Dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show women's poor dating behavior and unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves.
Posted 11mo ago in Leftovers - Permalink - Locked - 10.2K Views
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We're just a bunch of clueless NiceGuys™ with kindness coins that don't seem to work in women's holes so that the sex we're "entitled to" falls out. Because apparently we weren't demonstrating good relationship material through the attention, respect and stability that women demand. We were only "pretending" to be nice just to get laid.
In response to r/niceguys, this forum is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man" after dating jerks and riding the cock carousel in the prime of their youth, and think they're deserving of commitment and financial stability when all they have left to offer is their depreciating looks, narcissistic mentality, used-up vaginas, and another man's kids.
Women in their 20s have numerous opportunities to date the decent men they claim to want, but many reject or friendzone these men for jerks and promiscuity. She takes advantage of a good dude's kindness for attention and favors, then accuses him of being a bad person who thinks he's entitled to sex.
But when she's in her 30s with depreciating looks, jerks who won't commit, the likelihood of being a single mom, and the social pressure from her married friends, she asks "Where have all the good men gone?"[1][2] Funny how back when she was chasing the bad boys "Being nice is the bare minimum", but now that she's past her prime and needs a bailout, she wants a man with nice guy traits.
Furthermore, dating jerks and riding the carousel before settling down with a good man is planned by many women, and encouraged by feminists. They then come to the dating market with unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves. Such women are totally unaware that the mature, stable men they now need are the same decent men they rejected, except these men remember the rejection and are responding in kind to avoid unstable, unappreciative women who view them more as ATMs than romantic partners.
The reason women end up here is because their behavior is not exposed as the lucid, self-destructive, feminist ideology that it is. And we're here to help Good Men guard their commitment and resources by exposing women who would make poor life partners and mothers of their children. Providing observations and opinions on the posts here allows us to better understand women's psyche and later depressive/miserable state when they are not held to a moral standard required for healthy, functioning relationships.
Rules of conduct:
1. No shaming men for any reason.
2. No white-knighting or NAWALT. This is not a debate forum.
3. No comments such as "Her profile looks decent", "She's not asking for much", "At least she's honest". No comments saying a post is fake without proof. Proof must be sent via modmail.
- 4. No brigading, doxxing or witch-hunting. Do not look for the individuals posted here, nor ask or give their personal info/social media, nor ask or give the source or you will be banned and reported to the admins. See here and here.
Rules for submission:
5. Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy". (Examples, details)
5b. No posts of women who are merely fat, post-wall, unattractive, seeking sex or money, nor women merely behaving badly. (Examples NOT allowed)
6. No personal information in dating profiles or social media accounts. Take a screenshot and censor all names, social media, hometown, school, and place of work. Additionally, censor any children's faces if their mommy included them in any profile photos.
7. No links to any subreddits or websites, nor crossposts where the OP is a woman. For articles use For Reddit use a censored screenshot. Screenshots must contain the full story. No links to any women's Youtube, TikTok, etc. videos. Use to upload videos after censoring them through
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- 9. Other content may be posted on the weekends. See the types of content we allow.
Recommended reading:
Dating profiles showing women's Dual-Mating strategy and unreasonable standards
OkCupid study shows women reject 80% of men based on looks alone
Milo - The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Women Want to Know Why Men Don't Want to Marry Anymore...Allow Me
WAATGM mod explains why promiscuous women can't get good men to commit.
Okay, I get it. You're sick of hearing men complain about girls only dating assholes.
Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Nice Guys: We Don’t Want You Anymore
Dear Single Moms: I wasn't your type then, why am I all of a sudden your type now?
The Truth About Single Moms Who Bring Young Children To The Dating Market
Carol asks WAATGM for the harsh truth after riding the carousel
- Complete list of resources here.
Link Flair:
The Big Question- Carol asks "Where are all the good men?", "Why can't I find a decent guy?", "What happened to chivalry and respect?"
Bailout- Carol wants a man to help raise her kids and provide financial stability.
Leftovers- Carol whines about how hard dating is as an older woman.
Dual-Mating Strategy- Carol admits to promiscuity and dating jerks but now wants a good guy to settle down with. Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.
Cock Carousel Rider: Carol complains about being single while having a history of promiscuity.
Entitlement Princess- Carol has unreasonable standards while offering little to no value herself.
- New Carols Unlocked!- A list of all the Carols we've identified.
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Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Maybe she improved her self too much, and is now just too awesome? We all know that men are intimidated by women that are to awesome.
Also, we all know that men are shit and just paedos, so why would she want a man in the first place? Isn't that supporting the patriarchy? Why is she degrading herself and the sistahood in this way?
She needs to go to feminism camp and learn how to be a strong independent woman. And learn to love eating pussy and stop shaving her legs and armpits. I bet she doesn't even have blue hair. Fucking loser.
sean_karaya Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Please ELI5.
