financially, blah blah blah but also then said to someone else she was excited that a guy who works at the gym hit on her. Perhaps he is "passionate" about his job, but is it going to pay the bills?
The next phase of her life is a childless one. When she hits 40, nobody who meets her standards would seriously consider her for starting a family when they can land someone 10 years younger and would a man who makes good money want to bother hitching up to her as her retirement plan? We're about 3 generations in on men who (should be) aware of the risks of marriage from all the divorces they've seen their fathers, uncles, and friends go through.
An in-law of mine whose 55 has seemingly had nothing but boyfriends her whole life. She's childless and lives with a current boyfriend. Perhaps that's the norm moving forward.
ogrilla99 Pez "The Pussy Dispenser" Pimp 11mo ago
Here's the kicker: when she gets that man who's "passionate" about his career, she'll then start bitching that he spends all day in the office.
These women have no idea how much work it takes to sustain a career that earns as much as they expect men to make. If a company is paying a dude 250k,they expect to own his ass, and for their needs to come before his, his wife, his children's birthday parties, etc.
moorekom Urban Hoe Guerrilla 11mo ago
They've never been close enough for a long enough time to understand it. As usual, she looks at the benefits, but has no clue about the downsides until much later, which is when the entire thing becomes abusive and neglectful.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
You're right.
the absolute collapse of birth rates is being hidden by the explosion in immigration. If you look at birth rates in details, they are really explained by recent arrival immigrants, some of whom have very large families.
The native born populations of US, Canada, UK, Germany, Sweden etc are far below replacement levels. They west is sleep walking into a economic, cultural and security disaster.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
Consider that if low birthrates were a problem, then why are CEO's rewarded with massive bonuses and stock increases for laying off workers? The dream of these golfing elites is AI when 99% of the population can be declared "not economically viable" and they can make the earth into a copy of Solarian society in Under The Naked Sun where a population of about 50,000 lives on large estates of 100 square miles each and never sees each other.
Nuclear powers such as Russia don't fear invasion or significant "security" threats even as they rattle sabers to justify invading non-nuclear powers. That's why nuclear proliferation was such a fear: Nukes are these magic things that could keep barbarian hordes at bay well...
until they're invited in.
The tragedy of feminism is that it destroys what was supposed to be the next stage in societal evolution: the intellectuals and elites should have more kids while the working class would have less but some of them would rise out of it. The only problem is that NON working classes are having tons of children while the working classes are decried as losers who shouldn't have any.
Career women are technically in the "upper" working class.
oowiw Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
OP has been busy adding more insightful comments to the thread since this was posted, such as:
"I don’t like to think of it as “shooting out of my league.” I like to think of it as I’m out of their league." To which another user clarifies "I mean looks-wise"
And another:
[describing herself] "People who are the whole package (i.e. they are physically attractive, successful when it comes to their profession/interpersonal relationships, have skills/talents/intelligence, etc.) have more options in the dating world, so they're not going to settle for mediocrity/less when they know they're capable of getting better."
That's just the beginning, threads still active. The same user in another thread helps an unsuccessful redditor understand what he's doing wrong:
"Working in a warehouse certainly doesn't mean you're not intelligent. It's great that you speak multiple languages.
However, she might want someone who aspires to more than a high school degree - especially if she has a college degree or a more advanced degree (or if she grew up being held to really high educational standards by her parents)."
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
I particularly like these two: "I don't think any of these guys would have swiped right on me or asked me out in the first place if they didn't think I was physically attractive or if they saw me as below them in terms of looks. In fact, they all told me that they think I'm beautiful. I've been told by enough strangers that I look like a model or have been hit on by enough strangers that I know I'm not unattractive."
So men told her she's a model so she KNOWS she can make demands.
Then she writes: "Whenever I express on Reddit that I've experienced dating quite a few guys who strung me along for weeks or months only to tell me they didn't want a commitment, there are always a few guys who respond with, "you're dating out of your league" or "that's your fault for choosing wrong" or "you're too picky." My problem with these responses is that they blame the woman for not being good enough/having standards of basic human decency instead of holding the guy accountable for his crappy behavior."
Can you BELIEVE it? These guys LIED to get her to get into the sack! But the ones who tell her she looks like a model are sincere.
It's especially telling that she's a literal middle aged woman who can't figure out that men who lie about some things can lie about others or that she can't even tell when men are lying. It's ALL men's fault!
Pic889 11mo ago
1) Young men don't marry old women because women age faster than men (due to perimenopause and menopause) and that won't change no matter how hard women scream that this is "discrimination" (btw those are the same women who think that not dating short guys isn't discrimination but a "preference"). Young men will sag old women if given the chance but won't marry them.
