Dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show women's poor dating behavior and unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves.
Posted 8mo ago in Leftovers - Permalink - Locked - 7.9K Views
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We're just a bunch of clueless NiceGuys™ with kindness coins that don't seem to work in women's holes so that the sex we're "entitled to" falls out. Because apparently we weren't demonstrating good relationship material through the attention, respect and stability that women demand. We were only "pretending" to be nice just to get laid.
In response to r/niceguys, this forum is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man" after dating jerks and riding the cock carousel in the prime of their youth, and think they're deserving of commitment and financial stability when all they have left to offer is their depreciating looks, narcissistic mentality, used-up vaginas, and another man's kids.
Women in their 20s have numerous opportunities to date the decent men they claim to want, but many reject or friendzone these men for jerks and promiscuity. She takes advantage of a good dude's kindness for attention and favors, then accuses him of being a bad person who thinks he's entitled to sex.
But when she's in her 30s with depreciating looks, jerks who won't commit, the likelihood of being a single mom, and the social pressure from her married friends, she asks "Where have all the good men gone?"[1][2] Funny how back when she was chasing the bad boys "Being nice is the bare minimum", but now that she's past her prime and needs a bailout, she wants a man with nice guy traits.
Furthermore, dating jerks and riding the carousel before settling down with a good man is planned by many women, and encouraged by feminists. They then come to the dating market with unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves. Such women are totally unaware that the mature, stable men they now need are the same decent men they rejected, except these men remember the rejection and are responding in kind to avoid unstable, unappreciative women who view them more as ATMs than romantic partners.
The reason women end up here is because their behavior is not exposed as the lucid, self-destructive, feminist ideology that it is. And we're here to help Good Men guard their commitment and resources by exposing women who would make poor life partners and mothers of their children. Providing observations and opinions on the posts here allows us to better understand women's psyche and later depressive/miserable state when they are not held to a moral standard required for healthy, functioning relationships.
Rules of conduct:
1. No shaming men for any reason.
2. No white-knighting or NAWALT. This is not a debate forum.
3. No comments such as "Her profile looks decent", "She's not asking for much", "At least she's honest". No comments saying a post is fake without proof. Proof must be sent via modmail.
- 4. No brigading, doxxing or witch-hunting. Do not look for the individuals posted here, nor ask or give their personal info/social media, nor ask or give the source or you will be banned and reported to the admins. See here and here.
Rules for submission:
5. Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy". (Examples, details)
5b. No posts of women who are merely fat, post-wall, unattractive, seeking sex or money, nor women merely behaving badly. (Examples NOT allowed)
6. No personal information in dating profiles or social media accounts. Take a screenshot and censor all names, social media, hometown, school, and place of work. Additionally, censor any children's faces if their mommy included them in any profile photos.
7. No links to any subreddits or websites, nor crossposts where the OP is a woman. For articles use For Reddit use a censored screenshot. Screenshots must contain the full story. No links to any women's Youtube, TikTok, etc. videos. Use to upload videos after censoring them through
8. We accept images from Imgur, Postimage, and ImgBB.
- 9. Other content may be posted on the weekends. See the types of content we allow.
Recommended reading:
Dating profiles showing women's Dual-Mating strategy and unreasonable standards
OkCupid study shows women reject 80% of men based on looks alone
Milo - The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Women Want to Know Why Men Don't Want to Marry Anymore...Allow Me
WAATGM mod explains why promiscuous women can't get good men to commit.
Okay, I get it. You're sick of hearing men complain about girls only dating assholes.
Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Nice Guys: We Don’t Want You Anymore
Dear Single Moms: I wasn't your type then, why am I all of a sudden your type now?
The Truth About Single Moms Who Bring Young Children To The Dating Market
Carol asks WAATGM for the harsh truth after riding the carousel
- Complete list of resources here.
Link Flair:
The Big Question- Carol asks "Where are all the good men?", "Why can't I find a decent guy?", "What happened to chivalry and respect?"
Bailout- Carol wants a man to help raise her kids and provide financial stability.
Leftovers- Carol whines about how hard dating is as an older woman.
Dual-Mating Strategy- Carol admits to promiscuity and dating jerks but now wants a good guy to settle down with. Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.
Cock Carousel Rider: Carol complains about being single while having a history of promiscuity.
