@moorekom try searching the term "wild oats". I distinctly remember her saying that both she and her husband had sown their wild oats when younger, and @sleepyweaselisawake corrected her that she got wild oats sown into her.
She was another woman who bragged about how much sex she's had over the years, which we told her was like a man bragging about how many women he's bought dinner for.
@kevin32 Tradthot: the name itself implies the contradictory nature of the animal. I think Tradthot chameleon is unnecessary.
I suggest we take a vote and settle on the name per that.
- Tradthot.
- Tradthot Chameleon.
- Tradtrap.
My vote is for 3)tradtrap.
@lurkerhasarisen, @loneliness-inc, @typo-magashiv, @deeplydisturbed, @melkorhimself, @impressive-cricket-8, @goodmansaysfuckyou, @houseoftolstoy, @aldabruzzo, @Land_of_the_losers, @ogrilla99, @sleepyweaselisawake, @woodsmoke
Gentlemen, we are thinking of featuring tradthot profiles and we are looking for a suitable flair. The choices are as above. Please choose one or suggest a better one if you have one.
2y ago The Hub
@goodmansaysfuckyou Yup! That was one of mine.. I read the GLO post on TRP, it's obviously satire with a few crumbs of truth. And, of course they left calls it rape.
never touched a boobie tribe
Full disclosure: that's not my original. I think it was SirKolbath but might have been @sleepyweaselisawake
You really think that blob of human biowaste showers twice a month? I can smell him through my computer screen. Smells like feet, ass, sour soy-milk products, and diabetic ketoacidosis.
2y ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv I've been seeing a lot of that on social media feeds. You wouldn't believe how many people get upset when someone says that. It's like they want this place to be another liberal shit hole.
it's filling up with people escaping the socialist paradises of California, Massachusetts, and other hard Blue States.
Every time I meet someone from one of those states, I give them the "don't vote like a Californian (or whatever) now that you're here" talk.
So far, every one of them has assured me that they left to escape that garbage, and don't intend to bring it with them.
@sleepyweaselisawake In my world, women are entitled to be slaves. Simples. And they are happier that way.
2y ago The Hub
@goodmansaysfuckyou I had to get a mortgage for this place which sucks. But, I was able to buy way more than I expected. So, I have that going for me.
Yes it is. Found 2 places that I like. One is in your state (I like the tax structure and freedoms) about 20 miles from the southern state line. The other is about 20 miles in the southern state.
I'm thinking of making an offer on the first once I get a mortgage approval. Unfortunately, I am not solvent enough to buy it outright.