2) Good attractive 35-year-old men are all married or in really long LTRs and (being good men) see no reason to cheat or leave their partners, so there is no reason for them to be single. There are minor exceptions to this observation such as recently-widowed men, but they are statistically negligible.
However the above doesn't mean Chad won't score a quick lay by pretending to be a good man looking for commitment.
Boar_excrement Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
The analyses on this thread are the reason I come here. Well done, gents!
Well, she is finally getting to eat the crumbs from her own table. All the men she has fucked over the years would not commit and what they brought to the table was only bartered for sex.
Now no man is bringing her anything and she is forced to rationalize that the leftover 7 year old California sushi roll is an epic Michelin star dining experience.
Still, she needs to count her blessing: PETA does not consider her atrocious hamstering to be animal cruelty.....
reignoferror00 11mo ago
Oh great. Another one that believes being shallow on multiple levels is considered deep.
Thinks she deserves the top tier of men because .. reasons. You've "attracted" guys with those traits BUT the bar for fucking around or a short term relationship is WAY different than the one for long term. You're stuck on your highest setting and might as well just get out of the game if you can't get down to living with your actual relationship setting.
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Absolutely no one is trying to make you. Keep those standards high! Don't settle for less than the best!
Keeping standards sky-high is actually the best way to keep these trash women unmarried and off the market. The harder they stick to their guns, the more bitter they get, and the more and more obvious that they would make horrible prospects for LTR or marriage. You know, if the fact that she's 35 and not a virgin weren't signs enough.
whytehorse2021 Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
This is an actual business model, btw.
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
I agree that accelerating her decline is absolutely the way to go.
I will affirm her bad decisions at every opportunity, because those eggs need to be off the shelf. (Though time will do it for me, why not nuke it and make sure, lol.)
This is my modus operandi with any delusional woman I meet now. Hardcore Feminutz idiot? Oh yeah girl, Goooooooooo, and be single forever.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
There was an easy way to avoid their situation, but they chose not to take it:
It's called being serious about finding a man in their 20's instead of fucking around doing anything possible other than that.
And given just being born with a vagina is one of the most powerful social trump cards known to all of humanity, their lack of good outcome is simply a fucking skill issue.
Edit: and it's funny how they whine about being told to give someone that they aren't physically attracted to a chance while turning right around and insisting that men do that instead. Men get to have standards too, ladies.
mattyanon TRP Endorsed 11mo ago
It's not even a skill issue, it's a choice issue. It requires zero skill to eat less lard and marry an attractive man in her 20's.
Vermillion-Rx Penchant for plastic dolls 11mo ago
It's also funny how physical attraction and sexual chemistry is always but a mere passing portion of one sentence of their post before they go on to describe how all these good career nice sweet men just don't do it for them for the rest of their post and say that they just don't feel the same when a guy wants them lol
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
Here's the thing: for a long term relationship it's understood that raw sexual "chemistry" will wane but PARTICULARLY for women. Yes, eventually NOBODY will want to bed Hugh Hefner unless there's a book deal in the offering but men generally age a lot better than women do. So when women reject "nice guys" who aren't "sexually compatible" with them, they're basically demanding a top tier man "settle" for her because in 10 years, he can do better.
In the bad old days of "oppression", women were advised to think long term like a savings bond. Yes, the "nice guy" wasn't as "hot" as some guy who'd bed them right away, but in the long term she'd be happier but that's something only "settling" women do (like, say, my wife.)
Long marriages are a wonderful thing. I just celebrated our "official" 20th anniversary (23 years total). I see the gorgeous woman I met on day one. She sees 23 years of someone who has delivered consistently, time and time again. What man whose 50 wants to commit his lifetime resources to some 45 year old woman he just met?
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
Yup, complaints as confession strikes again.
Play shallow cunt games, win shallow cunt prizes.
Land_of_the_losers 11mo ago
It really is funny how if you're an average-looking woman with a decent personality... you can do pretty damn well in dating.
That's right: you don't have to be a lingerie model. You don't have to have cosmetic surgery. You can be tall, you can be short. Men don't care about your job, they don't care what college you went to, they don't care about your car. They don't even care if you've shampooed or not. You don't have to be hard-working or smart either. Did you say something really stupid? Well, most men will think it's adorable and funny rather than rolling their eyes, sneering, curling their lip with disdain and groaning like you're a dumb piece of shit (that's your thing, after all).
Can you avoid being disgustingly obese? Good, that's half the job right there. Can you avoid having a terrible personality? Good, that's most of the rest of the job.