Entitlement Princess- Carol has unreasonable standards while offering little to no value herself.
- New Carols Unlocked!- A list of all the Carols we've identified.
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Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
Title is wrong - she did 2 rounds at 38 - she doesn't have 38 eggs. So, at max she has 2 eggs. But even she is doubtful of the quality of the eggs you can get from a 38 year old woman.
Anyhow - these women are bonkers - it takes more than an egg. It needs a decent womb. Which she doesn't have!
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 8mo ago
Hello LR. I was confused at first in that she said "I have 37 frozen" and later says "I feel comfortable at 38 though given the age of the eggs" implying she has 38 total. I was initially going to go with the number 37.
Up to 40 eggs can be harvested per round so I think the above number is entirely possible. Note that the quality of the mass eggs isn't all that great. My wife had some hormonal issues from moving to the states (women are basically eco-systems) so we needed IVF so we went with, get this, "Natural IVF" which is that we didn't stimulate more eggs than the one. They just collected a single egg without extra hormones and things worked out for us.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
It's so strange reading women's posts - they all seem to agree that they want a lot of effort from mem (planning dates, picking places, paying). And they want chads to do this.
Do they all have amnesia? Do they not remember how it goes with Chads? Chads have one unifying feature: they don't put any effort in to getting laid. Zero. If we did, we wouldn't be chad. The very essence of chadliness is being able to just sit there at the bar, and women come over and you just say 'come on sweetie, we're getting out of here'.
Do they not remember what it was like when they were in their late teens early 20s? The way they use to drop the panties on command? No dates, no drinks, nothing?
Do they not remember going into the bathroom stall in the nightclub, and letting tyrone splash elaborate signatures in semen across their faces? Do they not recall how Chad simply took their hand and led them upstairs at the party, gently pushed them on the bed of coats and jackets, and then peeled off their panties (not even removing their shoes) and plunged it in without a condom?
Land_of_the_losers 8mo ago
No, not that! You've done more than your fair share already, darling. Dump the zero! Jump on the hero!
wswZtyqNGQ 8mo ago
I'm 64 and haven't haven't done any retirement savings. The worst part is that I haven't been able to find a retirement planner that I like. They keep saying that I'm way past the point of being able to save and that's it's my fault! They are such terrible people! Anyway, please tell me why it's everyone else's fault for my wasting my youth yet still having such absurd expectations.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 8mo ago
It's funny how women that complain about men not moving to their schedules were themselves clearly never ever considering moving to a man's schedule either.
But of course we know that would require these women to regard men as fellow human beings with wants and needs of their own, and their own schedule for things.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 8mo ago
What I find amusing is how she has a (little) empathy for men and realize that we don't like paying (for everything) so she pays for the (third) date after all (and makes a big deal about it, like she's a saint or something). She has a timetable where she has a year left before the carriage turns into a pumpkin and becomes a single mother of a sperm donor (if she's LUCKY!) but she doesn't get it that these men are doing HER a favor.
Her friends who "settled" for "horrible" men either went for "bad boys" for the tingles and these men didn't put up with their nonsense or the men were hard working but "boring" so the women all divorce raped them. Now the "avoidant" men don't want to rush into committing to someone who, by her own admission, has only a 1/38 chance of conception.
Hurry up and buy this Christmas tree I haven't sold by December 24th. I'll give you a 5% discount!
ExConvictNowMillionaire 8mo ago
"What I find amusing is how she has a (little) empathy for men and realize that we don't like paying (for everything) so she pays for the (third) date after all (and makes a big deal about it, like she's a saint or something)."
That level of expectations & ungratefulness is the absolute worst. I've dated a "strong & independent" woman (decent job, made +/- 4k a month) & had her travel to me (I paid half of the expenses) after travelling to her country about 8 times (we went to a restaurant every evening & I always paid). All was great & I visited her a few more times after her visit.
When I asked her to come over again later on in our LTR & suggested we'd split costs because I lost my income for 2-3 months back then - I got an insane emotional outburst about how it was already a massive sacrifice that she came to me before.. The fact that I paid half of her expenses that time, flew to her about 12 times by then & always paid for dinner (probably in total 50+ restaurant visits) was completely ignored. When I mentioned it - I acted like the woman according to her...