Who exactly is amazed by this, and who is handing out the Amazing Person (TM) cookies?
Real life doesn't always allow credit transfer. Why doesn't she become a mate for the person who stated that?
Their commitment, their choice? Why would they take instructions from others about where to put their commitment or whom to let in their sacred commitment zone?
There was one thing i learned. If one doesn't have their own definition of luxury , morality... Etc other people will come in and try to control them. Same goes for relationship . It seems this woman is trying to control the narrative of what other people's relationship should be
See above. Also I can't wrap my head around why she lands so precisely on "self help" books. That's not a silver bullet.
Cool. Your vacation. It doesn't add anything to my life in real time. So why should I care? If you want value out of your vacation write a travel blog?
If I need art/ film ... I can ask chat GPT or Sora. Why is your opinion of art/film of any value to my life?
The usual answer is I guess conversation. But I don't find conversation about her opinion about art is in any way fulfilling. At least not to me, I can't see myself there.
Then... Why do I need her again? Why do I need the additional difficulty I. My life? What do I get from her that justifies the problem?
If the answer is "interesting" then look at my comments on amazing.
It seems that she's trying to be a schoolmistress to her partner, where she can "teach him" her version of the world/vacations/art.... Unfortunately as a man as I grow older, I personally get less and less interested in such schoolmistresses, definitely less interested to pay for wining and dining her.
Since women are always telling us, that we aren't entitled to a romantic relationship when we are young, and rightfully so, why are they considering us the problem when the tables turn and it's their turn to understand that they aren't entitled to anything?
And she says that men aren't self aware?
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Here is what she is missing (and its quite sad)
She is disparaging her pool of available men BUT what she fails to realise is that this (in her mind terrible) range of options is nothing but a mirage anyway.
I know this kind of woman. I have listened to them across dinner tables, their tales of woe from the dating game at over 40. They all sing the same song:
"The guys in my cohort are useless and rubbish - I go on dates with them and I have never met one that I would like to marry"
And I listen to them in silence. I never tell them, because they would only shoot the messenger.
The thing I would tell them if I could?
Listen lady, you are not understanding the situation. None of these guys that you are going out of dates with are actually interested in marrying you. Nobody is interested in marrying you. They are simply looking for some sex. And they are going out on dates, because that is what they think that need to do to get sex. You're thinking marriage, they are thinking how long do I need to listen to this nonsense before we get to the sex.
You are not happy with your 'options' but what you don't even realise is that they are not actually options. Those guys, the divorced dads, the freyed around the edges guys, with receding hairlines and middle age spread, those very same guys that you think are below you, would not marry you in a million years.
They are down dating. You don't realise it, but they are down dating. They are realists. They would rather be fucking a woman 20 years younger than you, but they are realistic and they know the game. They think that the only way to get sex is to pose as a guy that's interested in 'something real' or 'something long term', go on OLD and try and find a post wall woman that is desperate for a bailout.
Their strategy is to pose as an interested party that might bail out a leftover, then 'sample the goods', then ghost you and move on.
You keep telling us its happening over and over again, that you keep getting ghosted, and you can't put two and two together
But lady, I have even worse news for you. Are you ready to hear some bad news?
No matter how much you hate what is happening to you now (in your 40s), you are really not going to like the next phase of your life.
Right now, you are getting some interest on OLD from what you might think are 3rd tier men (not tall, not ripped, not billionaires, you know, ordinary men). Very soon, you will not be getting any calls from them either. Very soon, you will be invisible even to broke 80 year old men living in a trailer.
If you don't like what is happening now, as your RMV hovers around zero, you will really not enjoy things as it dips below zero and into negative territory.
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
On a completely unrelated note, someday I want to be an 80 year old man living in a trailer.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Hit me up when you get there - I'll come over on my motorcycle and we can play poker, drink tea and smoke cigars outside sitting on white plastic chairs.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
Incredible analysis. Here's another reason why marriage isn't in her future: Women such as herself viewed relationships with men as a business: They'd have "relationships" with men in exchange for the man giving her stuff. The men had relationships with them because the relationships came with sex. An analogy is how bars in Virginia can only serve food with alcohol so people who go to bars to drink also have to "want" food. Everyone pretends that they go to the bar to buy food but they really go there to buy drinks.
When they're young, they believe that the men want "relationships" with them and that includes men paying for the "relationship" with assets. But what happens when the women's combined "relationship"+sex isn't worth buying? She gets "inferior" men offering "relationships" but she fails to realize that's like a bar charging $10 for pretzels and old beer. The patrons are losers who only want to pay $5 for the pretzels. When there's no more "beer", she won't be able to give away the pretzels for free.