So if you're not obese and you have a decent personality, there's gotta be something else wrong with you which overwhelms those two pluses in your favor.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
The Big Dont's:
These are not big asks - women are born not being any of these things and have to actively choose to become them.
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
I don't know why, but the word "folks" has really started to annoy me.
Anyway, this bint thinks she's "The Table" which just means, "give me everything, and me existing is enough".
Nope, and she is finding out that approaching relationships from a mindset of being a precocious snob doesn't work out very well. I'm glad she's being edged out, because honestly why perpetuate those genes. Just get your silly hobbies sweetie and hand down shit advice to your hotter friends to sabotage them, as usual.
woodsmoke Respectful reprobate 11mo ago
Loathe as I am to claim any association with this entitled bitch, it could be she's from a more rural background. I grew up in a small town and spent a fair bit of time on my grandpa's farm as a kid, which saw me picking up a lot of "rustic" terms and turns of phrase.
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Possible, but I've noticed it creeping into large news outlets and other media, so I'm not a big fan of the word.
Funnily enough, I don't mind colloquialisms like "meemaw". Just something about the usage of "folks" that bothers me.
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
I love those "rustic" words too, I think the annoyance comes from them going mainstream and losing their meaning - getting co-opted to mean whatever idiots want them to mean.
Like for instance, in my head a patriarch is an older guy worthy of respect who runs a family well. I am proud to be one. But then you talk to other people and they think it's an insult.
woodsmoke Respectful reprobate 11mo ago
I expect it'll start bothering me now (or would if I actually read these articles), albeit for the opposite reason. That's my word, damn it!
... y'know, in the collective sense of "my" which includes rednecks and country boys in general.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
You say its a 'skill' issue, its not. It's a choice issue. The chose the CC.
There really is no skill required at all to have a successful life as a woman. None. You just need to NOT do certain things.
Don't be a slut.
Don't be fat.
Don't be a toxic cunt.
That's it. That's all you need to do.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
I actually covered an extended version of that list earlier; though I'd like to append one more to the list of "Dont's":
Because holeee-fuck do a lot of women biff that one and derail their lives by doing so.
And all of them are such obviously bad choices that all I can say is it takes a very particular skill at being bad at life to willingly make them like so many women do.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Suitable men = boring
Wrong kind of man = tingles & drama.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
In fact, you don't even need to be 'not fat' as a woman. There are plenty of men that like fat women. Personally, I quite like a chunky chick.
The real thing that men don't like is slutty cunts.
You could shorten it down to
"Don't be a slutty cunt"
woodsmoke Respectful reprobate 11mo ago
It's true chubby chasers are a thing (my best friend is one of 'em) but they're far from the norm. More to the point, you know as well as I do how women work; they'll take the information of "outliers exist" and run that home to an absolute, iron-clad certainty they will be that outlier, so there's no need to change what they're doing.
For any women reading: you do need to not be fat. Choose to do otherwise in the misguided belief you'll find a dude like LR or my friend and you'll have no one but yourself to blame when you eventually wind up being featured on our forum.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
Yup, the old "give them an inch and they blimp up to 300 lbs".
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
I was making the point that men's taste is much more varied than womens'. Men like all sorts of women, tall, short, skinny, chubby, blonde, dark haired etc etc etc. There are even men that love hairy women.
But the one thing that men can't and won't tolerate?
Being a toxic cunt.
With that in mind, it is amazing just how many toxic cunts there are out there that can't seem to figure it out.
houseoftolstoy Unchivalrous Christian 11mo ago
Absolutely. I would say that women who are serious about finding someone to marry should consider seeking out that kind of man as a part time job. It does not have to take that much time out of their days necessarily, but it should be considered one of their priorities in life, considering the stakes of being able to find a husband and have children. Any woman who says she does not have time shows that she does not really want to be a wife badly enough.
Land_of_the_losers 11mo ago
The women's role in courtship sounds close to the easiest goddamned job on the planet to me.
Granted, I don't know-- I've never been wined, dined and entertained by a volunteer tour guide who tries to cater to my whims and offers the occasional unexpected gift. I admit I have a lack of real-life experience to make a comparison with my own condition. But I have listened to lots of niggling, nickel-and-dime, chickenshit complaints about restaurants' air-conditioning being too high, jokes not being funny enough and inadequate levels of hot, brain-melting foreplay.
If those are your biggest grievances, then I can't really sympathize much. There are actual problems in the world, and those aren't among the top 5000.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
You're so unsympathetic. Yes, they get pampered by men, but NOT by the men they DESERVE (that's the actual word she used.)