Needless to say that woman was a good life lesson but one of the biggest headaches I've ever experienced
Ps. How do you quote messages?
Impressive-Cricket-8 Founding member of FapGPT 8mo ago
Like this? You add a > before the paragraph.
Boar_excrement Jr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
Women may not be good at planning but they are pretty good at scheduling: they know when the winners will be crossing the finish line and they will be there waiting. Now if those men would only follow her schedule for marriage, children and divorce she would be all set....
Too bad women do not realize their fertility is a race against time. But, we are right back to that icky planning thing.
sean_karaya Jr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
very little is seen from such women in the matters of why she'd be a catch for such a winner, besides for her hoping that such winner does not think seriously about surrogacy and single fatherhood and other methods...
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 8mo ago
Or just picking a younger woman who also wants a winner tier man just as badly as some hag and doesn't care that he's a decade or more older than her.
chunky 8mo ago
If they haven't boned by the 4th date, he's moving on.
The time to freeze eggs isn't 38, it's before 25, and she knows it. And egg freezing has a very high failure rate. It's embryo freezing that works well.
They like to complain that the men want younger women, but don't consider that they ought to think of older men. I'm 59, and 39 would be right where I prefer a GF. Of course, I'd never take one that has such a bad case of baby rabies as this. And I'd never legally marry again in any case. But this sort of woman still has some utility left.
lurkerhasarisen A Strategist Among Tacticians 8mo ago
I’m just a bit older than you and married, but if I were single and looking for female companionship, I would probably put most of my effort toward women in her age bracket.
We wouldn’t be having kids, obviously. If she wants to be Susie Homemaker she needs a time machine.
Impressive-Cricket-8 Founding member of FapGPT 8mo ago
If you were somewhere betweeen late teens and mid twenties, you'd be golden. Hell, you'd be on your way to the altar before the year ended. But now, it's just not genuine. You were kicked out of the carousel and you're looking for whatever you can get. If you were suddenly 20 y.o. again, like one of those bad romcoms, you'd do everything again, to be stuck in the same place again in your late 30s.
sean_karaya Jr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
Men plans, and pays for dates which is more than coffee: Bare minimum
Woman plans, and pays for dates: Boss babe.
Women want to be desired: Guess what? Men as well. and in a personal level as well, at least for me. Being a means of an end isn't it, """dating with intent""" isn't it either (if not you then someone else - the desire is on the outcome not on the person who is the vessel of the outcome).
Also, is such a last minute clearance sale shengnu desirable in the first place?
He has not met me half way: should he? Is the halfway in any way rewarding? Dont tell me married men live longer or other pragerU BS debunked 20 billion times.
Scared : I am never married, but I have seen enough people to be scared of marriage.
Until now, I have not seen anything in the pictured thread that shows what exactly makes the woman valuable. Keen and rushing to a child isn't necessarily valuable.
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
Sprinkle sprinkle!
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 8mo ago
Cheap Trick said it well: "I want you to want me!"
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
She doesn't want the guy, she wants to get busy on the timeline, that timeline being ;
divorce rape
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 8mo ago
whytehorse2021 Jr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
Left over women don't realize the only single guys in their late 30s are autistic, divorced, or MGTOW. So they get confused when the autists wait 4 weeks to contact them, the divorcees won't commit, and the MGTOWs are absent. You could almost combine this flair with where are all the good men because it's the same phenomenon.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
You classified single late 30s (and 40s btw) men into 3 cataegories
But you forgot the other categories
and lastly ...
That last category is actually who they 'talking to' when they go online.
user84893093748959 Jr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
Chad is not single nor is he in a relationship. Chad's relationship status is: FUCKING
No-Stress-Cat 8mo ago
Women like this make me glad I had a vasectomy.
Problematic_Browser Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
This woman doesn't realize that the reason that men aren't in a hurry to make her a wife is because she hasn't demonstrated that she's worth it.
They'll keep her for sex, but they won't commit to her. She's a 2 on the scale - she's good enough to fuck, but not good enough for a man to limit his options for.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
"They'll keep her for sex"
I think you're overestimating her worth. They'll pump and dump her, not keep her.
