4mo ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv Hi, thanks for replying I was travelling so did not see this. I will post thedetails the weekend . Please stay tuned
4mo ago The Hub
oh boy
you didn't address anything I said in
I disagreed with you, and I am asking you for a clarification since then: Do you wish me to medically back my disagreement up?
I still am having difficulty understanding why that clarification can't be given? Again, not being snarky here - Genuine question.
4mo ago The Hub
I asked you for clarification: Do you want me to present my medical evidence? (by that I mean all the points I made so far)
I would happily do so.
Perhaps you would answer that ? Yet so far you avoided answering this, went on namecalling, and I am supposed to be the emotional one?
The math is not mathing here. But again, for this reason I have extended a genuine ear to you, which was not meant to "divert the discussion" - even tho you jumped to conclusion bit too fast there.
Again, I want to be clear on what I am saying:
a) Do you want me to present medical evidence of all the points I made in my original response? I will happily do so.
b) Namecalling and asserting will not get anything anywhere - but if you are in need to discuss anything I am willing to offer you an ear. This is not a fake sympathy. This is a genuine hand extended to you. I am an anonymous poster on the internet, and I will not judge you on your personal state in any way or form.
Read More4mo ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv uh, that is now really going into even more problematic territory, but again, i am genuinely concerned for you - if you are stressed, you are welcome to speak to me, and if you want the medical research, I will genuinely be happy to provide that.
4mo ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv not sure where you are going with all these assertions and adjectives?
First of all - are you okey? Xyrin my AI says it detects considerable amount of stress in your formulation. Admittedly it is difficult to detect emotional state from written material - but in case you are going through stress, you are welcome to speak to me.
Secondly, do you want me to present medical information? I will happily do so
4mo ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv i am gonna have to disagree with all of that - biochemistry does not match. the default setting of genitally unmutilated men is not polygamy. Only mutilated men, culturally cultivated to be non-cooperative/aggressive men and finally, the third category, for the lack of a better word, subhuman men (many leaders at various times of history has been subhumen) find fulfillment in spray and pray k-type reproduction method.
Humans became humans because prehistoric ape males went for k-type option and caring for offspring and the female. there are various genetic mutations [start at MYH16 gene switch off, smaller Jaw size making way for large brain] that indicates so.
Giving the credit to women for monogamy would be pedestalizing them.
Women who believe the man they're with is truly their best option will be fiercely loyal to him
Keyword believe. Indicating, this is not their default state, but a brake applied on them due to their belief, whatever the origin may be.
Read More4mo ago The Hub
@SquatMarket "this is not a bug this is the feature, this is why women are monogamous"
Not true in its entirety.
If anything, men are more monogamous (the top few % of men do not construct the statistics of men) - and not due to lack of options - but more due to their fundamental biochemistry
Men fundamentally are driven by Vasopressin, this drives cooperation and fraternity, mate guarding and increases libido, and suppresses testosterone. Vasopressin can replace testosterone in function. Men also tend to have more vassopressin receptors in their brains
If however men are genitally mutilated or culture cultivates testosterone more, then the results will be polygamous.
Women however respond negatively to Vasopressin, and their libido decreases. Women are more polygamous, but remain monogamous due to social requirements.
Also, all features will be bugs in a certain environment. Even the red pilled men tend to compromise and uphold an environment where such buggy women can thrive. But that has a built in self destruction timer - overproduction of bastard children, retraction of non-polygamous men, collapse of welfare, and thus population.
Read More4mo ago The Hub
@Land_of_the_losers please consider zip, upload to wetransfer, then send me a link via PM here. if wetransfer ask for an email, enter ab@cd.ef
4mo ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma as the resident misogynist neighborhood incel, i fail to see the problem in this
4mo ago The Hub
Chad with Tyrone might have a pussy on tap, but the best arm with a good supply chain, they can get is a hand gun.
Very good point. The tooth-to-tail ratio is what people tend to forget about. All superior races and wunderwaffes so far has fallen in front of supply chains, be it the ho-chi-min trail, or the hoards of liberty ships