Problematic_Browser Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Women have a problem, and it's that they don't listen to men.
There is nothing wrong with self improvement. The problem is that women improve in ways that don't fucking matter to men then they mistakenly assume that it's men who are the problem.
We tell them what we want, they continue to do what they want and act surprised when we aren't interested in their results.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
Note that even she admits that she refuses to improve despite hearing men want "sweet and understanding" but she refuses to since as boss babe, she reserves the right to act masculine (as she sees it) by getting upset if something goes wrong in life.
On the other hand, men on a date are often shit tested with bad behavior by women to ensure we're "self confident". She'll act badly towards him to see if his feelings are hurt (like a loser human being) and if he doesn't laugh it off, he's a "wimp". During dating, we're treated like disposable employees by a tech company on a job interview and expected to act as if we enjoy it.
It is perfectly possible to act "sweet and understanding" at all times. Beta males or "BP" men do it all the time in that these men act like women on a date and modern masculine women (who also are feminist bosses) find such men loathsome. They could simply copy how BP men act.
mattyanon TRP Endorsed 11mo ago
Dating exists for the purpose of reproduction.
Men are designed to date in ways that lead to offspring.
Those that did anything else have long since died out.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Dating exists for the purpose of vampire women extracting value from lonely BP Men, in exchange for the vague hope of LTR with kids. It's a kind of fraud.
Dating is a waste of time, because it doesn't lead to anything. Dates are retarded.
Men have two choices;
Marriage with the least bad woman they can find, to create stable unit in which to raise offspring.
In neither of these two options has 'dating' got anything to do with anything. Dating will not lead to either outcome.
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
I agree that dating is a colossal waste of time (and money).
Women should not be dating because they should not be involved much in their choice of men. They always screw this up because they think with their emotions and get addicted to relationship drama - endless attention from both men and women.
As you know I separate marriage into two categories, but I would never recommend option (1) because it's just a bad State contract no man should ever sign. And it's rarely a "stable unit" either, because the wife holds all the cards from the start, culturally and legally, and rarely becomes a good wife.
That leaves option (2) or MGTOW/monk mode. Neither are great options. I feel for my fellow men.
Mixximus_XX 11mo ago
Hope for the best is vague. You can assign the meaning yourself.
For me it is cream pieing the sluts whenever I can't be traced and if possible holding then on fake face-book or smth. So I can estimate the result of cream.
Just fucking and hoping for the best doesn't exactly work if they can trace you.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
fucking sluts and hoping for the best does't work even if they can't trace you because you are reproducing with brain dead sluts. So your children will be brain dead as well. And apart from being retarded by virtue of having 50% retarded slut genes, they will suffer as well from environmental issues (raised by single mom slut).
So while banging sluts might feel good in the moment, we all realise that its a dead end from a reproduction point of view.
Mixximus_XX 11mo ago
The way the genetics work it is possible to have child raised by a single slut, that is intelligent, good looking etc. The head start is crippled, but then TRP space have some stories of dudes that overcame that as well.
So while shooting around is not the best way to use ammo, shooting ammo that comes for free is not such a bad idea.
Combined with possibility that something would happen to 'you', shooting around increase the chance to pass on the genes and have offspring [school shooter got it very wrong here].
There is at least thousands of dudes that did not extend their line and: died tragically at 22 or otherwise are not able to speak up [crippled in war, blind at 30, been Chad but now homeless]. If they'd use their best shot, their genes would still have chance. Only zero input gives zero chance.
For that reason I say to keep contact / details of the chance-mother using fake accounts or obtaining her details for tracing. One can come back if possible, or just use the hand of god in rising a child if in such position.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
I can see what is going on here - in behavioural economics its called 'false attribution'
She see's that women that 'do the work' and improve themselves seem to have a hard time finding a mate.
Here's why
Women only 'do the work' after they hit the wall and have been ran through. It's only when the phones stop ringing, when they are not longer getting interest from men that they revert to desperate measures (trying to self improve).
It's too little, too late. Women might start trying to take care of themselves or behave a bit more grown up a few years after being ejected from the CC. Just a bit. They'll buy a few self help books, go to pilates, that sort of thing.
And she is attributing this to the fact that she (and her ilk) are being ignored.
They really are that stupid.
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
So fucking true.
As you know, women's value is front-loaded, men have to build theirs up from nothing. There was no work to do when they were in their prime, up to the biological wall. Now, they have to do something because little perky Katie who's 20-something can get any guy she wants, and it pisses the older women off.
Some women "get it" and don't treat their 20's like a throw-it-all-away-YOLO-fest, but some do. I'm sure she did. I say she's reaping what she has sown, and honestly it makes me laugh.
BecomingABetterMan1 11mo ago
Maybe she should have developed that "grounded sense of self worth" when she actually had the intrinsic worth she was born with.