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 8mo ago
I always went back to easy, enjoyable sex until the well dried up for whatever reason.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
It always dries up. Always.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
"They all want younger women"
Women make this mistake all the time. They are just not being analytical enough. If they ran actually thought about it for 5 minutes, what they would discover is this;
Men that want to start a family want fertile women
That's the difference. We want fertility, not youth. If women only started ovulating at age 47, men that want to start a family would only be interested in women over 47.
Youth has nothing to do with it per se, its fertility.
And its not all men. Its men that want to start a family. There are plenty of men that don't want to start a family. They might not be interested in kids OR they might have already had their kids and are perhaps in their mid 50s and upwards.
She is simply not understanding her role in the value exchange / market between genders. She is basically 40 and therefore has no value to men that want to start a family.
sean_karaya Jr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
I doubt that men have such need to jump to the conclusion. It would be more amazing then to start with an younger girl [ please do not take this term to mean something illegal ] and have more time to build a stronger basis with her before going to create a family. Of course woman would use it to prolong their CC time.
user84893093748959 Jr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
Interesting thought experiment... unfortunately, this would be a completely different world.
At the very least, marriage laws would be completely different along with all other laws regarding the differences between the sexes. Would infertility until later in life only affect the women, or would men be infertile too? Perhaps young women while infertile would exclusively interact with older men for money, i.e., prostitution? Older women wanting to finally start a family might pursue younger men exploiting him with her money. Women, being vital to the propagation of humanity, would be a guarded natural resource. At the far extreme, perhaps they wouldn't have any rights and would be treated as valuable breeders.
Thankfully, we don't need to and really shouldn't contemplate such an upside down world.
Fertility is linked to sexual attraction is linked to youth, and thankfully so.
Sorry (not sorry) she choose some thing else other over family and children, until late into her fertility window, and apparently still choosing to not have children and/or family. I think a lot of these problems can be traced back to the mind virus of equality. She mistakenly believed the evil lie that men and women are the same - except where women are special, tee hee hee.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
When you write
" Perhaps young women while infertile would exclusively interact with older men for money"
I see that you are not understanding my point. Older men would have no interest in young women, because they would be infertile.
This is central to my point: attraction is based on fertility. Because sex is about reproduction, and nothing else. Men are not obsessed with young women because of any other reason than that young women are fertile, old women are not.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 8mo ago
Or at least, for anything outside of recreational usage. Why pay marriage tier investment for what is basically just an expensive roommate if she's already barren and you have non-barren options?
And even if some men are willing to overlook it, abjectly relying on the majority of men to act against optimal reproduction strategy is asking for the species to die out.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
still not understanding my point (which is my fault)...
Men would not be interested in 'recreational usage' of young women because they would not be attractive.
Both men AND women are not understanding the very basis of sexual attraction: the reason why young women are much more attractive than old women is because they are fertile. It's not the youth men lust after, its the fertility.
The human brain is quite logical. In thought experiment, I said if women only reached fertility at 47, men would only be interested in women over 47. not for marriage, for anything. Even recreational usage, we would only want women over 47 (except for a few pervs, similar to paedos).
Einsamer 8mo ago
It's a bit worse though. In my experience there are roughly 5 phases in the life of a women (ignoring their childhood):
1st phase: she is in school or university. She wants to experiment, see the world, have fun. Focus is on Chads only.
2nd phase: she has started working. Worklife doesn't turn out to how she thought and certain thoughts creep up like "I would like to be a wife so that I don't have to work anymore". She tries to pull through though because she expects things to become better eventually. She mostly cares for Chads here, but she starts to understand the value of financial capabilities.
3rd phase: she's at the point where she realized that her career is a dead end and she NEEDS a man to start a family and/or take care of her so that she finally can live a happy fairy-tale life. She is now getting so desperate that she's willing to sacrifice alphafucks for betabucks to a huge degree. This is the worst phase for blue-pilled men as they become her target now.
4th phase: while she was unhappy with her job and life before, what she didn't care at all about was her retirement. She is now at the point where she realizes that even with her shitty job, she won't cut it in the future. This is where panic and anger kick in and younger women as well as the society are being heavily blamed. Empty wine-bottles and cat piss incoming.
5th phase: not really much different compared to 4th phase, but all illusions are gone and her looks have faded so that she has now become "invisible". Not sure what women really feel at that point - anyone wanna chime in to complete? Thank you.
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
Decent analysis, as usual. I have a few corrections for you;
"all illusions are gone .."