You're right: It takes zero skill to ride the CC when she was young. Quote: "I've also attracted guys who had MOST of these traits BEFORE". When I was 35, I realized I couldn't get even a halfway decent woman who wasn't a single mother, had bi-polar personality disorder, or obese without developing skill so I did. It involved work and massive personal introspection.
I think many of these women COULD get the man they want but they'd have to put in some effort but she won't because she "deserves" these men even though they "discriminate" against her.
My wife just got back from a cruise with my family where a sister-in-law is 50 and still riding the CC. She gets botox (I suppose regularly) and has good genetics and stays in shape. She doesn't appear to mind that none of her boyfriends will stick around for long.
Land_of_the_losers 11mo ago
Yeah, well, the men she "deserves" are incorrectly choosing women who are hotter, younger and better than she is. Unfairly, too. Inexplicable. What sphinxlike ciphers they all are.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
There's so much gold in this comment thread. She and a fellow commenter tried to make their "standards" reasonable by claiming it was what "they" found attractive so it's not as if they're demanding a hollywood star that EVERY woman wants, just what 'she' wants. Oh, wait, she wants a guy who looks like Brad Pitt, but well, he doesn't have to look EXACTLY like Brad Pitt so she's not "too picky".
The funny thing is that Brad Pitt is 5'11" in height meaning that if he were to go on a dating app, he'd probably be filtered out by 1/2 of women on it.
Land_of_the_losers 11mo ago
Well if every woman wants the same dude, then it's logical that their standards are all "reasonable." No one wants to be that one freaky chick who's the same height as her husband, God forbid.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
It's amusing that most of them in their 40's would probably not want to stick around with a handsome man in his early 20's because women would talk about her behind her back. For all this talk about "strong women", they are massively socially insecure.
My aunt trash talked about my wife behind our back that I had married a "Green Card Whore" and yet my marriage (knock on wood) going after 25 years but all three of her sons got divorced by their conventional American women.
Come to think of it, this is a good way to look at the "strong women are masculine" paradigm: "Masculine strength" in this context is doing what we believe is the right or best thing (for us or others) without needing social validation and also, not jumping off a bridge because everyone else is.
Women such as this will wind up single but they won't be "alone" because so many other "strong women" are also winding up in the same boat.
With women: Misery truly does love company.
whytehorse2021 Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
I figured out that women project what THEY would do onto us men. THEY would go to another country and get a green card whore man. THEY would use their money and status to take advantage of a poor man with no education and doesn't speak English so they could use him as a maid and sex doll.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
30 years ago, a campus butch feminist gave a talk on the evils of pornography saying that men were socio-economically exploiting "vulnerable" women for men's pleasure. I pointed out that the porn industry paid these women well for very little work while career women sought out illegal immigrant women nannies and maids and paid them a fraction of the market wages. Los Angeles and New York at that time were the fashion capitals of the USA exploiting sweatshop women working long hours for little pay while career women overpaid for clothes because they were "designer labels". It's also an argument I use against them when they complain about a "pink tax" that men's clothing costs less and is better made: Because men prefer classic clothing that looks good and is well made and doesn't overpay for designer labels.
I just had a discussion with my wife about her eyeglasses. "Generic" but well made eyeglasses online? $40/pair. Go to the fancy salon or designer brand at Luxottica? Multiply that price by 10X. A friend of mine blew that much money on his daughter's glasses and I puked. My wife LOVES her eyeglasses and wants to order another pair.
whytehorse2021 Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
The projection here is that THEY would exploit economically vulnerable men for pleasure(and there is a long history of this occurring), whereas men pay women for their time in a transactional manner.
Land_of_the_losers 11mo ago
Haha, I read that sentence as "My aunt trash" and I thought, 'wow, she sounds lousy.' Then I re-read it, and saw 'trash talked'. Ah, okay. But then I was like 'yeah, maybe I was right the first time.'
MFVORX 11mo ago
Every time I read one of these little compilations, I think about the shrew typing it and how her blood pressure and pulse spike during every response.
I'm a neurotic guy and have to actively keep it in check. This dizzy broad triggers herself for funsies.
JudgeSmales 11mo ago
She caps off 1,000 words of hopeless coping with this cringey line near the end: "The biggest thing is that I've learned not to accept less than what I deserve." /facepalm
Also, notice she never claims guys are using her for sex before they bail, so she might be a fatty. In fact, if people who know her say she's "too picky," they might mean "pickier than a fat girl has any right to be."
