Dude that left:
Finland’s economy minister, Vilhelm Junnila, has been forced to resign after making comments about Nazis.
Junnila, a member of the right-wing populist Finns Party, came under fire in Finnish media for attending a far-right event in 2019, which has links to neo-Nazis.
He also made jokes about Nazism — by referring to his election number 88, which is used as a far-right symbol for “Heil Hitler”
VS chick
Finland’s Deputy Prime Minister Riikka Purra is facing harsh criticism for making racist comments in online blog posts published in 2008.
Purra — from the right-wing populist Finns Party — has been accused of writing: “Is anyone up for spitting on beggars … ?”
"Greetings from Barcelona. There is no "alarming immigration problem" to be seen here. N-word sell pirated Vuittons on Las Ramblas, scarves are hidden and each stays with their own."
On 25 September 2008, "riikka" wrote about a confrontation on a train with young people from an immigrant background, saying "If they gave me a gun, there'd be bodies on a commuter train too, you see." The post came two days after a school shooting in Kauhajoki left 11 people dead.
The comments on the Scripta blog — written under the username "riikka" — include multiple uses of the Finnish equivalent of the n-word as well as other racial slurs, anti-immigrant rhetoric and apparent threats of violence. The texts use racist expressions such as "mocha dicks" and "Turkish monkey".
and another one
Wille Rydman — of the far-right Finns Party — used racial slurs in private messages with his then-girlfriend in 2016
The messages were given by Rydman’s ex to Helsingin Sanomat.
There is also Budapest Demographic Summit where J Peterson will be speaking.
Read MoreThe results of this policy have been decidedly mixed, though. Hungary’s female fertility rate did indeed rise from 1.2 to 1.59 (children per woman) between 2010 and 2021, but fell back to 1.51 in 2022. That means Hungary has moved from the bottom of the EU to slightly above the average.
Videos neatly explain the idea presented in 'The Dictator's Handbook'.
The Rules for Rulers - youtube@@com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs
Death & Dynasties - youtube@@com/watch?v=ig_qpNfXHIU
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Rules for Rulers Discussion - youtu@@be/ILvD7zVN2jo
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