The illusions never go. Women dont' think, they feel. So their powers of delusion are infinite. They never, ever stop believing that prince charming is around the corner, ready to bail them out.
" that I don't have to work anymore"
Women never want to stop working....but what they really crave is loss making or value destructive jobs. When I look around me at really rich men, they all have wives that lose being a fashion designer / movie director / boutique owner / interior designer. Women LOVE those jobs. The whole point of having a really rich husband is for the husband to finance their stupid loss making projects.
what women really really hate is having to work a job that makes money or is value creative. That is just dries their panties. Loss making is where its at.
sean_karaya Jr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
Genuine question:
What would be the output of a Hamster Wheel to justify such?
wswZtyqNGQ 8mo ago
"Men are always out there exploiting the innocent with their 'strategic investment' schemes and their 'technological efficiency improvement' scams. They actually claim that they're 'taking pride in improving the world'! How pathetic! If I'm going to lower myself down to having to fuck those pathetic weasels then I should get to have a job that I like doing like making Kindergarten-level oil paints or business-by-the-numbers pyramids that make me feel special by giving me bizarre titles. I deserve to feel pride too no matter if I actually improve the world or not! After all, pride is a finite resource and only those of us who
have rich men funding usare true elites get to have it at the cost of those who are beneath our station."sean_karaya Jr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
I am building a counter-propaganda tool with WebSim. Just for the fun i introduced your answer to the AI.
Nothing new, but it's nice to see the AI is responding: Xyrin 4891: MirrageMapper
Einsamer 8mo ago
That's what I mean - specifically the illusions about their job(s)! They start with the illusion that their job will be easy and make them famous or at least respected in their peer group etc. Probably they think that because they have seen Chads with certain jobs and that makes them feel that way, even if they only observe Chad on the surface.
But at some point most of them will realize that it's not how it works (for them). The wives of rich men are the exceptions, they are lucky to keep their illusions till they pass away.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 8mo ago
In one of the (many) great King of the Hill episodes, "Full Metal Dust Jacket", Peggy Hill, who we all know is brilliant and creative, decides to buy out the lease of a woman's book store only to discover that it had been artificially propped up by the woman's rich husband. Dale, however, offers a rather unique solution to her problem that culminates in the discovery of a new literary audience.
Back when I lived in Newport Beach, I often walked by shops that sold kitsch I couldn't imagine anyone paying money for. The rents on these storefronts must have been absolutely wild. I wondered if these shops were propped up by rich women who blew money for the sheer sake of it, or they were subsidized by the wealthy husbands, or a combination of both?
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
There are no 'rich women'. There are only women that marry (and usually divorce) rich men.
Men create value. Women destroy it.
This is the way.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 8mo ago
A common theme we observe here is women confusing men chasing after them for sex versus commitment but this is because such women utilize sexual assets to make demands of men during courtship including men lying to her as to his intentions or being ambiguous. It’s funny that modern women are so dysfunctional that they regard most (non-chad) men who openly state they’re commitment minded from the onset as weak and beta and find him unattractive.
In response to your hypothesis, “If women only started ovulating at age 47, men that want to start a family would only be interested in women over 47” consider that men would STILL be interested in dating young, attractive women if they ovulate later for the same reason I buy green bananas at the market.
On one of the female-advice forums I mine for material, the aging women were griping that they didn’t want to date younger men (because they’d get criticized for it) but the men their age or older weren’t in great shape. They were complaining that older men should work out to be more attractive to meet her standards but those of us who do, of course, will utilize those assets to date younger women for this reason: ALL women, no matter how much they stay on top of their health, eventually hit The Wall. It’s not that they become ugly, but rather don’t look feminine anymore. Clint Eastwood looked masculine as he aged because masculine traits are largely timeless. Just be in decent shape and we can wrinkle all we like. Our masculinity to women is defined by our height for the most part. I’ve seen overweight tall guys still pull in plenty of tail at all ages.
Heck, let’s work with your hypothesis in this way: Why not go after a young single mother with 5 kids? You KNOW she’s fertile! (Heck, I’d be afraid to be in the same room with her in that she might get knocked up via osmosis.) Plus there’s chunky, fertile looking women with large chests but lousy faces. Why not pick one of them ahead of a skinny model type?