Impressive-Cricket-8 Founding member of FapGPT 11mo ago
Oh, boy. Where to begin?
Instead of self improvement, try some self awareness.
A long time ago, I met this chick. We were somewhat friends, maybe going for something more. And one day we met at the mall. She bought three relationship self-help books. Now I understant that it was my clue that she was not a great a catch as she said she was.
Fixed that for you.
I had an unique hotdog a few weeks ago. It really impacted my weekend. Let's just say I won't be going back for more. Unique is not the same as good or valuable.
How kind of you. Truly, you're a saint. I cannot imagine why someone wouldn't date an
entitledamazing woman like yourselfWelcome to being a man.
And how interesting are your days with wine and bitching about your love life? Interesting men of all ages are dating women half your age.
Quite telling.
And yet I'm sure you're incapable of even that.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
I'm surprised minds greater than mine didn't spot this: "The more self improvement I carry out, the bigger a gulf there is between me and the [men] who ask me out"
"Instead of self improvement, try some self awareness."
There's a LOT contained in that woman's statement indicating her lack of understanding with how attraction works (or how she wants it to work).
If someone becomes more attractive particularly mentally and financially, that doesn't necessarily increase the quality of the people who ask you out. Men are well aware of this. Being smarter and richer just means that you're less likely to be rejected when you ask someone out.
In modern-traditional-liberated woman mindset, men should still do the asking out but ONLY the ones she wants to ask her out. She refuses to acknowledge that her level of physical attraction, combined with the modern era, means that she is technically correct: No matter how hard she works on "herself", the men who ask her out won't improve.
The advantage to not making approaches or even OLD is that she doesn't get any rejection feedback. She only hears from men she dislikes asking her out that she has value (which she also learns from all of her self help books) and if HVM don't ask her out, well, they must not exist then. If I don't clean my room and my room doesn't clean itself, then clean rooms are obviously impossible to have.
wswZtyqNGQ 11mo ago
Kissinger couldn't make a détente more elaborate than this! What a perfect limbo this woman has created. She can spend half a century stuck here with absolutely no need to challenge her mental awareness and self-esteem. Shit, even the ancient gods could not have created a curse more punitive than she has for herself. (Tantalus and Sisyphus would tell her to chill out.)
Vermillion-Rx Penchant for plastic dolls 11mo ago
This woman is the blue pill equivalent of a man who focuses on the wrong self development like being Sweet, overly caring, and providerish instead of masculine and exciting, except the female equivalent. Instead of developing her feminine attributes, such as being sweet, easygoing, fit, frugal, cooperative, feminine, etc, she decided to balls in with masculine career climbing and making as much money as possible.
Now she is blaming men for their lack of attraction and drawing all the wrong conclusions from this. Men don't hate when women improve themselves, we don't want weight gain or any of these other downgrades etc as she facetiously suggests, it's that we want women who aren't trying to climb the masculine ladder. We want a woman who compliments the masculine development ladder we are climbing but with feminine compliment
She also goes on to disparagingly ripping on her own dating pool by calling them "creatures". Knocking prospects for me but not for thee.
This has to be the blue pill equivalent of being a woman, just completely misunderstanding sexual dynamics from the female side
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
That's not precisely true in that even if a woman was all the things you describe, her frustration is that she's too old anyway for the kind of man she thinks she deserves.
The "traditional dating" paradigm of the past century has been that a woman should wait for a man to "lead" and approach her and tolerate her rejection as feedback. That kind of one sided demand ONLY works when someone has an exceptionally high market value, like some child actor star in hollywood or a lottery ticket winner.
She's angry that "the men who approach her" are a bunch of "uninteresting" guys and the "interesting" ones only want young women. It's unfair that her one sided demands only worked when she was young! Every one of these women should sit down and listen to "Glory Days" by Bruce Springsteen on a loop for an hour until she gets it: her Glory Days are over and no amount of, quote, "sweet, easygoing, fit, frugal, cooperative, feminine" will claw them back.
Going RP for men is similar in that even if we develop all these masculine, success traits, there's limits with what we can achieve with what God gave us and the 1950's dream of a submissive woman who "loves us as we are" like an Air Supply song just isn't going to happen either. It's not just about improving, but also "settling".
Steve Harvey said the most incredible thing to his deluded fan base when he told them: "Fly business class and then you'll be spoiled and you won't settle for an average life anymore and you'll become successful" as if developing expensive tastes automatically would magically push one to become successful but instead, it most likely makes the person miserable and unable to be happy. I'll fly economy to Munich and stay in a B&B and have a great time any day of the week.