Land_of_the_losers 11mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Penchant for plastic dolls 11mo ago
I hope one day there is a virtual reality simulation that shows women what it's like to be a man. Like they just walk around the simulation trying to flirt with simulation women and get turned down etc, try to take women home etc and see how hard it is.
"Impossible to win as a woman" my ass
You can't win cause you're shooting out of your league with Chad(s) for your entire 13 or so firtile years and leaving all the skeletons of your best realistic prospects dead in the friendzone while you complain about jerks™ fuckbois™ and assholes™
Then you hit the wall and try to claw back all the men you otherwise would have been happy™ with but your SMV has by then depreciated too low to get the men you could have always had
Impossible to win, my ass, you're just trying to win with men you have no chance of earning ever and then bitching, you're greedy as f*ck
First-light Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
That hamster wheel is going to burn its bearings out.
Buy a cat. It will treat you with contempt and give you fleas but you will not have lowered your standards and you can continue to not have the energy to commit to anything and the cat won't care because the cat was never committed to you.
woodsmoke Respectful reprobate 11mo ago
Hey now, cats absolutely form a bond and are affectionate with their person. They just aren't sluts about it like dogs are. Ain't no call to subject an innocent cat to this selfish cunt's "attentions."
What she needs is a pet rock. Preferably a really big one carved into with a rope threaded through the middle. She can call it Milly.
She already has the metaphorical millstone about her neck weighing her down romantically. Maybe if she makes it a real one she'll finally put 2 and 2 together.
I doubt it but, y'know. It's technically possible. And women love living in the world of the possible.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
I laughed when I read "I have also attracted guys that have most of those traits before"
I literally laughed out loud. When she says she 'attracted' those men, what she means is that they slept with her. That's it. They fucked her.
What she (and others) fail to realise is this: men will fuck anything. It doesn't mean much to us. Esp when we are young, we just want action. We'll fuck all sorts of women that we would never consider LTRing.
She was just one of those girls.
All women make this mistake, they say 'I get a lot of interest from guys' or 'Loads of guys try to hit on me'
And then they say, 'So its really weird that I am not in a marriage???'
Lots of guys give interest or talk to her, because they think she is ok looking and wont' be too much effort to shag.
wswZtyqNGQ 11mo ago
I'm scared that one day an evil billionaire will discover a way to turn these raging loser inspins' copium into kinetic energy. Because that'll be more than enough to power a Death Star.
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 10mo ago
this is redundant though
Land_of_the_losers 11mo ago
Ain't no lead wall thick enough to shield that reactor core.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
"Status update please, chief engineer"
"All reactors are online, and powered up. The Inspins are generating at normal levels. Wait..... OH NO! News just got into Reactor 4 that Leonardo Di Caprio has a new girlfriend, and she's only 27! The main reactor core is going critical..........."
"Engage emergency graphite rod proceedures"
Negative, cooling function can't hold - ITS GOING TO BLOW!
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
Wait, he changed his trade-in policy? Usually they don't make it past 25.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
In an effort to get back in with the Woke crowd, he has increased the limit to 27.
MelkorHimself Mod 11mo ago
The 6% average divorce rate for arranged marriages has entered the chat.
Land_of_the_losers 11mo ago
I'm not a big fan of arranged marriages, but I have met a few women (and their fatherless kids) who might've benefitted from the custom.
You know what creates a solid foundation for a lasting relationship? Love at first sight leading to a drunken and/or drug-induced hookup. That's how my great-grandparents met before my grandmother caught polio on their wedding night and they both spent the next 60 years in the same twin-sized iron lung. They never left each other's side!
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
Not only that, but women have it easier when it comes to having sex without arousal. A man simply cannot perform unless he can get aroused somehow. If a man craves sex, he either finds a way to "settle" such as perhaps turning out the lights and hitting it from behind or he pays for dates, approaches women, etc.
In other words, women such as this have sexual dysfunctions and they think this is "normal" or even optimal hence the "I'm perfect just as I am" or "I deserve this".
moorekom Urban Hoe Guerrilla 11mo ago
Leaving aside the facts that she rode the cc and is late to the party, here is an important question to her: what is the age range of the men you're interested in?
Is it 30s? Better, younger women than you are vying for the successful ones.
Is it 40s? You have tough competition and you haven't said shit about how you qualify except for sharing the fact that you get dumped after a short while even though you have "standards".
Is it 20s? You're practice. It's not that you cannot get what you want, the question is whether you have what it takes. Doesn't look like you do.
whytehorse2021 Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
OK, as a cougar expert, here's how it works:
20s: These guys know their SMV is low so they go for cougars while they build their value. The cougars check off the attractive box on these guys but they don't have careers, houses, status, etc. So she complains about that plus these guys aren't interested in settling down into an LTR so she complains about that.