I recently mused at the flowering of feminine beauty: They are truly magical creatures with how their faces and figures are so elegant. Age quickly makes them look more masculine.
And that’s what we pointed out here is why so many career women are struggling: They want hyper masculine men while they offer themselves as masculine women, which is unattractive. They aren’t even masculine in a good sense, but rather the toxic traits of it: Blunt, coarse, demanding. When us men get together after work, we are relaxed, polite, and non-threatening to each other. We put up with shit at work, but we don’t take it home and we don’t want someone else to bring it home either.
The simple reason why such women can’t get commitment from attractive men who sleep with them is… that commitment is painful. I chuckle at this woman saying her friends were getting divorced in that divorce for women is largely cashing in on a man’s commitment. If she had been with a man all those years, and had children with him, she’d be collecting child-support rather than facing the long odds of sperm-donor-frozen-eggs and paying all the bills herself.
Ironically, I’d say smart men over 40 who don’t want families would consider wifing up one of these women if it was financially advantageous to… HIM. Why not? They say they want men who “respect and appreciate strong women”, yes?
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
I think you're underplaying just how much fertility plays the dominant role in attraction between genders.
Older guys are still attractive to women because they are still fertile. Old women are pointless because they are infertile. They have zero point.
sean_karaya Jr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
My shorthand of this is "Orwellian caricature of masculinity".
I have read (yes, I am a masochist) many publish articles in psychology, that is "inventory of masculine traits". That is, many published article has a singular goal : Assigning traits to masculinity. Which ape-like women use as excrement to throw at us.
Specifically, I seem to come across an increased number of women who justify their bad behavior as "she's in her masculine era". My neural circuitry categorizes this in a box very close to a Chimpanzee hurling excrement. This also immediately make me think about the articles that assigned all these bad traits as "masculine traits".
Neither of these, in itself, is a surprising revelation. But what I am wondering, is how does the peasant women act in a way prescribed in academic writings? I can't imagine these women went and read these. Someone or some people must have taken these and spread it in the masses, or may be both the articles and peasant take inspiration from a common source. Pretty sure these are f...nazis.
But, what was the exact route? Did some non-profit read these articles, and started driving around in the town telling women to act in a certain way? Probably not.
Social media? Seems to be more of an amplifier than an origin in itself.
SO i would appreciate any insight in the flow of such caricatures from origin to the end users. Thank you.
wswZtyqNGQ 8mo ago
Simple. The "toxic masculine traits" that women ape are the behaviors that get them most sexually excited. This is a form of auto-eroticism, in that women act out for themselves that which they desire in others. Like how women adopt the hobbies of men that give them the tingles. Jane Austin wrote on this topic in detail.
What women ape in men is how they want men to behave, yet women cannot consciously admit to this. And it's why they are irredeemably stupid.
Also, the "flow" amongst women is really just bad theatrics with subconscious 4th-wall breaking. It's like how that musical "Hair" was popular but would have been completely ignored if not for the cast going nude in a scene giving an excuse for public exhibitionism and voyeurism, but people act like it's some great cultural experience when it's otherwise boring.
sean_karaya Jr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
First, thank you.
Please give me the name of said work so that I can ask Claude or Mixtral
Since I am not american and live under a rock, I looked up the wiki article... It's incredibly boring indeed.
wswZtyqNGQ 8mo ago
Pride And Prejudice is a story of three chameleon girls trying very hard to get rich men to find them interesting up to the point of getting the contract. The main chameleon targets an alpha bucks using the Complete Bitch™ method and somehow succeeds giving 5 generations of girls sticky fish fingers.
(Add "...And Zombies" to the title to make it readable.)
sean_karaya Jr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
I see what you did there.....
Lone_Ranger Sr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
He 'really likes hanging out with me' and has not had sex by 4th date....
I have discovered your problem lady.....he is gay
user84893093748959 Jr. Hamster Analyst 8mo ago
Deflecting responsibility. She choose to be with a man for 5 years that didn't want to build a family with her.
Hamza99 8mo ago
"You CHOOSE to be with him for x years."
"But I was in a bad place." or "He was manipulative." or "I wanted to leave but he wouldn't make me." or "But I loved him and pictured a future together/thought he would change"
It's a never ending victim cycle of deflecting responsibility/accountability. That's just how they are.