Vermillion-Rx Penchant for plastic dolls 11mo ago
I did mean to include that her age precludes her at this point but that she should have spent her youth development the right "improvement" before she ended up in this predicament. Her age has only been a massive nail in the coffin if not the body itself of the coffin
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
I marvel at the difference in women prior to the dating apps. Up until the 90's, women with these bad attitudes at least got what many men did: empty static as they were left ignored, I referred to them as The Corporate Nuns. They waited for the "right man" to ask them out, and waited, and they were alone for years. One was a 33 year old virgin.
Sitting around waiting for the perfect approach, for men to "lead' and "plan" for the perfect courtship, and, of course, satisfy her every other demand while she only provides feedback about what she wants is what most women are taught is the ideal behavior to find an ideal man. The only problem is that this sets them up for being toys for the PUA's, for yanking the chains of BP men who take them out on dates where she doesn't feel "tingles" or "chemistry", and so on.
I've been increasingly reading that some of these aging women finally do get that locking themselves up in a tower waiting for Shrek to rescue them but it's often too little, too late.
Maturin_nj 11mo ago
Pre 1990s there were droves of BP men who believed it their duty to bend the knee for m'lady. Alpha guys too. White knight syndrome. Women with bad attitudes were not rejected by some sort of better bred males. Perhaps this were true in Poland. Not in america. In fact this might have actually been the height of the bad attitude woman becuase they could get away with it. The Provider beta male as a saftey net. In fact, this guy was so demented he believed himself fortunate. It wasn't until post 2000 pua-s mgtow, trp that a small minority of guys began to catch on.
Today there exists rep pill women. This would never have existed 10 years ago let alone pre 1990. Thats becuase women didn't require any strategy. Men simply complied to the dictates of the society and clergy that brainwashed them.
You are correct about the corporate nun or girls who rejected everbody bec no one was good enough then was forced into a rash decision.
No-Stress-Cat 11mo ago
Rep Pill Women, or Red Pill Women? There's no such thing as a Red Pill Woman. Sure, there are some who have figured out that the current woman system isn't working, and have decided to embrace their femininity, but that doesn't make them Red Pill. Even women who embrace their femininity, and claim to advocate for men still enjoy all the benefits and luxury of what the Matriarchy provides for them.
Until there is a Billion-Woman March to petition the government to change the laws to be more fair to men and not give women superiority, there will never be such thing as a Red Pill woman.
Maturin_nj 11mo ago
I think you missed my point. Its not about what the RPW particular Ideology is - what's important is the mere fact that they even exist.
Here is a group of women attempting to understand what makes men tick. What guys are looking for. Female strategies other than looking good and expecting the guy to be a mind reader. Their very existence means we are having an impact. It's not as easy for these girls as it was for their mothers back in the so called pre 1990 good old days lol when men were were bloated with the BP Kool Aide.
We have made big strides this past decade from the lowly days of 1985.
No-Stress-Cat 11mo ago
Agreed, we have come a long way. Not by choice, mind you. Men have had to stand up and say NO in order to get this far. These Red Pill "aware" women you are referring to are called chameleons.
The old ones have spent decades on the CC and when they finally hit the wall and realize they're going to die alone all of a sudden have an epiphany, THEN they decide they want to know what makes men tick - so they can figure out a way to manipulate themselves into a relationship.
The younger ones, growing up in a fucked economy don't want any part of it. They're the ones who get their backs blown out in college, THEN they decide they need to settle down before the body count gets too high. They don't want to be one of the ones on social media crying about how hard being a real adult is. They know the score, but are playing their cards carefully to not be too much of a whore. But they're still whores nonetheless.
Then there's the "tradwives". They're the ones who would manipulate a man into a relationship with, "I'll cook for you, I'll clean for you, I'll do your laundry, I'll suck your dick, I'll fuck you anytime you want" just so they don't have to go out and work. While you're out busting your ass, she's got Chad Thundercock in the kitchen giving her ass-pumps while she's making you spaghetti for dinner.
Then there are the few who are already married and in a REAL traditional relationship. These are the ones who advocate for men, because they see how crushing the world can be on men. They don't speak out because they WANT to. They speak out because they HAVE to. Their future is on the line just as much as her man's is, and they know that almost anything - especially a false accusation - can cause their security to be pulled out from under them.
Yet, NONE of these women are petitioning the government on behalf of men. All of them know that no matter what happens to men, there's a government safety net for them to fall back on. Why would they want to take away the JUST IN CASE from themselves?
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
She wasted nearly two decades proving that she either had neither the skills or desire to be attractive to men or keep them based on her divorces, and then is amazed when she ends up not being able to lock down some 40 something trust fund millionaire art critic cowboy rockstar demigod she thinks she deserves, and is grossly discontent with the merely average functional mortal men she is left with when she herself is sub average as a woman.
The irony about her complaints is if you cloned her and did a gender swap on the clone, she wouldn't be able to keep her own interest.