30s: These guys are just coming into their peak SMV but some don't know it yet. They know they've been starved for pussy all through their 20s and finally get to have their hoe phase. So they try all the different kinds of women, old and young. They may be thinking about LTR but realize they have options. So they can be jerks, ghost women, spin plates, etc. So she complains about these guys that have it all but won't commit(to her).
40s: This is me. Happily married with kids. Or it's my divorced friends. None of us want a serious relationship with her and we have had our hoe phase. She's at best a booty call that we use to reminisce over our 20s by getting with a cougar that has extensive sexual experience.
In all fairness, a guy who makes it to his 40s, is single, is not traumatized by women, has never been married, has no kids, has a career, house, car, etc, is either fugly ugly, a priest, or a GigaChad that can get a 20yr old. We all know which one she "deserves".
houseoftolstoy Unchivalrous Christian 11mo ago
"I've also attracted guys who have most of these traits" (smart, good-looking, fun-personality, stable career) is a rather useless statement when she is still single. What matters is if these guys stick around, as that is the real test for whether or not she is considered a catch to a man. Plenty of men are willing to have a "relationship" with a woman so that he can have sex with her in spite of any of her major detriments. It is only when a man chooses to stick with a woman long term (such as with marriage) that signifies her as a quality woman.
And yes, "lower your standards" does mean looks. Because so many women are using looks as the first and often only filter for whether or not they want a relationship with a guy. So the women in this thread bringing up that point are correct. They just do not realize that they are unreasonable with their attractiveness standards and that they need to be more pragmatic if they want to have any long term committed relationship.
And one extra point, the one woman complaining about the struggles of hookup culture is revealing that she participated in that and got burned. The only women who complain about hookup culture are those that were engaging in it themselves and found out that they are on the wrong side of the wall with no relationship to show for all their squandered time.
ogrilla99 Pez "The Pussy Dispenser" Pimp 11mo ago
I totally get what she means. I mean I myself want to have a one night stand with a lingerie model. And don't tell me to lower my standards! After all, I've been successful in getting them to accept expensive dinners, trips to Paris, and diamond necklaces, all on my dime. So of course I have what it takes to pump-n-dump them. I know what I deserve, and I'm going to keep draining my bank account paying for their shit until one of them finally fucks me.
P.S. and once my bank account is zero and I can't even get them to dine with me, I'll go on reddit and proclaim loudly that I'm sick of gold diggers and I've matured from the sugar daddy phase and now will only accept lingerie models who will fuck me without a possible trip to Paris at the end of it.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
Which is why men should treat any sort of complaint from women as a form of confession.
Complains about hookup culture? She's been fucking Mr Right Now instead of Mr Right.
Complains about men not settling down? She's been fucking well above her strata.
Land_of_the_losers 11mo ago
Over the weekend, I was at a college English literary symposium in which a former colleague-- PhD in Gender Studies-- delivered an earnest analysis of the book "13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl", something which I have never read and have no intention of ever reading.
After his heart-rending descriptions of the ravages of anorexia and the scourge of fat-shaming, I had the urge to stand and say "Other than anorexia, can you name any other medical condition which isn't exacerbated by gaining lots of weight?"
The correct answer would be "NOT A SINGLE ONE, which leads to obvious questions about the importance of this Americo-centric anorexia fixation and the ignorance of basic knowledge among the people who endlessly hand-wring over it", but I wouldn't have expected to hear a good answer and I didn't wish to embarrass the fellow. He wasn't a native English speaker, after all.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
The focus on anorexia is perplexing.
In the UK, the national health releases cause of death statistics. Can you guess how many die each year from anorexia (in all it's forms)? About 46.
Now each one of those is a tragedy. My heart goes out to any parent that has to bury a child. I feel for them.
But now guess how many people die each year from obesity in the UK?
It's over 130,000 (estimates vary, because obestity has so many knock on effects, such as heart failure, diabetes, cancer etc).
The TLDR: the number of people that die from undereating is a miniscule. The number that die from obesity is huge.
But anorexia gets much more focus, more talks in the schools for young girls, more "safety based interventions" (new speak for censorship) on social media platforms than the topic of obsessity.
Because at some point a blue haired and hairy bunch of men hates decided that 'Fat is a feminist issue'. And because we live in a Femocracy, it was then decided that Anorexia is bad and being fat is empowering.
This is how identity politics kills everything, including science and medicine, and including its own believers.