These bitches always whine about men not doing more around the house yet are perfectly content to let a man shoulder the majority if not near totality of the burden of providing complete fiscal and physical support and security.
Don't want to work 60 hours a week for decades to make sure the mortgage is paid on that house in a trendy neighborhood that is the envy of your peers? Don't want to clean leaf gutters or do vehicle maintenance? Don't want to investigate bumps in the night and be expected to fight and die if it is a malicious intruder? Great, wonderful, then shut the fuck up and get in the kitchen then and be thankful you got someone that will do those things on your behalf. Or don't and be stuck doing those things yourself if you want them done.
First-light Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Spot on about that. The irony is that most of the domestic tasks are what the lady wants and the man would not even imagine doing if she were not there living for free. She is the source of most of the tasks, all she does for him is cook him a portion of food (which he bought) when she cooks her food and put his washing in a machine once a week, add detergent and push a button. Everything else is what she would do in her own home, except she has not paid for the house, the food or the clothes she wears.
I do sometimes find myself saying "And what do you contribute that I couldn't do for myself without paying to being complained at?"
No-Stress-Cat 11mo ago
Found a gold nugget, gentlemen. Add this one to your toolkit.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
It's always revealing to see anyone complaining about their cohort. This woman is complaining about the men in her dating pool (calling them creatures) without realising that she is that dating pool. If all your friends are assholes, its time to wonder if you are an asshole. Birds of a feather flock together.
This is why I am negative about OLD - its trash looking for trash. Chads aren't online digitally simping because they don't need to be (they can slay IRL). And good women aren't on OLD because they don't need to be - they are either taken or have plenty of interest IRL. Well, its not true that everyone on OLD is trash - you can also find bots and sex workers and girls advertising their OF and occasionally women that are looking for guys that want a sugar daddy situationship.
wswZtyqNGQ 11mo ago
Is there a term in biology/ecology to explain this situation? Like "parasites fighting each other over which one winds up the host"? If a scientific word does exist we have to start using it for the OLD ecosystem. Or else we have to make one up, maybe "vampire civil war" or "cannibal hunger games" or something like that?!
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
That's a great question. I'm an economist by training and by philosophy, and I would see this (OLD being trash looking for trash) as a 'market clearing' function.
If we observe the market for males and females that want to find their counterpart, to create a union. The purpose of a union is to create the best possible space in which offspring can thrive (single parent children have much worse life outcomes in every metric). And replicating your own genes into the gene pool is our only shot at immortality.
So... the market for creating unions is like a competitive market. There seems to be a significant 'first mover advantage' in that once a woman is paired off, she is out of scope (nobody wants a woman with prior kids or an infertile woman, and women become sexually impotent / or effectively infertile at around 33).
This leads us to market clearing functions. The old adage is that price (p) is where supply curve meets the demand curve, and it is at the P where the transaction will take place (and nowhere else). As time goes by, the market participants that are able to satisfy supply / demand criteria are removed from the pool of available candidates.
What single women fail to realise (as they age) when they ask WHATGMG is that they are looking at the pool of available men in their own cohort - and if they were being smart, they would be looking at the available people (meaning men and women) in their cohort. That would be when they realise that the good candidates (men and women) are all gone. In a basket of apples at the market, by lunchtime, only the ones with worms are leftover. The good ones are gone. This woman is making the mistake of not realising that she is her cohort.
This is very important. Time goes by, and the good ones are gone. This is logical, and applies to every market. The farmer knows this, the grocer knows this, the trader knows this. Markets are like a game of musical chairs, and there is a first mover advantage which can be significant.
The market clearing function leads to an automatic levelling situation - the pool of people in her cohort are automatically similar. It's a very common problem - everyone thinks they are better than their cohort, esp women, because they are the more deluded of the species. This applies to every aspect of their lives - they might be living in a housing complex, which they hate, because they think that they are better than everyone else. Meanwhile, every other woman on that housing complex also thinks that they 'deserve better' and don't really 'fit in' because they should really be on the house on the hill.
This woman does not understand that life events are like a filter. They say you are the average of the 5 people that you spend the most time with. You may THINK that you are better than your friends, but you're not. The markets has settled, situations have filtered you, and you are probably where you deserve to be.
This woman is where she deserves to be. She is in the leftover category, there was plenty of time for her to meet the demand curve, she didn't, she is leftover.
There are always a few apples at the bottom of the barrel that the grocer knows he will have to throw out or give to the pigs. This is literally where we get the phrase 'bottom of the barrel'. It's because nobody will choose those apples.
lurkerhasarisen A Strategist Among Tacticians 11mo ago
As I have often noted; I was a “late bloomer.” However, that was mainly my SMV… by the time I was in my mid-20s my MMV was off the charts. I went from having few options to having numerous women throwing themselves at me in a rather short time span.
It was at that point that I met my wife. She was marriage-minded and she approached me. She was a very HVW who had just turned 20 a few weeks previously. That was during the Reagan Administration, and I can hear her puttering around in the kitchen as I’m typing this. She made my coffee earlier and now I think she’s baking a pie.
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Reminds me of the saying "Sometimes a cheap price is a warning."
Applied to her overall value as a partner, I can see it is severely discounted indeed. Nice analysis.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
I think you're being too kind, her value is no 'severely discounted', it has turned negative, and quite some time ago by the sounds of it.
The issue that these women have is that they don't seem to realise that while price can never be negative, value can quite easily be negative.
A woman that is still available in the dating market after a certain age? She most likely has a negative value. The market has spoken - she is not wanted.
JudgeSmales 11mo ago
Wow, she waited a LONG TIME to disclose she's been married twice.
Note her passive phrasing ("When marriages are childless - as both mine were ..."), as if it was something that simply "happened" to her and thereby making her eligible for internet pity.
She never says she is "divorced," because that is not passive. It's an ACTION taken by one party (or both) for specific reasons. She's trying to avoid having to explain who divorced whom not once, but TWICE, because that might shed light on who's to blame for her screwed-up life.
We wouldn't want to bring the nasty concept of accountability into the discussion, would we?
Also, note her sneering tone toward divorced men: "unreconstructed, frayed-around-the-edges divorcees." Apparently M'lady doesn't own a mirror.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
I put the arrows there to point out her derision towards "divorcees" when she casually drops that bomb later.
I didn't catch the passive phrasing though. Good catch.
Land_of_the_losers 11mo ago
Divorce just happened to her. The papers filed themselves and the lawyer just appeared one day, pro bono.
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
LOL nice one.
Yep, and then money suddenly started to appear in her checking account, the same amount every month. Even though she didn't work! Must be a modern miracle.
AurelianWay Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
Denial river must be 20km wide wherever the fuck she lives.
lurkerhasarisen A Strategist Among Tacticians 11mo ago
There’s a LOT to unpack there, but my flight is too short for me to do it justice. A few quick thoughts:
Most people who work on “self improvement” and read shelves full of “self help” books are working on the wrong things. Psychology is a pseudoscience on par with phrenology, and pop psychology is worse. If she wants to read books that will improve her as a wife candidate she should stick to cookbooks and the Bible. A couple of pamphlets on deportment from the early 20th century might help, too.
She knows nothing about men, as demonstrated by the facts that 1) she’s a double divorcee, 2) she lists “assets” which are really liabilities, 3) she views men who are at (or above) her level as being beneath her, and 4) she thinks that men with options are willing to wife up women who are conceited and contentious.
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
This is pretty much our homeschool curriculum. Gonna raise this girl to be an excellent housewife above all else.
wswZtyqNGQ 11mo ago
Wait one cotton-pickin' minute!
By "improving themselves"... do they actually mean "become more masculine"? Because that would explain why men who bring masculinity have less and less to offer these women.
So, yes, in that sense: "improving yourself" is a very stupid idea for women.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
I am never interesting in women if their cock is bigger than mine.
wswZtyqNGQ 11mo ago
It's a well-documented fact that the average man (per year) has radically lower testosterone and sperm-count than in the past. I have no information on the average equivalent for women. Yet I am willing to bet my bottom dollar that the average woman (per year) has radically greater testosterone (and yes.... vaginal sperm count!!!) than in the past.
Hence... womens' dicks are bigger than mens' today.
Edit: Here is Drew Carey's Big Dick jokes that inspired this thought:
whytehorse2021 Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
OK, let me give three examples of men in her age range that meet her standards:
Myself(49). I am educated to the masters level, have money, cars, house, well traveled, worked on myself a lot, tall, good teeth, blue eyes, decent hair, treat the woman I'm with decent, and on and on. I've been happily married for 20 years and have 2 kids. Sorry lady.
Joker from Better Bachelor(47?). Successful podcaster with his own cabin in the woods. Had a decent career as a network admin. World traveler, good teeth, green? eyes. . Oh but wait, he's short fat and bald... so she won't go there. Sorry lady.
Now let's look at what these men want:
1. Has a thing for cougars and his wife is OK with him dipping out for some strange when it's shark week. No relationship beyond FWB though.
2. Doesn't tolerate nonsense. Likes peace and quiet. Believes in traditional gender roles.
3. Said he would love to have a woman with no debt, own house, own retirement. Likes peace and quiet. Said she could get a house nearby and they do their own chores at their own homes. No marriage.
I emailed Aaron Clarey back and forth discussing these "amazing" women. I asked him why he doesn't play matchmaker with all these successful guys that watch his show. Basically, he said there's always something wrong with these women. He tried setting people up in the past and it was a total failure.