How many women have died because we didn't have the balls to deliver school talks that would honestly tell them that being fat is going to kill you?
Land_of_the_losers 11mo ago
The anorexia fixation goes back to at least the early 1990s, Naomi Wolf published a book which claimed that ideas of beauty were destructively oppressive to women, and anorexia fits in that vein perfectly. She mis-quoted some specialist in eating disorders to claim that 150,000 women DIE FROM anorexia each year, rather than "suffers" from it, but the death claim got repeated uncritically and hysterically elsewhere in the media for quite some time. It dovetailed nicely with various feminist ideas of the era. Anorexia is ideologically-useful; anything which kills women but can't be blamed on men just isn't as important.
By the early 2000s, the fleshy wrecking-ball feminist Andrea Dworkin died, and her health (and mobility) had clearly been complicated by her obesity. This fact was politely ignored in contemporary feminist commentary on her life.
Interestingly, Hong Kong's leading anorexia specialist (Dr. Sing Lee) had some interesting observations... See, in the 1980s and early 1990s, anorexia in Hong Kong expressed differently from the English-speaking world. One of the symptoms in the west was a distorted body image; people wrongly insisting that they were too fat. in Hong Kong at the time, the distorted body image was absent; the people in his clinic knew that they were too skinny so it was a different-looking illness from what was described in the English-language scholarship. But then, in the mid-1990s, various mass-media began reporting on international celebrities who had western-style anorexia. Suddenly anorexia was all over the news in HK in a way that it had never been newsworthy before. After that, Hong Kong's anorexics started to increase in number and change to become more like what was shown.
He postulated that a certain percentage of anorexia nervosa patients were just attention-seekers. And the media coverage of anorexia was signaling to these people "this is the proper way to do it." So in his view, anorexia is a culturally-influenced, media-fed phenomenon of the affluent, but not in the way that feminists claim.
If your teenage daughter thinks she has anorexia, maybe turn off the fucking TV and unglue the smartphone from her hand until she gets slightly hungry.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
One of my high school classmates from an affluent family had it (her family had an elevator in their home). Back then, it was probably driven by the fashion magazines that featured skinny models.
A friend of mine who worked in the fashion industry told me some interesting stuff: Stores have "skinny mirrors" like a funhouse so that women see themselves as skinnier in them when they try on the clothes (there was a Seinfeld episode where Elaine bought a dress and was angry when she got home and she appeared "fat" in it looking at home) So this gal told me some women actually bought the skinny mirrors for their own homes.
Another thing they have is the "special" sizes. Fashion designers don't want to make clothes for normal women even as normal women have the money to buy them (not too many size zero teenagers have a grand lying around) so to retain their status, the fashion designers have special size "zeros" for normal women to wear and say they're a size zero.
George Clooney got his start working in a shoe store (like Al Bundy) and was reportedly shocked during the 80's when some women actually had amputated toes to fit into smaller size shoes. (Like Cinderella's evil sister).
Land_of_the_losers 11mo ago
Good god, I did not know that.
Some old fairy tales can be delightfully morbid. You might've heard that eastern Slavic cultures had a Santa Claus analog named Ded' Moroz (Grandfather frost) who, in addition to giving gifts to good children, would apply some kind of freeze-ray to naughty children. Sort of like Captain Cold in the Legion of Doom.
Speaking of evil sisters, when my older sibling was three years old, the week before Christmas she declared that she didn't believe in Santa Claus. On Christmas morning, she got coal in her stocking.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
It's "Father Frost (Fairy Tale). I read Slavic tales to my daughter, tons of fun. Quite frankly, I prefer these to Dr. Seuss and Disney. I enjoyed these at an adult level:
I also love Wolf and Rabbit which is about a proletariat wolf just trying to live his life. EVERYONE sympathizes with wolf.
Regarding the toes: It brings to mind how socially driven women are about beauty. Us men simply know what we like and want to get our rocks off. Women appear to be driven like baboons by social status hence this troubling trend of women getting baboon lips and brazillian butt implants to impress other women but also cutting off toes to fit into smaller shoes as a status symbol. Men, even chads, aren't going to know the difference between a size 7 and size 8 shoe. Anorexia was driven by the fashion industry that glamorized anemic teenage girls.
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Victim-framing is always a sign to me that someone isn't serious about their future.
If you're always the victim, there's zero incentive to change anything.
Its also why I don't find women who employ this tactic to be remotely interesting, much less attractive to me.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Playing the victim is comfortable. It means that someone else is to blame for your disaster of a life. Once a person gets to experience the warmth of a really good pity party, its hard to leave.