So you see? There are great guys out there. Why aren't these women throwing themselves at them? Instead they're throwing themselves at Mike Sartain who is surrounded by 20-something supermodels and dating a HB8 23yr old.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
It's amusing to read their comment threads because they often make some interesting points such as that once a woman reaches her 50's, it's likely that she's going to "die alone" anyway in that any man she wants to marry, at least her age, is probably going to die in about 2 decades or so and she'll be dying alone anyway so what's the point?
The answer, of course, reminds me of a discussion I had with a matchmaker who said to me that women, at least didn't abandon their spouses when they were ill and I wondered... why is that? It dawned on me there was a reason: Few marriageable men die without assets. My father left my mother about $300K in mortgage insurance as did a dear friend of mine whose house I'm typing this from now. Another dear friend of mien, an actual English Lord at age 80, married a American woman and he died about a year after he started needing kidney dialysis but I think he left most of his estate to his biological children.
For these women, even if they're successful career woman boss babes know that they're on their own. They pay for their own dinners when they go out.
There's an emotional factor as well, I think, such as my wife's grandmother who recently passed away who missed her grandfather even though he died 25 years earlier of cancer. Being an actual widow is different than a divorcee because there's a sort of feeling of closure that goes with death. Someone who was there for her right up to his last moments and committed to her.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
Basically once they get so old/unattractive that they have no choice but to admit to themselves that they have no hope of marrying up (financially), they give up on getting married.
First-light Jr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
She has not improved any of her weaknesses only a few of her less valuable strengths, while her great strength -attractiveness got obliterated by the wall.
Its our weaknesses that always bring us down in relationships. She is demanding, critical and unforgiving. She should have worked on kindness and companionability.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
The money shot is when she says
At 47, I'm still a low value mate in mens eyes
She is using 'exaggerated satire' as a form of cope whilst simultaneously fishing for 'disagreement validation' from her digital clan (sisterhood).
Exaggerated satire is when you say things like 'Well, I'm clearly worthless and not even human because I'm under 6 foot tall'. And the 'disagreement validation' that she wants to hear is the hivemind telling her 'No! You're not 'low value' sista - lots of women are soooooo attractive as they get older, I bet your an ultra milt, men love milfs, women only start maturing after 50, you're not even in your prime etc etc etc etc etc etc'
And here's the rub
Even thought she was trying for 'exaggerated satire', she is delusional and unaware of the actual situation when she says she is a 'low value mate'.
In truth, she is a 'no value mate'.
Because the only value a woman has as a mate is her fertility, and she has none. Just an empty egg carton.
Shit - my bad, even I fucked up and got it wrong (am I still blue pill?? fml). She's not a 'no value mate'.... she is a 'negative value mate'. Her net worth in the LTR market is actually negative. She will cost a shit load to maintain. I know this because all of those high flying women with 'great careers' still manage to be broke when they get to mid 50s, because they simply have to have that handbag / surgery / spa day / beauty treatment / holiday / car. (impulse control).
The very reason she is actually looking for a guy is because she needs a retirement plan.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
And she makes that last part very clear that her interest is fiscally predatory by the simple fact that she's been divorced twice yet is looking down on divorced men.
Fucking locust is looking for an unharvested field to despoil.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
100% correct. She has looted two mens coffers already, but women have a habit of getting through money pretty quick.
She is scouting around for number 3.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 11mo ago
I actually knew a pop psychologist who wrote a self-improvement book "Get Smart with your Heart". She's single. She marveled that I'm about as low value a man as she knows but yet I landed a pretty wife. My secret? Anti-hypergamy. I contributed more in terms of being a reliable earner and "making an effort" but that's ok because I view my marriage as a net win for my wife and I.
Women such as this crave a relationship, but they don't want to pay a single dime for one out of principle even if they would be better off. They raise their values (or at least perceived value in their eyes) while knowing that the market they're looking in shrinks due to age as well as status.
It's not only the retirement plan. I have another Carol in the pipeline for weekend content (that one makes this one look like June Cleaver by comparison) but at least that Carol is a single mother and therefore will have some meaning in her life. That one even refers to her chattel, er I mean mean daughter, as a retirement plan "She won't have to take care of me unless she wants to".
Life as a single entitlement woman in their 20's must have been paradise: Unlimited attention and validation from society and men wherever they went (and even could gripe about it). "Men tell me to smile! I'm so oppressed!" At age 40 something, that's no longer a problem for them. They're free to frown and die invisibly in the corner along with us privileged men and nobody will care. She's self improved so that's something going for her.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 11mo ago
you write very well Polish. Maybe you should post more articles. I'd be interested in reading them!
Impressive-Cricket-8 Founding member of FapGPT 11mo ago
Removed. Rule #1.