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
I have no doubts that the short-term payoff is the "oh you poor thing" that women get from all their friends.
It explains a lot about current society. I'm sure women have always had this tendency, but it was usually moderated by social pressure and standards that don't exist today.
Now whining about having to work, not finding a boyfriend and crying about problems from being a unfit slob are all welcomed and encouraged. I don't know where it ends, maybe we trend down globally in birth rates for a while and things equalize. Maybe?
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
The mid to long term prospects are not good for the west.
Declining birth rates are being propped up by immigration (and immigration destroys a country in a short time frame).
The west is becoming weaker because we are becoming more and more inefficient (because of woke nonsense, ESG, D&I) which will result in our competitors becoming stronger. The Ukraine was is great really exposes the inefficiency of the west.
We are outspending Russia by about 12 to 1 to get a stalemate. This is a sign that nobody can ignore.
whytehorse2021 Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
I don't think we're outspending Russia by that margin. Russia is using tanks made in 60s and losing a lot of them. They're constantly losing all kinds of equipment, ships, planes, BMPs, soldiers, etc at a rate far outpacing Ukraine. So you'd need to do some back-calculations to get the real cost.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
US military budget = just gone over a trillion
In the last decade or so, the US military budget was hovering around $880bn. Russian was spending about $60bn a year. So more than 10 times greater.
The best estimages I have seen for the amount spent on western support for Ukraine comes in at $600hn. That is about 10 times the entire Russian defence budget. Granted, the defense budget in Russia has increased since the invasion. But we also have to realise that they are not spending their entire mil budget on Ukraine - they still have a large navy, airforce etc and many many other bases.
My estimate that the west is outspending Russia by a factor of 12x is actually a conservative estimate.
And thats for a stalemate.
Source: Each year federal agencies receive funding from Congress, known as budgetary resources . In FY 2024, the Department of Defense (DOD) had $1.62 Trillion distributed among its 6 sub-components. Agencies spend available budgetary resources by making financial promises called obligations .
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Edit: The estimate for the $600bn figure includes military aid (materials) from ALL the west, not just USA. The EU and UK are also contributing a large amount of money to this misguided nonsense.
whytehorse2021 Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Well, I think it's fair to compare the Ukraine budget to Russia if you account for losses but the US military does way more than Ukraine. Russia also just raised their military spending to $100B, a third of all public expenditure.
Impressive-Cricket-8 Founding member of FapGPT 11mo ago
Damn, that woman feels like an amalgamation of 100 other single women over 35: the same problems, the same complaints, the same everything. That's a one-woman market research control group.
Another one who didn't get the memo that men and women are different, and thus are seeking different things in a relationship. I'm sure you'd make a great husband, but a great husband is looking for a great wife.
And none stuck around.
According to whom? Because those men don't seem to agree.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
They always manage to tell on themselves not bothering to treat men like human beings with their own wants and needs by how blatantly they get blindsided by that reality.
Land_of_the_losers 11mo ago
Oh they do know what the wants and needs are, they just consider them to be illegitimate, ridiculous and unworthy of serious treatment.
Exhibit A: Men's standards are framed as DISCRIMINATION-- unfair, unjust, immoral, stemming perhaps from prejudice-- whereas her own standards are sacrosanct. Not "reasonable" or "valid" or even "my own wants and needs which may be on the high end" but something inviolable, akin to a constitutional right or a recognized national border.
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
The "I'm the table" response to men's justified question of their suitability is the distillation of this self-centered attitude, for sure.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
I saw this and thought I won the leftover woman lottery. Her post itself is quite revealing but the more she commented the more she revealed how they share similarities in thinking and even terminology. "I deserve", "standards", "discrimination".
I'll beg to differ with you that she'd make a great husband in that such women don't bring their masculine traits as assets. She won't pay for a dinner date to land a spouse like I did. She is NOT entertaining and fun to be around on a date. Such women THINK they are fun to be around because when they're HAVING fun (provided by someone else), they aren't complaining.
But even if she was being accurate in her high assessment of herself, there truly are a lack of men that meet her high "standards" in her age range. Women like her are a dime a dozen. "good looking" men can simply afford to play the field indefinitely.
A Chad colleague of mine married a pretty woman who also came from a family that owns a dozen large commercial real estate properties. His kids and grandkids are set for life. Does her father have "huge tracts of land?"
chunky 11mo ago
Indeed, let her step up to pay for dinner dates, unclog some toilets, and change some tires on the side of the highway, THEN she might make a good husband. She acquired enough masculine traits to fail as a woman, but not enough to succeed as a man.